#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 This script is for parsing post-data analysis. It takes the csv files generated from the parser scripts and imports the data to an influx database. All influx information should be specified in the lab.conf file. Please see the wiki for more details. """ import os import sys import time import datetime from optparse import OptionParser from multiprocessing import Pool # command line arguments def init(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-a", "--all", dest="parse_all", action="store_true", default=False, help="use this option to parse all csv files for all nodes specified within lab.conf") parser.add_option("-n", "--node", dest="node_list", action="append", type="string", help="the specific node(s) to be parsed, otherwise all nodes within lab.conf will be parsed") parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file_list", action="append", type="string", help="the specific csv file(s) to be parsed. Must use with the -n option. Ex: -n controller-0 -f postgres-conns.csv") parser.add_option("-p", "--postgres_svc", dest="postgres_list", action="append", type="string", help="use this option to parse postgres CSV files given specific services. Ex: -p nova") parser.add_option("-b", "--batch-size", dest="batch_size", action="store", type="int", default="100", help="Influx accepts data in batches. Use this option to change the batch size from the default value of 100. Note that Influx can timeout if the batch size is to large") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv[1:]) == 0: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) else: return options # converts given UTC time into epoch time def convertTime(file, node, start, lc, utcTime): try: # diskstats csv requires special work as no timestamp is provided if file.startswith("diskstats"): t = " ".join(start) pattern = '%Y-%m-%d %H%M' epoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(t, pattern))) # add 15 minutes to current timestamp epoch += 900 * lc else: if utcTime.endswith("AM"): pattern = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S' epoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(utcTime[:19], pattern))) elif utcTime.endswith("PM"): tmp = int(utcTime[11:13]) if tmp < 12: tmp += 12 str1 = utcTime[:11] str2 = utcTime[13:19] utcTime = str1 + str(tmp) + str2 pattern = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S' epoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(utcTime, pattern))) elif file.startswith("memstats") or file.startswith("filestats"): pattern = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' epoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(utcTime[:19], pattern))) else: pattern = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' epoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(utcTime[:23], pattern))) return str(epoch) except Exception as e: appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Error: Issue converting time for {} for {}. Please check the csv and re-parse as some data may be incorrect\n-{}".format(file, node, e.message)) return None # go through each node folder to parse csv files def processFiles(path, node, options, influx_info): prefixes = ["postgres-conns", "postgres", "memtop", "occtop", "iostat", "netstats", "rabbitmq", "schedtop", "vswitch", "filestats-summary", "memstats-summary", "diskstats"] if options.file_list is None: for file in os.listdir(path): if file.endswith(".csv"): if file.startswith(tuple(prefixes)): if options.parse_all is True or options.node_list is not None: parse(path, file, node, options, influx_info) elif options.postgres_list is not None: for svc in options.postgres_list: if svc in list(file.split("_")): parse(path, file, node, options, influx_info) else: continue # if -f option is used elif options.file_list is not None: for file in options.file_list: parse(path, file, node, options, influx_info) # let the log know when a thread has finished parsing a folder appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "-Process for {} finished parsing at {}".format(node, datetime.datetime.utcnow())) # parse the csv files and add data to influx # needs to be cleaned up def parse(path, file, node, options, influx_info): file_loc = os.path.join(path, file) # until able to access the file while True: if os.access(file_loc, os.R_OK): try: with open(file_loc, "r") as f: file_name = file.replace("-", "_").replace(".csv", "").replace("_{}".format(node.replace("-", "_")), "").strip("\n") appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Parsing {} for {}".format(file_name, node)) header = f.readline().split(",") # vswitch CSV files have no headers... if file_name.startswith("vswitch"): if file_name.replace("vswitch_", "").split("_")[0] == "engine": header = "date/time,id,cpuid,rx-packets,tx-packets,tx-disabled,tx-overflow,rx-discard,tx-discard,usage".split( ",") elif file_name.replace("vswitch_", "").split("_")[0] == "interface": header = "date/time,rx-packets,tx-packets,rx-bytes,tx-bytes,tx-errors,rx-errors,tx-discards,rx-discards,rx-floods,rx-no-vlan".split( ",") elif file_name.replace("vswitch_", "").split("_")[0] == "port": header = "date/time,rx-packets,tx-packets,rx-bytes,tx-bytes,tx-errors,rx-errors,rx-nombuf".split( ",") elif file_name.startswith("memstats"): if header[0] != "Date": header = "date/time,rss,vrz" influx_string = "" measurement = "" tag_names = ["node"] init_tags = [node] line_count = 0 batch = 0 start_time = "" # used for diskstats bad_string = False # set tag information needed for influx. Each file needs different things if file_name.startswith("postgres_conns"): measurement = "postgres_connections" elif file_name.startswith("postgres"): if file_name.endswith("_size"): measurement = "postgres_db_size" service = file_name.replace("postgres_", "").replace("_size", "") if service == "size": service = "postgres" tag_names = ["node", "service"] init_tags = [node, service] else: measurement = "postgres_svc_stats" service = file_name.replace("postgres_", "").split("_")[0] tag_names = ["node", "service", "schema", "table"] init_tags = [node, service] elif file_name.startswith("memtop"): if file_name == "memtop_detailed": measurement = "memtop_detailed" else: measurement = "memtop" elif file_name.startswith("occtop"): if file_name == "occtop_detailed": measurement = "occtop_detailed" else: measurement = "occtop" elif file_name.startswith("iostat"): measurement = "iostat" tag_names = ["node", "device"] init_tags = [node, header[1]] elif file_name.startswith("netstats"): measurement = "netstats" interface = file.replace("{}-".format(measurement), "").replace("{}-".format(node), "").replace( ".csv", "") tag_names = ["node", "interface"] init_tags = [node, interface] elif file_name.startswith("rabbitmq"): if file_name.endswith("info"): measurement = "rabbitmq_svc" service = file_name.replace("rabbitmq_", "") tag_names = ["node", "service"] init_tags = [node, service] else: measurement = "rabbitmq" elif file_name.startswith("schedtop"): measurement = "schedtop" service = file_name.replace("schedtop_", "").replace("_", "-") tag_names = ["node", "service"] init_tags = [node, service] elif file_name.startswith("vswitch"): measurement = "vswitch" identifier = file_name.replace("vswitch_", "").split("_") tag_names = ["node", identifier[0]] if identifier[0] == "engine": init_tags = [node, "engine_id_{}".format(identifier[1])] elif identifier[0] == "interface": init_tags = [node, identifier[1]] elif identifier[0] == "port": init_tags = [node, "port_{}".format(identifier[1])] elif file_name.startswith("filestats"): measurement = "filestats" service = file_name.replace("filestats_summary_", "").replace(".csv", "").replace("_", "-") tag_names = ["node", "service"] init_tags = [node, service] elif file_name.startswith("memstats"): measurement = "memstats" service = file_name.replace("memstats_summary_", "").replace(".csv", "").replace("_", "-") tag_names = ["node", "service"] init_tags = [node, service] elif file_name.startswith("diskstats"): measurement = "diskstats" mount = file_name.replace("diskstats_", "") tag_names = ["node", "mount", "file_system", "type"] init_tags = [node, mount] # find the bz2 file with the earliest date start = float('inf') for t in os.listdir(path): if t.startswith(node) and t.endswith("bz2"): next = int( str(t.replace("{}_".format(node), "")[2:15]).replace("-", "").replace("_", "")) if next < start: start = next start_time = t.split("_")[1:3] # go through header, determine the fields, skip the tags field_names = [] for i in header: j = i.lower().replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_").replace("used(%)", "usage").replace("(%)", "").replace("(s)", "").strip(" ").strip("\n") if j in tag_names or i in init_tags or j == 'pid' or j == 'name': continue else: # for occtop core info if j.isdigit(): j = "core_{}".format(j) field_names.append(j) # go through each line bad_count = 0 for lines in f: line = lines.strip("\n").split(",") timestamp = convertTime(file, node, start_time, line_count, line[0].strip("\n")) if timestamp is None: bad_count += 1 if bad_count == 3: bad_string = True break else: continue tag_values = init_tags field_values = [] line_count += 1 batch += 1 # go through data in each line and determine whether it belongs to a tag or a field for word in line: word = word.strip("\n") # is non-number, interface, or device, add to tags, otherwise add to fields if word.replace("_", "").replace("-", "").replace(" ", "").isalpha() or (word in init_tags) or word.endswith(".info") or word.startswith("ext"): tag_values.append(word) elif word.startswith("/dev"): tag_values.append(word.split("/")[-1]) elif word.startswith("= options.batch_size: writing = True influx_string = "curl -s -i -o /dev/null -XPOST 'http://'{}':'{}'/write?db='{}'&precision=s' --data-binary '{}'".format(influx_info[0], influx_info[1], influx_info[2], influx_string.strip("\n")) while writing: begin = time.time() os.system(influx_string + "\n") end = time.time() if end - begin >= 4.5: appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Timeout warning: {} for {}. Retrying now".format(file_name, node)) else: batch = 0 influx_string = "" writing = False # leave while loop due to incorrectly formatted csv data if bad_string: f.close() break else: # get remainder of data from csv if batch < options.batch_size: writing = True influx_string = "curl -s -i -o /dev/null -XPOST 'http://'{}':'{}'/write?db='{}'&precision=s' --data-binary '{}'".format(influx_info[0], influx_info[1], influx_info[2], influx_string.strip("\n")) while writing: begin = time.time() os.system(influx_string + "\n") end = time.time() if end - begin >= 4.5: appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Timeout warning: {} for {}. Retrying now".format(file_name, node)) else: writing = False f.close() appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "{} lines parsed in {} for {}".format(line_count, file_name, node)) break except IOError as e: appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Error: Issue opening {}\n-{}".format(file_loc, e.message)) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): sys.exit(0) else: appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Error: Could not access {}".format(file_loc)) # generate http api string to send data to influx def generateString(file, node, meas, tag_n, tag_v, field_n, field_v, lc, date): base = "{},".format(meas) try: if file.startswith("diskstats"): for i in range(len(tag_n)): if i == len(tag_n)-1: base = base + "'{}'='{}' ".format(tag_n[i], str(tag_v[i])) else: base = base + "'{}'='{}',".format(tag_n[i], str(tag_v[i])) for i in range(len(field_v)): if str(field_v[i]).replace(".", "").isdigit(): if i == len(field_v)-1: base = base + "'{}'='{}' {}".format(field_n[i], str(field_v[i]), date) else: base = base + "'{}'='{}',".format(field_n[i], str(field_v[i])) else: appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Error: Issue with line {} with {} for {}. Please check the csv and re-parse as some data may be incorrect".format(lc, file, node)) return None else: for i in range(len(tag_n)): if i == len(tag_n)-1: base = base + "'{}'='{}' ".format(tag_n[i], str(tag_v[i])) else: base = base + "'{}'='{}',".format(tag_n[i], str(tag_v[i])) for i in range(1, len(field_v)): if str(field_v[i]).replace(".", "").isdigit(): if i == len(field_v)-1: base = base + "'{}'='{}' {}".format(field_n[i], str(field_v[i]), date) else: base = base + "'{}'='{}',".format(field_n[i], str(field_v[i])) else: appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Error: Issue with line {} with {} for {}. Please check the csv and re-parse as some data may be incorrect".format(lc, file, node)) return None return base + '\n' except Exception as e: appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Error: Issue with http api string with {} for {}\n-{}".format(file, node, e.message)) return None # append to error log def appendToFile(file, content): with open(file, "a") as f: f.write(content + '\n') # main method if __name__ == "__main__": # get command-line args options = init() controller_list = [] compute_list = [] storage_list = [] influx_host = influx_port = influx_db = "" influx_info = [] pool_size = 0 # create the files file = open("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "w") file.close() file = open("output.txt", "w") file.close() appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "Starting parsing at {}".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow())) appendToFile("/tmp/csv-to-influx.log", "----------------------------------------------") # get node and influx info from lab.conf with open("lab.conf", "r") as lc: for lines in lc: line = lines.strip("\n") if line.startswith("CONTROLLER_LIST"): controller_list = list(line.strip(" ").split("="))[1].strip("\"").split(" ") elif line.startswith("COMPUTE_LIST"): compute_list = list(line.strip(" ").split("="))[1].strip("\"").split(" ") elif line.startswith("STORAGE_LIST"): storage_list = list(line.strip(" ").split("="))[1].strip("\"").split(" ") elif line.startswith("INFLUX_HOST"): influx_host = list(line.strip(" ").split("="))[1].strip("\"").split(" ")[0] elif line.startswith("INFLUX_PORT"): influx_port = list(line.strip(" ").split("="))[1].strip("\"").split(" ")[0] elif line.startswith("INFLUX_DB"): influx_db = list(line.strip(" ").split("="))[1].strip("\"").split(" ")[0] break lc.close() influx_info.append(influx_host) influx_info.append(influx_port) influx_info.append(influx_db) # if -n option is used, remove unneeded nodes if options.node_list is not None: tmp_controller_list = [] tmp_compute_list = [] tmp_storage_list = [] for n in controller_list: if n in options.node_list: tmp_controller_list.append(n) for n in compute_list: if n in options.node_list: tmp_compute_list.append(n) for n in storage_list: if n in options.node_list: tmp_storage_list.append(n) controller_list = tmp_controller_list compute_list = tmp_compute_list storage_list = tmp_storage_list pool_size = len(controller_list) + len(compute_list) + len(storage_list) if options.file_list is not None and options.parse_all is True: print("You cannot use the -a option with the -f option") sys.exit(0) if options.postgres_list is not None and options.file_list is not None: print("You cannot use the -p option with the -f option") sys.exit(0) if options.parse_all is True and options.node_list is not None: print("You cannot use the -a option with the -n option. Ex: -n controller-0") sys.exit(0) if options.file_list is not None and options.node_list is None: print("You must specify a node and a file. Ex: -n controller-0 -f postgres-conns.csv") sys.exit(0) working_dir = os.getcwd() pool = Pool(processes=pool_size) proc_list = [] print("Sending data to InfluxDB. Please tail /tmp/csv-to-influx.log") # create a process per node if len(controller_list) > 0: for i in range(len(controller_list)): path = os.path.join(working_dir, controller_list[i]) proc_list.append(pool.apply_async(processFiles, (path, controller_list[i], options, influx_info,))) if len(compute_list) > 0: for i in range(len(compute_list)): path = os.path.join(working_dir, compute_list[i]) proc_list.append(pool.apply_async(processFiles, (path, compute_list[i], options, influx_info,))) if len(storage_list) > 0: for i in range(len(storage_list)): path = os.path.join(working_dir, storage_list[i]) proc_list.append(pool.apply_async(processFiles, (path, storage_list[i], options, influx_info,))) pool.close() pool.join()