%post --erroronfail # Source common functions . /tmp/ks-functions.sh # Turn off locale support for i18n if is not installed if [ ! -d /usr/share/i18n ] ; then rm -f /etc/sysconfig/i18n fi # Unset the hostname rm /etc/hostname # If using a serial install make sure to add a getty on the tty1 conarg=`cat /proc/cmdline |xargs -n1 echo |grep console= |grep ttyS` if [ -n "$conarg" ] ; then echo "1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1" >> /etc/inittab fi #### SECURITY PROFILE HANDLING (Post Installation) #### # Check if the Security profile mode is enabled # and load the appropriate kernel modules secprofile=`cat /proc/cmdline |xargs -n1 echo |grep security_profile= | grep extended` if [ -n "$secprofile" ]; then echo "In Extended Security profile mode. Loading IMA kernel module" systemctl enable auditd.service # Add the securityfs mount for the IMA Runtime measurement list echo "securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs defaults,nodev 0 0" >> /etc/fstab else # Disable audit daemon in the Standard Security Profile systemctl disable auditd fi . /etc/platform/platform.conf # Configure smart package manager channels rm -rf /var/lib/smart mkdir /var/lib/smart /usr/bin/smart channel -y \ --add rpmdb type=rpm-sys name="RPM Database" /usr/bin/smart channel -y \ --add base type=rpm-md name="Base" baseurl=http://controller:${http_port:-8080}/feed/rel-xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx /usr/bin/smart channel -y \ --add updates type=rpm-md name="Patches" baseurl=http://controller:${http_port:-8080}/updates/rel-xxxPLATFORM_RELEASExxx # Configure smart to use rpm --nolinktos option /usr/bin/smart config --set rpm-nolinktos=true # Configure smart to use rpm --nosignature option /usr/bin/smart config --set rpm-check-signatures=false # Delete the CentOS yum repo files rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-* # Persist the boot device naming as UDEV rules so that if the network device # order changes post-install that we will still be able to DHCP from the # correct interface to reach the active controller. For most nodes only the # management/boot interface needs to be persisted but because we require both # controllers to be identically configured and controller-0 and controller-1 # are installed differently (e.g., controller-0 from USB and controller-1 from # network) it is not possible to know which interface to persist for # controller-0. The simplest solution is to persist all interfaces. # mkdir -p /etc/udev/rules.d echo "# Persisted network interfaces from anaconda installer" > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules for dir in /sys/class/net/*; do if [ -e ${dir}/device ]; then dev=$(basename ${dir}) mac_address=$(cat /sys/class/net/${dev}/address) echo "ACTION==\"add\", SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", DRIVERS==\"?*\", ATTR{address}==\"${mac_address}\", NAME=\"${dev}\"" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules fi done # Mark the sysadmin password as expired immediately chage -d 0 sysadmin # Lock the root password passwd -l root # Enable tmpfs mount for /tmp # delete /var/tmp so that it can similinked in rm -rf /var/tmp systemctl enable tmp.mount # Disable automount of /dev/hugepages systemctl mask dev-hugepages.mount # Disable firewall systemctl disable firewalld # Disable libvirtd systemctl disable libvirtd.service # Enable rsyncd systemctl enable rsyncd.service # Allow root to run sudo from a non-tty (for scripts running as root that run sudo cmds) echo 'Defaults:root !requiretty' > /etc/sudoers.d/root # Make fstab just root read/writable chmod 600 /etc/fstab # Create first_boot flag touch /etc/platform/.first_boot %end