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The SM database can be generated off of an excel spreadsheet
1. Update the SM excel spreadsheet (sm_database.xlsb) with your changes,
2. Update the SM database (sm.db.v1) with your changes:
sqlite3 sm.db.v1
apply our changes using SQL statements
record the SQL statements for Crucible review (i.e. in commit.txt and in Crucible)
3. Update Packstack "sm-configure" calls were appropriate.
4. Update Packstack "sm-provision" and "sm-deprovision" calls were appropriate.
5. If your service runs during Packstack manifest apply, you may need to make
sure it is stopped before SM takes over.
See packstack/puppet/templates/platform_sm_stopresources.pp
See packstack/puppet/templates/platform_sm_stopservice.pp
mkdir -p /var/lib/sm/patches/
scp new-service root@${CONTROLLER}:/etc/init.d
scp sm_db_upgrade.patch root@${CONTROLLER}:/var/lib/sm/patches/
chmod 777 /etc/init.d/new-service
sm-patch database running sm_db_upgrade.patch