Eric MacDonald 04055390fa pmond: add support for no script label in conf files
Many new services being added to our system are no longer accompanied
with an init script ; only a service file. With the migration from sysvinit
to systemd pmond still requires process conf files to provide a script label.

This update removes that dependency. Instead, pmond will use the service
or script label to find the most appropriate process failure recover method
while handling the omition of either but not both of the service and script

The change is to first search for a service file that corresponds with the
service label in the conf file.
If the service label does not exist then the script label is looked at.
If the basename of the script has a corresponding service file then use it.
If no service file is found then the full pathed script is searched for.
If no script file is found then the process monitor errors out.

This update also makes an improvement to how pmond deals with the absence
of the hostw process. Current code base blocks startup if it cannot connect
to the hostw process.

This update implements host watchdog socket failure auto recovery while
continuing to monitor processes. With this update, if the host watchdog
process is restarted or is not running then pmond will continue to monitor
processes while periodically trying to recover connection to the host
watchdog once it does recover.

Change-Id: Icf27090d4d00954195b0ac931474587c67341207
Signed-off-by: Jack Ding <>
2018-07-01 21:18:33 -04:00

569 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River CGCS Platform Process Monitor Service Header
#include "pmon.h"
#include "alarmUtil.h" /* for ... alarmUtil_getSev_str and alarmUtil_query_identity */
#include "pmonAlarm.h" /* for ... PMON_ALARM_ID__PMOND */
/* Process Monitor Configuration File */
#define CONFIG_FILE ((const char *)"/etc/mtc/pmond.conf")
/* Process Monitor Control Structure */
static pmon_ctrl_type pmon_ctrl ;
pmon_ctrl_type * get_ctrl_ptr ( void ) { return (&pmon_ctrl); }
/** Daemon Configuration Structure
* - Allocation and get pointer
* @see daemon_common.h for daemon_config_type struct format. */
static daemon_config_type pmon_config ;
daemon_config_type * daemon_get_cfg_ptr () { return &pmon_config ; }
/* Cleanup exit handler */
void daemon_exit ( void )
pmon_msg_fini ();
pmon_hdlr_fini ( &pmon_ctrl );
daemon_files_fini ();
daemon_dump_info ();
exit (0);
/* Startup config read */
static int pmon_config_handler ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user;
if (MATCH("config", "audit_period"))
config_ptr->audit_period = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
else if (MATCH("config", "pmon_cmd_port"))
config_ptr->pmon_cmd_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CMD_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("config", "pmon_event_port"))
config_ptr->pmon_event_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_TX_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("config", "pmon_amon_port"))
config_ptr->pmon_amon_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_RX_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("config", "pmon_pulse_port"))
config_ptr->pmon_pulse_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_PULSE_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("config", "audit_period"))
config_ptr->audit_period = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
else if (MATCH("config", "hostwd_update_period"))
config_ptr->hostwd_update_period = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_HOSTWD_PERIOD ;
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "start_delay"))
config_ptr->start_delay = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_START_DELAY ;
return (PASS);
* Name : pmon_load_config
* Purpose : Read process config file settings into the daemon configuration
int pmon_process_config ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
int rc = FAIL ;
process_config_type * ptr = (process_config_type*)user;
if (MATCH("process", "process"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_PROCESS ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_PROCESS ;
ptr->process = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Process : %s\n", ptr->process );
rc = PASS ;
if (MATCH("process", "service"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_RECOVERY ;
ptr->service = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Service : %s\n", ptr->service );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "script"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_RECOVERY ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_RECOVERY ;
ptr->script = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Script : %s\n", ptr->script );
else if (MATCH("process", "style"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_STYLE ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_STYLE ;
ptr->style = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Style : %s\n", ptr->style );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "pidfile"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_PIDFILE ;
ptr->pidfile = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Pid File : %s\n", ptr->pidfile );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "severity"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_SEVERITY ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_SEVERITY ;
ptr->severity = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Severity : %s\n", ptr->severity );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "restarts"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_RESTARTS ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_RESTARTS ;
ptr->restarts = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Restarts : %d\n", ptr->restarts );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "interval"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_INTERVAL ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_INTERVAL ;
ptr->interval = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Interval : %d\n", ptr->interval );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "debounce"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_DEBOUNCE ;
ptr->debounce = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Debounce : %d\n", ptr->debounce );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "startuptime"))
ptr->startuptime = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Debounce : %d\n", ptr->startuptime );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "subfunction"))
ptr->subfunction = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Subfunction: %s\n", ptr->subfunction );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "mode"))
// ptr->mask |= CONF_MODE ;
ptr->mode = strdup(value);
if (( strcmp(ptr->mode, "active" )) &&
( strcmp(ptr->mode, "passive" )) &&
( strcmp(ptr->mode, "status" )))
ptr->ignore = true ;
dlog1 ("Mode : ignore\n");
dlog1 ("Mode : %s\n", ptr->mode );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "quorum"))
if (atoi(value) > 0)
ptr->quorum = true;
dlog1 ("Quorum : %d\n", (int) ptr->quorum );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "full_init_reqd"))
if (atoi(value) > 0)
ptr->full_init_reqd = true;
dlog1 ("Full_init_reqd : %d\n", (int) ptr->quorum );
rc = PASS ;
if (( ptr->mode != NULL ) && ( !strcmp(ptr->mode, "active" )))
if (MATCH("process", "port"))
ptr->amask |= CONF_PORT ;
ptr->port = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Active Port: %d\n", ptr->port );
rc = PASS ;
if (MATCH("process", "period"))
ptr->amask |= CONF_PERIOD ;
ptr->period = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Period : %d\n", ptr->period );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "timeout"))
ptr->amask |= CONF_TIMEOUT ;
ptr->timeout = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Timeout : %d\n", ptr->timeout );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "threshold"))
ptr->amask |= CONF_THRESHOLD ;
ptr->threshold = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Threshold : %d\n", ptr->threshold );
rc = PASS ;
if (( ptr->mode != NULL ) && ( !strcmp(ptr->mode, "status" )))
if (MATCH("process", "period"))
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_PERIOD ;
ptr->period = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Period : %d\n", ptr->period );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "timeout"))
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_TIMEOUT ;
ptr->timeout = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Timeout : %d\n", ptr->timeout );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "status_arg"))
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_STATUS_ARG ;
ptr->status_arg = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("status script argument : %s\n", ptr->status_arg );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "start_arg"))
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_START_ARG ;
ptr->start_arg = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("start script argument : %s\n", ptr->start_arg );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "status_failure_text"))
ptr->status_failure_text_file = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Status error text file : %s\n", ptr->status_failure_text_file);
rc = PASS ;
rc = PASS ;
return (rc);
* Name : daemon_configure
* Purpose : Read process config file settings into the daemon configuration
int daemon_configure ( void )
int rc = PASS ;
if (ini_parse( CONFIG_FILE, pmon_config_handler, &pmon_config) < 0)
elog("Can't load '%s'\n", CONFIG_FILE );
get_debug_options ( CONFIG_FILE, &pmon_config );
/* Verify loaded config against an expected mask
* as an ini file fault detection method */
if ( pmon_config.mask != CONFIG_MASK )
elog ("Error: Agent configuration failed (%x)\n",
((-1 ^ pmon_config.mask) & CONFIG_MASK));
/* This ensures any link aggregation interface overrides the physical */
pmon_config.mgmnt_iface = daemon_get_iface_master ( pmon_config.mgmnt_iface );
/* Log the startup settings */
ilog("Interface : %s\n", pmon_config.mgmnt_iface );
ilog("Event Port : %d\n", pmon_config.pmon_event_port );
get_iface_macaddr ( pmon_config.mgmnt_iface, pmon_ctrl.my_macaddr );
get_iface_address ( pmon_config.mgmnt_iface, pmon_ctrl.my_address, true );
get_hostname (&pmon_ctrl.my_hostname[0], MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE );
/* Manage the daemon pulse period setting - ensure in bound values */
if ( pmon_config.audit_period < PMON_MIN_AUDIT_PERIOD )
wlog ("Pulse Period: %d msecs (rounded up)\n",
pmon_ctrl.pulse_period = PMON_MIN_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
else if ( pmon_config.audit_period > PMON_MAX_AUDIT_PERIOD )
wlog ("Pulse Period: %d msecs (rounded down)\n",
pmon_ctrl.pulse_period = PMON_MAX_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
pmon_ctrl.pulse_period = pmon_config.audit_period ;
ilog("Pulse Period: %d\n", pmon_ctrl.pulse_period );
/* Manage the daemon pulse period setting - ensure in bound values */
if ( pmon_config.start_delay < PMON_MIN_START_DELAY )
wlog ("Start Delay : %d msecs (rounded up)\n",
pmon_config.start_delay = PMON_MIN_START_DELAY ;
else if ( pmon_config.start_delay > PMON_MAX_START_DELAY )
wlog ("Start Delay : %d msecs (rounded down)\n",
pmon_config.start_delay = PMON_MAX_START_DELAY ;
ilog("Start Delay : %d\n", pmon_config.start_delay );
if ( (rc = pmon_hdlr_init (&pmon_ctrl)) != PASS )
elog ("pmon_hdlt_init failed\n");
ilog ("Function : %d\n", pmon_ctrl.function );
ilog ("SubFunction : %d\n", pmon_ctrl.subfunction );
pmon_ctrl.reload_config = true ;
pmon_ctrl.patching_in_progress = false ;
return (rc);
/* Initialization Utilities */
/* Setup the daemon messaging interfaces/sockets */
int socket_init ( void )
pmon_msg_init ( );
/* Setup the pmon event port.
* This is the port that pmon sends events
* to maintenance on */
int rc = event_port_init ( pmon_config.mgmnt_iface ,
pmon_config.pmon_event_port );
/* Setup the pmon autonomout pulse port.
* This is the port that pmon sends i'm alive messages
* to the hbsClient - the watcher of the watcher */
if ( rc == PASS )
rc = pulse_port_init ( );
/* Init the avtive monitor receive port.
* This is the port that all active monitored
* processes send their responses on */
if ( rc == PASS )
rc = amon_port_init ( pmon_config.pmon_amon_port );
/* Setup the pmon hostwd connection.
* This lets pmon commuicate essential process info to the
* host watchdog process */
if ( rc == PASS )
hostwd_port_init ( );
pmon_inbox_init ( );
return (rc);
/* The main heartbeat service loop */
int daemon_init ( string iface, string nodetype_str )
int rc = PASS ;
/* init the control struct */
memset ( &pmon_ctrl.my_hostname[0], 0, sizeof(pmon_ctrl.my_hostname));
pmon_ctrl.my_macaddr = "" ;
pmon_ctrl.my_address = "" ;
pmon_ctrl.pulse_period = PMON_MAX_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
pmon_ctrl.processes = 0 ;
pmon_ctrl.system_type = daemon_system_type ();
/* sets in pmonHdlr.cpp */
pmon_set_ctrl_ptr ( &pmon_ctrl );
pmonAlarm_init ();
/* Assign interface to config */
pmon_config.mgmnt_iface = (char*) ;
if ( daemon_files_init ( ) != PASS )
elog ("Pid, log or other files could not be opened\n");
return ( FAIL_FILES_INIT ) ;
/* Bind signal handlers */
if ( daemon_signal_init () != PASS )
elog ("daemon_signal_init failed\n");
return ( FAIL_SIGNAL_INIT );
if ( set_host_functions ( nodetype_str, &pmon_ctrl.nodetype, &pmon_ctrl.function, &pmon_ctrl.subfunction ) != PASS )
elog ("failed to extract nodetype\n");
return ( FAIL_NODETYPE );
* There is no point continuing with init ; i.e. running daemon_configure,
* initializing sockets and trying to query for an ip address until the
* daemon's configuration requirements are met. Here we wait for those
* flag files to be present before continuing.
* Wait for /etc/platform/.initial_config_complete & /var/run/.goenabled */
daemon_wait_for_file ( CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE , 0);
daemon_wait_for_file ( GOENABLED_MAIN_READY , 0);
/* Configure the daemon */
if ( (rc = daemon_configure ( )) != PASS )
elog ("Daemon service configuration failed (rc:%i)\n", rc );
/* Setup the messaging sockets */
else if ( (rc = socket_init ( )) != PASS )
elog ("socket initialization failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
/* Init the pmon service timers */
pmon_timer_init ();
pmon_ctrl.recovery_method = PMOND_RECOVERY_METHOD__SYSTEMD ;
pmon_ctrl.system_state = get_system_state();
ilog ("Recovery Method: %s\n", pmon_ctrl.recovery_method ? "systemd via systemctl" : "sysvinit via script" );
return (rc);
/* Start the service
* 1. Wait for host config (install) complete
* 2. Wait for goenable
* 3. Do startup delay
* 4. run the pmon service inside pmonHdlr.cpp
void daemon_service_run ( void )
int rc = PASS ;
process_config_type dummy_process ;
memset ( (char*)&dummy_process, 0, (sizeof(process_config_type)));
dummy_process.process = strdup("pmond");
ilog ("Transmitting: 'monitor ready event'\n" );
rc = pmon_send_event ( MTC_EVENT_MONITOR_READY, &dummy_process ) ;
if ( rc == RETRY )
mtcWait_secs ( 2 );
if ( rc == FAIL )
elog ("Failed to Send READY event (rc=%d)\n", rc );
elog ("Trying to provide service anyway\n");
} while ( rc == RETRY ) ;
/* Wait a few seconds after go enabled to
* allow the rest of init to finish before
* starting to process monitor */
ilog ("Delaying %d seconds to allow other processes to start\n", pmon_config.start_delay);
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pmon_config.start_delay ; i++ )
mtcWait_secs ( 1 );
pmon_send_pulse ( );
pmon_service ( &pmon_ctrl );
daemon_exit ();
const char MY_DATA [100] = { "eieio\n" } ;
const char * daemon_stream_info ( void )
return (&MY_DATA[0]);
/** Teat Head Entry */
int daemon_run_testhead ( void )
ilog ("Empty test head.\n");
return (PASS);