'> '> '> '> '> '> The universally unique identifier for this object. For convenience, resources contain links to themselves. This allows a client to easily obtain rather than construct resource URIs. The following types of link relations are associated with resources: a self link containing a versioned link to the resource, and a bookmark link containing a permanent link to a resource that is appropriate for long term storage. The time when the object was created. The time when the object was last updated. '> A user-specified name of the cloud system. The default value is the system UUID. A installed system type of the cloud system. The system mode of the cloud system. The timezone of the cloud system. A user-specified description of the cloud system. The user-specified location of the cloud system. System capabilities. sdn_enabled : (Boolean) Software Defined Networking enabled. region_config : (Boolean) region selection: true : Secondary region. false : Primary region. shared_services : Services provided by Primary region. bm_region : Board Management controller network selection: External : OAM network. Internal : Management network. cinder_backend : backend selection for Cinder. vswitch_type : vSwitch selection. security_feature : Selection of Spectre and Meltdown mitigation options. https_enabled : (Boolean) selection of https mode for public URLs. The user-specified contact for the cloud system. Contains the Cloud Server Software Version and the Software Version of the underlying Linux Kernel. '> A name of the cloud cluster. An installed cluster type of the cloud system. A system generated unique identifier for this cluster in the cloud system. The unique identifier of the underlying cluster instance represented by this cluster. '> A list of dictionaries for each replication group of storage host peers. A list of dictionaries for each storage tier in the cluster '> The name provisioned for the host. The role of the host: controller, compute or storage. The administrative state of the host; unlocked or locked. The operational state of the host; enabled or disabled. The availability state of the host; offline, online, intest, available, degraded or failed. The management MAC of the host management interface. The management IP Address of the host. The current maintenance task in progress on the host. The serial id configured for the host. The board management type of the host. The board management username of the host. The board management IP Address of the host. Device used for boot partition, relative to /dev. Default: sda Device used for rootfs and platform partitions, relative to /dev. Default: sda Installation output format. Values are text or graphical. Default: text Serial console configuration, specifying port and baud rate. Default: ttyS0,115200. The configuration UUID applied to the host. The configuration target UUID of the host. The configuration status of the host. The uptime in seconds of the host. The location information of the host. The list of roles supported by the host. Comma separated string. For a host with compute role, the compute subfunction is configurable on initial installation, and may be either: compute or compute_lowlatency. The subfunction operational state, excluding the primary role personality. The subfunction availability state, excluding the primary role personality. The recordtype of the host: standard or profile. Id value of the host. Action on the host in progress. The installation state of the host; preinstall, installing, postinstall, installed or failed. Progress information of the installation of the host. For example, installing 2/1040, indicating the number of packages installed out of the total packages to be installed. virtual infrastructure manager progress status. Serial port data carrier detect status. The version of the software currently running on the host. The version of the software requested to run on the host. '> Link to the ports resources on the host. Link to the network interfaces resources on the host. Link to the ethernet ports resources on the host. Link to the numa node resources on the host. Link to the memory resources on the host. Link to the disks resources on the host. Link to the storage resources on the host. Link to the physical volume storage resources on the host. Link to the logical volume group storage resources on the host. Serial port data carrier detect status. '> The discovered name of the port, typically the Linux assigned device name, if available. The user-specified name for the port. The MAC Address of the port. The PCI Address of the port. Currently not supported. Currently not supported. The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the port, in bytes. Currently not supported. Indicates whether the port can be used for network booting. Indicates the maximum number of VFs that this port can support. Indicates the actual number of VFs configured for the interface using this port. A comma-separated list of the PCI addresses of the configured VFs. The driver being used for the port. Valid values are ixgbe and igb. The class or type of the physical IO controller device of the port. The primary vendor information of the port hardware. The secondary vendor information of the port hardware. The primary type and model information of the port hardware. The secondary type and model information of the port hardware . The UUID of the L2 interface of the port. The NUMA Node of the port. The UUID of the NUMA node of the port. The UUID of the host containing the port. '> The user-specified name of the interface. Indicates the type of network that this interface is attached to; mgmt, oam, infra, none, data, pci-passthrough or pci-sriov. Indicates the type of L2 interface; ethernet or ae (aggregated ethernet or link aggregation (LAG)) or vlan (virtual lan). Only applicable if iftype : ae, this attribute indicates the basic mode of operation for the AE/LAG interface. Supported modes are: balanced round robin, active-backup, balanced xor, broadcast, 802.3ad, balance-tlb, balance-alb. NOTE only balanced xor and active-standby modes are supported by interfaces of networktype=data. Only applicable if iftype : ae and aemode : balanced, this attribute indicates what packet headers the AE/LAG is using to distribute packets across the different links/ports of the AE/LAG group; layer2, layer2+3 or layer3+4. Only applicable if iftype : vlan, this attribute indicates that the vlan interface id. A vlan id between 1 and 4094 (inclusive) must be selected. NOTE The vlan id must be unique for the host interface. Only applicable if networktype : data, this attribute provides a comma-separated list of provider networks that this data interface is attached to. The MAC Address being used by the interface. In the case of AE/LAG, the MAC address of one of the physical ports of the AE/LAG group is used. The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of the interface, in bytes. The number of VFs configured on the interfaces port; only applicable if networktype = pci-sriov where only a single port is associated with the interface. Currently not supported. The ID of the host of this interface. The UUID of the host of this interface. '> The logical core number. The NUMA Node or physical processor device of the logical core. The physical core of the logical core. The thread within the physical core of the logical core. The function assigned to this logical core; valid values are Platform, Vswitch, Shared or VMs . Platform indicates the core is used for the host kernel, Titanium Cloud and OpenStack Services, Vswitch indicates the core is used by the virtual switch, Shared indicates that the core is reserved for sharing by VMs using the hw:wrs:shared_vcpu flavor extra spec, VMs indicates that the core is available for use by VMs. The CPU Family for the processor of the logical core. The vendor, model, part number and other info related to the processor device of the logical core. The UUID of the host of the logical core. The UUID of the NUMA Node of the logical core. '> The UUID of the host. The NUMA node number. The UUID of the NUMA node. Memory reserved for the Kernel and Cloud Platform Services, in MiBs. Total memory reserved for the hosted Virtual Machines, in MiBs. Free / available memory from the total memory reserved for the hosted Virtual Machines, in MiBs. Boolean indicating whether huge page memory is configured or not. The size of a Virtual Switch (vSwitch) huge page, in MiBs. The total number of Virtual Switch (vSwitch) huge pages. The free / available Virtual Switch (vSwitch) huge pages. The total number of Virtual Machine 1G huge pages. The free / available Virtual Machine 1G huge pages. If not null, the pending configured number of Virtual Machine 1G huge pages. The total number of Virtual Machine 2M huge pages. The free / available Virtual Machine 2M huge pages. If not null, the pending configured number of Virtual Machine 2M huge pages. '> The name of the sensorgroup. The entity path of the sensorgroup. The sensortype of the sensors in the sensorgroup. e.g. temperature, voltage, current, fan, power, disk, watchdog, memory, interrupt, firmware, hardware. The sensor datatype of the sensors in the sensorgroup. e.g. discrete or analog The UUID of the host. Specifies whether sensorgroup actions are suppressed. True specifies suppressed. This attribute is user configurable and affects all sensors within the sensorgroup. Specifies the audit interval time in seconds for the system sensor monitoring algorithm. This attribute is user configurable and affects all sensors within the sensorgroup. For datatype analog sensors: the Critical Lower Threshold of the SensorGroup. For datatype analog sensors: the Critical Upper Threshold of the SensorGroup. For datatype analog sensors: the Major Lower Threshold of the SensorGroup. For datatype analog sensors: the Major Upper Threshold of the SensorGroup. For datatype analog sensors: the Minor Lower Threshold of the SensorGroup. For datatype analog sensors: the Minor Upper Threshold of the SensorGroup. The unit base of the sensor. e.g. revolutions, C (Celcius), etc. The unit modifier of the sensor. e.g. 10^2 (*100). The unit rate of the sensor. e.g. /h (per hour). The system sensor algorithm version information. The actions to take upon critical threshold sensor event. e.g. alarm, ignore. This attribute is user configurable and affects all sensors within the sensorgroup. The actions to take upon major threshold sensor event. e.g. alarm, ignore. This attribute is user configurable and affects all sensors within the sensorgroup. The actions to take upon minor threshold sensor event. e.g. alarm, ignore. This attribute is user configurable and affects all sensors within the sensorgroup. '> The UUID of the sensorgroup. Specifies whether sensor actions are suppressed. True specifies suppressed. This attribute is user configurable. The name of the sensor. The entity path of the sensor. The sensortype of the sensor. e.g. temperature, voltage, fan, power The sensor datatype. e.g. discrete or analog The sensor status: One of ok, minor, major, critical. The operational state of the sensor. The sensor action requested for the sensor. Only applicable to action sensors. For datatype analog sensors: the Critical Lower Threshold of the Sensor. For datatype analog sensors: the Critical Upper Threshold of the Sensor. For datatype analog sensors: the Major Lower Threshold of the Sensor. For datatype analog sensors: the Major Upper Threshold of the Sensor. For datatype analog sensors: the Minor Lower Threshold of the Sensor. For datatype analog sensors: the Minor Upper Threshold of the Sensor. The unit base of the sensor. e.g. revolutions, C (Celcius), etc. The unit modifier of the sensor. e.g. 10^2 (*100). The unit rate of the sensor. e.g. /h (per hour). The sensor algorithm version information. The actions to take upon critical threshold sensor event. e.g. alarm, ignore The actions to take upon major threshold sensor event. e.g. alarm, ignore The actions to take upon minor threshold sensor event. e.g. alarm, ignore '> Indicates that the record is being used for host profile rather than a host. The name of the profile. '> Indicates that the record is being used for host profile rather than a host. The name of the profile. Links to the ports of the profile. Links to the interfaces of the profile. Links to the disks of the profile. Links to the partitions of the profile. Links to the physical volume storage resources of the profile. Links to the physical volumes of the profile. Links to the logical volume group storage resources of the profile. Links to the NUMA Nodes of the profile. Links to the logical cores (CPUs) of the profile. '> The SNMP GET/SET access control for a specific community. The community string of which the SNMP client is a member. The SNMP MIB view of which the community has access to. '> The IP address of a specific trap destination. The community of which the trap destination is a member. The SNMP version of the trap message for a specific destination. The port number of which SNMP manager is listening for traps. The transport protocol used by the trap messages. '> The comma-separated list of DNS nameservers. The System UUID which the DNS belongs to. '> The comma-separated list of NTP ntpservers. The System UUID which the NTP belongs to. '> The External OAM IP Subnet. The External OAM Gateway IP Address. The External OAM Floating IP Address. The External OAM Controller-0 IP Address. The External OAM Controller-1 IP Address. The System UUID which the External OAM IP belongs to. '> The infrastructure network IP subnet. The infrastructure network start IP address. The infrastructure network end IP address. The MTU of the infrastructure interface. The VLAN id of the infrastructure interface. The System UUID which the infrastructure network IP subnet belongs to. '> The DRBD engineered link utilization percent during resync. The DRBD number of parallel devices to resync. The DRBD replication nodes round-trip-time milliseconds. The System UUID which the DRBD link belongs to. '> Additional capabilities info about the disk. The device node of the disk. The device path of the disk. The device ID of the disk. The device WWN of the disk. The device number of the disk. The disk device type. The host UUID that the disk belongs to. The node UUID that the disk belongs to. The logical storage function that this disk belongs to. The LVM physical volume that this disk belongs to. The serial id or number of the disk. The RPM of the disk. "Undetermined" if not specified. "N/A", not applicable for SSDs or NVME disks. The size of the disk in MiBytes. The unpartitioned size of the disk in MiBytes. '> Set the partition table type to wipe and format the disk. Supported values are gpt. '> Additional capabilities info about the partition. The device node of the partition. The device path of the partition. The host UUID that the partition belongs to. The disk UUID that this partition belongs to. The LVM physical volume that this partition belongs to. The status of the partition. The GUID for the partition type. The name for the partition type. The size of the partition in MiBytes. The start of the partition MiBytes. The end of the partition in MiBytes. '> The name of the storage service. A dictionary of storage backend capabilities. When "false" it will run in test mode without applying any modification. This allow checking a request for validity before performing non-reversible changes. When set to "true" the modifications are immediately applied. '> Additional capabilities info about the storage function. The storage function e.g. "osd" (object storage daemon) or "journal" (backing stor for journals) for ceph. The host UUID that the storage belongs to. The System UUID which the storage belongs to. The object storage daemon identifier of the storage function. The journal stor on which the journal is kept. The size of the journal. The device path of the journal. The device node of the journal. The state info of the storage function. The name of the storage tier that is using this storage function. The UUID of the storage tier that is using this storage function. '> Additional capabilities info about the volume group. This is the state of the volume group which is one of the following: unprovisioned, adding, provisioned, or removing. This is the LVM volume group name as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated volume group UUID as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated volume group access status as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated max number of logical volumes allowed as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated current number of logical volumes as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated max number of physical volumes allowed as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated current number of physical volumes as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated volume group size in bytes as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated total number of physical extents within the volume group as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated number of physical extents not allocated within the volume group as retrieved from the vgdisplay command on the host. The UUID of the host containing the port. '> Links to associated physical volumes. '> Additional capabilities info about the volume group. This is the state of the physical volume. It has one of the following values: unprovisioned, adding, provisioned, or removing. This is the type of physical volume that is allocated. This will have the value of disk or partition. This is the UUID of the device that is associated with this physical volume. This is the device node name associated with the physical volume. This is the device path associated with the physical partition. This is the physical volume name as retrieved from the pvdisplay command on the host. This is the name of the volume group that this physical volume belongs as retrieved from the pvdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated UUID for the physical volume as retrieved from the pvdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated size in bytes of the physical volume as retrieved from the pvdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated total number of physical extents associated with the physical volume as retrieved from the pvdisplay command on the host. This is the LVM generated number of allocated physical extents associated with the physical volume as retrieved from the pvdisplay command on the host. The UUID of the host containing the port. The UUID of the volume group containing the physical volume. The ID of the volume group containing the physical volume. '> Links to associated disks. Links to associated partitions. '> The user-specified name for the PCI device The PCI Address of the device. The class or type identifier of the physical IO controller device of the device. The primary vendor identifier of the device hardware. The primary type and model identifier of the devicehardware. The class or type name of the physical IO controller device of the device. The primary vendor name of the port hardware. The primary type and model information of the device hardware. The secondary vendor information of the device hardware. The secondary type and model information of the device hardware. Indicates the maximum number of VFs that this device can support. Indicates the actual number of VFs configured for the interface using this device. A comma-separated list of the PCI addresses of the configured VFs. The driver being used for the device. The availability status of the device. Extra information about the device. The NUMA Node of the device. The UUID of the host containing the device. '> The name of the service. The section name within the configuration file for the specified service. The name of the service parameter. The value of the service parameter. '> The UUID of the host containing the lldp agent. The name of the local port to which this lldp agent belongs. The 802.1AB chassis identifier advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB port identifier advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB port descrioption advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB time to live advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB system description advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB system name advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB system capabilities advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB management address advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB link aggregation status advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB vlan names advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB MAC status advertised by the lldp agent. The 802.1AB maximum frame size advertised by the lldp agent. '> The UUID of the host containing the lldp neighbor. The MAC service access point identifier of the lldp neighbor. The name of the local port to which this lldp neighbor is connected. The 802.1AB chassis identifier advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB port identifier advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB port descrioption advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB time to live advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB system description advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB system name advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB system capabilities advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB management address advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB link aggregation status advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB vlan names advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB port vlan id advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB protocol vlan ids advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB protocol ids advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB MAC status advertised by the lldp neighbor. The 802.1AB maximum frame size advertised by the lldp neighbor. '> The operational state of the service. The id of the service. The desired state of the service The name of the service. The name of the host which the service is running on. '> Administrative state of the node. The operational state of the node. The name of the node. The operational state of the node The availability status of the node. The id of the node. '> The type of host that the service is running on. The name of the service group. The name of the node that the service is running on. The state of the service. The uuid of the service group. '> This parameter specifies the IP address or FQDN of the SDN controller. This parameter specifies the listening port number of the OVSDB southbound API of the SDN controller. This parameter specifies the transport protocol to use for the connection of the OVSDB protocol. Expected value is TCP. Valid values are: UDP or TCP. This parameter specifies the administrative state of the SDN controller. Valid values are: enabled or disabled. '> IP Address of remote log server. Remote log server enabled. Remote log server transport protocol. Remote log server port. Remote log server TLS key file. '> The uuid of the network resource. The type of network resource. The maximum IP packet length that is support on this network. The transmission speed in megabits per second. A boolean describing whether IP addresses are assigned by the user (False) or by the system (True). The VLAN instance number (1-4094) if applicable. The uuid of the address pool from which IP addresses are allocated or registered. '> The name (or network type) of the address pool resource. The IP address of the network. The network address prefix length in bits. A string representing the IP address allocation scheme; random to allocate in random order, or sequential to allocate in sequential order. A python list, formatted as a JSON string, representing a series of start-end pairs which define the allocatable ranges of IP addresses in the pool. '> The uuid of the address pool resource. '> The interface uuid to which the address is assigned. The IP address. The IP address prefix length in bits. '> The uuid of the address resource. The interface name to which the address is assigned. Whether duplicate address detection is enabled on allocated addresses. '> The interface uuid to which the address is assigned. The IP address of the network. The network address prefix length in bits. The IP address of the nexthop gateway device. The IP route metric/weight. '> The uuid of the route resource. The interface name to which the address is assigned. '> Name of this backend. The type of the storage backend. The admin state of the storage backend. The current task of the storage backend when in "configuring" state. The System UUID which the storage backend belongs to. A dictionary of storage backend capabilities. A comma separated list of backend services. '> The name of the storage service. A dictionary of storage backend capabilities. When "false" it will run in test mode without applying any modification. This allow checking a request for validity before performing non-reversible changes. When set to "true" the modifications are immediately applied. '> The name of the storage service. The name of the storage backend. The type of the storage backend. The free storage capacity in GiB. The total capacity in GiB. '> The cinder volumes pool quota in GiB. The glance image pool quota in GiB. The ephemeral pool quota in GiB. The object gateway pool quota in GiB. The total ceph pool space in GiB. This specifies if object gateway is configured. This specifies storage tier name this backend is using . This specifies storage tier uuid this backend is using . '> The Ceph External configuration file. '> Name of this storage tier. The type of storage tier. This maps to a backend type.. The status of the storage tier: defined or in-use. The list of osd ids assigned to this tier. A dictionary of storage backend capabilities. The backend UUID which is using this tier. The cluster UUID which this tier is associated. '> The type of storage tier. This corresponds to the backend type that will be attached to the tier. Currently only a tier type of ceph is supported. The UUID of the backend that is attached to this tier. The backend is attached to enable service(s) to use the storage tier resources. For tier type of ceph, this provides the cluster_uuid that this tier is associated. '> The name of the filesystem. The size of the filesystem in GiB. The logical volume of the filesystem. Specifies if the filesystem is drbd replicated. The state of the filesystem; None, availabe or drbd_fs_resizing_in_progress '> The name of the filesystem. The size of the filesystem in GiB. '> The System UUID which the storage backend belongs to. '> [Deprecated] The disk device node on the host that cgts-vg will be extended to create ceph-mon-lv. [Deprecated] The disk device path on the host that cgts-vg will be extended to create ceph-mon-lv. The name of host this ceph mon belongs to. The ceph-mon-lv size in GiB, for Ceph backend only. [Deprecated] The disk device on both controllers that cgts-vg will be extended to create ceph-mon-lv. [Deprecated] The disk device on controller-0 that cgts-vg will be extended to create ceph-mon-lv. [Deprecated] The disk device on controller-1 that cgts-vg will be extended to create ceph-mon-lv. '> The UUID of this ceph monitor. The System UUID which the storage backend belongs to. '> The UUID of this load. The state of the software load. The id of the load. A list of patches required before the system can upgrade to this load. The software version of this load. The software version this load can be upgraded from. '> The state of the software upgrade. The id of the load the system is upgrading from. The software version the system is upgrading from. The id of the load the system is upgrading to. The software version the system is upgrading to. '> The state of the software upgrade. The software version the system is upgrading from. The software version the system is upgrading to. The universally unique identifier for this object. For convenience, resources contain links to themselves. This allows a client to easily obtain rather than construct resource URIs. The following types of link relations are associated with resources: a self link containing a versioned link to the resource, and a bookmark link containing a permanent link to a resource that is appropriate for long term storage. '> The passphrase for the PEM file. This parameter specifies the type of System certificate. Possible values are: ssl, tpm_mode, murano, murano_ca. Default: ssl '> This name of a packaged license. This status of a packaged license.(installed/uninstalled) The expiry date of a packaged license. '> The signature of the custom firewall rules. '> GET'> PUT'> POST'> DELETE'>