/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ /** * @file * Wind River CGTS Platform Node Maintenance - Threading implementation" * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define gettid() syscall(SYS_gettid) using namespace std; #include "daemon_common.h" #include "nodeBase.h" #include "hostUtil.h" /* for ... hostUtil_mktmpfile */ #include "nodeUtil.h" #include "threadUtil.h" #include "ipmiUtil.h" /* for ... IPMITOOL_CMD_FILE_SUFFIX ... */ #include "mtcThreads.h" /* for ... IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__RESET ... */ void * mtcThread_ipmitool ( void * arg ) { thread_info_type * info_ptr ; thread_extra_info_type * extra_ptr ; /* Pointer Error Detection and Handling */ if ( !arg ) { slog ("*** ipmitool thread called with null arg pointer *** corruption\n"); return NULL ; } /* cast pointers from arg */ info_ptr = (thread_info_type*)arg ; extra_ptr = (thread_extra_info_type*)info_ptr->extra_info_ptr ; info_ptr->pw_file_fd = 0 ; /* Set cancellation option so that a delete operation can * kill this thread immediately */ pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL); pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL ); if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__DO_NOTHING_THREAD, info_ptr->hostname )) { info_ptr->progress++ ; info_ptr->runcount++ ; pthread_exit (&info_ptr->status ); return NULL ; } /* allow the parent to confirm thread id */ info_ptr->id = pthread_self() ; if ( extra_ptr != NULL ) { int rc = PASS ; string command = "" ; string response = "" ; switch ( info_ptr->command ) { /* control commands */ case IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__POWER_RESET: { command = IPMITOOL_POWER_RESET_CMD ; response = IPMITOOL_POWER_RESET_RESP ; break ; } case IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__POWER_ON: { command = IPMITOOL_POWER_ON_CMD ; response = IPMITOOL_POWER_ON_RESP ; break ; } case IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__POWER_OFF: { command = IPMITOOL_POWER_OFF_CMD ; response = IPMITOOL_POWER_OFF_RESP ; break ; } case IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__POWER_CYCLE: { command = IPMITOOL_POWER_CYCLE_CMD ; response = IPMITOOL_POWER_CYCLE_RESP ; break ; } case IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__BOOTDEV_PXE: { command = IPMITOOL_BOOTDEV_PXE_CMD ; response = IPMITOOL_BOOTDEV_PXE_RESP ; break ; } /* Status commands */ case IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__POWER_STATUS: { command = IPMITOOL_POWER_STATUS_CMD ; break ; } case IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__RESTART_CAUSE: { command = IPMITOOL_RESTART_CAUSE_CMD ; break ; } case IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__MC_INFO: { command = IPMITOOL_MC_INFO_CMD ; break ; } default: { rc = info_ptr->status = FAIL_BAD_CASE ; info_ptr->data = "unsupported command: " ; info_ptr->data.append(itos(info_ptr->command)); break ; } } if ( rc == PASS ) { bool bypass_ipmitool_request = false ; dlog_t ("%s '%s' command\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, command.c_str()); /* create the password file */ string password_tempfile = IPMITOOL_OUTPUT_DIR ; password_tempfile.append(".") ; password_tempfile.append(program_invocation_short_name); password_tempfile.append("-"); password_tempfile.append(info_ptr->hostname); password_tempfile.append("-"); info_ptr->pw_file_fd = hostUtil_mktmpfile (info_ptr->hostname, password_tempfile, info_ptr->password_file, extra_ptr->bm_pw ); if ( info_ptr->pw_file_fd <= 0 ) { info_ptr->status_string = "failed to get an open temporary password filedesc" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_FILE_CREATE ; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } if ( info_ptr->pw_file_fd > 0) close (info_ptr->pw_file_fd); info_ptr->pw_file_fd = 0 ; if ( info_ptr->password_file.empty() ) { info_ptr->status_string = "failed to get a temporary password filename" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_FILE_CREATE ; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } dlog_t ("%s password file: %s\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, info_ptr->password_file.c_str()); /* create the output filename */ string ipmitool_datafile = IPMITOOL_OUTPUT_DIR ; ipmitool_datafile.append(info_ptr->hostname); if ( info_ptr->command == IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__MC_INFO ) { ipmitool_datafile.append(IPMITOOL_MC_INFO_FILE_SUFFIX); } else if ( info_ptr->command == IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__RESTART_CAUSE ) { ipmitool_datafile.append(IPMITOOL_RESTART_CAUSE_FILE_SUFFIX); } else if ( info_ptr->command == IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__POWER_STATUS ) { ipmitool_datafile.append(IPMITOOL_POWER_STATUS_FILE_SUFFIX); } else { ipmitool_datafile.append(IPMITOOL_CMD_FILE_SUFFIX); } dlog_t ("%s datafile:%s\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str(), ipmitool_datafile.c_str()); /************** Create the ipmitool request **************/ string ipmitool_request = ipmiUtil_create_request ( command, extra_ptr->bm_ip, extra_ptr->bm_un, info_ptr->password_file, ipmitool_datafile ); if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__DIR ) == true ) { if (( command == IPMITOOL_MC_INFO_CMD ) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__MC_INFO ))) { bypass_ipmitool_request = true ; rc = PASS ; } else if (( command == IPMITOOL_POWER_STATUS_CMD ) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__POWER_STATUS ))) { bypass_ipmitool_request = true ; rc = PASS ; } else if (( command == IPMITOOL_RESTART_CAUSE_CMD ) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__RESTART_CAUSE ))) { bypass_ipmitool_request = true ; rc = PASS ; } else if ((( command == IPMITOOL_POWER_RESET_CMD ) || ( command == IPMITOOL_POWER_OFF_CMD ) || ( command == IPMITOOL_POWER_ON_CMD ) || ( command == IPMITOOL_POWER_CYCLE_CMD ) || ( command == IPMITOOL_BOOTDEV_PXE_CMD)) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__POWER_CMD ))) { slog("%s FIT Bypass power or bootdev command", info_ptr->hostname.c_str()); bypass_ipmitool_request = true ; rc = PASS ; } else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__AVOID_N_FAIL_IPMITOOL_REQUEST, info_ptr->hostname )) { slog ("%s FIT FIT_CODE__AVOID_N_FAIL_IPMITOOL_REQUEST\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str()); bypass_ipmitool_request = true ; rc = FAIL_FIT ; } else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__STRESS_THREAD, info_ptr->hostname )) { slog ("%s FIT FIT_CODE__STRESS_THREAD\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str()); bypass_ipmitool_request = true ; rc = PASS ; } } dlog_t ("%s %s", info_ptr->hostname.c_str(), ipmitool_request.c_str()); /* ERIC */ if ( ! bypass_ipmitool_request ) { daemon_remove_file ( ipmitool_datafile.data() ) ; nodeUtil_latency_log ( info_ptr->hostname, NODEUTIL_LATENCY_MON_START, 0 ); rc = system ( ipmitool_request.data()) ; if ( rc != PASS ) { wlog_t ("%s ipmitool system call failed (%d:%d:%m)\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str(), rc, errno ); } nodeUtil_latency_log ( info_ptr->hostname, "ipmitool system call", 1000 ); } #ifdef WANT_FIT_TESTING if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__THREAD_TIMEOUT, info_ptr->hostname ) ) { for ( ; ; ) { sleep (1) ; pthread_signal_handler ( info_ptr ); } } if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__THREAD_SEGFAULT, info_ptr->hostname ) ) { daemon_do_segfault(); } #endif /* clean-up */ if ( info_ptr->pw_file_fd > 0 ) close(info_ptr->pw_file_fd); info_ptr->pw_file_fd = 0 ; unlink(info_ptr->password_file.data()); daemon_remove_file ( info_ptr->password_file.data() ) ; info_ptr->password_file.clear(); if ( rc != PASS ) { info_ptr->status_string = "failed ipmitool command : " ; info_ptr->status_string.append(getIpmiCmd_str(info_ptr->command)); info_ptr->status = FAIL_SYSTEM_CALL ; if ( ipmitool_request.length () ) { string _temp = ipmitool_request ; size_t pos1 = _temp.find ("-f", 0) ; size_t pos2 = _temp.find (" > ", 0) ; if (( pos1 != std::string::npos ) && ( pos2 != std::string::npos )) { /* don't log the password filename */ wlog_t ("%s ... %s%s\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str(), _temp.substr(0,pos1).c_str(), _temp.substr(pos2).c_str()); } else { wlog_t ("%s ... %s\n", info_ptr->hostname.c_str(), ipmitool_request.c_str()); } } } else { bool ipmitool_datafile_present = false ; /* look for the output data file */ for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) { pthread_signal_handler ( info_ptr ); if ( daemon_is_file_present ( ipmitool_datafile.data() )) { ipmitool_datafile_present = true ; break ; } info_ptr->progress++ ; sleep (1); } if ( ipmitool_datafile_present ) { if ( info_ptr->command == IPMITOOL_THREAD_CMD__MC_INFO ) { /* tell the main process the name of the file containing the mc info data */ info_ptr->data = ipmitool_datafile ; info_ptr->status_string = "pass" ; info_ptr->status = PASS ; } else { info_ptr->data = daemon_read_file (ipmitool_datafile.data()) ; info_ptr->status_string = "pass" ; info_ptr->status = PASS ; } } else { info_ptr->status_string = "command did not produce output file ; timeout" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_FILE_ACCESS ; } } } } else { info_ptr->status_string = "null 'extra info' pointer" ; info_ptr->status = FAIL_NULL_POINTER ; goto ipmitool_thread_done ; } ipmitool_thread_done: if ( info_ptr->pw_file_fd > 0) close (info_ptr->pw_file_fd); info_ptr->pw_file_fd = 0 ; if ( ! info_ptr->password_file.empty() ) { unlink(info_ptr->password_file.data()); daemon_remove_file ( info_ptr->password_file.data() ) ; info_ptr->password_file.clear(); } pthread_signal_handler ( info_ptr ); if ( info_ptr->status ) { dlog_t ("%s exit with (rc:%d)\n", info_ptr->log_prefix, info_ptr->status); } info_ptr->progress++ ; info_ptr->runcount++ ; pthread_exit (&info_ptr->status ); return NULL ; }