Merge "Luks encrytion service manager"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2023-11-09 14:27:03 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit 27536063a1
4 changed files with 591 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include "PassphraseGenerator.h"

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <memory>
enum PassphraseMechanism {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,595 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* StarlingX Luks FileSystem Management Service
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <json-c/json.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstring>
#include "PassphraseGenerator.h"
using namespace std;
// Global constants
const char *configFile = "/etc/luks-fs-mgr.d/luks_config.json";
const char *defaultDirectoryPath = "/var/luks/stx";
const char *defaultMountPath = "/var/luks/stx/luks_fs";
// Define a struct to hold configuration variables
struct LuksConfig {
const char *vaultFile;
const char *vaultSize;
const char *volName;
const char *mountPath;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : log
* Description: Defined to log info/error messages using the 'syslog' utility.
* ************************************************************************/
void log(const string &message, int logType) {
openlog("luks-fs-mgr", LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON);
syslog(logType, "%s", message.c_str());
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : parseJSONConfig
* Description: This function parses a JSON configuration file (luks_config.json)
* and extracts LUKS volume attributes, such as vault file,
* vault size, volume name, and mount path.
* ************************************************************************/
bool parseJSONConfig(const char *configFile, LuksConfig &luksConfig,
json_object **jsonConfig) {
bool valid = true;
*jsonConfig = json_object_from_file(configFile);
if (*jsonConfig == nullptr) {
log("Error opening or parsing config file", LOG_ERR);
return false;
json_object *luksvolumes;
if (!json_object_object_get_ex(*jsonConfig, "luksvolumes", &luksvolumes)) {
log("Unable to get 'luksvolumes' array from JSON", LOG_ERR);
return false;
if (!json_object_is_type(luksvolumes, json_type_array)) {
log("'luksvolumes' is not an array", LOG_ERR);
return false;
int numVolumes = json_object_array_length(luksvolumes);
if (numVolumes == 0) {
log("'luksvolumes' array is empty", LOG_ERR);
return false;
json_object *volumeObj = json_object_array_get_idx(luksvolumes, 0);
json_object *vaultFileObj = json_object_object_get(volumeObj, "VAULT_FILE");
json_object *vaultSizeObj = json_object_object_get(volumeObj, "VAULT_SIZE");
json_object *volNameObj = json_object_object_get(volumeObj, "VOL_NAME");
json_object *mountPathObj = json_object_object_get(volumeObj, "MOUNT_PATH");
if (!vaultFileObj || json_object_get_type(vaultFileObj)
!= json_type_string) {
log(" - 'VAULT_FILE' attribute is missing or not a string.", LOG_ERR);
valid = false;
if (!vaultSizeObj || json_object_get_type(vaultSizeObj)
!= json_type_string) {
log(" - 'VAULT_SIZE' attribute is missing or not a string.", LOG_ERR);
valid = false;
if (!volNameObj || json_object_get_type(volNameObj)
!= json_type_string) {
log(" - 'VOL_NAME' attribute is missing or not a string.", LOG_ERR);
valid = false;
if (!mountPathObj || json_object_get_type(mountPathObj)
!= json_type_string) {
log(" - 'MOUNT_PATH' attribute is missing or not a string.", LOG_ERR);
valid = false;
if (!valid) {
log("Missing or invalid attributes in JSON configuration", LOG_ERR);
return false;
luksConfig.vaultFile = json_object_get_string(vaultFileObj);
luksConfig.vaultSize = json_object_get_string(vaultSizeObj);
luksConfig.volName = json_object_get_string(volNameObj);
luksConfig.mountPath = json_object_get_string(mountPathObj);
return true;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : createDefaultDirectory
* Description: This function is to establish the directory structure required
* for mounting the LUKS-encrypted filesystem. It helps ensure
* that the specified directory path (defaultDirectoryPath) exists.
* ************************************************************************/
bool createDefaultDirectory(const char *defaultDirectoryPath) {
if (access(defaultDirectoryPath, F_OK) == 0) {
// Default directory already exists
return true;
} else {
string mkdirCommand = "mkdir -p " + string(defaultDirectoryPath);
int status = system(mkdirCommand.c_str());
// An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
// indicates failure.
if (status != 0) {
log("Error creating default mount directory: " +
string(defaultDirectoryPath), LOG_ERR);
log("Create directory failed with status: " +
to_string(status), LOG_ERR);
return false;
return true;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : createDirectory
* Description: This function is to ensure that a directory exists before
* creating a LUKS vault file within it. It handles the creation
* of both the specified directory and any parent directories
* if necessary.
* ************************************************************************/
bool createDirectory(const char *directoryPath) {
if (access(directoryPath, F_OK) == 0) {
// Directory already exists
return true;
} else {
string vaultDirectory = directoryPath;
size_t lastSlashPos = vaultDirectory.rfind('/');
if (lastSlashPos != string::npos) {
string directoryPath = vaultDirectory.substr(0, lastSlashPos);
string mkdirCommand = "mkdir -p " + directoryPath;
int status = system(mkdirCommand.c_str());
// An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
// indicates failure.
if (status != 0) {
log("Error creating directory for vault file: " +
string(directoryPath), LOG_ERR);
log("Create directory failed with status: " +
to_string(status), LOG_ERR);
return false;
return true;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : createVaultFile
* Description: This function is responsible for creating a LUKS vault file
* with a specified size and a random key using the dd and
* cryptsetup utilities.
* Note: If the size is not specified or is invalid, it sets a default
* size of 256 megabytes.
* ************************************************************************/
bool createVaultFile(const string &modifiedVaultFile, const char *vaultSize) {
// Create the directory path if it doesn't exist
if (!createDirectory(modifiedVaultFile.c_str())) {
// Directory creation failed
return false;
// Convert const char* to string
string vaultSizeStr = vaultSize;
// Find the first non-numeric character
size_t firstNonNumeric = vaultSizeStr.find_first_not_of("0123456789");
if (firstNonNumeric != string::npos) {
// Extract the numeric portion and the suffix
string sizeStr = vaultSizeStr.substr(0, firstNonNumeric);
string suffix = vaultSizeStr.substr(firstNonNumeric);
// Convert the extracted string to an integer
int size = stoi(sizeStr);
// Determine the multiplier based on the suffix
if (suffix == "M") {
// Megabytes
size *= 1;
} else if (suffix == "G") {
// Gigabytes
size *= 1024;
} else {
string log_message = "Invalid vault file size provided: " +
string(vaultSize) +
".Using default size for vault file creation.";
log(log_message, LOG_INFO);
// Set to the default size
size = 256;
// Set a minimum size of 256MB
if (size < 256) {
log("Vault file size below default: The specified size is less"
" than the default size of 256MB. Using default size for"
" vault file creation.", LOG_INFO);
// Set to the minimum default size
size = 256;
string command = "dd if=/dev/urandom of=" + string(modifiedVaultFile) +
" bs=1M count=" + to_string(size);
int status = system(command.c_str());
// An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
// indicates failure.
if (status == 0) {
// Command executed successfully
return true;
} else {
log("Error creating LUKS vault image file: " +
string(modifiedVaultFile), LOG_ERR);
log("Command failed with return status: " +
to_string(status), LOG_ERR);
return false;
} else {
log("Invalid vault file size format: No size type found."
" Using default size of 256MB", LOG_INFO);
string command = "dd if=/dev/urandom of=" + string(modifiedVaultFile) +
" bs=1M count=256";
int status = system(command.c_str());
// An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
// indicates failure.
if (status == 0) {
// Command executed successfully
return true;
} else {
// Command failed
log("Error creating LUKS vault image file: " +
string(modifiedVaultFile), LOG_ERR);
log("Command failed with return status:" +
to_string(status), LOG_ERR);
return false;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : setupLUKSEncryption
* Description: This function is to secure the data within the vault file by
* encrypting it using LUKS encryption. It prepares the vault
* file for use as an encrypted volume.
* ************************************************************************/
bool setupLUKSEncryption(const string &modifiedVaultFile,
const string &passphrase) {
string command = "echo -n \"" + string(passphrase) +
"\" | cryptsetup luksFormat " +
string(modifiedVaultFile) + " -";
int status = system(command.c_str());
// Cryptsetup returns 0 on success and a non-zero value on error.
// Return codes on failure:
// 1 wrong parameters, 2 no permission (badpassphrase),
// 3 out of memory, 4 wrong device specified,
// 5 device already exists or device is busy.
if (status == 0) {
// Command executed successfully
return true;
} else {
// Command failed
log("Error setting up LUKS encryption for vault file: " +
string(modifiedVaultFile), LOG_ERR);
log("Command failed with return status: " +
to_string(status), LOG_ERR);
return false;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : openLUKSVolume
* Description: This function is to make the encrypted data within the LUKS
* vault accessible as a device that can be used for file
* operations.
* ************************************************************************/
bool openLUKSVolume(const string &modifiedVaultFile, const char *volName,
const string &passphrase) {
string command = "echo -n \"" + string(passphrase) +
"\" | cryptsetup luksOpen " +
string(modifiedVaultFile) + " " + string(volName);
int status = system(command.c_str());
// Cryptsetup returns 0 on success and a non-zero value on error.
// Return codes on failure:
// 1 wrong parameters, 2 no permission (badpassphrase),
// 3 out of memory, 4 wrong device specified,
// 5 device already exists or device is busy.
if (status == 0) {
// Command executed successfully
return true;
} else {
// Command failed
log("Error opening LUKS volume for volume: " +
string(volName), LOG_ERR);
log("Command failed with return status: " +
to_string(status), LOG_ERR);
return false;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : createFilesystem
* Description: This function is responsible for creating an Ext4 filesystem
* on a specified LUKS volume.
* ************************************************************************/
bool createFilesystem(const char *volName) {
string mkfs_command = "mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/" + string(volName);
// Execute the mkfs command and capture the return status
int status = system(mkfs_command.c_str());
// The exit status returned by mkfs is 0 on success and 1 on failure.
if (status == 0) {
// Command executed successfully
return true;
} else {
// Command failed
log("Error creating filesystem for volume: " +
string(volName), LOG_ERR);
log("Command failed with return status: " +
to_string(status), LOG_ERR);
return false;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : isMountPathValid
* Description: This function is to determine whether the provided mount path
* is within the expected directory structure or if it needs to
* be adjusted to a default mount path.
* ************************************************************************/
bool isMountPathValid(const char *mountPath, const char *defaultDirectoryPath) {
// Check if the provided mount path starts with the default directory path
if (strncmp(mountPath, defaultDirectoryPath,
strlen(defaultDirectoryPath)) != 0) {
return false;
return true;
/* ***********************************************************************
* Name : mountFilesystem
* Description: This function is responsible for mounting the LUKS-encrypted
* filesystem to a specified or default mount path.
* ************************************************************************/
bool mountFilesystem(const char *volName, const char *mountPath,
const char *defaultDirectoryPath) {
if (!isMountPathValid(mountPath, defaultDirectoryPath)) {
log("Mount path is not valid, using default mount path.", LOG_INFO);
mountPath = defaultMountPath; // Use default mount path
string mkdir_command = "mkdir -p " + string(mountPath);
int status_check = system(mkdir_command.c_str());
// An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value
// indicates failure.
if (status_check != 0) {
log("Creation of mount path directory failed with return"
"status: " + to_string(status_check), LOG_ERR);
return false;
string mount_command = "mount /dev/mapper/" + string(volName) + " " +
int status = system(mount_command.c_str());
// On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and
// errno is set to indicate the error.
if (status == 0) {
log("Mounting filesystem successful.", LOG_INFO);
return true;
} else {
log("Error mounting filesystem for volume: " +
string(volName), LOG_ERR);
log("Mount command failed with return status: " +
to_string(status), LOG_ERR);
return false;
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
json_object *jsonConfig;
LuksConfig luksConfig;
string passphrase;
PassphraseMechanism selectedMechanism = HWID_Firmware;
auto passphraseGenerator =
bool ret = passphraseGenerator->generatePassphrase(passphrase);
if (passphrase.empty() || ret == false) {
log("Passphrase generation failed or"
" returned an empty passphrase.", LOG_ERR);
return 1;
// Create default directory for the service to create FS and mount
if (!createDefaultDirectory(defaultDirectoryPath)) {
return 1;
// Parse JSON configuration and extract volume attributes
if (!parseJSONConfig(configFile, luksConfig, &jsonConfig)) {
// Release the JSON object memory
return 1;
// Logging the successfully parsed attributes
string log_message = "Vault File: " + string(luksConfig.vaultFile) +
", Vault Size: " + string(luksConfig.vaultSize) +
", Volume Name: " + string(luksConfig.volName) +
", Mount Path: " + string(luksConfig.mountPath);
log(log_message, LOG_INFO);
// Create a new string to hold the path+file
string modifiedVaultFile = luksConfig.vaultFile;
// Check if directory path is provided in vaultFile
size_t lastSlashPos = modifiedVaultFile.rfind('/');
if (lastSlashPos == string::npos) {
// No directory path provided, use default directory
modifiedVaultFile = "/var/luks/stx/" + modifiedVaultFile;
// Check if the vault file exists
if ((access(luksConfig.vaultFile, F_OK) == 0) ||
(access(modifiedVaultFile.c_str(), F_OK) == 0)) {
// The vault file exists, proceed to unseal
string statusCommand = "sudo cryptsetup status " +
string(luksConfig.volName) + " 2>/dev/null";
int status = system(statusCommand.c_str());
// Cryptsetup returns 0 on success and a non-zero value on error.
// Return codes on failure:
// 1 wrong parameters, 2 no permission (badpassphrase),
// 3 out of memory, 4 wrong device specified,
// 5 device already exists or device is busy.
if (status == 0) {
log("LUKS device is already open", LOG_INFO);
} else {
log("LUKS device is not open. Try opening", LOG_INFO);
if (!openLUKSVolume(modifiedVaultFile.c_str(), luksConfig.volName,
passphrase.c_str())) {
return 1;
log("LUKS device is successfully opened", LOG_INFO);
// Check if the mount path exists
if (access(luksConfig.mountPath, F_OK) == 0) {
string mount_command = "mountpoint -q " + string(luksConfig.mountPath);
int mountpoint_status = system(mount_command.c_str());
// mountpoint has the following exit status values:
// 0: success; the directory is a mountpoint,
// or device is block device
// 1: failure; incorrect invocation, permissions or system error
// 32: failure; the directory is not a mountpoint,
// or device is not a block device on
if (mountpoint_status != 0) {
// Mount path directory is not mount point, proceed to mount it
if (!mountFilesystem(luksConfig.volName, luksConfig.mountPath,
defaultDirectoryPath)) {
return 1;
log("Encrypted vault is mounted.", LOG_INFO);
} else {
log("Encrypted vault is already mounted.", LOG_INFO);
} else {
// Mount path does not exist, create filesystem and then mount
if (!createFilesystem(luksConfig.volName)) {
log("Error creating filesystem", LOG_ERR);
return 1;
if (!mountFilesystem(luksConfig.volName, luksConfig.mountPath,
defaultDirectoryPath)) {
return 1;
log("Encrypted vault is mounted.", LOG_INFO);
} else {
// The vault file does not exist, create it
// Create the necessary directories if they don't exist
log("The vault image file does not exist, creating one", LOG_INFO);
if (!createVaultFile(modifiedVaultFile.c_str(),
luksConfig.vaultSize)) {
log("Error creating LUKS vault image file", LOG_ERR);
return 1;
// Set up LUKS encryption
if (!setupLUKSEncryption(modifiedVaultFile.c_str(),
passphrase.c_str())) {
log("Error setting up LUKS encryption", LOG_ERR);
return 1;
// Open LUKS Volume
if (!openLUKSVolume(modifiedVaultFile.c_str(), luksConfig.volName,
passphrase.c_str())) {
log("Error opening LUKS volume", LOG_ERR);
return 1;
// Create filesystem
if (!createFilesystem(luksConfig.volName)) {
log("Error creating filesystem", LOG_ERR);
return 1;
// Mount filesystem
if (!mountFilesystem(luksConfig.volName, luksConfig.mountPath,
defaultDirectoryPath)) {
return 1;
log("Encrypted vault is set up and mounted.", LOG_INFO);
// Clean up JSON object
return 0;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"luksvolumes": [{
"VAULT_FILE": "/var/luks/stx/luks_volume.img",
"VAULT_SIZE": "256M",
"VOL_NAME": "luks_encrypted_vault",