#!/bin/bash ############################################################################# # Copyright (c) 2022 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # This utility is used to create or update the following directories # # /var/www/pages/feed/rel-xx.xx/pxeboot # /var/pxeboot/rel-xx.xx # # ... with the kernel, initrd and other images and signature files from /boot # ############################################################################# # # chkconfig: 2345 98 2 # ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: pxeboot_feed # Required-Start: $null # Required-Stop: $null # Default-Start: 3 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6 # Short-Description: StarlingX Installer Pxeboot Feed Refresh ### END INIT INFO # Script has options 'debug' argument debug=false [ -n "${1}" ] && [ "${1}" == "debug" ] && debug=true LOG_TAG=${LOG_TAG:-$(basename "${0}")} # return code RETVAL=1 ############################################################################# # Name : ilog # Purpose : log info message # Parmaeter: message to log # Returns : none ############################################################################# function ilog { logger -t "${LOG_TAG}" "${@}" } ############################################################################# # Name : dlog # Purpose : log and echo debug messages # Parmaeter: message to log # Returns : none ############################################################################# function dlog { if [ "${debug}" == true ] ; then logger -t "${LOG_TAG}" "${@}" fi } ############################################################################# # Name : rsync_if_not_equal # Purpose : Speed up the refresh service. # Assumptions: Reads are faster thyan writes # Equal case is more likely # Parameters : $1 - src path/file # $2 - dst path/file # Returns : none ############################################################################# function rsync_if_not_equal { local src_file="${1}" local dst_file="${2}" local need_rsync=false if [ -e "${src_file}" ] ; then if [ -e "${dst_file}" ] ; then src=( $(md5sum "${src_file}") ) dst=( $(md5sum "${dst_file}") ) if [ "${src[0]}" == "${dst[0]}" ] ; then dlog "bypass rsync ; ${src_file}" and "${dst_file} are equal" else need_rsync=true fi else need_rsync=true fi else ilog "Warning: '${src_file}' not found" fi if [ "${need_rsync}" = true ] ; then ilog "syncing ${src_file} to ${dst_file}" rsync "${src_file}" "${dst_file}" fi } ############################################################################# # Override release with what is found in platform.conf rel="" if [ -e "/etc/platform/platform.conf" ] ; then rel=$(grep sw_version < /etc/platform/platform.conf | cut -d '=' -f 2) fi if [ -z "${rel}" ] ; then rel="xxxSW_VERSIONxxx" fi # pxeboot objects path feed="/var/www/pages/feed/rel-${rel}" pxefeed="${feed}/pxeboot" pxeboot="/var/pxeboot" # ensure the deepest directories are created if [ ! -d "${pxefeed}/EFI/BOOT" ] ; then mkdir -p "${pxefeed}/EFI/BOOT" > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit ${RETVAL} fi if [ ! -d "${pxeboot}rel-${rel}" ] ; then mkdir -p "${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit ${RETVAL} fi if [ ! -d "${pxeboot}/EFI/BOOT" ] ; then mkdir -p "${pxeboot}/EFI/BOOT" > /dev/null 2>&1 || exit ${RETVAL} fi base_path="/boot/ostree" declare -a file_list=() if [ ! -d "${base_path}" ] ; then ilog "Error: base path '${base_path}' does not exist" exit ${RETVAL} fi file_list=( $(find "${base_path}" -name 'initramfs*') ) file_list+=( $(find "${base_path}" -name 'vmlinuz*') ) dlog "${file_list[*]}" for f in "${file_list[@]}" ; do path_file1="" filename=$(basename "${f}") dlog "File: ${filename} ... ${f}" if [ "${filename}" == "initramfs.sig" ] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}/initrd.sig" path_file2="${pxefeed}/initrd.sig" elif [ "${filename}" == "initramfs" ] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}/initrd" path_file2="${pxefeed}/initrd" elif [ "${filename}" == "vmlinuz.sig" ] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}/bzImage.sig" path_file2="${pxefeed}/bzImage.sig" elif [ "${filename}" == "vmlinuz" ] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}/bzImage" path_file2="${pxefeed}/bzImage" elif [[ "${filename}" == *"rt-amd64.sig"* ]] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}/bzImage-rt.sig" path_file2="${pxefeed}/bzImage-rt.sig" elif [[ "${filename}" == *"rt-amd64"* ]] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}/bzImage-rt" path_file2="${pxefeed}/bzImage-rt" elif [[ "${filename}" == *"amd64.sig"* ]] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}/bzImage-std.sig" path_file2="${pxefeed}/bzImage-std.sig" elif [[ "${filename}" == *"amd64"* ]] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/rel-${rel}/bzImage-std" path_file2="${pxefeed}/bzImage-std" else ilog "ignoring unknown file: ${f}" continue fi rsync_if_not_equal "${f}" "${path_file1}" rsync_if_not_equal "${f}" "${path_file2}" done # Other image files file1="LockDown.efi.sig" file2="LockDown.efi" file3="bootx64.efi" file4="grub.cfg.sig" file5="grubx64.efi" file6="mmx64.efi" file_list=( $(find "${base_path}" \ -name "${file1}" -o \ -name "${file2}" -o \ -name "${file3}" -o \ -name "${file4}" -o \ -name "${file5}" -o \ -name "${file6}") ) dlog "${file_list[*]}" for f in "${file_list[@]}" ; do filename=$(basename "${f}") dlog "File: ${filename} ... ${f}" path_file="EFI/BOOT/${filename}" path_file1="" if [[ "${filename}" == *"${file1}"* || \ "${filename}" == *"${file2}"* || \ "${filename}" == *"${file3}"* || \ "${filename}" == *"${file4}"* || \ "${filename}" == *"${file5}"* || \ "${filename}" == *"${file6}"* ]] ; then path_file1="${pxeboot}/${path_file}" path_file2="${pxefeed}/${path_file}" else ilog "ignoring unknown file: ${f}" continue fi rsync_if_not_equal "${f}" "${path_file1}" rsync_if_not_equal "${f}" "${path_file2}" done # rsync efi.img file rsync_if_not_equal "${pxeboot}/efi.img" "${feed}/efi.img" RETVAL=0 exit ${RETVAL}