Create new directories: ceph config config-files filesystem kernel kernel/kernel-modules ldap logging strorage-drivers tools utilities virt Retire directories: connectivity core devtools support extended Delete two packages: tgt irqbalance Relocated packages: base/ dhcp initscripts libevent lighttpd linuxptp memcached net-snmp novnc ntp openssh pam procps sanlock shadow sudo systemd util-linux vim watchdog ceph/ python-cephclient config/ facter puppet-4.8.2 puppet-modules filesystem/ e2fsprogs nfs-utils nfscheck kernel/ kernel-std kernel-rt kernel/kernel-modules/ mlnx-ofa_kernel ldap/ nss-pam-ldapd openldap logging/ syslog-ng logrotate networking/ lldpd iproute mellanox python-ryu mlx4-config python/ python-2.7.5 python-django python-gunicorn python-setuptools python-smartpm python-voluptuous security/ shim-signed shim-unsigned tboot strorage-drivers/ python-3parclient python-lefthandclient virt/ cloud-init libvirt libvirt-python qemu tools/ storage-topology vm-topology utilities/ tis-extensions namespace-utils nova-utils update-motd Change-Id: I37ade764d873c701b35eac5881eb40412ba64a86 Story: 2002801 Task: 22687 Signed-off-by: Scott Little <scott.little@windriver.com>
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From 0e264e7ac2b311aa9b42b183660a07b7e4e36b11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jim Gauld <james.gauld@windriver.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2017 14:58:23 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 1/1] CGTS-7164: Add resource options cpu-mask to affine drbd
kernel threads
This adds "options { cpu-mask <cpumask>; }" section to DRBD resource
configuration if 'cpumask' hexstring is defined. This governs kernel
threads: drbd_w_<x>, drbd_r_<x>, drbd_a_<x>.
Related notes:
- if cpumask is not specified, the kernel threads drbd_w_<x>, drbd_r_<x>,
drbd_a_<x>, and drbd_as_<x> are affined to individual cores, each <x>
on a different core.
- the remainder of the kernel threads are governed by kernel boot
argument kthread_cpus=<cpulist>. i.e., drbd-reissue, drbd<x>_submit,
jbd2/drbd<x>-8, drbd_as_<x>.
- the drbd_a_<x> and drbd_as_<x> show up when DRBD is duplex.
- the drbd_a_<x> threads have SCHED_RR scheduling policy.
manifests/resource.pp | 3 +++
templates/header.res.erb | 6 ++++++
2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
diff --git a/manifests/resource.pp b/manifests/resource.pp
index d19ad8b..17e6142 100644
--- a/manifests/resource.pp
+++ b/manifests/resource.pp
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
# [link_speed] replication link network speed mbps
# [num_parallel] number of parallel drbd filesystems to sync
# [rtt_ms] round-trip-time milliseconds (i.e., ping between replication nodes)
+# [cpumask] cpu-affinity-mask for DRBD kernel threads (hexidecimal notation).
+# 0 means spread over all CPUs of the machine.
define drbd::resource (
$host1 = undef,
$host2 = undef,
@@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ define drbd::resource (
$num_parallel = false,
$rtt_ms = false,
$resync_after = undef,
+ $cpumask = false,
$net_parameters = false,
$manage = true,
$ha_primary = false,
diff --git a/templates/header.res.erb b/templates/header.res.erb
index be53761..df52544 100644
--- a/templates/header.res.erb
+++ b/templates/header.res.erb
@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ resource <%= @name %> {
<% end -%>
+<% if @cpumask -%>
+ options {
+ cpu-mask <%= @cpumask %>;
+ }
+<% end -%>
net {
after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes;
after-sb-1pri discard-secondary;