
932 lines
32 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file Maintenance Heartbeat Agent Cluster Manager Module
* This module provides the heartbeat cluster implementation member
* functions that the hbsAgent service calls to collect, store and
* send heartbeat cluster information to SM upon request.
* See mtceHbsCluster.h for formal API between SM and Mtce.
using namespace std;
#include "nodeBase.h" /* common maintenance constructs and definitions */
#include "daemon_common.h" /* common daemon constructs and definitions */
#include "hbsBase.h" /* mtce heartbeat constructs and definitions */
/* Error log throttle counter. */
#define THROTTLE_COUNT (500)
/* Private Heartbeat Cluster Control Structure. */
typedef struct
/* Contains the controller number (0 or 1) for this controller. */
unsigned short this_controller ;
/* Used to manage the cluster based on this and peer controller state */
bool peer_controller_enabled ;
/* Used to prevent log flooding in presence of back to back errors. */
unsigned int log_throttle ;
/* Used to log when
* - peer history goes missing (false -> true change)
* - peer history starts being received ( true -> false change ) */
bool peer_history_missing ;
/* Used to threshold storage-0 not responding state */
unsigned int storage_0_not_responding_count[MTCE_HBS_NETWORKS];
/* Contains the number of monitored networks in the system.
* Management only = 1
* Management and Inrastructure = 2 */
unsigned short monitored_networks ;
/* This contains the current number of heartbeat enabled hosts.
* Used to improve performance.
* Performance: This value is included in each history entry so
* rather than do the size calculation of monitored_hostname_list
* each time, this variable is updated from monitored_hostname_list
* after each add/del operation. */
unsigned short monitored_hosts ;
/* List of host names being monitored. */
std::list<string>monitored_hostname_list ;
/* The working heartbeat cluster data vault. */
mtce_hbs_cluster_type cluster ;
bool got_peer_controller_history ;
msgClassSock * sm_socket_ptr ;
string cluster_change_reason ;
} hbs_cluster_ctrl_type ;
/* Cluster control structire construct allocation. */
static hbs_cluster_ctrl_type ctrl ;
* Name : hbs_cluster_init
* Description : Initialize the cluster structure to default values.
* Assumtions : Called by hbsAgent.cpp before entering the main loop.
void hbs_cluster_init ( unsigned short period, msgClassSock * sm_socket_ptr )
ctrl.monitored_hosts = 0;
/* Init the cluster - header. */
ctrl.cluster.version = MTCE_HBS_CLUSTER_VERSION ;
ctrl.cluster.revision = MTCE_HBS_CLUSTER_REVISION ;
ctrl.cluster.magic_number = MTCE_HBS_MAGIC_NUMBER ;
/* Init the cluster - global / dynamic data. */
ctrl.cluster.reqid = 0 ;
ctrl.cluster.period_msec = period ;
ctrl.cluster.storage0_enabled = false ;
ctrl.cluster.histories = 0 ;
ctrl.cluster.bytes = BYTES_IN_CLUSTER_VAULT(ctrl.cluster.histories);
/* The storage-0 thresholding counter for each network. */
for ( int n = 0 ; n < MTCE_HBS_NETWORKS ; n++ )
ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[n] = 0 ;
for ( int h = 0 ; h < MTCE_HBS_MAX_HISTORY_ELEMENTS ; h++ )
hbs_cluster_history_init ( ctrl.cluster.history[h] );
clog ("Cluster Info: v%d.%d sig:%x bytes:%d (%ld)",
if ( sm_socket_ptr )
ctrl.sm_socket_ptr = sm_socket_ptr ;
ctrl.cluster_change_reason = "";
ctrl.log_throttle = 0 ;
void hbs_cluster_ctrl_init ( void )
ctrl.this_controller = 0xffff ;
ctrl.peer_controller_enabled = false ;
ctrl.peer_history_missing = true ;
ctrl.log_throttle = 0 ;
ctrl.monitored_networks = 0 ;
ctrl.monitored_hosts = 0 ;
ctrl.got_peer_controller_history = false ;
ctrl.sm_socket_ptr = NULL ;
memset(&ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[0], 0, sizeof(ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count));
* Name : hbs_cluster_nums
* Description : Set this controller number and the number of monitored
* networks in this system.
* These values do not change without a process restart.
* Assumtions : Called by hbsAgent.cpp before entering the main loop.
* Returns : None
void hbs_cluster_nums ( unsigned short this_controller,
unsigned short monitored_networks )
ctrl.this_controller = this_controller ;
ctrl.monitored_networks = monitored_networks ;
* Name : hbs_cluster_change
* Description : Maintain a the cluster change reason.
* cleared and printed in hbs_cluster_update.
void hbs_cluster_change ( string cluster_change_reason )
ilog ("reason: %s", cluster_change_reason.c_str());
if ( ctrl.cluster_change_reason.empty() )
ctrl.cluster_change_reason = cluster_change_reason ;
ctrl.cluster_change_reason.append("," + cluster_change_reason) ;
* Name : hbs_cluster_change_notifier
* Description : Send SM the cluster info if there has been a state change.
void hbs_cluster_change_notifier ( void )
if ( ! ctrl.cluster_change_reason.empty () )
if ( hbs_cluster_send( ctrl.sm_socket_ptr, 0,
ctrl.cluster_change_reason ) == PASS )
* Name : cluster_list
* Description : Log the list of monitored hosts.
* Typically done on a list change.
* Returns : None
void cluster_list ( void )
std::list<string>::iterator iter_ptr ;
string list = "" ;
for ( iter_ptr = ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.begin() ;
iter_ptr != ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.end() ;
iter_ptr++ )
list.append (*(iter_ptr));
list.append (" ");
ilog ("cluster: %s", list.c_str());
* Name : cluster_storage0_state
* Description : Record the heartbeat monitoring state of storage-0.
* Parameters : true if storage-0 heartbeating is in the 'started' state.
* false if storage-0 heartbeating is in the 'stopped' state.
* Returns : None
void cluster_storage0_state ( bool enabled )
if ( (bool)ctrl.cluster.storage0_enabled != enabled )
ctrl.cluster.storage0_enabled = enabled ;
ilog ("storage-0 heartbeat state changed to %s",
enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
hbs_cluster_change ( "storage-0 state change" );
* Name : hbs_cluster_add
* Description : Add the specified hostname to the enabled hosts list.
* Updates : hostname is added to monitored_hostname_list
* If added host is storage-0 then update its enabled status.
* if added host is a controller then update controller state.
* Parameters : hostname string
* Updates : monitored_hostname_list
void hbs_cluster_add ( string & hostname )
bool already_in_list = false ;
std::list<string>::iterator hostname_ptr ;
for ( hostname_ptr = ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.begin();
hostname_ptr != ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.end() ;
hostname_ptr++ )
if ( hostname_ptr->compare(hostname) == 0 )
already_in_list = true ;
break ;
if ( already_in_list == false )
ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.push_back(hostname) ;
ctrl.monitored_hosts = (unsigned short)ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.size();
ilog ("%s added to cluster", hostname.c_str());
cluster_list ();
/* Manage storage-0 state */
if ( == 0 )
cluster_storage0_state ( true );
/* If we get down to 0 monitored hosts then just start fresh */
if (( ctrl.monitored_hosts ) == 0 )
hbs_cluster_init ( ctrl.cluster.period_msec, NULL );
/* Catch enable/provisioning of the peer controller */
if (( hostname == CONTROLLER_0 ) && ( ctrl.this_controller != 0 ))
ctrl.peer_controller_enabled = true ;
if (( hostname == CONTROLLER_1 ) && ( ctrl.this_controller != 1 ))
ctrl.peer_controller_enabled = true ;
* Name : hbs_cluster_del
* Description : Delete the specified hostname from the enabled hosts list.
* Updates : hostname is removed from monitored_hostname_list
* If added host is storage-0 then update its enabled status.
* if added host is a controller then update controller count.
* Parameters : hostname string
* Updates : monitored_hostname_list
void hbs_cluster_del ( string & hostname )
std::list<string>::iterator hostname_ptr ;
bool found = false ;
for ( hostname_ptr = ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.begin();
hostname_ptr != ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.end() ;
hostname_ptr++ )
if ( hostname_ptr->compare(hostname) == 0 )
found = true ;
break ;
if ( found == true )
ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.remove(hostname) ;
ctrl.monitored_hosts = (unsigned short)ctrl.monitored_hostname_list.size();
/* Manage storage-0 state. */
if ( == 0 )
cluster_storage0_state ( false );
/* If we get down to 0 monitored hosts then just start fresh */
if (( ctrl.monitored_hosts ) == 0 )
hbs_cluster_init ( ctrl.cluster.period_msec, NULL );
ilog ("%s deleted from cluster", hostname.c_str());
cluster_list ();
hbs_cluster_change ( hostname + " deleted" );
* Name : hbs_cluster_period_start
* Description : The following things need to be done at the start of
* every pulse period ...
* - set 'got_peer_controller_history' to false only to get
* set true when one at least one hbsClient response
* contains history from the other controller.
void hbs_cluster_period_start ( void )
clog3 ("Pulse Period Start ; waiting on responses (last:%d)",
ctrl.got_peer_controller_history );
if ( ctrl.got_peer_controller_history )
ctrl.got_peer_controller_history = false ;
* Name : hbs_cluster_update
* Description : Update this controller's cluster info for the specified
* network with ...
* 1. The number of enabled hosts.
* 2. The number of responding hosts.
* 3. The oldest history index in the rotational history fifo.
* 4. Maintain a back to back non-responding count for storage-0.
* Once the count reaches the minimum threshold of
* STORAGE_0_NR_THRESHOLD then the specific network history
* is updated to indicate storage-0 is not responding. Once
* storage-0 starts responding again with a single response
* then that network history is updated to indicate storage-0
* is responding.
* Assumptions : Converts heartbeat interface number to cluster network number.
* Parameters : heartbeat interface number ( iface_enum )
* network index
* number of not responding hosts for this interval
* Updates : This and last history as well as storage-0 not responding
* count.
void hbs_cluster_update ( iface_enum iface,
unsigned short not_responding_hosts,
bool storage_0_responding,
bool sm_heartbeat_ok)
if ( ctrl.monitored_hosts == 0 )
return ;
/* convert heartbeat iface enum to cluster network enum. */
mtce_hbs_network_enum n ;
if ( iface == MGMNT_IFACE )
else if ( iface == CLSTR_IFACE )
else if ( iface == OAM_IFACE )
return ;
if ( ctrl.monitored_hosts < not_responding_hosts )
slog("Monitored Hosts of %d is less than the number of Not Responding hosts %d" , ctrl.monitored_hosts, not_responding_hosts );
if ( not_responding_hosts )
clog ("controller-%d %s enabled:%d not responding:%d",
clog ("controller-%d %s has %d monitored hosts and all are responding",
/* Look-up active history array for this network combination */
mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type * history_ptr = NULL ;
GET_CLUSTER_HISTORY_PTR(ctrl.cluster, ctrl.this_controller ,n);
if ( history_ptr == NULL )
if ( ctrl.cluster.histories >= MTCE_HBS_MAX_HISTORY_ELEMENTS )
/* Should never happen but if it does then log without floooding */
wlog_throttled ( ctrl.log_throttle, THROTTLE_COUNT,
"Unable to store history beyond %d ",
ctrl.cluster.histories );
hbs_cluster_change_notifier ();
return ;
/* Adding a new history slot. */
history_ptr = &ctrl.cluster.history[ctrl.cluster.histories] ;
ctrl.cluster.histories++ ;
ctrl.cluster.bytes = BYTES_IN_CLUSTER_VAULT(ctrl.cluster.histories);
history_ptr->controller = ctrl.this_controller ;
history_ptr->network = n ;
/* Log new network history as its being started. */
ilog ("controller-%d added new controller-%d:%s history to vault ; now have %d network views",
/* update sm heartbeat status */
if ( sm_heartbeat_ok == true )
history_ptr->sm_heartbeat_fail = false ;
history_ptr->sm_heartbeat_fail = true ;
/* Manage storage-0 status. */
if ( ctrl.cluster.storage0_enabled )
/* Handle storage-0 status change from not responding to responding. */
if ( storage_0_responding == true )
if ((bool)history_ptr->storage0_responding == false)
history_ptr->storage0_responding = true ;
ilog ("controller-%d %s heartbeat ; storage-0 is ok",
if (ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[n])
ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[n] = 0 ;
/* Count the storage-0 not responding case for this network. */
ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[n]++ ;
if ( ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[n] == 2 )
ilog ("controller-%d %s heartbeat ; storage-0 has 2 misses",
hbs_cluster_network_name(n).c_str() );
/* Handle storage-0 status change from responding to not responding. */
if (( (bool)history_ptr->storage0_responding == true ) &&
( ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[n] >= STORAGE_0_NR_THRESHOLD ))
history_ptr->storage0_responding = false ;
ilog ("controller-%d %s heartbeat ; storage-0 is not responding",
hbs_cluster_network_name(n).c_str() );
/* Typical path for storage-0 disabled or normal non-storage system case */
if ( (bool)history_ptr->storage0_responding == true )
history_ptr->storage0_responding = false ;
/* Handle clearing threshold count when storage-0 is not enabled. */
if ( ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[n] )
ctrl.storage_0_not_responding_count[n] = 0 ;
/* Increment the entries count till it reaches the max. */
if ( history_ptr->entries < MTCE_HBS_HISTORY_ENTRIES )
history_ptr->entries++ ;
if ( ctrl.monitored_hosts < not_responding_hosts )
slog("Monitored Hosts of %d is less than the number of Not Responding hosts %d" , ctrl.monitored_hosts, not_responding_hosts );
/* Update the history with this data. */
history_ptr->entry[history_ptr->oldest_entry_index].hosts_enabled = ctrl.monitored_hosts ;
history_ptr->entry[history_ptr->oldest_entry_index].hosts_responding = ctrl.monitored_hosts - not_responding_hosts ;
/* Manage the next entry update index ; aka the oldest index.
* - handle not full case ; oldest entry is the first entry
* - handle the full case ; wrap around */
if (( history_ptr->entries == 0 ) ||
( history_ptr->oldest_entry_index == (MTCE_HBS_HISTORY_ENTRIES-1)))
history_ptr->oldest_entry_index = 0 ;
history_ptr->oldest_entry_index++ ;
hbs_cluster_change_notifier ();
/* clear the log throttle if we are updating history ok. */
ctrl.log_throttle = 0 ;
* Name : hbs_cluster_append
* Description : Add this controller's cluster info to this pulse
* request message.
void hbs_cluster_append ( hbs_message_type & msg )
CHECK_CTRL_NTWK_PARMS(ctrl.this_controller, ctrl.monitored_networks);
msg.cluster.version = ctrl.cluster.version ;
msg.cluster.revision = ctrl.cluster.revision ;
msg.cluster.magic_number = ctrl.cluster.magic_number ;
msg.cluster.period_msec = ctrl.cluster.period_msec ;
msg.cluster.storage0_enabled = ctrl.cluster.storage0_enabled ;
msg.cluster.histories = 0 ;
/* Copy this controller's cluster history into the broadcast request. */
for ( int h = 0 ; h < ctrl.cluster.histories ; h++ )
if ( ctrl.cluster.history[h].controller == ctrl.this_controller )
memcpy( &msg.cluster.history[msg.cluster.histories],
msg.cluster.histories++ ;
msg.cluster.bytes = BYTES_IN_CLUSTER_VAULT(msg.cluster.histories);
clog1 ("controller-%d appending cluster info to heartbeat message (%d:%d:%d)",
ctrl.this_controller, ctrl.monitored_networks, ctrl.cluster.histories, msg.cluster.bytes );
/* Manage peer controller vault history. */
void hbs_cluster_peer ( void )
/* Manage updating the local peer controller history data with 0:0
* for this pulse period if there was no response from the peer
* controller for this pulse period. */
if (( ctrl.got_peer_controller_history == false ) &&
( ctrl.peer_controller_enabled == true ))
if ( ctrl.peer_history_missing == false )
ctrl.peer_history_missing = true ;
/* if no nodes have reported peer controller history then inject
* a 0:0 value in for this pulse period for that controller. */
if ( hbs_cluster_inject ( ctrl.this_controller?0:1, 0, 0 ) == true )
hbs_cluster_change ( "missing peer controller view" );
else if (( ctrl.got_peer_controller_history == true ) &&
( ctrl.peer_controller_enabled == true ) &&
( ctrl.peer_history_missing == true ))
hbs_cluster_change ( "receiving peer controller view" );
ctrl.peer_history_missing = false ;
* Name : hbs_cluster_unused_bytes
* Descrition : Used to set how much data to send in the heartbeat pulse
* requests.
* Returns : The number of bytes that are not used in the full
* history array cluster structure.
unsigned short hbs_cluster_unused_bytes ( void )
if ( ctrl.cluster.histories <= MTCE_HBS_MAX_HISTORY_ELEMENTS )
unsigned short tmp = MTCE_HBS_MAX_HISTORY_ELEMENTS - ctrl.cluster.histories ;
return((unsigned short)(sizeof(mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type)*tmp)) ;
return 0;
* Name : hbs_cluster_send
* Description: Send the cluster vault to SM.
* Returns : Nothing
int hbs_cluster_send ( msgClassSock * sm_client_sock, int reqid , string reason )
ctrl.cluster.reqid = (unsigned short)reqid ;
if (( sm_client_sock ) && ( sm_client_sock->sock_ok() == true ))
int len = sizeof(mtce_hbs_cluster_type)-hbs_cluster_unused_bytes();
int bytes = sm_client_sock->write((char*)&ctrl.cluster, len);
if ( bytes <= 0 )
elog ("failed to send cluster vault to SM (bytes=%d) (%d:%s)\n",
bytes , errno, strerror(errno));
/* limit the string length */
ilog ("reason: %s", reason.substr(0,80).c_str());
hbs_cluster_dump ( ctrl.cluster );
rc = PASS ;
wlog ("cannot send cluster info due to socket error");
* Name : hbs_history_save
* Descrition : Copy the history sample to the vault.
* Returns : Nothing.
void hbs_history_save ( string hostname,
mtce_hbs_network_enum network,
mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type & sample )
for ( int h = 0 ; h < ctrl.cluster.histories ; h++ )
if (( ctrl.cluster.history[h].controller == sample.controller ) &&
( ctrl.cluster.history[h].network == ))
if ( hbs_cluster_cmp( sample, ctrl.cluster.history[h] ) )
hbs_cluster_change ("peer cluster delta " +
memcpy( &ctrl.cluster.history[h], &sample,
clog1 ("controller-%d vault update from controller-%d %s reply with %d histories (this:%s)",
return ;
hbs_cluster_change ( "peer controller cluster " +
/* not found ? Add a new one */
memcpy( &ctrl.cluster.history[ctrl.cluster.histories], &sample,
ctrl.cluster.histories++ ;
ctrl.cluster.bytes = BYTES_IN_CLUSTER_VAULT(ctrl.cluster.histories);
ilog ("controller-%d added new %s:%s history to vault ; now have %d network views",
void hbs_state_audit ( void )
if ( ctrl.monitored_hosts )
hbs_cluster_dump ( ctrl.cluster );
void hbs_cluster_log ( string & hostname, string prefix )
hbs_cluster_log ( hostname, ctrl.cluster, prefix );
void hbs_cluster_log ( string & hostname,
string log_prefix,
bool force )
hbs_cluster_log (hostname, ctrl.cluster, log_prefix, force );
* Active Active Heartbeating and Debug Member Functions
* Name : hbs_cluster_cmp
* Descrition : Compare 2 histories
* Returns : 0 - when number of enabled hosts and responding
* hosts are the same for all the entries.
* # - the number of entries that are different.
int hbs_cluster_cmp( mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type h1,
mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type h2 )
int h1_delta = 0 ;
int h2_delta = 0 ;
int delta = 0 ;
for ( int e = 0 ; e < h1.entries ; e++ )
if ( h1.entry[e].hosts_enabled != h1.entry[e].hosts_responding )
h1_delta++ ;
for ( int e = 0 ; e < h2.entries ; e++ )
if ( h2.entry[e].hosts_enabled != h2.entry[e].hosts_responding )
h2_delta++ ;
if ( h1_delta > h2_delta )
delta = h1_delta-h2_delta ;
else if ( h2_delta > h1_delta )
delta = h2_delta-h1_delta ;
if ( delta )
clog3 ("peer controller reporting %d deltas", delta );
* Name : hbs_cluster_save
* Descrition : Copies the other controllers information from msg into
* the cluster.
* Returns : PASS or FAIL
int hbs_cluster_save ( string & hostname,
mtce_hbs_network_enum network,
hbs_message_type & msg )
/* cluster info is only supported in HBS_MESSAGE_VERSION 1 */
if ( msg.v < HBS_MESSAGE_VERSION )
if ( ! ctrl.monitored_hosts )
return RETRY ;
if ( ! msg.cluster.histories )
wlog_throttled ( ctrl.log_throttle, THROTTLE_COUNT,
"%s %s ; no peer controller history",
if ( ctrl.peer_controller_enabled )
/* Should only contain the other controllers history */
for ( int h = 0 ; h < msg.cluster.histories ; h++ )
if ( msg.cluster.history[h].network >= MTCE_HBS_MAX_NETWORKS )
elog ("Invalid network id (%d:%d:%d)",
msg.cluster.history[h].network );
else if ( msg.cluster.history[h].controller != ctrl.this_controller )
/* set that we got some history and save it */
ctrl.got_peer_controller_history = true ;
hbs_history_save ( hostname, network, msg.cluster.history[h] );
hbs_cluster_log( hostname, ctrl.cluster, hbs_cluster_network_name(network) );
return (PASS);
bool hbs_cluster_inject ( unsigned short controller, unsigned short hosts_enabled, unsigned short hosts_responding )
bool state_changed = false ;
for ( int h = 0 ; h < ctrl.cluster.histories ; h++ )
if ( ctrl.cluster.history[h].controller == controller )
if (( ctrl.cluster.history[h].entry[ctrl.cluster.history[h].oldest_entry_index].hosts_enabled ) ||
( ctrl.cluster.history[h].entry[ctrl.cluster.history[h].oldest_entry_index].hosts_responding ))
/* Inject requested data for all networks of specified controller */
ctrl.cluster.history[h].entry[ctrl.cluster.history[h].oldest_entry_index].hosts_enabled = hosts_enabled ;
ctrl.cluster.history[h].entry[ctrl.cluster.history[h].oldest_entry_index].hosts_responding = hosts_responding ;
wlog ("controller-%d injected %d:%d into controller-%d %s history (entry %d)",
ctrl.cluster.history[h].oldest_entry_index );
state_changed = true ;
/* manage the oldest index */
if ( ++ctrl.cluster.history[h].oldest_entry_index == MTCE_HBS_HISTORY_ENTRIES )
ctrl.cluster.history[h].oldest_entry_index = 0 ;
return ( state_changed );
* Name : hbs_controller_lock
* Description : Clear all history for this controller.
* Called when this controller is detected as locked.
void hbs_controller_lock ( void )
if ( ctrl.cluster.histories )
ilog ("controller-%d locked ; clearing all cluster info", ctrl.this_controller );
for ( int h = 0 ; h < ctrl.cluster.histories ; h++ )
memset ( &ctrl.cluster.history[h], 0, sizeof(mtce_hbs_cluster_history_type));
ctrl.cluster.histories = 0 ;
hbs_cluster_change ( "this controller locked" ) ;