Mtce: Fix bmc password fetch error handling

The mtcAgent process sometimes segfaults while trying to fetch
the bmc password from a failing barbican process.

With that issue fixed the mtcAgent sends the bmc access
credentials to the hardware monitor (hwmond) process which
then segfaults for a reason similar

In cases where the process does not segfault but also does not
get a bmc password, the mtcAgent will flood its log file.

This update

 1. Prevents the segfault case by properly managing acquired
    json-c object releases. There was one in the mtcAgent and
    another in the hardware monitor (hwmond).

    The json_object_put object release api should only be called
    against objects that were created with very specific apis.
    See new comments in the code.

 2. Avoids log flooding error case by performing a password size
    check rather than assume the password is valid following the
    secret payload receive stage.

 3. Simplifies the secret fsm and error and retry handling.

 4. Deletes useless creation and release of a few unused json
    objects in the common jsonUtil and hwmonJson modules.

Note: This update temporarily disables sensor and sensorgroup
      suppression support for the debian hardware monitor while
      a suppression type fix in sysinv is being investigated.

Test Plan:

PASS: Verify success path bmc password secret fetch
PASS: Verify secret reference get error handling
PASS: Verify secret password read error handling
PASS: Verify 24 hr provision/deprov success path soak
PASS: Verify 24 hr provision/deprov error path path soak
PASS: Verify no memory leak over success and failure path soaking
PASS: Verify failure handling stress soak ; reduced retry delay
PASS: Verify blocking secret fetch success and error handling
PASS: Verify non-blocking secret fetch success and error handling
PASS: Verify secret fetch is set non-blocking
PASS: Verify success and failure path logging
PASS: Verify all of jsonUtil module manages object release properly
PASS: Verify hardware monitor sensor model creation, monitoring,
             alarming and relearning. This test requires suppress
             disable in order to create sensor groups in debian.
PASS: Verify both ipmi and redfish and switch between them with
             just bm_type change.
PASS: Verify all above tests in CentOS
PASS: Verify over 4000 provision/deprovision cycles across both
             failure and success path handling with no process

Closes-Bug: 1975520
Signed-off-by: Eric MacDonald <>
Change-Id: Ibbfdaa1de662290f641d845d3261457904b218ff
This commit is contained in:
Eric MacDonald 2022-05-24 12:10:06 +00:00
parent 940b39b77e
commit aaf9d08028
10 changed files with 349 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -593,9 +593,16 @@ void httpUtil_handler ( struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg )
goto httpUtil_handler_done ;
/* Some handlers perform state transitions even in failure path.
* Allow the service handler to run during done stage if only
* for fault handling.
* Failing to allow a handler to detect its faults can be problematic.
if ( event_ptr->handler )
// ilog ("%s calling event specific handler\n", event_ptr->log_prefix.c_str() );
rc = event_ptr->handler ( (*event_ptr) ) ;
@ -604,10 +611,6 @@ void httpUtil_handler ( struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg )
rc = event_ptr->status = FAIL_NULL_POINTER ;
// hlog2 ("%s Base:%p:%p Event:%p\n", event_ptr->log_prefix.c_str(), event_ptr->base, arg, event_ptr );
keyValObject.del_key ((unsigned long)arg );
event_ptr->active = false ;

View File

@ -17,6 +17,49 @@
#include <json-c/json.h> /* for ... json-c json string parsing */
#include <sstream>
* The json-c shared library api allocates objects that it tracks by
* reference. Failure to help json-c manage its reference counts can
* lead to a process failure or memory leak.
* A process segmentation fault can occur if json_object_put is called
* with an invalid object or an object with 0 reference count.
* Failing to call json_object_put for json objects that increment
* the object's reference count will cause a memory leak.
* Calling json_object_put decrements the object's reference count.
* The following json api increments the allocated object's reference
* count requiring the caller to call json_object_put ( object )
* to decrement the reference count when a function is done with
* the object.
* json_object_new_object:
* This api creates a new empty object with a reference count 1.
* The caller of this object initially has sole ownership.
* json_tokener_parse:
* This function calls json_object_new_object behind the scenes,
* so you need to call json_object_put for the returned object.
* There is no need to adjust reference counts using json_object_put
* for these calls.
* json_object_object_get
* json_object_object_get_ex
* json_object_get_array
* json_object_to_json_string
* For more information refer to
* centos uses json-c .11
* debian uses json-c .15
using namespace std;
#ifdef __AREA__
@ -463,7 +506,6 @@ int jsonUtil_load_host ( char * json_str_ptr, node_inv_type & info )
/* init to null to avoid trap on early cleanup call with
* bad non-null default pointer value */
struct json_object *node_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
struct json_object *err_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
if (( json_str_ptr == NULL ) || ( *json_str_ptr == '\0' ) ||
( ! strncmp ( json_str_ptr, "(null)" , 6 )))
@ -548,7 +590,6 @@ int jsonUtil_load_host ( char * json_str_ptr, node_inv_type & info )
if (node_obj) json_object_put(node_obj);
if (err_obj) json_object_put(err_obj);
return (rc);
@ -563,7 +604,6 @@ int jsonUtil_load_host_state ( char * json_str_ptr, node_inv_type & info )
/* init to null to avoid trap on early cleanup call with
* bad non-null default pointer value */
struct json_object *node_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
struct json_object *err_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
if (( json_str_ptr == NULL ) || ( *json_str_ptr == '\0' ) ||
( ! strncmp ( json_str_ptr, "(null)" , 6 )))
@ -615,7 +655,6 @@ int jsonUtil_load_host_state ( char * json_str_ptr, node_inv_type & info )
if (node_obj) json_object_put(node_obj);
if (err_obj) json_object_put(err_obj);
return (rc);
@ -678,18 +717,18 @@ int jsonUtil_secret_load ( string & name,
elog ("%s Failed to find %s object array\n", name.c_str(), MTC_JSON_SECRET_LIST );
elog ("%s Failed to find %s object\n", name.c_str(), MTC_JSON_SECRET_LIST );
if (raw_obj) json_object_put(raw_obj );
if (secret_obj) json_object_put(secret_obj );
if (ref_obj) json_object_put(ref_obj );
return (rc);
@ -1063,7 +1102,6 @@ int jsonApi_array_value ( char * json_str_ptr,
struct json_object *raw_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
struct json_object *array_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
struct json_object *tuple_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
struct json_object *type_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
if ( strlen(json_str_ptr) < 3 )
@ -1130,7 +1168,6 @@ int jsonApi_array_value ( char * json_str_ptr,
if (raw_obj) json_object_put(raw_obj);
if (type_obj) json_object_put(type_obj);
return (rc);

View File

@ -38,6 +38,27 @@
#include "jsonUtil.h" /* for ... Json utilities */
#include "secretUtil.h" /* this .. module header */
* Name : secretUtil_manage_secret
* Description: This FSM serves to fetch a secret from barbican with error
* handling.
* The FSM uses a key value pair map list of type barbicanSecret_type
* defined in httpUtil.h
* typedef struct
* {
* mtc_secretStages_enum stage ;
* string reference;
* string payload ;
* } barbicanSecret_type;
* The fsm declares a c++ map of this type which serves as
* a key:value pair list keyed by host uuid string using the
* secretUtil_find_secret utility. */
std::map<string, barbicanSecret_type> secretList;
barbicanSecret_type * secretUtil_find_secret ( string & host_uuid )
@ -51,6 +72,46 @@ barbicanSecret_type * secretUtil_find_secret ( string & host_uuid )
return NULL;
/* The FSM uses mtc_secretStages_enum also defined in httpUtil.h
* MTC_SECRET__START ....... issue request to barbican for the list of
* secrets for this host_uuid.
* MTC_SECRET__GET_REF ..... wait for barbican's response with the
* reference uuid
* The secret_handler will store the secret reference uuid and change
* request fails or there are no secrets available.
* MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD ..... issue a secret read request using the
* secret reference uuid
* MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_REC . wait for barbican's response with the
* secret string and extract it once recv'ed
* The secret_handler will store the secret payload and change state
* request to provide a secret payload failed or was empty.
* The secretUtil_get_secret and secretUtil_read_secret http requests
* are non-blocking.
* Parameters:
* event .......... reference to an http libevent event
* hostname ........ the host's name
* host_uuid ....... the host's uuid
* secret_timer .... a maintenance timer for request timeout detection
* secret_handler .. pointer
* Updates : secretList host_uuid key value is updated with reference
* and payload ; the secret.
* Returns : execution status
barbicanSecret_type * secretUtil_manage_secret ( libEvent & event,
string & hostname,
string & host_uuid,
@ -64,100 +125,150 @@ barbicanSecret_type * secretUtil_manage_secret ( libEvent & event,
barbicanSecret_type secret;
secret.stage = MTC_SECRET__START;
it = secretList.insert( std::pair<string, barbicanSecret_type>( host_uuid, secret ) ).first;
if ( it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__START )
if ( == true )
if (( it->second.stage != MTC_SECRET__GET_REF ) &&
( it->second.stage != MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD ))
slog ("%s event is active while in the wrong stage (%d)", hostname.c_str(), it->second.stage ); = false ; /* correct the error */
return & it->second ;
if ( it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__START ||
it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL )
switch ( it->second.stage )
if ( mtcTimer_expired ( secret_timer ) )
rc = secretUtil_get_secret ( event, hostname, host_uuid );
if (rc)
if ( mtcTimer_expired ( secret_timer ) )
wlog ( "%s getting secret reference failed \n", host_uuid.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL;
mtcTimer_start( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_RETRY_DELAY );
ilog ("%s query bmc password", hostname.c_str());
rc = secretUtil_get_secret ( event, hostname, host_uuid );
if (rc)
elog ("%s get secret request failed (%d)", hostname.c_str(), rc );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL;
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF;
mtcTimer_start ( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_REPLY_DELAY );
break ;
if ( mtcTimer_expired ( secret_timer ) == false )
if ( == true )
/* Look for the response */
if ( event.base )
dlog ( "%s calling event_base_loop \n", hostname.c_str() );
event_base_loop ( event.base, EVLOOP_NONBLOCK );
/* should not get here. event active while base is null
* try and recover from this error case. */
slog ("%s active with null base", hostname.c_str()); = false ;
mtcTimer_start( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_REPLY_DELAY );
elog ( "%s timeout waiting for secret reference \n", hostname.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL ;
break ;
else if ( event.base )
if ( mtcTimer_expired ( secret_timer ) == false )
if ( == true )
/* Look for the response */
if ( event.base )
dlog ( "%s calling event_base_loop \n", hostname.c_str() );
event_base_loop( event.base, EVLOOP_NONBLOCK );
/* should not get here. event active while base is null
* try and recover from this error case. */
slog ("%s active with null base", hostname.c_str() ); = false ;
elog ( "%s timeout waiting for secret payload \n", hostname.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_FAIL ;
break ;
mtcTimer_reset( secret_timer );
httpUtil_free_conn ( event );
httpUtil_free_base ( event );
else if ( it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_RECV ||
it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_FAIL )
if ( mtcTimer_expired ( secret_timer ) )
rc = secretUtil_read_secret ( event, hostname, host_uuid );
if (rc)
wlog ( "%s getting secret payload failed \n", host_uuid.c_str() );
wlog ( "%s call to secretUtil_read_secret failed \n", hostname.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_FAIL;
mtcTimer_start( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_RETRY_DELAY );
mtcTimer_start( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_REPLY_DELAY );
dlog ("%s waiting on secret password ; timeout in %d secs\n", hostname.c_str(), SECRET_REPLY_DELAY);
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD ;
mtcTimer_start ( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_REPLY_DELAY );
break ;
else if ( event.base )
httpUtil_free_conn ( event );
httpUtil_free_base ( event );
else if ( it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_REF ||
it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD )
if ( == true )
/* Look for the response */
if ( event.base )
if ( it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL )
event_base_loop( event.base, EVLOOP_NONBLOCK );
wlog ( "%s failed to get secret reference \n", hostname.c_str() );
/* should not get here. event active while base is null
* try and recover from this error case. */ = false ;
wlog ( "%s failed to get secret payload \n", hostname.c_str() );
else if ( event.base )
if ( it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_REF )
wlog ( "%s getting secret reference timeout \n", host_uuid.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL ;
mtcTimer_reset( secret_timer );
mtcTimer_start( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_RETRY_DELAY );
if ( it->second.stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD )
wlog ( "%s getting secret payload timeout \n", host_uuid.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_FAIL ;
mtcTimer_reset( secret_timer );
mtcTimer_start( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_RETRY_DELAY );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__START ;
mtcTimer_reset ( secret_timer );
mtcTimer_start ( secret_timer, handler, SECRET_RETRY_DELAY );
httpUtil_free_conn ( event );
httpUtil_free_base ( event );
break ;
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__START ;
} // switch
return & it->second ;
@ -174,6 +285,7 @@ int secretUtil_get_secret ( libEvent & event,
string & hostname,
string & host_uuid )
dlog ("%s get secret", hostname.c_str());
httpUtil_event_init ( &event,
@ -230,6 +342,7 @@ int secretUtil_read_secret ( libEvent & event,
string & hostname,
string & host_uuid )
dlog ("%s read secret", hostname.c_str());
httpUtil_event_init ( &event,
@ -292,48 +405,53 @@ int secretUtil_handler ( libEvent & event )
jsonUtil_secret_type json_info ;
string hn = event.hostname ;
int rc = event.status ;
/* handler called */ = false ;
std::map<string, barbicanSecret_type>::iterator it;
it = secretList.find( event.uuid );
if ( it == secretList.end() )
elog ("%s failed to find secret record\n", hn.c_str());
return ( rc ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( event.request == BARBICAN_GET_SECRET )
if ( event.status )
elog ("%s failed to get secret - error code (%d) \n", hn.c_str(), event.status );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL;
return ( rc ) ;
elog ("%s failed to get secret ; %d\n", hn.c_str(), event.status) ;
return 0 ;
rc = jsonUtil_secret_load ( event.uuid,
int rc = jsonUtil_secret_load ( event.uuid,
json_info );
if ( rc != PASS )
elog ( "%s failed to parse secret response (%s)\n",
event.response.c_str() );
event.status = FAIL_JSON_PARSE ;
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL;
elog ("%s failed to parse secret response : %s (%d:%d)\n",
rc, event.status );
size_t pos = json_info.secret_ref.find_last_of( '/' );
it->second.reference = json_info.secret_ref.substr( pos+1 );
if ( it->second.reference.empty() )
wlog ("%s no barbican secret reference found \n", hn.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_RECV;
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL;
elog ("%s no barbican secret reference found : %s (%d)\n",
dlog ("%s barbican secret reference found \n", hn.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_RECV;
dlog ("%s barbican secret reference found\n", hn.c_str() ) ;
@ -341,22 +459,38 @@ int secretUtil_handler ( libEvent & event )
if ( event.status == HTTP_NOTFOUND )
wlog ("%s no barbican secret payload found \n", hn.c_str() );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_FAIL;
elog ("%s no barbican secret payload found : %s (rc:%d:%d)\n",
event.status, FAIL_NOT_FOUND );
else if ( event.status != PASS )
elog ("%s failed to read secret - error code (%d) \n", hn.c_str(), event.status );
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_REF_FAIL;
return ( rc ) ;
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_FAIL;
elog ("%s failed to read secret : %s (rc:%d)\n",
event.status );
else if ( event.response.empty() )
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_FAIL;
wlog ("%s secret payload is empty (rc:%d)\n",
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_RECV;
it->second.payload = event.response;
dlog ("%s secret payload : %s\n", hn.c_str(), event.response.c_str() );
dlog ("%s barbican secret payload found \n", hn.c_str() );
it->second.payload = event.response;
it->second.stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_RECV;
elog ("%s unsupported secret request (%d)\n", hn.c_str(), event.request );
slog ("%s unsupported secret request (rc:%d)\n", hn.c_str(), FAIL_BAD_CASE );
return ( rc ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;

View File

@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ using namespace std;
#define MTC_SECRET_PAYLOAD "payload" /**< barbican secret payload label */
barbicanSecret_type * secretUtil_find_secret ( string & host_uuid );
barbicanSecret_type * secretUtil_manage_secret ( libEvent & event,

View File

@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ void daemon_healthcheck ( const char * sig );
void daemon_health_test ( void );
bool daemon_is_file_present ( const char * filename );
bool daemon_is_os_debian ( void );
int daemon_get_rmem_max ( void );
typedef struct

View File

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ extern char *program_invocation_short_name;
static char pid_filename [MAX_FILENAME_LEN] ;
static char hc_filename [MAX_FILENAME_LEN] ;
#define BUFFER 1024
void daemon_files_fini ( void )
@ -64,6 +66,50 @@ void daemon_health_test ( void )
daemon_healthcheck (&file_str[0]);
bool daemon_is_os_debian ( void )
#define OS_RELEASE_FILE ((const char *)("/etc/os-release"))
char buffer [BUFFER];
char line [BUFFER];
memset ( line, 0, BUFFER );
FILE * file_stream = fopen ( OS_RELEASE_FILE, "r" );
if ( file_stream != NULL )
int rc ;
while ( fgets (buffer, BUFFER, file_stream) != NULL )
rc = sscanf ( &buffer[0], "ID=%1023s", &line[0] );
if ( rc == 1 )
string os = line ;
if ( !"debian") )
dlog("%s:%s", OS_RELEASE_FILE, os.c_str());
/* Close the file stream */
return ( true ) ;
dlog1 ("%s:%s", OS_RELEASE_FILE, &line[0]);
/* Close the file stream */
elog ("failed to open %s", OS_RELEASE_FILE);
return ( false );
bool daemon_is_file_present ( const char * filename )
struct stat p ;
@ -102,7 +148,6 @@ void daemon_healthcheck ( const char * sig )
#define BUFFER 1024
int daemon_log_value ( const char * filename , const char * str, int val )

View File

@ -1232,11 +1232,11 @@ int hwmonHostClass::bmc_sensor_monitor ( struct hwmonHostClass::hwmon_host * hos
/* NOTE: This parsing method is not leaking memory ; verified ! */
json_bool status ;
struct json_object * req_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL) ;
struct json_object * raw_obj = json_tokener_parse( host_ptr-> );
if ( raw_obj )
struct json_object * req_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL) ;
status = json_object_object_get_ex ( raw_obj, BMC_JSON__SENSOR_DATA_MESSAGE_HEADER, &req_obj );
if (( status == true ) && req_obj )
@ -1286,7 +1286,6 @@ int hwmonHostClass::bmc_sensor_monitor ( struct hwmonHostClass::hwmon_host * hos
if (raw_obj) json_object_put(raw_obj);
if (req_obj) json_object_put(req_obj);
if ( host_ptr->bmc_thread_info.status )

View File

@ -1660,11 +1660,14 @@ int hwmonHttp_add_sensor ( string & hostname,
event.payload.append ("\",\"audit_interval\":") ;
event.payload.append ("0");
event.payload.append (",\"suppress\":\"") ;
if ( sensor.suppress == true )
event.payload.append ("True\"");
event.payload.append ("False\"");
if ( daemon_is_os_debian () == false )
event.payload.append (",\"suppress\":\"") ;
if ( sensor.suppress == true )
event.payload.append ("True\"");
event.payload.append ("False\"");
event.payload.append ("}");
@ -1843,11 +1846,14 @@ int hwmonHttp_add_group ( string & hostname,
event.payload.append ("\",\"audit_interval_group\":") ;
event.payload.append (itos(sensor_group.group_interval));
event.payload.append (",\"suppress\":\"") ;
if ( sensor_group.suppress == true )
event.payload.append ("True\"");
event.payload.append ("False\"");
if ( daemon_is_os_debian () == false )
event.payload.append (",\"suppress\":\"") ;
if ( sensor_group.suppress == true )
event.payload.append ("True\"");
event.payload.append ("False\"");
event.payload.append ("}");

View File

@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ int hwmonJson_load_inv ( char * json_str_ptr, node_inv_type & info )
/* init to null to avoid trap on early cleanup call with
* bad non-null default pointer value */
struct json_object *node_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
struct json_object *err_obj = (struct json_object *)(NULL);
if (( json_str_ptr == NULL ) || ( *json_str_ptr == '\0' ) ||
( ! strncmp ( json_str_ptr, "(null)" , 6 )))
@ -99,7 +98,6 @@ int hwmonJson_load_inv ( char * json_str_ptr, node_inv_type & info )
if (node_obj) json_object_put(node_obj);
if (err_obj) json_object_put(err_obj);
return (rc);

View File

@ -6508,9 +6508,19 @@ int nodeLinkClass::bmc_handler ( struct nodeLinkClass::node * node_ptr )
mtcTimer_handler );
if ( secret->stage == MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_RECV )
node_ptr->bm_pw = secret->payload ;
ilog ("%s bmc credentials received",
httpUtil_free_conn ( node_ptr->secretEvent );
httpUtil_free_base ( node_ptr->secretEvent );
if ( secret->payload.empty() )
wlog ("%s failed to acquire bmc password", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
secret->stage = MTC_SECRET__GET_PWD_FAIL ;
node_ptr->bm_pw = secret->payload ;
ilog ("%s bmc password received", node_ptr->hostname.c_str());
secret->stage = MTC_SECRET__START ;