Eric MacDonald 9ab726b0eb Add support for peer controller reset via mtcClient
This update adds the ability for SM to passively
request the mtcClient to BMC reset its peer controller
as a means to recover a severely loaded active controller.

To do this the mtcAgent is modified keep the controllers'
mtcClients updated with the BMC info of its peer.

The mtcClient is modified to audit for the SM signal
and then when asserted issue a BMC reset of its peer
controller using ipmitool system call.

The ability to command the peer mtcCient to 'sync'
prior to the BMC reset is implemented but configured
disabled for now.

Change-Id: Ibe4c8aaa3a980cbe5f34c3e22f015698a6453c1a
Partial-Bug: #1895350
Signed-off-by: Eric MacDonald <>
2021-01-14 16:44:14 -05:00

138 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River CGTS Platform Node Maintenance "Messaging"
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
using namespace std;
#include "nodeBase.h"
#include "nodeUtil.h" /* for ... msgSock_type */
#include "msgClass.h"
* Common Service Messaging Stuff
+----------* +-----------*
* * --- agent_addr ---> * *
* mtcAgent * * mtcClient *
* * * *
* * <-- client_addr ---> * *
* * * *
+--> * * ---+ * *
| +----------* | +-----------*
| |
event config
| |
| +----------* | +-----------*
+--- * * <--+ * *
* hbsAgent * * hbsClient *
* * -- multicast req --> * *
* * * *
* * <-- hb pulse resp -- * *
* * * *
+----------* +-----------* */
#define SA struct sockaddr*
#define MAX_RX_MSG_BATCH (20)
/** Maintenance messaging socket control structure */
typedef struct
/** These sockets define the maintenance system msging. */
/** UDP sockets used by the mtcAgent to transmit and receive
* maintenance commands to the client (compute) node and
* receive the compute node reply in the receive direction */
msgClassSock* mtc_agent_tx_socket ; /**< tx to mtc client mgmnt */
msgClassSock* mtc_agent_clstr_tx_socket; /**< tx to mtc client clstr */
msgClassSock* mtc_agent_rx_socket ; /**< rx from mtc client mgmnt */
msgClassSock* mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket; /**< rx from mtc client clstr */
int mtc_agent_port ; /**< the agent rx port number */
struct sockaddr_in agent_addr; /**< socket attributes struct */
int mtc_agent_rx_socket_size ;
int mtc_agent_clstr_rx_socket_size ;
/** UDP sockets used by the mtcClient to receive maintenance
* commands from and transmit replies to the mtcAgent */
msgClassSock* mtc_client_rx_socket ; /**< rx from controller */
msgClassSock* mtc_client_tx_socket ; /**< tx to controller mgmnt */
msgClassSock* mtc_client_tx_socket_c0_clstr ; /**< tx to controller-0 clstr i/f */
msgClassSock* mtc_client_tx_socket_c1_clstr ; /**< tx to controller-1 clstr i/f */
msgClassSock* mtc_client_clstr_rx_socket ; /**< rx from controller clstr */
int mtc_mgmnt_cmd_port ; /**< mtc command port mgmnt i/f */
int mtc_clstr_cmd_port ; /**< mtc command port clstr i/f */
struct sockaddr_in mtc_cmd_addr ; /**< socket attributes mgmnt */
/** Event Receive Interface - (UDP over 'lo') */
int mtc_event_rx_port ; /**< mtc event receive port */
msgClassSock* mtc_event_rx_sock ; /**< ... socket */
/** UDP Mtc to Hbs command port */
int mtc_to_hbs_port ; /**< hbs command port */
msgClassSock* mtc_to_hbs_sock ; /**< ... socket */
/** UDP Hardware Monitor Command Port */
int hwmon_cmd_port ; /**< ava event port */
msgClassSock* hwmon_cmd_sock ; /**< ... socket */
/** UDP Logger Port */
msgSock_type mtclogd ; /**< messaging into mtclogd */
/* For select dispatch */
struct timeval waitd ;
fd_set readfds;
/** Active Monitor Socket */
int amon_socket ;
bool main_go_enabled_reply_ack ;
bool subf_go_enabled_reply_ack ;
int netlink_sock ; /* netlink socket */
int ioctl_sock ; /* general ioctl socket */
} mtc_socket_type ;
mtc_socket_type * get_sockPtr ( void );
int send_mtc_msg ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, int cmd, string who_i_am );
int send_mtcAlive_msg ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, string identity, int interface );
int recv_mtc_reply_noblock ( void );
int send_mtc_cmd ( string & hostname, int cmd, int interface , string json_dict="" );
int mtc_service_command ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr , int interface );
int mtc_set_availStatus ( string & hostname, mtc_nodeAvailStatus_enum status );
int mtce_send_event ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, unsigned int cmd , const char * mtce_name_ptr );
int mtc_clstr_init ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr , char * iface );
string get_who_i_am ( void );
int send_mtcClient_cmd ( mtc_socket_type * sock_ptr, int cmd, string hostname, string address, int port);