/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ /** * @file * Wind River CGCS Platform Resource Monitor Messaging API * This class implements a server that accepts client processes * registering and deregistering for rmon notifications. This class * also implements a send function to send alarm messages and clear * messages to the clients registered for a particular resource. */ #include /* for config dir reading */ #include /* for the list of conf file names */ #include #include #include #include #include "rmon.h" #include "rmonApi/rmon_nodeMacro.h" /** * Messaging Socket Control Struct - The allocated struct */ static rmon_socket_type rmon_sock; rmon_socket_type * rmon_getSock_ptr ( void ) { return ( &rmon_sock ); } msgSock_type * get_mtclogd_sockPtr ( void ) { return (&rmon_sock.mtclogd); } /****************************/ /* Initialization Utilities */ /****************************/ /* Init the messaging socket control structure * The following messaging interfaces use this structure and * are initialized separately * */ void rmon_msg_init ( void ) { memset(&rmon_sock, 0, sizeof(rmon_sock)); } void rmon_msg_fini ( void ) { if ( rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock ) { close (rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock); } if ( rmon_sock.rmon_rx_sock ) { close (rmon_sock.rmon_rx_sock); } if ( rmon_sock.netlink_sock ) { close (rmon_sock.netlink_sock); } if ( rmon_sock.ioctl_sock ) { close (rmon_sock.ioctl_sock); } } /*Initialize the default rmon tx socket from the socket provided in: /etc/rmond.conf */ int rmon_port_init ( int tx_port ) { int val = 1 ; int rc = FAIL ; if ( tx_port ) { rmon_sock.rmon_tx_port = tx_port ; rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if ( 0 >= rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock ) return (-errno); if ( setsockopt ( rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock , SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &val, sizeof(int)) == -1 ) { wlog ( "rmon: failed to set rmon api tx socket as re-useable (%d:%m)\n", errno ); } /* Set socket to be non-blocking. */ rc = ioctl(rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock, FIONBIO, (char *)&val); if ( 0 > rc ) { elog ("Failed to set rmon tx socket non-blocking\n"); } /* Setup with localhost ip */ memset(&rmon_sock.rmon_tx_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); rmon_sock.rmon_tx_addr.sin_family = AF_INET ; // rmon_sock.rmon_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); rmon_sock.rmon_tx_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); rmon_sock.rmon_tx_addr.sin_port = htons(rmon_sock.rmon_tx_port) ; /* bind socket to the receive addr */ if ( bind ( rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock, (const struct sockaddr *)&rmon_sock.rmon_tx_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1 ) { elog ( "failed to bind to 'tx' socket with port %d (%d:%m)\n", tx_port, errno ); close (rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock); rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock = 0 ; return (-errno); } } else { elog ("No tx port specified\n"); } return (rc) ; } /* Open a socket for a new client process */ int open_resource_socket ( char str[RMON_MAX_LEN], char registered_not[RMON_MAX_LEN], int port ) { int rc = FAIL ; int on = 1; registered_clients clt; memset((char*)&clt, 0, sizeof(clt)); strcpy(clt.registered_not, registered_not); clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_port = port - 1 ; clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if ( 0 >= clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_sock ) { elog ("failed to open 'rx' socket (%d:%m)", errno ); return (-errno); } if ( setsockopt ( clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(int)) == -1 ) { wlog ( "rmon: failed to set rmon api rx socket as re-useable (%d:%m)\n", errno); } /* Set socket to be non-blocking. */ rc = ioctl(clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_sock, FIONBIO, (char *)&on); if ( 0 > rc ) { elog ("Failed to set rmon rx socket non-blocking\n"); } /* Setup with localhost ip */ memset(&clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_addr.sin_family = AF_INET ; // rmon_sock.rmon_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_addr.sin_port = htons(clt.rx_sock.rmon_rx_port) ; clt.port = port; strcpy(clt.client_name, str); /* Prop the port numnber into the message struct */ if ( clt.port ) { clt.msg.tx_port = clt.port ; } if ( clt.msg.tx_port ) { /* if the sock is already open then close it first */ if ( clt.msg.tx_sock ) { wlog ("%s open on already open socket %d, closing first\n", clt.client_name, clt.msg.tx_sock ); close (clt.msg.tx_sock); } clt.msg.tx_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if ( 0 >= clt.msg.tx_sock ) { elog ("failed to open 'tx' socket (%d:%m)", errno ); return (-errno); } /* Setup with localhost ip */ memset(&clt.msg.tx_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); clt.msg.tx_addr.sin_family = AF_INET ; clt.msg.tx_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(LOOPBACK_IP); clt.msg.tx_addr.sin_port = htons(clt.msg.tx_port) ; /* Make the resource monitor client api socket non-blocking */ rc = ioctl(clt.msg.tx_sock , FIONBIO, (char *)&on); if ( 0 > rc ) { elog("Failed to set rmon socket non-blocking\n"); } add_registered_client(clt); rc = PASS ; } else { elog ("%s has no port specified\n", clt.client_name ); } return (rc) ; } /* close the client process socket */ void close_resource_socket ( registered_clients * ptr ) { if ( ptr->msg.tx_sock ) { close ( ptr->msg.tx_sock ); } } /* remove a client from the list of registered clients */ int delete_client ( int clients, int index ) { /* close the client socket first */ close_resource_socket( get_registered_clients_ptr(index)); if (index == (clients -1 )) { registered_clients *tmp_ptr = get_registered_clients_ptr(index); memset(tmp_ptr, 0 , sizeof(*tmp_ptr)); } else { for (int j = index; j < (clients - 1); j++) { registered_clients * clt = get_registered_clients_ptr(j); registered_clients * cltTwo = get_registered_clients_ptr(j+1); *clt = *cltTwo; cltTwo = clt; } } clients--; ilog("deleted registered client, %d clients left \n",clients); return clients; } void send_response( char message[RMON_MAX_LEN], registered_clients * clt ) { int rc; /* send a message to the rmon api to tell it the client is registered or deregistered */ rc = sendto ( clt->rx_sock.rmon_rx_sock, &message , strlen ( message ), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &clt->rx_sock.rmon_rx_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if ( 0 >= rc ) { elog ("sendto error (%d:%s)\n", errno , strerror(errno)); } } /* Send the outstanding registration and deregistration messages to rmon */ void rmon_alive_notification (int & clients) { FILE * pFile; char * line = NULL; size_t len = RMON_MAX_LEN; ssize_t read; vector active_clients; vector dereg_clients; char buf[RMON_MAX_LEN]; active_clients.clear(); dereg_clients.clear(); /* service deregister requests in queue */ pFile = fopen (RMON_API_DEREG_DIR , "r"); if (pFile != NULL) { // take out a reader lock on this file incase another // entity is exclusively writing to it at this time flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_SH); while ((read = getline(&line, &len, pFile)) != -1) { clients = rmon_service_file_inbox(clients, line, false ); string str(line, find(line, line + len, '\0')); /* add the deregistered clients to the list to avoid relaunching them */ dereg_clients.push_back(str); } // release shared lock flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_UN); fclose(pFile); } /* In the case that rmon restarts or rmon_alive_notifaction() * is called periodically, and the clients have not re-registered, * then attempt registration from active.txt, ONLY for clients * that are not already in the registered_client framework */ pFile = fopen (RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR , "r"); if (pFile != NULL) { // take out a reader lock on this file incase another // entity is exclusively writing to it at this time flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_SH); ifstream fin( RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR ); string readLine; while (getline(fin, readLine)) { if ((dereg_clients.empty()) || (find(dereg_clients.begin(), dereg_clients.end(), readLine) == dereg_clients.end())) { /* only add a previously active client if it has not de-registered */ active_clients.push_back(readLine); } } // release shared lock flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_UN); fclose(pFile); } // remove(RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR); for (unsigned int i=0; i active_clients; vector new_active_clients; char lineBuf[NOT_SIZE]; active_clients.clear(); new_active_clients.clear(); pFile = fopen (RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR , "r"); if (pFile != NULL) { // take out a reader lock which will block // if a writer has exclusive access to this // file. flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_SH); ifstream fin( RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR ); string readLine; while (getline(fin, readLine)) { active_clients.push_back(readLine); } // release shared lock flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_UN); fclose(pFile); } for (unsigned int i=0; iclient_name, str) == 0 ) { found = true; if (strcmp(CLR_CLIENT, registered_not) == 0) { /* the client process wants to deregister, delete it and close it's socket */ remove_active_client(clt->client_name); total_clients = delete_client(clients, j); break; } break; } } /* only add a client process if it is not already added */ if (!found) { ilog("registering client \n"); if ( str[0] != '\0' ) { rc = open_resource_socket(str, registered_not, port); if (rc == FAIL) { wlog("resource client port open failed \n"); } else if (rc==PASS) { total_clients++; if ( add == true ) { /* Add the client to the active clients file */ pFile = fopen (RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR , "a+"); if (pFile) { // take out a writer lock on this file to // ensure that no other entity is writing to it // at this time int lock = flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_EX); if (lock < 0) { elog("Failed to get an exclusive on" " '%s' (errno: %d)", RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR, errno); } else { ilog ("adding %s to %s\n", active_buf, RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR ); fprintf(pFile, "%s\n", active_buf); // release the lock flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_UN); } fclose(pFile); } else { elog("Failed to open file %s", RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR); } } else { dlog ("avoid adding duplicate entry\n"); } } } else { wlog ("Null string !\n"); } } return total_clients; } /* Service client registration and deregistration requests from select */ int rmon_service_inbox ( int clients ) { #define MAX_T (3) int count = 0 ; int bytes = 0 ; char buf[RMON_MAX_LEN] ; char active_buf[RMON_MAX_LEN] ; socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ; int rc; unsigned int port = 0 ; bool found = false; int total_clients = clients; char str[RMON_MAX_LEN] ; char registered_not[RMON_MAX_LEN]; FILE * pFile; memset ( buf,0,RMON_MAX_LEN); memset ( str,0,RMON_MAX_LEN); bytes = recvfrom( rmon_sock.rmon_tx_sock, buf, RMON_MAX_LEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&rmon_sock.rmon_tx_addr, &len); if ( bytes > 0 ) { sscanf ( buf, "%99s %99s %u", str, registered_not, &port ); //RMON_MAX_LEN is defined as 100 strcpy( active_buf, buf ); if ( strcmp(str, RMON_RESOURCE_NOT) != 0 ) { for (int j=0; jclient_name, str) == 0 ) { found = true; memset ( buf,0,RMON_MAX_LEN ); strcpy( buf, "client_already_registered"); send_response(buf, clt); if (strcmp(CLR_CLIENT, registered_not) == 0) { /* the client process wants to deregister, delete it and close it's socket */ total_clients = delete_client(clients, j); memset ( buf,0,RMON_MAX_LEN); strcpy( buf, "deregistered_client"); send_response(buf, clt); break; } break; } } /* only add a client process if it is not already added */ if (!found) { ilog("registering client \n"); if ( str[0] != '\0' ) { rc = open_resource_socket(str, registered_not, port); if (rc == FAIL) { dlog("resource client port open failed \n"); } else if (rc==PASS) { memset ( buf,0,RMON_MAX_LEN ); strcpy( buf, "registered_client"); registered_clients * clt = get_registered_clients_ptr(clients); send_response(buf, clt); total_clients++; /* Add the client to the active clients file */ pFile = fopen (RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR , "a+"); if (pFile) { // take out a writer lock on this file to // ensure that no other entity is writing to it // at this time int lock = flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_EX); if (lock < 0) { elog("Failed to get an exclusive on" " '%s' (errno: %d)", RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR, errno); } else { fprintf(pFile, "%s\n", active_buf); // release the lock flock(fileno(pFile), LOCK_UN); } fclose(pFile); } else { elog("Failed to open file %s", RMON_API_ACTIVE_DIR); } } } else { wlog ("Null string !\n"); } } } else if ( strcmp(str, RMON_RESOURCE_NOT) == 0 ) { /* read the dynamic file systems file and send a response back */ process_dynamic_fs_file(); } } else if (( 0 > bytes ) && ( errno != EINTR ) && ( errno != EAGAIN )) { wlog_throttled ( count , MAX_T, "receive error (%d:%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } return total_clients; } /* send resource response */ int rmon_resource_response ( int clients ) { int rc = FAIL ; for (int j=0; jwaiting = true; if(( strcmp(clt->registered_not, RMON_RESOURCE_NOT) == 0)) { /* only send to clients that are registered for the rmon api updates */ clt->rx_sequence = 0 ; memset ( clt->msg.tx_buf, 0, RMON_MAX_LEN ); strcpy( clt->msg.tx_buf, "done_reading_dynamic_file_systems") ; dlog("sending: %s on socket: %d bytes: %lu \n", clt->msg.tx_buf, clt->msg.tx_sock, strlen(clt->msg.tx_buf)); rc = sendto (clt->msg.tx_sock, clt->msg.tx_buf , strlen ( clt->msg.tx_buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &clt->msg.tx_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if ( rc < 0 ) { elog ("%s sendto error (%d:%s) (%s) (%s)\n", clt->client_name, errno , strerror(errno), clt->msg.tx_buf, inet_ntoa(clt->msg.tx_addr.sin_addr)); clt->send_err_cnt++ ; } else { mlog ("%s\n", &clt->msg.tx_buf[0] ); clt->waiting = false; clt->send_err_cnt = 0; clt->send_msg_count++ ; rc = PASS ; } /* * In certain rare instances, the UDP response packet * sent back to the rmon client (over localhost), may * be lost, resulting in the rmon client waiting indefinately * (or until timeout). As a fail-safe, we will also set an * the acknowledgement flag file that the client can * look at on timeout */ daemon_log(RESPONSE_RMON_RESOURCE_NOT, ""); } } return (rc); } /* send rmon resource set and clear alarm messages to registered client processes */ int rmon_send_request ( resource_config_type * ptr, int clients) { dlog("%s, number of clients: %d\n", ptr->resource, clients); int rc = FAIL ; int total_clients = clients; for (int j=0; jwaiting = true; dlog("registered notification client: %s\n", clt->registered_not); if(( strcmp(clt->registered_not, ptr->resource) == 0) || ( strcmp(clt->registered_not, ALL_USAGE) == 0)) { /* only send to clients that are registered for the resource type in question */ clt->rx_sequence = 0 ; memset ( clt->msg.tx_buf, 0, RMON_MAX_LEN ); sprintf ( clt->msg.tx_buf, "%s %u", ptr->errorMsg, ++clt->tx_sequence ) ; mlog( "%s sending: %s on socket: %d bytes: %lu\n", ptr->resource, clt->msg.tx_buf, clt->msg.tx_sock, strlen(clt->msg.tx_buf)); rc = sendto (clt->msg.tx_sock, clt->msg.tx_buf , strlen ( clt->msg.tx_buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &clt->msg.tx_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if ( rc < 0 ) { elog ("%s %s sendto error (%d:%s) rc: (%d) (%s) (%s)\n", ptr->resource, clt->client_name, errno , strerror(errno), rc, clt->msg.tx_buf, inet_ntoa(clt->msg.tx_addr.sin_addr)); clt->send_err_cnt++ ; if (clt->send_err_cnt >= MAX_ERR_CNT) { /* assume the client process is killed, deregister the client */ ilog("%s client process: %s is not responding, deregistering it \n", ptr->resource, clt->client_name); total_clients = delete_client(clients, j); update_total_clients(total_clients); } } else { mlog ("%s %s\n", ptr->resource, &clt->msg.tx_buf[0] ); clt->waiting = false; clt->send_err_cnt = 0; clt->send_msg_count++ ; rc = PASS ; } } } return (rc); } /* send rmon interface resource set and clear alarm messages to registered client processes */ int send_interface_msg ( interface_resource_config_type * ptr, int clients) { int rc = FAIL ; int total_clients = clients; for (int j=0; jwaiting = true; if(( strcmp(clt->registered_not, ptr->resource) == 0) || ( strcmp(clt->registered_not, ALL_USAGE) == 0)) { /* only send to clients that are registered for the resource type in question */ clt->rx_sequence = 0 ; memset ( clt->msg.tx_buf, 0, RMON_MAX_LEN ); sprintf ( clt->msg.tx_buf, "%s %u", ptr->errorMsg, ++clt->tx_sequence ) ; mlog("sending: %s on socket: %d bytes: %lu\n", clt->msg.tx_buf, clt->msg.tx_sock, strlen(clt->msg.tx_buf)); rc = sendto (clt->msg.tx_sock, clt->msg.tx_buf , strlen ( clt->msg.tx_buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &clt->msg.tx_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if ( 0 >= rc ) { elog ("%s sendto error (%d:%s) (%s) (%s)\n", clt->client_name, errno , strerror(errno), clt->msg.tx_buf, inet_ntoa(clt->msg.tx_addr.sin_addr)); clt->send_err_cnt++ ; if (clt->send_err_cnt >= MAX_ERR_CNT) { /* assume the client process is killed, deregister the client */ ilog("client process: %s is not responding, deregistering it \n", clt->client_name); total_clients = delete_client(clients, j); update_total_clients(total_clients); } } else { mlog ("%s\n", &clt->msg.tx_buf[0] ); clt->waiting = false; clt->send_err_cnt = 0; clt->send_msg_count++ ; rc = PASS ; } } } return (rc); }