/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ /** * @file * Wind River CGTS Platform Node Maintenance "Compute Messaging" * Implementation */ /** * @detail * Detailed description ... * * */ #include #include #include /* for ... unix domain sockets */ #include #include #include #include /* for ... syslog */ #include /* for ... waitpid */ #include #include #include #include /* for the list of conf file names */ using namespace std; #define __AREA__ "msg" #include "nodeClass.h" /* for ... maintenance class nodeLinkClass */ #include "jsonUtil.h" /* for ... Json utilities */ #include /* for ... json-c json string parsing */ #include "mtcNodeMsg.h" /* for ... daemon socket structure */ #include "mtcNodeComp.h" /* for ... this module header */ #include "nodeUtil.h" /* for ... Utility Service Header */ #include "daemon_common.h" #include "regexUtil.h" /* for ... Regex and String utilities */ extern "C" { #include "amon.h" /* for ... active monitoring utilities */ } extern char *program_invocation_short_name; int mtcAlive_mgmnt_sequence = 0 ; int mtcAlive_infra_sequence = 0 ; /***************************************************************************** * Also handles: Accelerated Virtual Switch 'events' handler * for receiving data port state change event * * Event strings are:- * {"type":"port-state", "severity":"critical|major|clear"} * severity: * critical - port has failed and is not part of an aggregate * or is the last port in an aggregate * (degrade, disable services) * major - port has failed and is part of an aggregate * with other inservice-ports (degrade only) * clear - port has recovered from a failed state and is * operational (clear degrade, enable services) * * NOTE : The port status can transition from any of the above * states to any other state. * * RMON monitors the vswitch ports at a 20 second interval(debounce value). * If a port changes link state during the polling period, it will * raise/clear the alarm, but now also calculates the impact of that port * failure on the provider network data interface. * * The overall aggregated state across all provider network interfaces will * be reported to maintenance when ports enter a link down or up state. * The agent will also periodically send the current provider network port * status to maintenance every 20 seconds. * * Return : MTC_EVENT_AVS_CLEAR|MAJOR|CRITICAL *****************************************************************************/ /** Receive and process event messages from rmon **/ static int rmon_message_error = 0 ; int service_rmon_inbox ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, int & rmon_code, string & resource_name ) { /* Max rmon message length */ #define RMON_MAX_LEN (100) /* Max tries to receive rmon message */ #define MAX_TRIES (3) char buf[RMON_MAX_LEN]; char res_name[RMON_MAX_LEN]; socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ; char str[RMON_MAX_LEN]; int rc = FAIL; int sequence = 0; int bytes = 0 ; int num_tries = 0; do { memset ( buf,0,RMON_MAX_LEN); memset ( str,0,RMON_MAX_LEN); bytes = recvfrom( sock_ptr->rmon_socket, buf, RMON_MAX_LEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_ptr->mtc_cmd_addr, &len); if ( bytes > 0 ) { sscanf ( buf, "%99s %99s %d", res_name, str, &sequence ); string r_name(res_name); resource_name = r_name; if ( str[0] != '\0' ) { mlog("%s \n",str); // check if it is an AVS type message if (regexUtil_string_startswith(str, "AVS_clear")) { rmon_code = MTC_EVENT_AVS_CLEAR; } else if (regexUtil_string_startswith(str, "AVS_major")) { rmon_code = MTC_EVENT_AVS_MAJOR; } else if (regexUtil_string_startswith(str, "AVS_critical")) { rmon_code = MTC_EVENT_AVS_CRITICAL; // process generic RMON messages } else if (regexUtil_string_startswith(str, "cleared")) { rmon_code = RMON_CLEAR; } else if (regexUtil_string_startswith(str, "minor")) { rmon_code = RMON_MINOR; } else if (regexUtil_string_startswith(str, "major")) { rmon_code = RMON_MAJOR; } else if (regexUtil_string_startswith(str, "critical")) { rmon_code = RMON_CRITICAL; } else { elog("Invalid rmon string: %s \n", str); rc = FAIL; return rc; } rmon_message_error = 0 ; rc = PASS; return rc; } else { wlog_throttled (rmon_message_error, 1, "rmond message with no severity specified (%s)\n", resource_name.empty() ? "no resource" : resource_name.c_str()); if (( rmon_message_error == 1 ) && ( buf[0] != '\0' )) { ilog ("rmon message: [%s]\n", buf ); } rc = FAIL_NULL_POINTER; return rc; } } else if (( 0 > bytes ) && ( errno != EINTR ) && ( errno != EAGAIN )) { elog("rmon event recv error (%d:%s) \n", errno, strerror(errno)); rc = FAIL; } } while (( bytes > 0 ) && ( ++num_tries < MAX_TRIES)) ; return rc; } /* Receive and process commands from controller maintenance */ int mtc_service_command ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, int interface ) { int bytes = 0 ; mtc_message_type msg ; int rc = FAIL ; if ( interface == INFRA_INTERFACE ) { if ( ! get_ctrl_ptr()->infra_iface_provisioned ) { wlog ("cannot receive from unprovisioned %s interface\n", get_iface_name_str(interface) ); return (rc); } } /* clean the rx/tx buffer */ memset ((void*)&msg,0,sizeof(mtc_message_type)); if ( interface == MGMNT_INTERFACE ) { if (( sock_ptr->mtc_client_rx_socket ) && ( sock_ptr->mtc_client_rx_socket->sock_ok() == true )) { bytes = sock_ptr->mtc_client_rx_socket->read((char*)&msg.hdr[0], sizeof(mtc_message_type)); } else { elog ("cannot read from null or failed 'mtc_client_rx_socket'\n"); return (FAIL_TO_RECEIVE); } } else if ( interface == INFRA_INTERFACE ) { if (( sock_ptr->mtc_client_infra_rx_socket ) && ( sock_ptr->mtc_client_infra_rx_socket->sock_ok() == true )) { bytes = sock_ptr->mtc_client_infra_rx_socket->read((char*)&msg.hdr[0], sizeof(mtc_message_type)); } else { elog ("cannot read from null or failed 'mtc_client_infra_rx_socket'\n"); return (FAIL_TO_RECEIVE); } } if( bytes <= 0 ) { if ( ( errno == EINTR ) || ( errno == EAGAIN )) { return (RETRY); } else { return (FAIL_TO_RECEIVE); } } print_mtc_message ( get_hostname(), MTC_CMD_RX, msg, get_iface_name_str(interface), false ); /* Message version greater than zero have the hosts management * mac address appended to the header string */ if ( msg.ver >= MTC_CMD_FEATURE_VER__MACADDR_IN_CMD ) { /* the minus 1 is to back up from the null char that is accounted for in the hearder size */ if ( strncmp ( &msg.hdr[MSG_HEADER_SIZE-1], get_ctrl_ptr()->macaddr.data(), MSG_HEADER_SIZE )) { wlog ("%s command not for this host (exp:%s det:%s) ; ignoring ...\n", get_mtcNodeCommand_str(msg.cmd), get_ctrl_ptr()->macaddr.c_str(), &msg.hdr[MSG_HEADER_SIZE-1]); print_mtc_message ( get_hostname(), MTC_CMD_RX, msg, get_iface_name_str(interface), true ); return (FAIL_INVALID_DATA); } } /* Check for response messages */ if ( strstr ( &msg.hdr[0], get_cmd_req_msg_header() ) ) { rc = PASS ; if ( msg.cmd == MTC_REQ_MTCALIVE ) { mlog1 ("mtcAlive request received (%s network)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); return ( send_mtcAlive_msg ( sock_ptr, get_who_i_am(), interface )); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_MSG_LOCKED ) { /* Only recreate the file if its not already present */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( NODE_LOCKED_FILE ) == false ) { daemon_log ( NODE_LOCKED_FILE, "This node is currently in the administratively locked state" ); } return (PASS); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED_FAILED ) { /* remove the GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS and create GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL file */ daemon_remove_file ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ); daemon_log ( GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL, "host subfunction has failed as instructed by maintenance."); return (PASS); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_REQ_MAIN_GOENABLED ) { time_t time_now ; double goenabled_age ; ctrl_type * ctrl_ptr = get_ctrl_ptr () ; time (&time_now); // current time in seconds (UTC) goenabled_age = difftime ( time_now, ctrl_ptr->goenabled_main_time ); /* Check to see if we are already running the requested test */ if ( ctrl_ptr->active_script_set == GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS ) { ilog ("GoEnabled In-Progress\n"); } /* Report PASS immediately if there was a recent PASS already */ else if (( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS ) && ( goenabled_age < MTC_MINS_20 ))) { ilog ("GoEnabled Passed (%f seconds ago)\n", goenabled_age ); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_MAIN_GOENABLED, "" ); } else { ilog ("GoEnabled request posted (%s)\n",get_iface_name_str (interface)); ctrl_ptr->posted_script_set.push_back ( GOENABLED_MAIN_SCRIPTS ); ctrl_ptr->posted_script_set.unique(); } rc = PASS ; } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_REQ_SUBF_GOENABLED ) { time_t time_now ; double goenabled_age ; ctrl_type * ctrl_ptr = get_ctrl_ptr () ; time (&time_now); // current time in seconds (UTC) goenabled_age = difftime ( time_now, ctrl_ptr->goenabled_subf_time ); if ( ctrl_ptr->active_script_set == GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS ) { ilog ("GoEnabled SubF In-Progress\n"); } /* eport PASS immediately if there was a recent PASS already */ else if (( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ) && ( goenabled_age < MTC_MINS_20 ))) { ilog ("GoEnabled SubF Passed (%f seconds ago)\n", goenabled_age); send_mtc_msg ( sock_ptr, MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED, "" ); } else { ilog ("GoEnabled Subf request posted (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); /* Cleanup test result flag files */ if ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS) ) { ilog ("clearing stale %s file\n", GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ); daemon_remove_file (GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS) ; } if ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL) ) { ilog ("clearing stale %s file\n", GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL ); daemon_remove_file (GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL) ; } ctrl_ptr->posted_script_set.push_back ( GOENABLED_SUBF_SCRIPTS ); ctrl_ptr->posted_script_set.unique(); } rc = PASS ; } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_REBOOT ) { ilog ("Reboot command received (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_LAZY_REBOOT ) { ilog ("Lazy Reboot command received (%s) ; delay:%d seconds\n", get_iface_name_str (interface), msg.num ? msg.parm[0] : 0 ); } else if ( is_host_services_cmd ( msg.cmd ) == true ) { ctrl_type * ctrl_ptr = get_ctrl_ptr () ; /* Check to see if this command is already running. * hostservices.posted is set to command on launch * hostservices.monitor is set to command while monitoring */ if (( ctrl_ptr->hostservices.posted == msg.cmd ) || ( ctrl_ptr->hostservices.monitor == msg.cmd )) { wlog ("%s already in progress (%d:%d)\n", get_mtcNodeCommand_str(msg.cmd), ctrl_ptr->hostservices.posted, ctrl_ptr->hostservices.monitor ); rc = PASS ; } else { ctrl_ptr->posted_script_set.push_back ( HOSTSERVICES_SCRIPTS ); ctrl_ptr->posted_script_set.unique (); ilog ("%s request posted (%s)\n", get_mtcNodeCommand_str(msg.cmd), get_iface_name_str (interface)); ctrl_ptr->hostservices.posted = msg.cmd ; ctrl_ptr->hostservices.monitor = MTC_CMD_NONE ; rc = PASS ; } /* Fault insertion - fail host services command */ if ( ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__START_SVCS ))) { rc = FAIL_FIT ; wlog ("%s Start Services - fit failure (%s)\n", get_mtcNodeCommand_str(msg.cmd), get_iface_name_str (interface) ); } /* Fault insertion - fail to send host services ACK */ if ( ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__NO_HS_ACK ))) { wlog ("%s Start Services - fit no ACK (%s)\n", get_mtcNodeCommand_str(msg.cmd), get_iface_name_str (interface) ); return (PASS); } /* inform mtcAgent of enhanced ost services support */ msg.parm[1] = MTC_ENHANCED_HOST_SERVICES ; msg.parm[0] = rc ; msg.num = 2 ; if ( rc ) { snprintf (msg.buf, BUF_SIZE, "host service launch failed (rc:%d)", rc ); } else { snprintf (msg.buf, BUF_SIZE, "host service launched"); } } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_WIPEDISK ) { ilog ("Reload command received (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_RESET ) { ilog ("Reset command received (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_LOOPBACK ) { ilog ("Loopback command received (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); } else { rc = FAIL_BAD_CASE ; elog ( "Unsupported maintenance command (%d)\n", msg.cmd ); } snprintf ( &msg.hdr[0], MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_cmd_rsp_msg_header()); } else if ( strstr ( &msg.hdr[0], get_msg_rep_msg_header()) ) { if ( msg.cmd == MTC_MSG_MAIN_GOENABLED ) { ilog ("main function goEnabled results acknowledged (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); return (PASS); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED ) { ilog ("sub-function goEnabled results acknowledged (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); return (PASS); } else { dlog2 ( "reply message for command %d\n", msg.cmd ); return (PASS); } } else if ( strstr ( &msg.hdr[0], get_compute_msg_header()) ) { elog ("Unsupported Message\n"); print_mtc_message ( &msg ); return PASS ; } /*********************************************************** * * If we get here, the response should be sent * regardless of the execution status. * * if ( rc == PASS ) **********************************************************/ { bytes = sizeof(mtc_message_type)-BUF_SIZE; /* Fault insertion for no command ACK */ if (( interface == MGMNT_INTERFACE ) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__NO_MGMNT_ACK ))) { wlog ("%s reply ack message - fit bypass (%s)\n", get_mtcNodeCommand_str(msg.cmd), get_iface_name_str (interface) ); } else if (( interface == INFRA_INTERFACE ) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__NO_INFRA_ACK ))) { wlog ("%s reply ack message - fit bypass (%s)\n", get_mtcNodeCommand_str(msg.cmd), get_iface_name_str (interface) ); } /* Otherwise, send the message back either over the mgmnt or infra interface */ else if ( interface == MGMNT_INTERFACE ) { if (( sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket ) && ( sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->sock_ok() == true )) { rc=sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->write((char*)&msg.hdr[0], bytes); } else { elog ("cannot send to null or failed socket (%s network)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface) ); } } else if ( interface == INFRA_INTERFACE ) { if (( sock_ptr->mtc_client_infra_tx_socket ) && ( sock_ptr->mtc_client_infra_tx_socket->sock_ok() == true )) { rc = sock_ptr->mtc_client_infra_tx_socket->write((char*)&msg.hdr[0], bytes); } else { elog ("cannot send to null or failed socket (%s network)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface) ); } } if (rc != bytes ) { elog ("failed to send reply message (%d)\n", rc); } else { print_mtc_message ( get_hostname(), MTC_CMD_TX, msg, get_iface_name_str(interface), false ); } /* get the shutdown delay config alue */ int delay = daemon_get_cfg_ptr()->failsafe_shutdown_delay ; if ( delay < 1 ) delay = 2 ; daemon_dump_info (); if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_REBOOT ) { if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__NO_REBOOT ) ) { ilog ("Reboot - fit bypass (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); return (PASS); } ilog ("Reboot (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); daemon_log ( NODE_RESET_FILE, "reboot command" ); fork_sysreq_reboot ( delay ); rc = system("/usr/bin/systemctl reboot"); } if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_LAZY_REBOOT ) { if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__NO_REBOOT ) ) { ilog ("Lazy Reboot - fit bypass (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); return (PASS); } daemon_log ( NODE_RESET_FILE, "lazy reboot command" ); if ( msg.num >= 1 ) { do { ilog ("Lazy Reboot (%s) ; rebooting in %d seconds\n", get_iface_name_str (interface), msg.num ? msg.parm[0] : 1 ); sleep (1); if ( msg.parm[0] % 5 ) { /* service the active monitoring every 5 seconds */ active_monitor_dispatch (); } } while ( msg.parm[0]-- > 0 ) ; } else { ilog ("Lazy Reboot (%s) ; now\n", get_iface_name_str (interface) ); } fork_sysreq_reboot ( delay ); rc = system("/usr/bin/systemctl reboot"); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_RESET ) { if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__NO_RESET ) ) { ilog ("Reset - fit bypass (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); return (PASS); } ilog ("Reset 'reboot -f' (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); daemon_log ( NODE_RESET_FILE, "reset command" ); fork_sysreq_reboot ( delay/2 ); rc = system("/usr/bin/systemctl reboot --force"); } else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_WIPEDISK ) { int parent = 0 ; if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__NO_WIPEDISK ) ) { ilog ("Wipedisk - fit bypass (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); return (PASS); } /* We fork a reboot as a fail safe. * If something goes wrong we should reboot anyway */ fork_sysreq_reboot ( delay/2 ); /* We fork the wipedisk command as it may take upwards of 30s * If we hold this thread for that long pmon will kill mtcClient * which will prevent the reboot command from being issued */ if ( 0 > ( parent = double_fork())) { elog ("failed to fork wipedisk command\n"); } else if( 0 == parent ) /* we're the child */ { ilog ("Disk wipe in progress (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str (interface)); daemon_log ( NODE_RESET_FILE, "wipedisk command" ); rc = system("/usr/local/bin/wipedisk --force"); ilog ("Disk wipe complete - Forcing Reboot ...\n"); rc = system("/usr/bin/systemctl reboot --force"); exit (0); } } rc = PASS ; fflush(stdout); } return (rc); } /** Send an event to the mtcAgent **/ int mtce_send_event ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, int cmd , const char * mtce_name_ptr ) { mtc_message_type event ; int rc = PASS ; int bytes = 0 ; memset (&event, 0 , sizeof(mtc_message_type)); if (( cmd == MTC_EVENT_RMON_READY) || ( cmd == MTC_EVENT_RMON_MINOR) || ( cmd == MTC_EVENT_RMON_MAJOR) || ( cmd == MTC_EVENT_RMON_CRIT ) || ( cmd == MTC_EVENT_RMON_CLEAR )) { snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_mtce_event_header() ); if ( mtce_name_ptr ) { size_t len = strnlen ( mtce_name_ptr, MAX_MTCE_EVENT_NAME_LEN ); /* We don't use the buffer for mtce events to remove it from the size */ bytes = ((sizeof(mtc_message_type))-(BUF_SIZE-len)); snprintf ( &event.buf[0], MAX_MTCE_EVENT_NAME_LEN , "%s", mtce_name_ptr ); } else { slog ("Internal Error - mtce_name_ptr is null\n"); } } else if ( cmd == MTC_EVENT_LOOPBACK ) { snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_loopback_header() ); /* We don't use the buffer for mtce events to remove it from the size */ bytes = ((sizeof(mtc_message_type))-(BUF_SIZE)); } else if (( cmd == MTC_EVENT_AVS_CLEAR ) || ( cmd == MTC_EVENT_AVS_MAJOR ) || ( cmd == MTC_EVENT_AVS_CRITICAL )) { snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_mtce_event_header() ); /* We don't use the buffer for mtce events so remove it from the size */ bytes = ((sizeof(mtc_message_type))-(BUF_SIZE)); } else if ( is_host_services_cmd ( cmd ) == true ) { snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_cmd_rsp_msg_header() ); if ( mtce_name_ptr ) { /* add the error message to the message buffer */ size_t len = strnlen ( mtce_name_ptr, MAX_MTCE_EVENT_NAME_LEN ); /* We don't use the buffer for mtce events to remove it from the size */ bytes = ((sizeof(mtc_message_type))-(BUF_SIZE-len)); snprintf ( &event.buf[0], MAX_MTCE_EVENT_NAME_LEN , "%s", mtce_name_ptr ); rc = FAIL_OPERATION ; } else { /* We don't use the buffer in the pass case */ bytes = ((sizeof(mtc_message_type))-(BUF_SIZE)); rc = PASS ; } event.cmd = cmd ; event.parm[0] = rc ; event.num = 1 ; } else { elog ("Unsupported mtce event (%d)\n", cmd ); return ( FAIL_BAD_CASE ); } event.cmd = cmd ; if (( sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket ) && ( sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->sock_ok() == true )) { if ( bytes == 0 ) { slog ("message send failed ; message size=0 for cmd:%d is 0\n", event.cmd ); rc = FAIL_NO_DATA ; } else if ((rc = sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->write((char*)&event.hdr[0], bytes))!= bytes ) { elog ("message send failed. (%d) (%d:%s) \n", rc, errno, strerror(errno)); elog ("message: %d bytes to <%s:%d>\n", bytes, sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->get_dst_str(), sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->get_dst_addr()->getPort()); rc = FAIL_TO_TRANSMIT ; } else { mlog2 ("Transmit: %x bytes to %s:%d\n", bytes, sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->get_dst_str(), sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->get_dst_addr()->getPort()); print_mtc_message ( get_hostname(), MTC_CMD_TX, event, get_iface_name_str(MGMNT_INTERFACE), false ); rc = PASS ; } } else { elog ("cannot send to null or failed socket (%s network)\n", get_iface_name_str (MGMNT_INTERFACE) ); rc = FAIL_SOCKET_SENDTO ; } return rc ; } /**************************************************************************** * * Name : create_mtcAlive_msg * * Description: Creates a common mtcAlive message * ****************************************************************************/ int create_mtcAlive_msg ( mtc_message_type & msg, int cmd, string identity, int interface ) { struct timespec ts ; clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts ); /* Get health state of the host - presently limited to the following * * during boot = NODE_HEALTH_UNKNOWN * /var/run/.config_pass = NODE_HEALTHY * /var/run/.config_fail = NODE_UNHEALTHY * * */ /* Init the message buffer */ MEMSET_ZERO (msg); snprintf ( &msg.hdr[0], MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_compute_msg_header()); msg.cmd = cmd ; msg.num = MTC_PARM_MAX_IDX ; /* Insert the host uptime */ msg.parm[MTC_PARM_UPTIME_IDX] = ts.tv_sec ; /* Insert the host health - TO BE OBSOLTETED */ msg.parm[MTC_PARM_HEALTH_IDX] = get_node_health( get_hostname() ) ; /* Insert the mtce flags */ msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] = 0 ; if ( daemon_is_file_present ( CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE ) ) msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__I_AM_CONFIGURED ; if ( daemon_is_file_present ( CONFIG_FAIL_FILE ) ) msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__I_AM_NOT_HEALTHY ; if ( daemon_is_file_present ( CONFIG_PASS_FILE ) ) msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__I_AM_HEALTHY ; if ( daemon_is_file_present ( NODE_LOCKED_FILE ) ) msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__I_AM_LOCKED ; if ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS ) ) msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__MAIN_GOENABLED ; if ( daemon_is_file_present ( PATCHING_IN_PROG_FILE ) ) msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__PATCHING ; if ( daemon_is_file_present ( NODE_IS_PATCHED_FILE ) ) msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__PATCHED ; /* manage the compute subfunction flag */ if ( is_subfunction_compute () == true ) { if ( daemon_is_file_present ( CONFIG_COMPLETE_COMPUTE ) ) { msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__SUBF_CONFIGURED ; /* Only set the go enabled subfunction flag if the pass file only exists */ if (( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ) == true ) && ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_SUBF_FAIL ) == false )) { msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__SUBF_GOENABLED ; } } } if ( daemon_is_file_present ( SMGMT_DEGRADED_FILE ) ) { msg.parm[MTC_PARM_FLAGS_IDX] |= MTC_FLAG__SM_DEGRADED ; } /* add the interface and sequence number to the mtcAlice message */ identity.append ( ",\"interface\":\""); identity.append (get_iface_name_str(interface)); identity.append("\",\"sequence\":"); if ( interface == INFRA_INTERFACE ) { identity.append(itos(mtcAlive_infra_sequence++)); } else { identity.append(itos(mtcAlive_mgmnt_sequence++)); } identity.append("}"); memcpy ( &msg.buf[0], identity.c_str(), identity.size() ); /* Send only the data we care about */ return (((sizeof(mtc_message_type))-(BUF_SIZE)+(identity.size())+1)); } /* Send GOENABLED messages to the controller */ int send_mtc_msg_failed = 0 ; int send_mtc_msg ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, int cmd , string identity ) { int rc = FAIL ; if (( cmd == MTC_MSG_MAIN_GOENABLED ) || ( cmd == MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED ) || ( cmd == MTC_MSG_MAIN_GOENABLED_FAILED ) || ( cmd == MTC_MSG_SUBF_GOENABLED_FAILED )) { int interface = MGMNT_INTERFACE ; mtc_message_type msg ; int bytes = create_mtcAlive_msg ( msg, cmd, identity, interface ); if (( sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket ) && ( sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->sock_ok() == true )) { /* Send back to requester - TODO: consider sending back to both as multicast */ if ((rc = sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->write((char*)&msg.hdr[0], bytes)) != bytes ) { if ( rc == -1 ) { wlog_throttled (send_mtc_msg_failed, 100 , "failed to send <%s:%d> (%d:%m)\n", sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->get_dst_str(), sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->get_dst_addr()->getPort(), errno ); } else { wlog_throttled ( send_mtc_msg_failed, 100 , "sent only %d of %d bytes to <%s:%d>\n", rc, bytes, sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->get_dst_str(), sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket->get_dst_addr()->getPort()); } } else { send_mtc_msg_failed = 0 ; print_mtc_message ( get_hostname(), MTC_CMD_TX, msg, get_iface_name_str(interface), false ); rc = PASS ; } } else { elog ("cannot send to null or failed socket (%s network)\n", get_iface_name_str (MGMNT_INTERFACE) ); } } else { elog ( "Unsupported Mtc command (%d)\n", cmd ); } return (PASS) ; } int send_mtcAlive_msg_failed = 0 ; int send_mtcAlive_msg ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, string identity, int interface ) { mtc_message_type msg ; msgClassSock * mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr = NULL ; int rc = FAIL ; if (( interface == INFRA_INTERFACE ) && ( get_ctrl_ptr()->infra_iface_provisioned != true )) { dlog2 ("cannot send to unprovisioned %s interface\n", get_iface_name_str(interface) ); return (rc); } if ( interface == MGMNT_INTERFACE ) { /* management interface */ mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr = sock_ptr->mtc_client_tx_socket ; } else if ( interface == INFRA_INTERFACE ) { /* infrastructure interface */ mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr = sock_ptr->mtc_client_infra_tx_socket ; } else { wlog_throttled ( send_mtcAlive_msg_failed, 100, "Unsupported interface (%d)\n", interface ); return (FAIL_BAD_PARM); } if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__NO_MTCALIVE )) { wlog ("mtcAlive - fit bypass\n"); return (PASS); } else { int bytes = create_mtcAlive_msg ( msg, MTC_MSG_MTCALIVE, identity, interface ); if (( mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr ) && ( mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr->sock_ok() == true )) { if ((rc = mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr->write((char*)&msg.hdr[0], bytes)) != bytes ) { if ( rc == -1 ) { wlog_throttled (send_mtcAlive_msg_failed, 100 , "failed to send <%s:%d> (%d:%m) (%s)\n", mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr->get_dst_str(), mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr->get_dst_addr()->getPort(), errno, get_iface_name_str(interface) ); } else { wlog_throttled ( send_mtcAlive_msg_failed, 100 , "sent only %d of %d bytes to <%s:%d> (%s)\n", rc, bytes, mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr->get_dst_str(), mtcAlive_tx_sock_ptr->get_dst_addr()->getPort(), get_iface_name_str(interface) ); } rc = FAIL_SOCKET_SENDTO ; } else { send_mtcAlive_msg_failed = 0 ; print_mtc_message ( get_hostname(), MTC_CMD_TX, msg, get_iface_name_str(interface), false ); rc = PASS ; } } else { elog ("cannot send to null or failed socket (%s network)\n", get_iface_name_str(interface)); } } return (rc) ; } /* Accelerated Virtual Switch 'events' socket * - for receiving data port state change event * Event strings are * * {"type":"port-state", "severity":"critical|major|clear"} * * type:port-state - the provider network data port status has changed to the supplied fault severity * * severity: * critical - port has failed and is not part of an aggregate or is the last port in an aggregate (degrade, disable services) * major - port has failed and is part of an aggregate with other inservice-ports (degrade only) * clear - port has recovered from a failed state and is operational (clear degrade, enable services) * * NOTE: The port status can transition from any of the above states to any other state. * * The neutron agent monitors the vswitch ports at a 2 second interval. * If a port changes link state during the polling period, it will * raise/clear the alarm, but now also calculates the impact of that port * failure on the provider network data interface. * * The overall aggregated state across all provider network interfaces will * be reported to maintenance when ports enter a link down or up state. * The agent will also periodically send the current provider network port * status to maintenance every 30 seconds. * */ int mtcCompMsg_testhead ( void ) { return (PASS); }