This changes the input format of DRBD resource config option cpu-mask so it is correctly parsed in the kernel. The underlying bitmap_parse routine expects large hex values delimited every 8 characters with a comma. e.g., On large cpu systems, we would see the following kern.log : 2020-10-13T20:55:34.079 controller-0 kernel: warning [ 269.423462] drbd drbd-dockerdistribution: Overflow in bitmap_parse(300000003), truncating to 64 bits This resulted in drbd_w_* tasks affined to individual cores instead of platform cores. Change-Id: I59caaa293af0c905eddef00b7b03da921e4510b7 Closes-Bug: 1900174 Signed-off-by: Jim Gauld <james.gauld@windriver.com>
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From 65b4c4ca7da29d4d91f3d61c4dd1f59fb06aeada Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jim Gauld <james.gauld@windriver.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2020 17:09:20 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Format DRBD resource cpu-mask to support 64 or larger cpus
This changes the input format of DRBD resource config option
cpu-mask so it is correctly parsed in the kernel. The underlying
bitmap_parse routine expects large hex values delimited every 8
characters with a comma.
e.g., On large cpu systems, we would see the following kern.log :
2020-10-13T20:55:34.079 controller-0 kernel: warning [ 269.423462] drbd
drbd-dockerdistribution: Overflow in bitmap_parse(300000003), truncating
to 64 bits
This resulted in drbd_w_* tasks affined to individual cores instead of
platform cores.
Signed-off-by: Jim Gauld <james.gauld@windriver.com>
templates/header.res.erb | 6 +++++-
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/templates/header.res.erb b/templates/header.res.erb
index df52544..6ac837b 100644
--- a/templates/header.res.erb
+++ b/templates/header.res.erb
@@ -31,7 +31,11 @@ resource <%= @name %> {
<% if @cpumask -%>
options {
- cpu-mask <%= @cpumask %>;
+<%# To support 64 cpu systems or larger, need to format cpu-mask string
+with surrounding double quotes. Also must delimit the hex string in
+8 character groups starting from the right. This prevents DRBD kernel
+module bitmap_parse() routine from truncating input at 64 bits. -%>
+ cpu-mask "<%= @cpumask.reverse.scan(/.{1,8}/).join(',').reverse %>";
<% end -%>