Eric MacDonald 4d463fe074 Mtce: add host and iface name to msg debug log in hbsAgent
Story: 2002882
Task: 22845

Change-Id: If4a6768f7f210742130679afb56c5f5364273bfc
Signed-off-by: Jack Ding <>
2018-07-20 11:12:35 -04:00

1774 lines
63 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River CGTS Platform Nodal Health Check Agent Daemon
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netdb.h> /* for ... hostent */
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* for ... close and usleep */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <linux/rtnetlink.h> /* for ... RTMGRP_LINK */
using namespace std;
#include "nodeBase.h"
#include "nodeUtil.h" /* for ... get_ip_addresses */
#include "nodeMacro.h" /* for ... CREATE_NONBLOCK_INET_UDP_RX_SOCKET */
#include "daemon_ini.h" /* Ini Parser Header */
#include "daemon_common.h" /* Common definitions and types for daemons */
#include "daemon_option.h" /* Common options for daemons */
#include "nodeClass.h" /* The main link class */
#include "nodeTimers.h" /* maintenance timer utilities start/stop */
#include "nlEvent.h" /* for ... open_netlink_socket */
#include "hbsBase.h" /* Heartbeat Base Header File */
#include "hbsAlarm.h" /* for ... hbsAlarm_clear_all */
#include "alarm.h" /* for ... alarm send message to mtcalarmd */
* Implementation Structure
* Call sequence:
* daemon_init
* daemon_configure
* daemon_signal_init
* hbs_hostname_read
* hbs_message_init
* hbs_int_socket_init
* hbs_ext_socket_init
* forever ( timer_handler )
* hbs_pulse_req
* hbs_timer_start
* _pulse_receive
* hbs_timer_stop
* Note: Interface implementation is in opposite
* order of the following call sequence
/* Number of back to back interface errors before the interface is re-initialized. */
/* Historical String data for mem_logs */
static string unexpected_pulse_list[MAX_IFACES] = { "" , "" } ;
static string arrival_histogram[MAX_IFACES] = { "" , "" } ;
/** This heartbeat service inventory is tracked by
* the same nodeLinkClass that maintenance uses.
nodeLinkClass hbsInv ;
nodeLinkClass * get_hbsInv_ptr ( void )
return (&hbsInv);
/** Setup the pointer */
int module_init ( void )
return (PASS);
static unsigned int my_nodetype= CGTS_NODE_NULL ;
void daemon_sigchld_hdlr ( void )
; /* dlog("Received SIGCHLD ... no action\n"); */
* Daemon Configuration Structure - The allocated struct
* @see daemon_common.h for daemon_config_type struct format.
static daemon_config_type hbs_config ;
daemon_config_type * daemon_get_cfg_ptr () { return &hbs_config ; }
* Messaging Socket Control Struct - The allocated struct
* @see hbsBase.h for hbs_socket_type struct format.
static hbs_socket_type hbs_sock ;
msgSock_type * get_mtclogd_sockPtr ( void )
return (&hbs_sock.mtclogd);
#define SCHED_MONITOR__MAIN_LOOP ((const char *) "---> scheduling latency : main loop :")
#define SCHED_MONITOR__RECEIVER ((const char *) "---> scheduling latency : rx pulses :")
void monitor_scheduling ( unsigned long long & this_time, unsigned long long & prev_time , int data, const char * label_ptr )
this_time = gettime_monotonic_nsec () ;
if ( this_time > (prev_time + (NSEC_TO_MSEC*(hbs_config.latency_thld)))) /* 10 millisec */
llog ("%4llu.%-4llu msec - %s at line %d\n",
((this_time-prev_time) > NSEC_TO_MSEC) ? ((this_time-prev_time)/NSEC_TO_MSEC) : 0,
((this_time-prev_time) > NSEC_TO_MSEC) ? ((this_time-prev_time)%NSEC_TO_MSEC) : 0,
label_ptr, data);
// else if ( ! strcmp (SCHED_MONITOR__RECEIVER, label_ptr ) && ( data > 10 ))
// {
// ilog ("===> receive latency : batch of %d pulses in under scheduling threshold of %d msec\n", data , hbs_config.latency_thld );
// }
prev_time = this_time ;
/* Cleanup exit handler */
void daemon_exit ( void )
daemon_dump_info ();
daemon_files_fini ();
/* Close the heatbeat sockets */
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_IFACES ; i++ )
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]);
if ( hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]);
/* Close the event socket */
if ( hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock )
delete (hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock);
/* Close the command socket */
if ( hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock )
delete (hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock);
exit (0);
/* Number of pulse response socket receive */
/* retries that should occur in a heartbeat */
/* period before we declare a node missing */
/* Note: Value that needs to be engineered */
/* once we get time on real hardware */
#define HBS_SOCKET_MSEC (5)
#define HBS_MIN_PERIOD (50)
#define HBS_MAX_PERIOD (999)
#define HBS_VIRT_PERIOD (500)
#define HBS_BACKOFF_FACTOR (4) /* period*this during backoff */
/** Control Config Mask */
/* Startup config read */
static int hbs_config_handler ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user;
if (MATCH("agent", "heartbeat_period"))
config_ptr->hbs_pulse_period = atoi(value);
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period = atoi(value);
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = false ;
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_PERIOD ;
/* Adjust the heartbeat period in a virtual environment */
if (( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period >= HBS_MIN_PERIOD ) ||
( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period <= HBS_MAX_PERIOD ))
struct stat p ;
p.st_size = 0 ;
stat ( HOST_IS_VIRTUAL, &p ) ;
if ( p.st_size )
if (( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period != 0 ) &&
( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period < HBS_VIRT_PERIOD ))
config_ptr->hbs_pulse_period = HBS_VIRT_PERIOD ;
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period = HBS_VIRT_PERIOD ;
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save = HBS_VIRT_PERIOD ;
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save = hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period ;
if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_minor_threshold"))
config_ptr->hbs_minor_threshold =
hbsInv.hbs_minor_threshold = atoi(value);
if (MATCH("agent", "heartbeat_degrade_threshold"))
config_ptr->hbs_degrade_threshold =
hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_DEGRADE ;
if (MATCH("agent", "heartbeat_failure_threshold"))
config_ptr->hbs_failure_threshold =
hbsInv.hbs_failure_threshold = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_FAILURE ;
if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_calibrate_threshold"))
config_ptr->hbs_calibrate_threshold = atoi(value);
if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_calibrate_period_factor"))
config_ptr->hbs_calibrate_period_factor = atoi(value);
if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_calibrate_minor_factor"))
config_ptr->hbs_calibrate_minor_factor = atoi(value);
if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_calibrate_degrade_factor"))
config_ptr->hbs_calibrate_degrade_factor = atoi(value);
if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_calibrate_fail_factor"))
config_ptr->hbs_calibrate_fail_factor = atoi(value);
if (MATCH("agent", "multicast"))
config_ptr->multicast = strdup(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_MULTICAST ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port"))
config_ptr->mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_MTC_TO_HBS_CMD_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_to_mtc_event_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_to_mtc_event_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_HBS_TO_MTC_EVENT_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "scheduling_priority"))
int max = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_RR);
int min = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_RR);
config_ptr->scheduling_priority = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_SCHED_PRIORITY ;
if (( config_ptr->scheduling_priority < min) ||
( config_ptr->scheduling_priority > max))
wlog ("Invalid scheduling priority (%d), overriding to min of %d\n",
config_ptr->scheduling_priority, min );
wlog ("Specified value of %d is out of acceptable range (%d-%d)\n",
config_ptr->scheduling_priority, min, max );
config_ptr->scheduling_priority = min ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_agent_mgmnt_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_agent_mgmnt_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_MGMNT_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("client", "hbs_client_mgmnt_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_client_mgmnt_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_HBS_MGMNT_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_agent_infra_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_agent_infra_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_INFRA_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("client", "hbs_client_infra_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_client_infra_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_HBS_INFRA_PORT ;
else if ( MATCH("client", "mtcalarm_req_port") )
config_ptr->mtcalarm_req_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_MTCALARM_PORT ;
return (PASS);
return (FAIL);
/* Read the mtc.ini settings into the daemon configuration */
int daemon_configure ( void )
bool waiting_msg = false ;
/* Read the ini */
hbs_config.mask = 0 ;
if (ini_parse(MTCE_CONF_FILE, hbs_config_handler, &hbs_config) < 0)
elog("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE );
return (FAIL_LOAD_INI);
if (ini_parse(MTCE_INI_FILE, hbs_config_handler, &hbs_config) < 0)
elog("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE );
return (FAIL_LOAD_INI);
get_debug_options ( MTCE_CONF_FILE, &hbs_config );
/* Verify loaded config against an expected mask
* as an ini file fault detection method */
if ( hbs_config.mask != CONFIG_AGENT_MASK )
elog ("Error: Agent configuration failed (%x)\n",
((-1 ^ hbs_config.mask) & CONFIG_AGENT_MASK));
if ( hbsInv.hbs_minor_threshold > hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold )
hbsInv.hbs_minor_threshold = hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold ;
// hbsInv.recalibrate_thresholds ();
/* Log the startup settings */
ilog("Realtime Pri: RR/%i \n", hbs_config.scheduling_priority );
ilog("Pulse Period: %i msec\n", hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period );
ilog("Minor Thld: %i misses\n", hbsInv.hbs_minor_threshold );
ilog("Degrade Thld: %i misses\n", hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold );
ilog("Failure Thld: %i misses\n", hbsInv.hbs_failure_threshold );
ilog("Multicast: %s\n", hbs_config.multicast );
hbs_config.mgmnt_iface = daemon_get_iface_master ( hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
ilog("Mgmnt iface : %s\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
ilog("Mgmnt RxPort: %d\n", hbs_config.hbs_agent_mgmnt_port );
ilog("Mgmnt TxPort: %d\n", hbs_config.hbs_client_mgmnt_port );
/* Fetch the infrastructure interface name.
* calls daemon_get_iface_master inside so the
* aggrigated name is returned if it exists */
get_infra_iface (&hbs_config.infra_iface );
if ( strlen(hbs_config.infra_iface) )
hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned = true ;
ilog ("Infra iface : %s\n", hbs_config.infra_iface );
ilog("Infra RxPort: %d\n", hbs_config.hbs_agent_infra_port );
ilog("Infra TxPort: %d\n", hbs_config.hbs_client_infra_port );
ilog("Command Port: %d (rx)\n", hbs_config.mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port );
ilog("Event Port : %d (tx)\n", hbs_config.hbs_to_mtc_event_port );
ilog("Alarm Port : %d (tx)\n", hbs_config.mtcalarm_req_port );
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
/* pull in the degrade only config option */
hbsInv.infra_degrade_only = hbs_config.infra_degrade_only ;
if ( hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold >= hbsInv.hbs_failure_threshold )
wlog ("Degrade threshold should be larger than Failure threshold\n");
wlog ("Heartbeat 'degrade' state disabled ; see %s\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE);
for ( ;; )
get_ip_addresses ( hbsInv.my_hostname, hbsInv.my_local_ip , hbsInv.my_float_ip );
if ( hbsInv.my_float_ip.empty() || hbsInv.my_float_ip.empty() )
if ( waiting_msg == false )
ilog ("Waiting on ip address config ...\n");
waiting_msg = true ;
mtcWait_secs (3);
break ;
/* Set Controller Activity State */ = daemon_get_run_option ("active") ;
ilog ("Controller : %s\n", ? "Active" : "In-Active" );
/* pust the activity state into inventory (nodeLinkClass) */
if ( == true )
hbsInv.set_activity_state ( true );
hbsInv.set_activity_state ( false );
return (PASS);
static struct mtc_timer hbsTimer ;
void hbsTimer_handler ( int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc)
timer_t * tid_ptr = (void**)si->si_value.sival_ptr ;
/* Avoid compiler errors/warnings for parms we must
* have but currently do nothing with */
if ( !(*tid_ptr) )
// tlog ("Called with a NULL Timer ID\n");
return ;
/* is base mtc timer */
else if (( *tid_ptr == hbsTimer.tid ) )
mtcTimer_stop_int_safe ( hbsTimer );
hbsTimer.ring = true ;
// wlog ("Unexpected timer - %p", *tid_ptr );
mtcTimer_stop_tid_int_safe ( tid_ptr );
/* Initialization Utilities */
/* Initialize the multicast pulse request message */
/* One time thing ; tx same message all the time. */
int hbs_message_init ( void )
/* Build the transmit pulse response message for each interface */
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_IFACES ; i++ )
memset ( &hbs_sock.tx_mesg[i], 0, sizeof(hbs_message_type));
memcpy ( &hbs_sock.tx_mesg[i].m[0], &req_msg_header[0], HBS_HEADER_SIZE );
return (PASS);
/* initialize pulse messaging for the specified interface */
int _setup_pulse_messaging ( iface_enum i, int rmem_max )
int rc = PASS ;
char * iface = NULL ;
/* Load up the interface name */
if ( i == MGMNT_IFACE )
iface = hbs_config.mgmnt_iface ;
else if (( i == INFRA_IFACE ) && ( hbs_config.infra_iface != NULL ))
iface = hbs_config.infra_iface ;
wlog ("No Infrastructure Interface\n");
return (RETRY);
/* Start by closing existing sockets just in case this is a (re)initialization */
if ( hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] = 0 ;
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] = 0 ;
/* Create transmit socket */
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] = new msgClassTx(hbs_config.multicast,hbs_sock.tx_port[i],IPPROTO_UDP,iface);
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] )
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]->return_status != PASS )
elog("Cannot open multicast transmit socket - rc:%d (%d:%m)\n", hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]->return_status, errno );
delete (hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] = 0 ;
elog("Cannot open multicast transmit socket - null object (%d:%m)\n", errno );
dlog("Opened multicast transmit socket\n" );
/* In order to avoid multicast packets being routed wrong, force sending from that socket */
/* set this tx socket interface with priority class messaging */
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]->setPriortyMessaging( iface );
/* Setup the Pulse response receive socket */
hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] = new msgClassRx(hbs_config.multicast,hbs_sock.rx_port[i],IPPROTO_UDP,iface,true);
if (( hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] == NULL ) || (hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]->return_status != PASS ))
elog("Failed opening pulse receive socket (%d:%s)\n",
errno, strerror (errno));
/* set rx socket buffer size ro rmem_max */
if (rmem_max != 0 )
hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]->setSocketMemory ( iface, "rx pulse socket memory", rmem_max );
wlog ("failed to query rmem_max ; using rmem_default\n");
/* handle failure path */
if ( rc != PASS )
if ( hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] = 0 ;
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] = 0 ;
return (rc);
return (rc);
/* Setup the Unix Domain Transmit Pulse Socket */
int alarm_port_init ( void )
hbs_sock.alarm_port = daemon_get_cfg_ptr()->mtcalarm_req_port;
hbs_sock.alarm_sock = new msgClassTx(LOOPBACK_IP, hbs_sock.alarm_port, IPPROTO_UDP);
if ( hbs_sock.alarm_sock )
if ( hbs_sock.alarm_sock->return_status == PASS )
alarm_register_user ( hbs_sock.alarm_sock );
elog ("alarm_port_init failed socket setup (rc:%d)\n",
hbs_sock.alarm_sock->return_status );
return ( hbs_sock.alarm_sock->return_status ) ;
/* Init the internal/local sockets ; the ones that will no change.
* This way we don't miss add and start commands from maintenance. */
int hbs_int_socket_init ( void )
int rc = PASS ;
ilog ("internal sockets init ...\n");
/* UDP Tx Message Socket for Heartbeat Events Towards Maintenance */
int port = hbs_config.hbs_to_mtc_event_port ;
hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock = new msgClassTx(LOOPBACK_IP, port, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock->return_status != PASS)
elog ("Failed to setup hbs event transmit port %d\n", port );
return (hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock->return_status) ;
/* Non-Blocking UDP Rx Message Socket for Maintenance Commands */
port = hbs_config.mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port ;
hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock = new msgClassRx(LOOPBACK_IP, port, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->return_status != PASS)
elog ("Failed to setup mtce command receive port %d\n", port );
return (hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->return_status) ;
if ( ( rc = alarm_port_init ()) != PASS )
elog ("Alarm port setup or registration failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
return (rc);
/* Construct the messaging sockets *
* 1. multicast transmit socket *
* 2. unicast receive socket */
int hbs_ext_socket_init ( void )
int rc = PASS ;
ilog ("external sockets init ...\n");
/* set rx socket buffer size ro rmem_max */
int rmem_max = daemon_get_rmem_max () ;
/* Read the port config strings into the socket struct
* These ports are swapped compared to the hbsClient
* From the agent perspective
* rx_port is the hbs_agent_..._port
* tx_port is the hbs_client_..._port
hbs_sock.rx_port[MGMNT_IFACE] = hbs_config.hbs_agent_mgmnt_port ;
hbs_sock.tx_port[MGMNT_IFACE] = hbs_config.hbs_client_mgmnt_port;
hbs_sock.rx_port[INFRA_IFACE] = hbs_config.hbs_agent_infra_port ;
hbs_sock.tx_port[INFRA_IFACE] = hbs_config.hbs_client_infra_port;
/* Setup the pulse messaging interfaces */
SETUP_PULSE_MESSAGING ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned, rmem_max ) ;
return (rc) ;
/* Send a multicast heartbeat pulse request message on a */
/* specific port to all listening nodes on the network. */
int hbs_pulse_request ( iface_enum iface,
unsigned int seq_num,
string hostname_clue,
unsigned int lookup_clue)
int rc = PASS ;
#define MAX_LEN 1000
char str[MAX_LEN] ;
/* Add the sequence number */
hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface].s = seq_num ;
memset ( &hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface].m[HBS_HEADER_SIZE], 0, MAX_CHARS_HOSTNAME );
if (( lookup_clue ) &&
( hostname_clue.length() <= MAX_CHARS_HOSTNAME ))
hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface].c = lookup_clue ;
memcpy ( &hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface].m[HBS_HEADER_SIZE],,
/* Message length is the size of the sequence number, the clue and the buffer */
int msg_len = (HBS_MAX_MSG+(sizeof(unsigned int)*2)) ;
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[iface] )
if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_REQUEST, "any" , get_iface_name_str(iface) ) )
goto hbs_pulse_request_out ;
else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_REQUEST, "any" , "any" ) )
goto hbs_pulse_request_out ;
if ( (rc = hbs_sock.tx_sock[iface]->write((char*)&hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface], msg_len)) < 0 )
elog("Failed to send Pulse request: %d:%s to %s.%d (rc:%i ; %d:%s)\n",
rc, errno, strerror(errno) );
wlog("Unable to send pulse request - null tx object - auto re-init pending\n");
mlog1("%s Pulse Req: (%5d): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
get_iface_name_str(iface), rc,
snprintf ( &str[0], MAX_LEN, "%s Pulse Req: %17s:%5d: %u:%u:%s\n",
mem_log (&str[0]);
return (PASS);
string get_hostname_from_pulse ( char * msg_ptr )
char temp [MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE];
string hostname ;
char * str_ptr = strstr ( msg_ptr, ":" );
memset ( temp, 0 , MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE );
sscanf ( ++str_ptr, "%31s", &temp[0] );
hostname = temp ;
return (hostname);
int _pulse_receive ( iface_enum iface , unsigned int seq_num )
int n = 0 ;
int detected_pulses = 0 ;
/* get a starting point */
unsigned long long after_rx_time ;
unsigned long long before_rx_time = gettime_monotonic_nsec ();
/* Clean the receive buffer */
memset ( hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m, 0, HBS_MAX_MSG );
hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].s = 0 ;
hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].c = 0 ;
if ( hbs_sock.rx_sock[iface] == NULL )
elog ("%s cannot receive pulses - null object\n", get_iface_name_str(iface) );
return (0);
if ( (n = hbs_sock.rx_sock[iface]->read((char*)&hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface], sizeof(hbs_message_type))) != -1 )
mlog1 ("%s Pulse Rsp: (%5d): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
get_iface_name_str(iface), n,
/* Validate the header */
if ( strstr ( hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m, rsp_msg_header) )
int rc = RETRY ;
string hostname = get_hostname_from_pulse (&hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m[0]);
if ( hbs_config.testmode == 1 )
if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_RESPONSE, hostname, get_iface_name_str(iface) ) )
continue ;
else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_RESPONSE, hostname, "any" ) )
continue ;
else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_RESPONSE, "any", "any" ) )
continue ;
mlog ("%s Pulse Rsp from (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str(iface), hostname.c_str());
if ( !"localhost") )
mlog3 ("%s Pulse Rsp (local): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
else if ( !
mlog3 ("%s Pulse Rsp: (self ): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
hbsInv.manage_pulse_flags ( hostname, hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].f );
if ( hbsInv.monitored_pulse ( hostname , iface ) == true )
#define MAX_LEN 1000
char str[MAX_LEN] ;
string extra = "Rsp" ;
if ( seq_num != hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].s )
extra = "SEQ" ;
rc = hbsInv.remove_pulse ( hostname, iface, hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].c, hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].f ) ;
snprintf (&str[0], MAX_LEN, "%s Pulse %s: (%5d): %17s:%5d: %u:%u:%x:%s\n",
get_iface_name_str(iface), extra.c_str(), n,
mlog1 ("%s", &str[0]);
mem_log (str);
if ( extra.empty())
detected_pulses++ ;
mlog3 ("%s Pulse Dis: (%5d): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
get_iface_name_str(iface), n,
if ( rc == ENXIO )
mlog3 ("Unexpected %s Pulse: <%s>\n", get_iface_name_str(iface),
&hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m[0] );
unexpected_pulse_list[iface].append ( hostname.c_str());
unexpected_pulse_list[iface].append ( " " );
/* Empty list rc - do nothing */
else if ( rc == -ENODEV )
/* This error occurs when the active controller is the only enabled host */
mlog3 ("Remove Pulse Failed due to empty pulse list\n");
wlog ( "Badly formed message\n" );
mlog ( "Bad %s Msg: %14s:%5d: %d:%s\n",
hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m) ;
} while ( n > 0 ) ;
monitor_scheduling ( after_rx_time, before_rx_time, detected_pulses, SCHED_MONITOR__RECEIVER );
return (detected_pulses);
int send_event ( string & hostname, unsigned int event_cmd, iface_enum iface )
int bytes ;
int bytes_to_send ;
int rc = PASS ;
int retries = 0 ;
mtc_message_type event ;
memset (&event, 0 , sizeof(mtc_message_type));
if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_LOSS )
daemon_dump_membuf_banner ();
daemon_dump_membuf ();
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_loss_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_LOOPBACK )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_MINOR_SET )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_MINOR_CLR )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_DEGRADE_SET )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_DEGRADE_CLR )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_READY )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_ready_header());
else if (( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_PMOND_CLEAR ) ||
( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_PMOND_RAISE ) ||
( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HOST_STALLED ))
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_mtce_event_header());
elog ("Unsupported heartbeat event (%d)\n", event_cmd );
return ( FAIL_BAD_CASE );
/* Put the hostname in the buffer - as well */
snprintf ( &event.buf[0] , MAX_CHARS_HOSTNAME, "%s",;
/* TODO: obsolete this method in the future as it limits the host name lenth to 32 */
snprintf ( &event.hdr[MSG_HEADER_SIZE] , MAX_CHARS_HOSTNAME, "%s",;
event.cmd = event_cmd ;
event.num = 1 ;
event.parm[0] = iface ;
print_mtc_message ( hostname, MTC_CMD_TX, event, get_iface_name_str(iface) , false );
/* remove the buffer as it is not needed for this message */
bytes_to_send = ((sizeof(mtc_message_type))-(BUF_SIZE-hostname.length())) ;
bytes = hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock->write((char*)&event,bytes_to_send);
if ( bytes <= 0 )
if ( retries++ > 3 )
elog ("Cannot communicate with maintenance\n");
return (RETRY);
rc = PASS ;
} while ( bytes <= 0 ) ;
return rc ;
/* The main heartbeat service loop */
int daemon_init ( string iface, string nodetype )
int rc = 10 ;
/* Not used by this service */
/* Initialize socket construct and pointer to it */
memset ( &hbs_sock, 0, sizeof(hbs_sock));
/* initialize the timer */
mtcTimer_init ( hbsTimer, "controller", "heartbeat" );
/* Assign interface to config */
hbs_config.mgmnt_iface = (char*) ;
if ( daemon_files_init ( ) != PASS )
elog ("Pid, log or other files could not be opened\n");
hbsInv.system_type = daemon_system_type ();
/* convert node type to integer */
my_nodetype = get_host_function_mask ( nodetype ) ;
ilog ("Node Type : %s (%d)\n", nodetype.c_str(), my_nodetype );
/* Bind signal handlers */
if ( daemon_signal_init () != PASS )
elog ("daemon_signal_init failed\n");
/* Configure the agent */
else if ( (rc = daemon_configure ( )) != PASS )
elog ("Daemon service configuration failed (rc:%i)\n", rc );
/* Init the heartbeat request message */
else if ( hbs_message_init ( ) != PASS )
elog ("Failed to initialize pulse request message\n");
/* Setup the heartbeat service messaging sockets */
else if ((rc = hbs_int_socket_init ( )) != PASS )
elog ("internal socket initialization failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
return ( FAIL_SOCKET_INIT ) ;
return (rc);
void daemon_service_run ( void )
int exp_pulses[MAX_IFACES] ;
int rc = PASS ;
int counter = 0 ;
int goenabled_wait_log_throttle = 0 ;
bool goenabled = false ;
/* A variable that throttles external socket init failure retries and
* ultimately triggers an exit if that retry count gets too big */
int ext_socket_init_fail_count = 0 ;
/* get a starting point */
unsigned long long prev_time = gettime_monotonic_nsec ();
unsigned long long this_time = prev_time ;
/* Used to throttle warning messages that report
* an error transmitting the pulse request */
int pulse_request_fail_log_counter[MAX_IFACES] ;
bool heartbeat_request = true ;
unsigned int seq_num = 0 ;
/* socket descriptor list */
std::list<int> socks ;
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = false ;
/* Set the mode */
hbsInv.maintenance = false ;
hbsInv.heartbeat = true ;
/* Load the expected pulses and zero detected */
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
pulse_request_fail_log_counter[iface] = 0 ;
hbsInv.pulse_requests[iface] = 0 ;
/* Make the main loop schedule in real-time */
struct sched_param param ;
memset ( &param, 0, sizeof(struct sched_param));
param.sched_priority = hbs_config.scheduling_priority ;
if ( sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, &param) )
elog ("sched_setscheduler (0, SCHED_RR, %d ) returned error (%d:%s)\n",
param.sched_priority, errno, strerror(errno));
/* Not monitoring address changes RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADDR | RTMGRP_IPV6_IFADDR */
if (( hbs_sock.ioctl_sock = open_ioctl_socket ( )) <= 0 )
elog ("Failed to create ioctl socket");
daemon_exit ();
if (( hbs_sock.netlink_sock = open_netlink_socket ( RTMGRP_LINK )) <= 0 )
elog ("Failed to create netlink listener socket");
daemon_exit ();
/* CGTS 4114: Small Footprint: Alarm 200.005 remains active after connectivity restored
* Clear self alarms */
hbsAlarm_clear_all ( hbsInv.my_hostname );
/* add this host as inventory to hbsAgent
* Although this host is not monitored for heartbeat,
* there are OOB flags in the heartbneat message that
* are needed to be extracted and locally updated */
/* Scoping this so that the inv variable is freed after the add.
* No need sarying it around on the stack all the time */
node_inv_type inv ;
/* init the inv variable */
node_inv_init ( inv ); = hbsInv.my_hostname ;
inv.nodetype = CONTROLLER_TYPE ;
hbsInv.add_heartbeat_host ( inv );
ilog ("Sending ready event to maintenance\n");
/* Wait for maintenance */
rc = send_event ( hbsInv.my_hostname, MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_READY, MGMNT_IFACE ) ;
if ( rc == RETRY )
mtcWait_secs ( 3 );
} while ( rc == RETRY ) ;
if ( rc == FAIL )
elog ("Unrecoverable heartbeat startup error (rc=%d)\n", rc );
daemon_exit ();
/* enable the base level signal handler latency monitor */
daemon_latency_monitor (true);
/* Run heartbeat service forever or until stop condition */
for ( hbsTimer.ring = false ; ; )
daemon_signal_hdlr ();
* This handles hbsAgent external socket initialization in the main
* loop only after the goenabled state is reached.
if ( goenabled == false )
if ( hbsInv.system_type == SYSTEM_TYPE__NORMAL )
if ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS ) == true )
ilog ("GOENABLE (large system)\n");
goenabled = true ;
if ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ) == true )
ilog ("GOENABLE (small system)\n");
goenabled = true ;
if ( goenabled == false )
ilog_throttled ( goenabled_wait_log_throttle, 2000, "GOENABLE wait ...\n");
usleep (50000); /* 50 msec */
if ( goenabled == true )
/* Setup the heartbeat service messaging sockets */
if ( (rc = hbs_ext_socket_init ( )) != PASS )
goenabled = false ;
if ( ext_socket_init_fail_count++ == 30 )
elog ("external socket initialization failed (rc:%d) max retries ; exiting ...\n", rc );
daemon_exit ();
elog ("external socket initialization failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
ext_socket_init_fail_count = 0 ;
goenabled_wait_log_throttle = 0 ;
if ( get_link_state ( hbs_sock.ioctl_sock, hbs_config.mgmnt_iface, &hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running ) )
hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running = false ;
wlog ("Failed to query %s operational state ; defaulting to down\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
ilog ("Mgmnt %s link is %s\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface, hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running ? "Up" : "Down" );
if ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned == true )
if ( get_link_state ( hbs_sock.ioctl_sock, hbs_config.infra_iface, &hbsInv.infra_link_up_and_running ) )
hbsInv.infra_link_up_and_running = false ;
wlog ("Failed to query %s operational state ; defaulting to down\n", hbs_config.infra_iface );
ilog ("Infra %s link is %s\n", hbs_config.infra_iface, hbsInv.infra_link_up_and_running ? "Up" : "Down" );
/***************** Service Sockets ********************/
/* Initialize the master fd_set and clear socket list */
/* Add the mtc command receiver to the select list */
if (( hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock ) &&
( hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->getFD()))
socks.push_front (hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->getFD());
FD_SET(hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds);
/* Add the netlink event listener to the select list */
if ( hbs_sock.netlink_sock )
socks.push_back (hbs_sock.netlink_sock);
FD_SET(hbs_sock.netlink_sock, &hbs_sock.readfds);
/* Add the management interface to the select list */
if (( goenabled == true ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE] ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE]->getFD()))
socks.push_back (hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE]->getFD());
FD_SET(hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE]->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds );
/* Add the INFRA network pulse rx socket if its provisioned and have a valid socket */
if (( goenabled == true ) &&
( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned == true ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE] ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD()))
socks.push_back (hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD());
FD_SET(hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds );
monitor_scheduling ( this_time, prev_time, seq_num, SCHED_MONITOR__MAIN_LOOP );
/* Sort and select() at HBS_SOCKET_NSEC timeout */
hbs_sock.waitd.tv_sec = 0;
hbs_sock.waitd.tv_usec = HBS_SOCKET_NSEC;
rc = select( socks.back()+1, &hbs_sock.readfds, NULL, NULL, &hbs_sock.waitd);
/* If the select time out expired then */
if (( rc < 0 ) || ( rc == 0 ))
/* Check to see if the select call failed. */
/* ... but filter Interrupt signal */
if (( rc < 0 ) && ( errno != EINTR ))
elog ("rx_socket select() failed (rc:%d) %s\n",
errno, strerror(errno));
if (( goenabled == true ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE] ) &&
( FD_ISSET(hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE]->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds)))
hbs_sock.fired[MGMNT_INTERFACE] = true ;
if (( goenabled == true ) &&
( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned == true ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE] ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD()) &&
( FD_ISSET(hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds)))
hbs_sock.fired[INFRA_INTERFACE] = true ;
if ((hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock != NULL ) &&
( FD_ISSET(hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds)))
int bytes ;
mtc_message_type msg ;
/* Look for maintenance command messages */
memset (&msg, 0, sizeof(mtc_message_type));
bytes = hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->read((char*)&msg,sizeof(mtc_message_type));
if ( bytes > 0 )
mlog ("Received Maintenance Command (%i)\n", bytes );
mlog ("%s - cmd:0x%x\n", &msg.hdr[0], msg.cmd );
if ( !strncmp ( get_hbs_cmd_req_header(), &msg.hdr[0], MSG_HEADER_SIZE ))
string hostname = &msg.hdr[MSG_HEADER_SIZE] ;
if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_ADD_HOST )
node_inv_type inv ;
node_inv_init(inv); = hostname ;
inv.nodetype = msg.parm[0];
hbsInv.add_heartbeat_host ( inv ) ;
ilog ("%s added to heartbeat service (%d)\n", hostname.c_str(), inv.nodetype );
/* clear any outstanding alarms on the ADD */
hbsAlarm_clear_all ( hostname );
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_DEL_HOST )
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, false, false );
hbsInv.del_host ( hostname );
ilog ("%s deleted from heartbeat service\n", hostname.c_str());
/* clear any outstanding alarms on the DEL */
hbsAlarm_clear_all ( hostname );
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_STOP_HOST )
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, false, true );
ilog ("%s stopping heartbeat service\n", hostname.c_str());
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_START_HOST )
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, true, true );
ilog ("%s starting heartbeat service\n", hostname.c_str());
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_RESTART_HBS )
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, false, false );
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, true, false );
ilog ("%s restarting heartbeat service\n", hostname.c_str());
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_RECOVER_HBS )
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period = hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save ;
ilog ("%s starting heartbeat recovery (period:%d msec)\n", hostname.c_str(), hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period);
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_BACKOFF_HBS )
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period = (hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save * HBS_BACKOFF_FACTOR) ;
ilog ("%s starting heartbeat backoff (period:%d msecs)\n", hostname.c_str(), hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period );
wlog ("Unsupport maintenance command\n");
elog ("Unexpected maintenance message header\n");
elog ("Failed receive from agent domain socket (%i)\n", bytes );
if (FD_ISSET( hbs_sock.netlink_sock, &hbs_sock.readfds))
dlog ("netlink socket fired\n");
if ( hbsInv.service_netlink_events ( hbs_sock.netlink_sock, hbs_sock.ioctl_sock ) != PASS )
elog ("service_netlink_events failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
/**************** Manage Heartbeat Service *********************/
/* bypass heartbeat if the period is out of accepted / tested range */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period < HBS_MIN_PERIOD )
if ( hbsInv.hbs_state_change == true )
wlog ("Heartbeat Disabled by out-of-range period (%d msec)\n",
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period );
wlog ("Period must be greater than %d msec, see %s\n",
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = true ;
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = false ;
/* print current node inventory to the stdio */
/* Manage enabling and disabling the heartbeat service based on
* the state of the management link.
* link up = run heartbeat service
* link down = disable heatbeat service and monitor the link up to re-enable
else if (( hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running == false ) &&
( hbsInv.hbs_disabled == false ))
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = true ;
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
ilog ("Heartbeat disabled by %s link down event\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
counter = 1 ;
/* Recover heartbeat when link comes back up */
else if (( hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running == true ) &&
( hbsInv.hbs_disabled == true ))
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = false ;
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
ilog ("Heartbeat Enabled by %s link up event\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
counter = 1 ;
/* Send a log indicating the main loop has recognized
* a state change to enable */
else if (( hbsInv.hbs_state_change == true ) &&
( hbsInv.hbs_disabled == false ))
ilog ("Heartbeat Enabled with %d pulse period and %d msec mnfa backoff period\n",
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period, (hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save * HBS_BACKOFF_FACTOR) );
ilog ("Heartbeat Thresholds ; minor:%d degrade:%d failure:%d\n",
/* print current node inventory to the stdio */
/* go to sleep if disabled */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_disabled == true )
wlog_throttled (counter, 1000, "Heartbeat service still disabled\n");
usleep (50000) ;
continue ;
/* Be sure state change flag is cleared */
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = false ;
counter = 0 ;
/* Silent Fault Detection Monitor - Log only for now */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_detector++ > HBS_MAX_SILENT_FAULT_LOOP_COUNT )
bool some_progress = false ;
/* Load the expected pulses and zero detected */
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
if ( hbsInv.pulse_requests[iface] > 0 )
hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_detector = 0 ;
// if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__HBSSILENT ) == false )
// {
some_progress = true ;
// }
hbsInv.pulse_requests[iface] = 0 ;
if ( some_progress == false )
if ( hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_logged == false )
hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_logged = true;
alarm_warning_log ( hbsInv.my_hostname, SERVICESTATUS_LOG_ID,
"maintenance heartbeat service is not making forward progress ; "
"recommend process restart by controller switchover "
"at earliest convenience" , "service=heartbeat");
hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_detector = 0 ;
if ( hbsTimer.ring == false )
if ( heartbeat_request == true )
string ri = "" ;
int rri = 0 ;
string lf = "\n" ;
mem_log ((char*);
/* Get the next Resource Reference Identifier
* and its Resourvce Identifier. These values
* are updated by reference */
hbsInv.get_rris ( ri, rri );
/* Load the expected pulses and zero detected */
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
/* Don't service the infrastructure network if it is not provisioned */
if (( iface == INFRA_IFACE ) && ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned == false ))
continue ;
exp_pulses[iface] =
hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] =
arrival_histogram[iface] = "" ;
unexpected_pulse_list[iface] = "" ;
rc = hbs_pulse_request ( (iface_enum)iface, seq_num, ri, rri );
if ( rc != 0 )
/* TODO: Fix this with an alarm */
wlog_throttled ( pulse_request_fail_log_counter[iface], 100,
"%s hbs_pulse_request failed - rc:%d\n", get_iface_name_str(iface), rc);
if ( pulse_request_fail_log_counter[iface] == INTERFACE_ERRORS_FOR_REINIT )
_setup_pulse_messaging ( (iface_enum)iface , daemon_get_rmem_max ()) ;
hbsInv.pulse_requests[iface]++ ;
pulse_request_fail_log_counter[iface] = 0 ;
/* Set this semaphore to false which puts the
* algorithm into 'receive' mode */
heartbeat_request = false ;
/* Start the heartbeat timer.
* All nodes are expected to send a
* pulse before this timer expires. */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period >= 1000 )
/* Call the 'second' timer for pulse periods that exceed a second */
int sec = (hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period/1000) ;
mtcTimer_start ( hbsTimer, hbsTimer_handler, sec );
/* Otherwise call the msec timer */
mtcTimer_start_msec ( hbsTimer, hbsTimer_handler, hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period);
/* We get here many times while in the audit period. */
/* Each time ; loop over each interface trying to get all
* the pulse responses that have come in */
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
/* Do not service the infrastructure interface if it is not provisioned
* We won't get here anyway ... gate above prevents it */
if (( iface == INFRA_IFACE ) && ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned != true ))
continue ;
if ( hbs_sock.fired[iface] == true )
hbs_sock.fired[iface] = false ;
/* lets start getting the pulse responses from provisioned interfaces */
/* Receive and handle heartbeat pulse responses from host */
/* nodes. All responses that come in on specific unicast port. */
rc = _pulse_receive( (iface_enum)iface, seq_num );
/* Creates a string that represents the pulse arrival time */
/* . none
* 1..9 pulses on that loop
* a..f is 10 to 15 arrivals on that loop
* * is more than 15 in one group
if ( rc == 0 )
else if ( rc > 15 )
else if ( rc > 9 )
char c = (char)(87+rc) ;
arrival_histogram[iface].append(1,c) ;
char c = (char)(48+rc) ;
arrival_histogram[iface].append(1,c) ;
// ilog ("Char:%s", );
if ( rc > 0 )
if ( rc <= hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] )
hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] -= rc ;
dlog ("%s more heartbeat responses than expected (exp:%d)\n",
hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] );
hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] = 0 ;
if ( hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] == 0 )
if ( hbsInv.pulse_list_empty((iface_enum)iface) != true )
elog ("%s Internal - Pulse list should be empty\n", get_iface_name_str(iface));
* Heartbeat pulse period is over !
* Time to take attendance.
* The pulse lists should be empty
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
/* Do not service the infrastructure interface if it is not provisioned */
if (( iface == INFRA_IFACE ) && ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned != true ))
continue ;
#define MAX_LEN 1000
char str[MAX_LEN] ;
snprintf (&str[0], MAX_LEN, "%s Histogram: %d - %s\n",
mem_log (str);
if ( !unexpected_pulse_list[iface].empty() )
snprintf ( &str[0], MAX_LEN, "%s Others : %s\n",
hbsInv.lost_pulses ( (iface_enum)iface );
hbsTimer.ring = false ;
heartbeat_request = true ;
seq_num++ ;
daemon_load_fit ();
daemon_exit ();
/* Push daemon state to log file */
void daemon_dump_info ( void )
daemon_dump_membuf_banner ();
hbsInv.print_node_info ();
hbsInv.memDumpAllState ();
daemon_dump_membuf (); /* write mem_logs to log file and clear log list */
const char MY_DATA [100] = { "eieio\n" } ;
const char * daemon_stream_info ( void )
return (&MY_DATA[0]);
/** Teat Head Entry */
int daemon_run_testhead ( void )
int rc = PASS;
nodeLinkClass * hbsInv_testhead_ptr = new nodeLinkClass ;
hbsInv_testhead_ptr->testmode = true ;
printf ("\n\n");
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
printf ("| Node Class Test Head - Private and Public Member Functions\n");
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 11 ; i++ )
if ( hbsInv_testhead_ptr->testhead ( i+1 ) )
rc = FAIL ;
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
printf ("| Heartbeat Service Test Head\n");
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
return (rc);