## NOTE: updates to partition sizes need to be also reflected in ## - stx-config/.../sysinv/conductor/manager.py:create_controller_filesystems() ## - stx-config/.../sysinv/common/constants.py ## ## NOTE: When adding partitions, we currently have a max of 4 primary partitions. ## If more than 4 partitions are required, we can use a max of 3 --asprimary, ## to allow 1 primary logical partition with extended partitions ## ## NOTE: Max default PV size must align with the default controllerfs sizes ## ## BACKUP_OVERHEAD = 10 ## ## Physical install (for disks over 240GB) ## - DB size is doubled to allow for upgrades ## ## DEFAULT_IMAGE_STOR_SIZE = 10 ## DEFAULT_DATABASE_STOR_SIZE = 20 ## DEFAULT_IMG_CONVERSION_STOR_SIZE = 20 ## BACKUP = DEFAULT_DATABASE_STOR_SIZE + DEFAULT_IMAGE_STOR_SIZE ## + BACKUP_OVERHEAD = 40 ## LOG_VOL_SIZE = 8192 ## SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE = 8192 ## RABBIT = 2048 ## PLATFORM = 2048 ## ANCHOR = 1024 ## EXTENSION = 1024 ## GNOCCHI = 5120 ## DOCKER = 30720 ## DOCKER_DIST = 16384 ## ETCD = 5120 ## CEPH_MON = 20480 ## KUBELET_VOL_SIZE = 10240 ## RESERVED_PE = 16 (based on pesize=32768) ## ## CGCS_PV_SIZE = 10240 + 2*20480 + 20480 + 40960 + 8196 + 8196 + 2048 + ## 2048 + 1024 + 1024 + 5120 + 30720 + 16384 + 5120 + ## 20480 + 10240 + 16 = 223256 ## ## small install - (for disks below 240GB) ## - DB size is doubled to allow for upgrades ## ## DEFAULT_SMALL_IMAGE_STOR_SIZE = 10 ## DEFAULT_SMALL_DATABASE_STOR_SIZE = 10 ## DEFAULT_SMALL_IMG_CONVERSION_STOR_SIZE = 10 ## DEFAULT_SMALL_BACKUP_STOR_SIZE = 30 ## ## LOG_VOL_SIZE = 8192 ## SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE = 8192 ## RABBIT = 2048 ## PLATFORM = 2048 ## ANCHOR = 1024 ## EXTENSION = 1024 ## GNOCCHI = 5120 ## DOCKER = 30720 ## DOCKER_DIST = 16384 ## ETCD = 5120 ## CEPH_MON = 20480 ## KUBELET_VOL_SIZE = 10240 ## RESERVED_PE = 16 (based on pesize=32768) ## ## ## CGCS_PV_SIZE = 10240 + 2*10240 + 10240 + 30720 + 8192 + 8192 + 2048 + ## 2048 + 1024 + 1024 + 5120 + 30720 + 16384 + 5120 + ## 20480 + 10240 + 16 = 182288 ## ## NOTE: To maintain upgrade compatability within the volume group, keep the ## undersized LOG_VOL_SIZE and SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE, but size the minimally size ## physical volume correctly. ## ## R4 AIO installations: ## - R4 (case #1): /boot (0.5G), / (20G), ## cgts-vg PV (239G), /local_pv (239G) ## - R4 (case #2): /boot (0.5G), / (20G), ## cgts-vg PV (239G), cgts-vg (239G) ## ## Upgrade migration will start with R5 install and create a partition to align ## above so filesystems within the volume group will be able to maintain their ## sizes in R5 ## - R5 install : /boot (0.5G), / (20G), ## cgts-vg PV (142G), un-partitioned (336G) ## - R5 (case #1): /boot (0.5G), / (20G), ## cgts-vg PV (142G), cgts-vg PV (97G), unpartitioned (239G) ## - R5 (case #2): /boot (0.5G), / (20G), ## cgts-vg PV (142G), cgts-vg PV (336G) ## sz=$(blockdev --getsize64 $(get_disk $ROOTFS_DISK)) if [ $sz -le $((240*$gb)) ] ; then # Round CGCS_PV_SIZE to the closest upper value that can be divided by 1024. # 182288/1024=178.01. CGCS_PV_SIZE=179*1024=183296. Using a disk with a # size under 179GiB will fail. CGCS_PV_SIZE=183296 else # Round CGCS_PV_SIZE to the closest upper value that can be divided by 1024. # 223256/1024=218.02. CGCS_PV_SIZE=219*1024=224256. CGCS_PV_SIZE=224256 fi ROOTFS_SIZE=20000 LOG_VOL_SIZE=8000 SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE=8000 PLATFORM_BACKUP_SIZE=10000 BOOT_SIZE=500 EFI_SIZE=300 ROOTFS_OPTIONS="defaults" profile_mode=`cat /proc/cmdline |xargs -n1 echo |grep security_profile= | grep extended` if [ -n "$profile_mode" ]; then # Enable iversion labelling for rootfs when IMA is enabled ROOTFS_OPTIONS="${ROOTFS_OPTIONS},iversion" fi if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] ; then BACKUP_PART=${ROOTFS_PART_PREFIX}1 BACKUP_PART_NO=1 START_POINT=1 END_POINT=$(($START_POINT + $PLATFORM_BACKUP_SIZE)) parted -s $ROOTFS_DISK mkpart primary ext4 ${START_POINT}MiB ${END_POINT}MiB START_POINT=$END_POINT END_POINT=$(($START_POINT + $EFI_SIZE)) parted -s $ROOTFS_DISK mkpart primary fat32 ${START_POINT}MiB ${END_POINT}MiB cat<>/tmp/part-include part /boot/efi --fstype=efi --onpart=${ROOTFS_PART_PREFIX}2 EOF else BACKUP_PART=${ROOTFS_PART_PREFIX}2 BACKUP_PART_NO=2 parted -s $ROOTFS_DISK mkpart primary 1MiB 2MiB START_POINT=2 END_POINT=$(($START_POINT + $PLATFORM_BACKUP_SIZE)) parted -s $ROOTFS_DISK mkpart primary ext4 ${START_POINT}MiB ${END_POINT}MiB cat<>/tmp/part-include part biosboot --asprimary --fstype=biosboot --onpart=${ROOTFS_PART_PREFIX}1 EOF fi START_POINT=$END_POINT END_POINT=$(($START_POINT + $BOOT_SIZE)) parted -s $ROOTFS_DISK mkpart primary ext4 ${START_POINT}MiB ${END_POINT}MiB START_POINT=$END_POINT END_POINT=$(($START_POINT + $ROOTFS_SIZE)) parted -s $ROOTFS_DISK mkpart primary ext4 ${START_POINT}MiB ${END_POINT}MiB START_POINT=$END_POINT END_POINT=$(($START_POINT + $CGCS_PV_SIZE)) parted -s $ROOTFS_DISK mkpart extended ${START_POINT}MiB ${END_POINT}MiB if [ $BACKUP_CREATED -ne 0 ] ; then cat<>/tmp/part-include part /opt/platform-backup --fstype=ext4 --asprimary --noformat --onpart=$BACKUP_PART --fsoptions="$ROOTFS_OPTIONS" EOF else cat</tmp/backup-guid-change.sh flock $ROOTFS_DISK sgdisk --change-name=${BACKUP_PART_NO}:"${BACKUP_PART_LABEL}" --typecode=${BACKUP_PART_NO}:"${BACKUP_PART_GUID}" $ROOTFS_DISK EOF cat<>/tmp/part-include part /opt/platform-backup --fstype=ext4 --asprimary --onpart=$BACKUP_PART --fsoptions="$ROOTFS_OPTIONS" EOF fi cat<>/tmp/part-include part /boot --fstype=ext4 --asprimary --onpart=${ROOTFS_PART_PREFIX}3 --fsoptions="$ROOTFS_OPTIONS" part pv.253004 --onpart=${ROOTFS_PART_PREFIX}5 volgroup cgts-vg --pesize=32768 pv.253004 logvol /var/log --fstype=ext4 --vgname=cgts-vg --size=$LOG_VOL_SIZE --name=log-lv logvol /scratch --fstype=ext4 --vgname=cgts-vg --size=$SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE --name=scratch-lv part / --fstype=ext4 --asprimary --onpart=${ROOTFS_PART_PREFIX}4 --fsoptions="$ROOTFS_OPTIONS" EOF %end