LOG_VOL_SIZE=4000 SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE=4000 BOOT_VOL_SIZE=500 ## LOG_VOL_SIZE = 4096 ## SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE = 4096 ## DOCKER = 30720 ## CEPH_MON = 20480 ## KUBELET_VOL_SIZE = 10240 ## RESERVED_PE = 16 (based on pesize=32768) ## ## CGTS_PV_SIZE = 4096 + 4096 + 30720 + 20480 + 10240 + 16 = 69648 ## ## Round CGTS_PV_SIZE to the closest upper value that can be divided by 1024. ## 69648/1024=68.01. CGTS_PV_SIZE=69*1024=70656. CGTS_PV_SIZE=70656 sz=$(blockdev --getsize64 $(get_disk $rootfs_device)) if [ $sz -le $((80*$gb)) ] ; then ## Less than 80GB use a 10GB root partition ROOTFS_SIZE=10000 else ## Use a 20GB root partition ROOTFS_SIZE=20000 fi ROOTFS_OPTIONS="defaults" profile_mode=`cat /proc/cmdline |xargs -n1 echo |grep security_profile= | grep extended` if [ -n "$profile_mode" ]; then # Enable iversion labelling for rootfs when IMA is enabled ROOTFS_OPTIONS="${ROOTFS_OPTIONS},iversion" fi cat</tmp/part-include clearpart --all --drives=$WIPE_HDD --initlabel EOF if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] ; then cat<>/tmp/part-include part /boot/efi --fstype=efi --size=300 --ondrive=$(get_disk $boot_device) EOF else cat<>/tmp/part-include part biosboot --asprimary --fstype=biosboot --size=1 --ondrive=$(get_disk $boot_device) EOF fi cat<>/tmp/part-include part /boot --fstype=ext4 --asprimary --size=$BOOT_VOL_SIZE --ondrive=$(get_disk $rootfs_device) --fsoptions="$ROOTFS_OPTIONS" part pv.253004 --asprimary --size=$CGTS_PV_SIZE --ondrive=$(get_disk $rootfs_device) volgroup cgts-vg --pesize=32768 pv.253004 logvol /var/log --fstype=ext4 --vgname=cgts-vg --size=$LOG_VOL_SIZE --name=log-lv logvol /scratch --fstype=ext4 --vgname=cgts-vg --size=$SCRATCH_VOL_SIZE --name=scratch-lv part / --fstype=ext4 --asprimary --size=$ROOTFS_SIZE --ondrive=$(get_disk $rootfs_device) --fsoptions="$ROOTFS_OPTIONS" EOF %end