
313 lines
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# This file contains the sensor profile for the following board
# "Quanta Computer" with "Quanta(TM) Embedded Lights Out Manager ; v3.29"
# Please refer to sensor_integration_profile.README for a detailed
# explaination of the format and heirarchy of this file and how to
# develop a file like this for sensor integration for new servers.
targets = Targets:SP:SYS
name_cmd = show /SYS
bmc_cmd = show /SP
bmv_ver = v3.29
name = Quanta Computer
bmc = Quanta(TM) Embedded Lights Out Manager
info = show /SYS
dump_cmd = show /SP ; there is no dump, this just prints the bmc version
reset = reset /SYS
poweron = start /SYS
poweroff = stop /SYS
powerquery = show /SYS
hostname = none
sensor = none
severity = none
# POWER sensor management
# -----------------------------
groups = POWER1
group = server power
sensortype = power
datatype = discrete
interval = 100 ; seconds
cmd = show /SYS/powerSupply
sensors = PSU12,PSU1,PSU2
name = PSU Redundancy
name = PSU1 Status
name = PSU2 Status
# COOLING sensor management
# -----------------------------
groups = FANS1,FANS2
# COOLING:FANS1 Grouping
group = server fans
sensortype = fan
datatype = discrete
interval = 120 ; seconds
cmd = show /SYS/fan
# TODO: the sensor reading rules
ignore = na
pass = ok
minor = na
major = nonCritical
critical = critical
delimitor = =
sensors = FANS1_1,FANS1_2,FANS1_3,FANS1_4,FANS1_5,FANS1_6,FANS1_7,FANS1_8,FANS1_9,FANS1_10,FANS1_11,FANS1_12
name = Fan_SYS0_1
name = Fan_SYS0_2
name = Fan_SYS1_1
name = Fan_SYS1_2
name = Fan_SYS2_1
name = Fan_SYS2_2
name = Fan_SYS3_1
name = Fan_SYS3_2
name = Fan_SYS4_1
name = Fan_SYS4_2
name = Fan_SYS5_1
name = Fan_SYS5_2
# COOLING:FANS2 Grouping
# The name of the group that will show up in the GUI
group = power supply fans
# sensor attributes for this group
sensortype = fan
datatype = discrete
interval = 120 ; seconds
# the commands that will read the sensors in this group
cmd = show /SYS/fan
# TODO: the sensor reading rules
ignore = na
pass = ok
minor = na
major = nonCritical
critical = critical
# Status output delimiter
delimitor = =
# list of abstract labels for the sensors in this group
sensors = FANS2_1,FANS2_2
# the individual sensors in this group
name = Fan_PSU1
name = Fan_PSU2
# TEMPERATURE sensor management
# -----------------------------
group = server temperature
sensortype = temperature
datatype = discrete
interval = 34 ; seconds
unit = Celsius
cmd = show /SYS/temperature
delimitor = =
# TODO: the sensor reading rules
ignore = na
pass = ok
minor = na
major = nonCritical
critical = critical
# the individual sensors in this group
name = PCH Thermal Trip
name = MB Thermal Trip
name = Temp_CPU0
name = Temp_CPU1
name = Temp_VR_CPU0
name = Temp_VR_CPU1
name = Temp_DIMM_AB
name = Temp_DIMM_CD
name = Temp_DIMM_EF
name = Temp_DIMM_GH
name = Temp_VR_DIMM_AB
name = Temp_VR_DIMM_CD
name = Temp_VR_DIMM_EF
name = Temp_VR_DIMM_GH
name = Temp_Ambient_FP
name = Temp_PCI_Area
name = Temp_PCI_Inlet1
name = Temp_PCI_Inlet2
name = Temp_PCH
name = Temp_Outlet
name = Temp_HBA_LSI
name = Temp_OCP
name = Temp_PSU1
name = Temp_PSU2
# VOLTAGE sensor management
# -----------------------------
groups = VOLTAGE1
group = server voltage
sensortype = voltage
datatype = discrete
interval = 300 ; seconds
cmd = show /SYS/voltage
# TODO: the sensor reading rules
ignore = na
pass = ok
minor = na
major = nonCritical
critical = critical
# the individual sensors in this group
name = Volt_VR_CPU0
name = Volt_VR_CPU1
name = Volt_P5V
name = Volt_P5V_AUX
name = Volt_P3V3
name = Volt_P1V05
name = Volt_P1V8_AUX
name = Volt_P12V
name = Volt_P3V3_AUX
name = Volt_VR_DIMM_AB
name = Volt_VR_DIMM_CD
name = Volt_VR_DIMM_EF
name = Volt_VR_DIMM_GH
name = Volt_P3V_BAT