#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation # # lib/metal # Functions to control the configuration and operation of metal # # To add a new maintenance service, the following functions should be # added/modified. # # install_maintenance Build and install maintenance services regardless # node personality. The services within this function # will be installed on each node. # # install_mtce_{personality} # Per personality build and install services on # specific node. A new kind of personality installation # function has to be added under 'install' of plugin.sh. # # configure_maintenance Add configuration for services, if a config file # template is needed, add it to devstack/files/ # AIO-SX supported only for current configuration. # # start_{service_name} The service start function, add to start_maintenance # if the service is running on each node, or to # start_mtce_{personality} if the service is running on one # node per personality. # Make sure the service is enabled in devstack when testing, # otherwise run_process will return immediately. # # stop_{service_name} Stop the service when unstack.sh is processed. Called by # stop_maintenance or stop_mtce_{personality}. # # cleanup_metal Remove the service files installed. _XTRACE_STX_METAL=$(set +o | grep xtrace) set -o xtrace # Defaults # -------- STX_METAL_DIR=${GITDIR[$STX_METAL_NAME]} # STX_INST_DIR should be a non-root-writable place to install build artifacts STX_INST_DIR=${STX_INST_DIR:-/usr/local} STX_BIN_DIR=$STX_INST_DIR/bin # Set up so we don't use sudo for installs when not necessary STX_SUDO="sudo" [[ -w $STX_INST_DIR ]] && STX_SUDO="env" SYSCONFDIR=/etc # Todo: # For the time being, we use the same interface for oam and management # network as a temporal solution. In the future, stx devstack common # module should create multiple inteface, then we need make changes here # accordingly. OAM_ETH_NAME=$(ip -f inet route | awk '/default/ {print $5}' | head -1) MGMT_ETH_NAME=$(ip -f inet route | awk '/default/ {print $5}' | head -1) SW_VERSION=18.10 OCF_ROOT=/usr/lib/ocf # Functions # --------- function build_mtce { pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce/src local major minor version x if [[ -z $1 || -z $2 ]]; then # get mtce version read x version <<< $(grep '^Version:' ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce/PKG-INFO) major=${version%%.*} minor=${version##*.} else major=$1 minor=$2 fi # build CPATH=$STX_INST_DIR/include LIBRARY_PATH=$STX_INST_DIR/lib make \ VER_MJR=${major} \ VER=${major}.${minor} \ CCFLAGS=' -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 -DBUILDINFO="\"$$(date)\""' \ EXTRALDFLAGS="-L$STX_INST_DIR"/lib64 \ build popd } function build_mtce_common { pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce-common/src # build CPATH=$STX_INST_DIR/include LIBRARY_PATH=$STX_INST_DIR/lib make \ CCFLAGS=' -g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 -DBUILDINFO="\"$$(date)\""' \ build popd } function build_inventory { pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/inventory/inventory python setup.py build popd } function build_inventory_client { pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/python-inventoryclient/inventoryclient python setup.py build popd } function install_metal { install_mtce_common # components could be seperately installed if # installation is well controlled in Makefile install_mtce if is_service_enabled mtce-compute; then install_mtce_compute fi if is_service_enabled mtce-control; then install_mtce_control fi if is_service_enabled mtce-storage; then install_mtce_storage fi if is_service_enabled inventory-api || is_service_enabled inventory-conductor || is_service_enabled inventory-agent; then install_inventory fi if is_service_enabled inventory-client; then install_inventory_client fi } function install_mtce_common { pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce-common/src local x version # get mtce-common version read x version <<< $(grep '^Version:' ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce-common/PKG-INFO) local major=${version%%.*} local minor=${version##*.} build_mtce_common local lib64_dir=${STX_INST_DIR}/lib64 local inc_dir=${STX_INST_DIR}/include local inc_dir_common=${STX_INST_DIR}/include/mtce-common local inc_dir_daemon=${STX_INST_DIR}/include/mtce-daemon local libdaecom_file=( \ "common/libcommon.a" \ "common/libthreadUtil.a" \ "common/libbmcUtils.a" \ "common/libpingUtil.a" \ "common/libnodeBase.a" \ "common/libregexUtil.a" \ "common/libhostUtil.a" \ "daemon/libdaemon.a" \ ) $STX_SUDO install -m 755 -d ${lib64_dir} $STX_SUDO install -m 644 -t ${lib64_dir} ${libdaecom_file[*]} $STX_SUDO install -m 755 -d ${inc_dir} local commonhdr_file=( \ "common/fitCodes.h" \ "common/logMacros.h" \ "common/returnCodes.h" \ "common/nodeTimers.h" \ "common/hostClass.h" \ "common/httpUtil.h" \ "common/jsonUtil.h" \ "common/msgClass.h" \ "common/nodeBase.h" \ "common/nodeEvent.h" \ "common/nodeMacro.h" \ "common/nodeUtil.h" \ "common/timeUtil.h" \ "common/alarmUtil.h" \ "common/hostUtil.h" \ "common/bmcUtil.h" \ "common/ipmiUtil.h" \ "common/redfishUtil.h" \ "common/nlEvent.h" \ "common/pingUtil.h" \ "common/regexUtil.h" \ "common/threadUtil.h" \ "common/tokenUtil.h" \ "common/secretUtil.h" \ ) $STX_SUDO install -m 755 -d ${inc_dir} $STX_SUDO install -m 644 -t ${inc_dir} ${commonhdr_file[*]} local daemonhdr_file=( \ "daemon/daemon_ini.h" \ "daemon/daemon_common.h" \ "daemon/daemon_option.h" \ ) $STX_SUDO install -m 755 -d ${inc_dir} $STX_SUDO install -m 644 -t ${inc_dir} ${daemonhdr_file[*]} popd } function install_mtce_compute { local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local unit_dir=${SYSCONFDIR}/systemd/system local local_etc_pmond=${SYSCONFDIR}/pmon.d local local_etc_goenabledd=${SYSCONFDIR}/goenabled.d # install pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce-compute/src # Worker-Only Init Scripts sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/goenabled ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/goenabledWorker # Worker-Only Process Monitor Config files sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_pmond} # Worker-Only Go Enabled Test sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_goenabledd} sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/virt-support-goenabled.sh ${local_etc_goenabledd}/virt-support-goenabled.sh popd } function install_mtce_control { local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local unit_dir=${SYSCONFDIR}/systemd/system local local_etc_pmond=${SYSCONFDIR}/pmon.d local local_etc_goenabledd=${SYSCONFDIR}/goenabled.d # install pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce-control/src # Controller-Only Init Scripts sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/goenabled ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/goenabledControl sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/hbsAgent ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hbsAgent # Controller-Only Process Monitor Config files sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_pmond} sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/hbsAgent.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/hbsAgent.conf # Controller-Only Heartbeat Service file sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/hbsAgent.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@hbsAgent.service # Controller-Only Go Enabled Test sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_goenabledd} popd } function install_inventory { local lib_dir=${PREFIX}/lib local unit_dir=${PREFIX}/lib/systemd/system local lib64_dir=${PREFIX}/lib64 local pythonroot=${lib64_dir}/python2.7/site-packages local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local local_etc_goenabledd=${SYSCONFDIR}/goenabled.d local local_etc_inventory=${SYSCONFDIR}/inventory local local_etc_motdd=${SYSCONFDIR}/motd.d build_inventory pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/inventory/inventory sudo python setup.py install \ --root=/ \ --install-lib=$PYTHON_SITE_DIR \ --prefix=/usr \ --install-data=/usr/share \ --single-version-externally-managed sudo install -d -m 755 ${local_etc_goenabledd} sudo install -p -D -m 755 etc/inventory/inventory_goenabled_check.sh ${local_etc_goenabledd}/inventory_goenabled_check.sh sudo install -d -m 755 ${local_etc_inventory} sudo install -p -D -m 755 etc/inventory/policy.json ${local_etc_inventory}/policy.json sudo install -d -m 755 ${local_etc_motdd} sudo install -p -D -m 755 etc/inventory/motd-system ${local_etc_motdd}/10-system-config sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/inventory-api ${lib_dir}/ocf/resource.d/platform/inventory-api sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/inventory-conductor ${lib_dir}/ocf/resource.d/platform/inventory-conductor sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/inventory-api.service ${unit_dir}/inventory-api.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/inventory-conductor.service ${unit_dir}/inventory-conductor.service popd } function install_inventory_client { pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/python-inventoryclient/inventoryclient build_inventory_client sudo python setup.py install \ --root=/ \ --install-lib=$PYTHON_SITE_DIR \ --prefix=/usr \ --install-data=/usr/share \ --single-version-externally-managed sudo install -d -m 755 /etc/bash_completion.d/ sudo install -p -D -m 664 tools/inventory.bash_completion /etc/bash_completion.d/inventory.bash_completion popd } function install_mtce_storage { local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local unit_dir=${SYSCONFDIR}/systemd/system local local_etc_pmond=${SYSCONFDIR}/pmon.d local local_etc_goenabledd=${SYSCONFDIR}/goenabled.d local local_etc_servicesd=${SYSCONFDIR}/services.d # install pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce-storage/src # Storage-Only Init Scripts sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/goenabled ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/goenabledStorage # Storage-Only Process Monitor Config files sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_pmond} # Storage-Only Go Enabled Tests sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_goenabledd} # Storage-Only Services sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_servicesd}/storage popd } function install_mtce { pushd ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce/src local x version # get mtce version read x version <<< $(grep '^Version:' ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce/PKG-INFO) local major=${version%%.*} local minor=${version##*.} build_mtce $major $minor local bin_dir=/usr/local/bin local sbin_dir=/usr/local/sbin local lib_dir=${STX_INST_DIR}/lib local lib64_dir=${STX_INST_DIR}/lib64 local inc_dir=${STX_INST_DIR}/include local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local unit_dir=${SYSCONFDIR}/systemd/system local local_etc_pmond=${sysconf_dir}/pmon.d local local_etc_goenabledd=${sysconf_dir}/goenabled.d local local_etc_servicesd=${sysconf_dir}/services.d local local_etc_logrotated=${sysconf_dir}/logrotate.d # install if [ ! -d "/etc/rc.d" ]; then sudo mkdir -p /etc/rc.d fi sudo ln -sf /etc/init.d /etc/rc.d/init.d # TODO: follow install_files way in install_mtce_common to install files # Resource Agent Stuff sudo install -m 755 -d ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/mtcAgent ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/mtcAgent sudo install -m 755 -p -D hwmon/scripts/ocf/hwmon ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/hwmon # TODO: fix this issue in multi-os task # The default shell of ubuntu is dash, causes loop syntax error if is_ubuntu; then sudo sed -i "s|#!/bin/sh|#!/bin/bash|g" ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/mtcAgent sudo sed -i "s|#!/bin/sh|#!/bin/bash|g" ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/hwmon fi # TODO: figure out why OCF_ROOT is not set when running stack.sh # workaround to hardcode OCF_ROOT # sed -i "s|\${OCF_ROOT}|\${OCF_ROOT}|g" ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/mtcAgent # sed -i "s|\${OCF_ROOT}|\${OCF_ROOT}|g" ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/hwmon # config files sudo install -m 755 -d ${sysconf_dir}/mtc sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/mtc.ini ${sysconf_dir}/mtc.ini sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/mtc.conf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D fsmon/scripts/fsmond.conf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc/fsmond.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D hwmon/scripts/hwmond.conf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc/hwmond.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D pmon/scripts/pmond.conf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc/pmond.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D hostw/scripts/hostwd.conf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc/hostwd.conf sudo install -m 755 -d ${sysconf_dir}/bmc/server_profiles.d sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/sensor_hp360_v1_ilo_v4.profile ${sysconf_dir}/bmc/server_profiles.d/sensor_hp360_v1_ilo_v4.profile sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/sensor_hp380_v1_ilo_v4.profile ${sysconf_dir}/bmc/server_profiles.d/sensor_hp380_v1_ilo_v4.profile sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/sensor_quanta_v1_ilo_v4.profile ${sysconf_dir}/bmc/server_profiles.d/sensor_quanta_v1_ilo_v4.profile # binaries sudo install -m 755 -p -D maintenance/mtcAgent ${bin_dir}/mtcAgent sudo install -m 755 -p -D maintenance/mtcClient ${bin_dir}/mtcClient sudo install -m 755 -p -D heartbeat/hbsAgent ${bin_dir}/hbsAgent sudo install -m 755 -p -D heartbeat/hbsClient ${bin_dir}/hbsClient sudo install -m 755 -p -D pmon/pmond ${bin_dir}/pmond sudo install -m 755 -p -D hostw/hostwd ${bin_dir}/hostwd sudo install -m 755 -p -D fsmon/fsmond ${bin_dir}/fsmond sudo install -m 755 -p -D hwmon/hwmond ${bin_dir}/hwmond sudo install -m 755 -p -D mtclog/mtclogd ${bin_dir}/mtclogd sudo install -m 755 -p -D alarm/mtcalarmd ${bin_dir}/mtcalarmd sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/wipedisk ${bin_dir}/wipedisk $STX_SUDO install -m 755 -p -D fsync/fsync ${STX_INST_DIR}/sbin/fsync sudo install -m 700 -p -D pmon/scripts/pmon-restart ${sbin_dir}/pmon-restart sudo install -m 700 -p -D pmon/scripts/pmon-start ${sbin_dir}/pmon-start sudo install -m 700 -p -D pmon/scripts/pmon-stop ${sbin_dir}/pmon-stop # init script files sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/mtcClient ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/mtcClient sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/hbsClient ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hbsClient sudo install -m 755 -p -D hwmon/scripts/lsb/hwmon ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hwmon sudo install -m 755 -p -D fsmon/scripts/fsmon ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/fsmon sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/mtclog ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/mtclog sudo install -m 755 -p -D pmon/scripts/pmon ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/pmon sudo install -m 755 -p -D hostw/scripts/hostw ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hostw sudo install -m 755 -p -D alarm/scripts/mtcalarm.init ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/mtcalarm sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/config ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/config sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/hwclock.sh ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hwclock.sh sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/hwclock.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@hwclock.service # systemd service files sudo install -m 644 -p -D fsmon/scripts/fsmon.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@fsmon.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D hwmon/scripts/hwmon.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@hwmon.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D pmon/scripts/pmon.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@pmon.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D hostw/scripts/hostw.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@hostw.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/mtcClient.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@mtcClient.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/hbsClient.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@hbsClient.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/mtclog.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@mtclog.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/goenabled.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@goenabled.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/runservices.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@runservices.service sudo install -m 644 -p -D alarm/scripts/mtcalarm.service ${unit_dir}/devstack@mtcalarm.service # go enabled stuff sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_goenabledd} sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/goenabled ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/goenabled # start or stop services test script sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_servicesd}/controller sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_servicesd}/storage sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_servicesd}/worker sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/mtcTest ${local_etc_servicesd}/controller sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/mtcTest ${local_etc_servicesd}/storage sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/mtcTest ${local_etc_servicesd}/worker sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/runservices ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/runservices # test tools sudo install -m 755 -p -D scripts/dmemchk.sh ${sbin_dir} # process monitor config files sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_pmond} sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/mtcClient.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/mtcClient.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/hbsClient.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/hbsClient.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D pmon/scripts/acpid.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/acpid.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D pmon/scripts/sshd.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/sshd.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D pmon/scripts/syslog-ng.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/syslog-ng.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D pmon/scripts/nslcd.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/nslcd.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D fsmon/scripts/fsmon.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/fsmon.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/mtclogd.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/mtclogd.conf sudo install -m 644 -p -D alarm/scripts/mtcalarm.pmon.conf ${local_etc_pmond}/mtcalarm.conf # log rotation sudo install -m 755 -d ${local_etc_logrotated} sudo install -m 644 -p -D scripts/mtce.logrotate ${local_etc_logrotated}/mtce.logrotate sudo install -m 644 -p -D hostw/scripts/hostw.logrotate ${local_etc_logrotated}/hostw.logrotate sudo install -m 644 -p -D pmon/scripts/pmon.logrotate ${local_etc_logrotated}/pmon.logrotate sudo install -m 644 -p -D fsmon/scripts/fsmon.logrotate ${local_etc_logrotated}/fsmon.logrotate sudo install -m 644 -p -D hwmon/scripts/hwmon.logrotate ${local_etc_logrotated}/hwmon.logrotate sudo install -m 644 -p -D alarm/scripts/mtcalarm.logrotate ${local_etc_logrotated}/mtcalarm.logrotate # software development files $STX_SUDO install -m 644 -p -D heartbeat/mtceHbsCluster.h ${inc_dir}/mtceHbsCluster.h $STX_SUDO install -m 755 -p -D public/libamon.so.${major} ${lib64_dir}/libamon.so.${major} popd pushd ${lib64_dir} $STX_SUDO ln -sf libamon.so.${major} libamon.so.${major}.${minor} $STX_SUDO ln -sf libamon.so.${major} libamon.so popd } function configure_metal { echo "${STX_INST_DIR}/lib64" | sudo tee /etc/ld.so.conf.d/stx-metal.conf sudo ldconfig sudo mkdir -p /etc/platform sudo cp -p ${GITDIR["$STX_METAL_NAME"]}/devstack/files/platform.conf /etc/platform/ # TODO: implement other configuration # All-in-one simplex config if is_service_enabled mtce-control -a is_service_enabled mtce-compute \ -a is_service_enabled mtce-storage; then sudo sed -i "s|@SUBFUNCTION@|controller,worker,storage|g" /etc/platform/platform.conf sudo sed -i "s|@SYS_TYPE@|All-in-one|g" /etc/platform/platform.conf sudo sed -i "s|@SYS_MODE@|simplex|g" /etc/platform/platform.conf sudo sed -i "s|@SW_VERSION@|${SW_VERSION}|g" /etc/platform/platform.conf sudo sed -i "s|@MGMT_ETH@|${MGMT_ETH_NAME}|g" /etc/platform/platform.conf sudo sed -i "s|@OAM_ETH@|${OAM_ETH_NAME}|g" /etc/platform/platform.conf fi # TODO: enable controllerconfig to do this # Todo: # For the time being, we use the same ips as fixed and float ip. In # the future, we need stx devstack common module to enable float ip and # write them in /etc/hosts, then we can remove below code. # add floating ip hostname in hosts if ! grep -q 'controller$' /etc/hosts; then echo "$HOST_IP controller" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts fi # add controller-0 if ! grep -q 'controller-0$' /etc/hosts; then echo "$HOST_IP controller-0" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts fi # puppet configuration for mtce iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_auth_username" "admin" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_auth_pw" "$SERVICE_PASSWORD" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_auth_project" "admin" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_user_domain" "$SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_project_domain" "$SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_auth_host" "" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_auth_uri" "$KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_auth_port" "5000" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keystone_region_name" "$REGION_NAME" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "keyring_directory" "/opt/platform/.keyring/${SW_VERSION}" # sm port add to config file iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "sm_server_port" "2124" iniset -sudo /etc/mtc.ini "agent" "sm_client_port" "2224" # TODO(dtroyer): Do this with the devstack functions in lib/apache # # add port 5000 to keystone apache server # sudo sed -i '$aListen 5000' /etc/apache2/sites-available/keystone-wsgi-public.conf # sudo sed -i '$a' /etc/apache2/sites-available/keystone-wsgi-public.conf # sudo sed -i '$aProxyPass / "unix:/var/run/uwsgi/keystone-wsgi-public.socket|uwsgi://uwsgi-uds-keystone-wsgi-public/" retry=0"' /etc/apache2/sites-available/keystone-wsgi-public.conf # sudo sed -i '$a' /etc/apache2/sites-available/keystone-wsgi-public.conf # sudo systemctl restart apache2 if is_ubuntu; then sudo ln -sf /lib/lsb/init-functions /etc/init.d/functions fi } function start_mtcAgent { # add admin compute endpoint if is_service_enabled nova; then source openrc admin admin openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne compute admin fi # init mtcAgent iniset -sudo /etc/systemd/system/devstack@mtcAgent.service "Service" "Type" "forking" iniset -sudo /etc/systemd/system/devstack@mtcAgent.service "Service" "PIDFile" "/var/run/mtcAgent.pid" iniset -sudo /etc/systemd/system/devstack@mtcAgent.service "Service" "Environment" "OCF_ROOT=${OCF_ROOT}" sudo sed -i "s|OCF_RESKEY_state_default=\"standby\"|OCF_RESKEY_state_default=\"active\"|g" \ ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/mtcAgent run_process mtcAgent "${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/mtcAgent start" root root } function start_hbsAgent { run_process hbsAgent "${SYSCONFDIR}/rc.d/init.d/hbsAgent start" root root } function start_hwmon { # init hwmon iniset -sudo /etc/systemd/system/devstack@hwmon.service "Service" "Type" "forking" iniset -sudo /etc/systemd/system/devstack@hwmon.service "Service" "PIDFile" "/var/run/hwmond.pid" iniset -sudo /etc/systemd/system/devstack@hwmon.service "Service" "Environment" "OCF_ROOT=${OCF_ROOT}" run_process hwmon "${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/hwmon start" root root } function start_mtce_control { # Oneshot goenabled control sudo ${SYSCONFDIR}/init.d/goenabledControl start if is_service_enabled mtcAgent; then start_mtcAgent fi if is_service_enabled hbsAgent; then start_hbsAgent fi if is_service_enabled hwmon && is_service_enabled sysinv; then start_hwmon fi } function start_mtce_compute { # Oneshot goenabled worker sudo ${SYSCONFDIR}/init.d/goenabledWorker start } function start_mtce_storage { # Oneshot goenabled storage sudo ${SYSCONFDIR}/init.d/goenabledStorage start } function start_metal { if is_service_enabled mtce-control; then start_mtce_control fi if is_service_enabled mtce-compute; then start_mtce_compute fi if is_service_enabled mtce-storage; then start_mtce_storage fi start_goenabled if is_service_enabled hbsClient; then start_hbsClient fi if is_service_enabled mtcClient; then start_mtcClient fi if is_service_enabled mtclog; then start_mtclog fi if is_service_enabled mtcalarm; then start_mtcalarm fi if is_service_enabled fsmon; then start_fsmon fi if is_service_enabled pmon; then start_pmon fi if is_service_enabled hostw; then start_hostw fi } function start_mtcClient { run_process mtcClient "${SYSCONFDIR}/rc.d/init.d/mtcClient start" root root } function start_hbsClient { run_process hbsClient "${SYSCONFDIR}/rc.d/init.d/hbsClient start" root root } function start_pmon { run_process pmon "${SYSCONFDIR}/rc.d/init.d/pmon start" root root } function start_mtclog { run_process mtclog "${SYSCONFDIR}/rc.d/init.d/mtclog start" root root } function start_mtcalarm { run_process mtcalarm "${SYSCONFDIR}/rc.d/init.d/mtcalarm start" root root } function start_goenabled { sudo ${SYSCONFDIR}/init.d/goenabled start } function start_fsmon { run_process fsmon "${SYSCONFDIR}/rc.d/init.d/fsmon start" root root } function start_hostw { run_process hostw "${SYSCONFDIR}/rc.d/init.d/hostw start" root root } function stop_mtcAgent { stop_process mtcAgent } function stop_hbsAgent { stop_process hbsAgent } function stop_hwmon { stop_process hwmon } function stop_mtce_control { sudo ${SYSCONFDIR}/init.d/goenabledControl stop if is_service_enabled mtcAgent; then stop_mtcAgent fi if is_service_enabled hbsAgent; then stop_hbsAgent fi if is_service_enabled hwmon && is_service_enabled sysinv; then stop_hwmon fi } function stop_mtce_compute { sudo ${SYSCONFDIR}/init.d/goenabledWorker stop } function stop_mtce_storage { sudo ${SYSCONFDIR}/init.d/goenabledStorage stop } function stop_goenabled { sudo ${SYSCONFDIR}/init.d/goenabled stop } function stop_pmon { stop_process pmon } function stop_mtcClient { stop_process mtcClient } function stop_hbsClient { stop_process hbsClient } function stop_mtclog { stop_process mtclog } function stop_mtcalarm { stop_process mtcalarm } function stop_fsmon { stop_process fsmon } function stop_hostw { stop_process hostw } function stop_metal { stop_goenabled if is_service_enabled pmon; then stop_pmon fi if is_service_enabled mtce; then stop_mtcClient fi if is_service_enabled hbs; then stop_hbsClient fi if is_service_enabled mtclog; then stop_mtclog fi if is_service_enabled mtcalarm; then stop_mtcalarm fi if is_service_enabled fsmon; then stop_fsmon fi if is_service_enabled hostw; then stop_hostw fi if is_service_enabled mtce-control; then stop_mtce_control fi if is_service_enabled mtce-compute; then stop_mtce_compute fi if is_service_enabled mtce-storage; then stop_mtce_storage fi } function cleanup_metal { # TODO: move it to Makefile uninstall # remove mtce local x version # get mtce version read x version <<< $(grep '^Version:' ${STX_METAL_DIR}/mtce/PKG-INFO) local major=${version%%.*} local minor=${version##*.} local bin_dir=/usr/local/bin local sbin_dir=/usr/local/sbin local lib_dir=${STX_INST_DIR}/lib local lib64_dir=${STX_INST_DIR}/lib64 local inc_dir=${STX_INST_DIR}/include local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local unit_dir=${SYSCONFDIR}/systemd/system local local_etc_pmond=${sysconf_dir}/pmon.d local local_etc_goenabledd=${sysconf_dir}/goenabled.d local local_etc_servicesd=${sysconf_dir}/services.d local local_etc_logrotated=${sysconf_dir}/logrotate.d sudo rm -rf ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/mtcAgent sudo rm -rf ${OCF_ROOT}/resource.d/platform/hwmon sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc.ini sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc.conf sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc/fsmond.conf sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc/hwmond.conf sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc/pmond.conf sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/mtc/hostwd.conf sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/bmc/server_profiles.d/sensor_hp360_v1_ilo_v4.profile sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/bmc/server_profiles.d/sensor_hp380_v1_ilo_v4.profile sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/bmc/server_profiles.d/sensor_quanta_v1_ilo_v4.profile # binaries sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/mtcAgent sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/mtcClient sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/hbsAgent sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/hbsClient sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/pmond sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/hostwd sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/fsmond sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/hwmond sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/mtclogd sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/mtcalarmd sudo rm -rf ${bin_dir}/wipedisk rm -rf ${STX_INST_DIR}/sbin/fsync sudo rm -rf ${sbin_dir}/pmon-restart sudo rm -rf ${sbin_dir}/pmon-start sudo rm -rf ${sbin_dir}/pmon-stop # init script files sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/mtcClient sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hbsClient sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hwmon sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/fsmon sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/mtclog sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/pmon sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hostw sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/mtcalarm sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/config sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hwclock.sh sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@hwclock.service # systemd service files sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@fsmon.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@hwmon.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@pmon.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@hostw.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@mtcClient.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@hbsClient.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@mtclog.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@goenabled.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@runservices.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@mtcalarm.service # go enabled stuff sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/goenabled # start or stop services test script sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_servicesd}/worker sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_servicesd}/controller sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_servicesd}/storage sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/runservices # test tools sudo rm -rf ${sbin_dir}/dmemchk.sh # process monitor config files sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/mtcClient.conf sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/hbsClient.conf sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/acpid.conf sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/sshd.conf sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/syslog-ng.conf sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/nslcd.conf sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/fsmon.conf sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/mtclogd.conf sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/mtcalarm.conf # log rotation sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_logrotated}/mtce.logrotate sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_logrotated}/hostw.logrotate sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_logrotated}/pmon.logrotate sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_logrotated}/fsmon.logrotate sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_logrotated}/hwmon.logrotate sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_logrotated}/mtcalarm.logrotate # software development files $STX_SUDO rm -rf ${inc_dir}/mtceHbsCluster.h $STX_SUDO rm -rf ${lib64_dir}/libamon.so.${major} $STX_SUDO rm -rf ${lib64_dir}/libamon.so.${major}.${minor} $STX_SUDO rm -rf ${lib64_dir}/libamon.so #remove mtce_common local inc_dir_common=${STX_INST_DIR}/include/mtce-common local inc_dir_daemon=${STX_INST_DIR}/include/mtce-daemon local libdaecom_file=( \ "libcommon.a" \ "libthreadUtil.a" \ "libBmcUtils.a" \ "libpingUtil.a" \ "libnodeBase.a" \ "libregexUtil.a" \ "libhostUtil.a" \ "libdaemon.a" \ ) uninstall_files ${lib64_dir} "${libdaecom_file[*]}" local daecomhdr_file=( \ "fitCodes.h" \ "logMacros.h" \ "returnCodes.h" \ "nodeTimers.h" \ "hostClass.h" \ "httpUtil.h" \ "jsonUtil.h" \ "msgClass.h" \ "nodeBase.h" \ "nodeEvent.h" \ "nodeMacro.h" \ "nodeUtil.h" \ "timeUtil.h" \ "alarmUtil.h" \ "hostUtil.h" \ "ipmiUtil.h" \ "nlEvent.h" \ "pingUtil.h" \ "regexUtil.h" \ "threadUtil.h" \ "tokenUtil.h" \ "secretUtil.h" \ "daemon_ini.h" \ "daemon_common.h" \ "daemon_option.h" \ ) uninstall_files ${inc_dir_common} "${daecomhdr_file[*]}" if is_service_enabled mtce-compute; then local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local unit_dir=${SYSCONFDIR}/systemd/system local local_etc_pmond=${SYSCONFDIR}/pmon.d local local_etc_goenabledd=${SYSCONFDIR}/goenabled.d sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/goenabledWorker # Worker-Only Go Enabled Test sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_goenabledd}/virt-support-goenabled.sh fi if is_service_enabled mtce-control; then local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local unit_dir=${SYSCONFDIR}/systemd/system local local_etc_pmond=${SYSCONFDIR}/pmon.d local local_etc_goenabledd=${SYSCONFDIR}/goenabled.d # Controller-Only Init Scripts sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/goenabledControl sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/hbsAgent sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_pmond}/hbsAgent.conf sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/devstack@hbsAgent.service fi if is_service_enabled mtce-storage; then local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local unit_dir=${SYSCONFDIR}/systemd/system local local_etc_pmond=${SYSCONFDIR}/pmon.d local local_etc_goenabledd=${SYSCONFDIR}/goenabled.d local local_etc_servicesd=${SYSCONFDIR}/services.d # Storage-Only Init Scripts sudo rm -rf ${sysconf_dir}/init.d/goenabledStorage fi if is_service_enabled inventory-api || is_service_enabled inventory-conductor || is_service_enabled inventory-agent; then cleanup_inventory fi if is_service_enabled inventory-client; then cleanup_inventory_client fi } function cleanup_inventory { local lib_dir=${PREFIX}/lib local unit_dir=${PREFIX}/lib/systemd/system local lib64_dir=${PREFIX}/lib64 local pythonroot=${lib64_dir}/python2.7/site-packages local sysconf_dir=${SYSCONFDIR} local local_etc_goenabledd=${SYSCONFDIR}/goenabled.d local local_etc_inventory=${SYSCONFDIR}/inventory local local_etc_motdd=${SYSCONFDIR}/motd.d sudo pip uninstall -y inventory sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_goenabledd}/inventory_goenabled_check.sh sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_inventory}/policy.json sudo rm -rf ${local_etc_motdd}/10-system-config sudo rm -rf ${lib_dir}/ocf/resource.d/platform/inventory-api sudo rm -rf ${lib_dir}/ocf/resource.d/platform/inventory-conductor sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/inventory-api.service sudo rm -rf ${unit_dir}/inventory-conductor.service } function cleanup_inventory_client { sudo pip uninstall -y inventoryclient sudo rm -rf /etc/bash_completion.d/inventory.bash_completion } function uninstall_files { local dest_dir=$1 local dest_file_array=($2) local file="" for (( i=0; i<${#dest_file_array[*]}; i++ )); do file=${dest_file_array[$i]##*/} $STX_SUDO rm -rf $dest_dir/$file done } $_XTRACE_STX_METAL