Saul Wold e19a1474df linux-yocto: Add StarlingX specific patch for notification of death
This adds the StarlingX kernel patch which exposes a new userspace
prctl() call with the PR_DO_NOTIFY_TASK_STATE option. This allows
a process to ne notifies when another process exits thus allowing
it to restart the failed process faster.

Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <>
Signed-off-by: Babak Sarashki <>
2020-07-15 13:28:45 -07:00

14 lines
406 B

FILESEXTRAPATHS_append:= ":${THISDIR}/linux:"
SRC_URI_append_poky-stx = " file://stx-kconfig.cfg"
SRC_URI_append_anaconda = " file://stx-anaconda-kconfig.cfg"
SRC_URI_append = " file://Notification-of-Death-of-arbitrary-processes.patch"
features/xfs/xfs.scc \
features/iommu/iommu.scc \
features/vfio/vfio.scc \
cfg/debug/sched/debug-sched.scc \