Eric MacDonald 74c5f89ab4 Mtce: Make Heartbeat Failure Action Configurable
The current maintenance heartbeat failure action handling is to Fail
and Gracefully Recover the host. This means that maintenance will
ensure that a heartbeat failed host is rebooted/reset before it is
recovered but will avoid rebooting it a second time if its recovered
uptime indicates that it has already rebooted.

This update expands that single action handling behavior to support
three new actions. In doing so it adds a new configuration service
parameter called heartbeat_failure_action. The customer can configure
this new parameter with any one of the following 4 actions in order of
decreasing impact.

   fail - Host is failed and gracefuly recovered.
        - Current Network specific alarms continue to be raised/cleared.
          Note: Prior to this update this was standard system behavior.
degrade - Host is only degraded while it is failing heartbeat.
        - Current Network specific alarms continue to be raised/cleared.
        - heartbeat degrade reason is cleared as are the alarms when
          heartbeat responses resume.
  alarm - The only indication of a heartbeat failure is by alarm.
        - Same set of alarms as in above action cases
        - Only in this case no degrade, no failure, no reboot/reset
   none - Heartbeat is disabled ; no multicase heartbeat message is sent.
        - All existing heartbeat alarms are cleared.
        - The heartbeat soak as part of the enable sequence is bypassed.

The selected action is a system wide setting.
The selected setting also applies to Multi-Node Failure Avoidance.
The default action is the legacy action Fail.

This update also

 1. Removes redundant inservice failure alarm for MNFA case in support
    of degrade only action. Keeping it would make that alarm handling
    case unnecessarily complicated.
 2. No longer used 'hbs calibration' code is removed (cleanup).
 3. Small amount of heartbeat logging cleanup.

Test Plan:
PASS:    fail: Verify MNFA and recovery
PASS:    fail: Verify Single Host heartbeat failure and recovery
PASS:    fail: Verify Single Host heartbeat failure and recovery (from none)
PASS: degrade: Verify MNFA and recovery
PASS: degrade: Verify Single Host heartbeat failure and recovery
PASS: degrade: Verify Single Host heartbeat failure and recovery (from alarm)
PASS:   alarm: Verify MNFA and recovery
PASS:   alarm: Verify Single Host heartbeat failure and recovery
PASS:   alarm: Verify Single Host heartbeat failure and recovery (from degrade)
PASS:    none: Verify heartbeat disable, fail ignore and no recovery
PASS:    none: Verify Single Host heartbeat ignore and no recovery
PASS:    none: Verify Single Host heartbeat ignode and no recovery (from fail)
PASS: Verify action change behavior from none to alarm with active MNFA
PASS: Verify action change behavior from alarm to degrade with active MNFA
PASS: Verify action change behavior from degrade to none with active MNFA
PASS: Verify action change behavior from none to fail with active MNFA
PASS: Verify action change behavior from fail to none with active MNFA
PASS: Verify action change behavior from degrade to fail then MNFA timeout
PASS: Verify all heartbeat action change customer logs
PASS: verify heartbeat stats clear over action change
PASS: Verify LO DOR (several large labs - compute and storage systems)
PASS: Verify recovery from failure of active controller
PASS: Verify 3 host failure behavior with MNFA threshold at 3 (action:fail)
PASS: Verify 2 host failure behavior with MNFA threshold at 3 (action:fail)

Change-Id: Iede5cdbb1c923898fd71b3a95d5289182f4287b4
Signed-off-by: Eric MacDonald <>
2018-09-10 13:03:30 -04:00

1830 lines
66 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River CGTS Platform Nodal Health Check Agent Daemon
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netdb.h> /* for ... hostent */
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* for ... close and usleep */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <linux/rtnetlink.h> /* for ... RTMGRP_LINK */
using namespace std;
#include "nodeBase.h"
#include "nodeUtil.h" /* for ... get_ip_addresses */
#include "nodeMacro.h" /* for ... CREATE_NONBLOCK_INET_UDP_RX_SOCKET */
#include "daemon_ini.h" /* Ini Parser Header */
#include "daemon_common.h" /* Common definitions and types for daemons */
#include "daemon_option.h" /* Common options for daemons */
#include "nodeClass.h" /* The main link class */
#include "nodeTimers.h" /* maintenance timer utilities start/stop */
#include "nlEvent.h" /* for ... open_netlink_socket */
#include "hbsBase.h" /* Heartbeat Base Header File */
#include "hbsAlarm.h" /* for ... hbsAlarm_clear_all */
#include "alarm.h" /* for ... alarm send message to mtcalarmd */
* Implementation Structure
* Call sequence:
* daemon_init
* daemon_configure
* daemon_signal_init
* hbs_hostname_read
* hbs_message_init
* hbs_int_socket_init
* hbs_ext_socket_init
* forever ( timer_handler )
* hbs_pulse_req
* hbs_timer_start
* _pulse_receive
* hbs_timer_stop
* Note: Interface implementation is in opposite
* order of the following call sequence
/* Number of back to back interface errors before the interface is re-initialized. */
/* Historical String data for mem_logs */
static string unexpected_pulse_list[MAX_IFACES] = { "" , "" } ;
static string arrival_histogram[MAX_IFACES] = { "" , "" } ;
static std::list<string> hostname_inventory ;
/** This heartbeat service inventory is tracked by
* the same nodeLinkClass that maintenance uses.
nodeLinkClass hbsInv ;
nodeLinkClass * get_hbsInv_ptr ( void )
return (&hbsInv);
/** Setup the pointer */
int module_init ( void )
return (PASS);
void daemon_sigchld_hdlr ( void )
; /* dlog("Received SIGCHLD ... no action\n"); */
* Daemon Configuration Structure - The allocated struct
* @see daemon_common.h for daemon_config_type struct format.
static daemon_config_type hbs_config ;
daemon_config_type * daemon_get_cfg_ptr () { return &hbs_config ; }
* Messaging Socket Control Struct - The allocated struct
* @see hbsBase.h for hbs_socket_type struct format.
static hbs_socket_type hbs_sock ;
msgSock_type * get_mtclogd_sockPtr ( void )
return (&hbs_sock.mtclogd);
* Module Control Struct - The allocated struct
* @see hbsBase.h for hbs_ctrl_type struct format.
static hbs_ctrl_type hbs_ctrl ;
hbs_ctrl_type * get_hbs_ctrl_ptr () { return &hbs_ctrl ; }
#define SCHED_MONITOR__MAIN_LOOP ((const char *) "---> scheduling latency : main loop :")
#define SCHED_MONITOR__RECEIVER ((const char *) "---> scheduling latency : rx pulses :")
void monitor_scheduling ( unsigned long long & this_time, unsigned long long & prev_time , int data, const char * label_ptr )
this_time = gettime_monotonic_nsec () ;
if ( this_time > (prev_time + (NSEC_TO_MSEC*(hbs_config.latency_thld)))) /* 10 millisec */
llog ("%4llu.%-4llu msec - %s at line %d\n",
((this_time-prev_time) > NSEC_TO_MSEC) ? ((this_time-prev_time)/NSEC_TO_MSEC) : 0,
((this_time-prev_time) > NSEC_TO_MSEC) ? ((this_time-prev_time)%NSEC_TO_MSEC) : 0,
label_ptr, data);
// else if ( ! strcmp (SCHED_MONITOR__RECEIVER, label_ptr ) && ( data > 10 ))
// {
// ilog ("===> receive latency : batch of %d pulses in under scheduling threshold of %d msec\n", data , hbs_config.latency_thld );
// }
prev_time = this_time ;
/* Cleanup exit handler */
void daemon_exit ( void )
daemon_dump_info ();
daemon_files_fini ();
/* Close the heatbeat sockets */
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_IFACES ; i++ )
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]);
if ( hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]);
/* Close the event socket */
if ( hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock )
delete (hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock);
/* Close the command socket */
if ( hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock )
delete (hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock);
exit (0);
/* Number of pulse response socket receive */
/* retries that should occur in a heartbeat */
/* period before we declare a node missing */
/* Note: Value that needs to be engineered */
/* once we get time on real hardware */
#define HBS_SOCKET_MSEC (5)
#define HBS_MIN_PERIOD (50)
#define HBS_MAX_PERIOD (999)
#define HBS_VIRT_PERIOD (500)
#define HBS_BACKOFF_FACTOR (4) /* period*this during backoff */
/** Control Config Mask */
/* Startup config read */
static int hbs_config_handler ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user;
if (MATCH("agent", "heartbeat_period"))
config_ptr->hbs_pulse_period = atoi(value);
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period = atoi(value);
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = false ;
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_PERIOD ;
/* Adjust the heartbeat period in a virtual environment */
if (( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period >= HBS_MIN_PERIOD ) ||
( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period <= HBS_MAX_PERIOD ))
struct stat p ;
p.st_size = 0 ;
stat ( HOST_IS_VIRTUAL, &p ) ;
if ( p.st_size )
if (( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period != 0 ) &&
( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period < HBS_VIRT_PERIOD ))
config_ptr->hbs_pulse_period = HBS_VIRT_PERIOD ;
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period = HBS_VIRT_PERIOD ;
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save = HBS_VIRT_PERIOD ;
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save = hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period ;
if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_minor_threshold"))
config_ptr->hbs_minor_threshold =
hbsInv.hbs_minor_threshold = atoi(value);
if (MATCH("agent", "heartbeat_degrade_threshold"))
config_ptr->hbs_degrade_threshold =
hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_DEGRADE ;
if (MATCH("agent", "heartbeat_failure_threshold"))
config_ptr->hbs_failure_threshold =
hbsInv.hbs_failure_threshold = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_FAILURE ;
if (MATCH("agent", "heartbeat_failure_action"))
hbs_failure_action_enum current_action = hbsInv.hbs_failure_action ;
* 1. free previous memory from strdup on reconfig
* 2. get the new value string
* 3. convert it to an enum
* 4. if failure action is 'none' then set the clear_alarms audit bool
* telling the main loop to clear all heartbeat related alarms.
* 5. clear all stats if the action is changed from none to other.
* Note: The none action prevents any new alarms from being raised.
if ( config_ptr->hbs_failure_action )
config_ptr->hbs_failure_action = strdup(value);
/* get the configured action */
hbsInv.hbs_failure_action = get_hbs_failure_action(hbs_config);
if ( current_action != hbsInv.hbs_failure_action )
hbs_ctrl.clear_alarms = true ;
if (MATCH("agent", "multicast"))
config_ptr->multicast = strdup(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_MULTICAST ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port"))
config_ptr->mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_MTC_TO_HBS_CMD_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_to_mtc_event_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_to_mtc_event_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_HBS_TO_MTC_EVENT_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "scheduling_priority"))
int max = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_RR);
int min = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_RR);
config_ptr->scheduling_priority = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_SCHED_PRIORITY ;
if (( config_ptr->scheduling_priority < min) ||
( config_ptr->scheduling_priority > max))
wlog ("Invalid scheduling priority (%d), overriding to min of %d\n",
config_ptr->scheduling_priority, min );
wlog ("Specified value of %d is out of acceptable range (%d-%d)\n",
config_ptr->scheduling_priority, min, max );
config_ptr->scheduling_priority = min ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_agent_mgmnt_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_agent_mgmnt_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_MGMNT_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("client", "hbs_client_mgmnt_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_client_mgmnt_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_HBS_MGMNT_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("agent", "hbs_agent_infra_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_agent_infra_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AGENT_HBS_INFRA_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("client", "hbs_client_infra_port"))
config_ptr->hbs_client_infra_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_HBS_INFRA_PORT ;
else if ( MATCH("client", "mtcalarm_req_port") )
config_ptr->mtcalarm_req_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CLIENT_MTCALARM_PORT ;
return (PASS);
return (FAIL);
/* Read the mtc.ini settings into the daemon configuration */
int daemon_configure ( void )
bool waiting_msg = false ;
/* Read the ini */
hbs_config.mask = 0 ;
get_debug_options ( MTCE_CONF_FILE, &hbs_config );
if (ini_parse(MTCE_CONF_FILE, hbs_config_handler, &hbs_config) < 0)
elog("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE );
return (FAIL_LOAD_INI);
if (ini_parse(MTCE_INI_FILE, hbs_config_handler, &hbs_config) < 0)
elog("Can't load '%s'\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE );
return (FAIL_LOAD_INI);
/* Verify loaded config against an expected mask
* as an ini file fault detection method */
if ( hbs_config.mask != CONFIG_AGENT_MASK )
elog ("Error: Agent configuration failed (%x)\n",
((-1 ^ hbs_config.mask) & CONFIG_AGENT_MASK));
if ( hbsInv.hbs_minor_threshold > hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold )
hbsInv.hbs_minor_threshold = hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold ;
/* Log the startup settings */
ilog("Realtime Pri: RR/%i \n", hbs_config.scheduling_priority );
ilog("Pulse Period: %i msec\n", hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period );
ilog("Minor Thld: %i misses\n", hbsInv.hbs_minor_threshold );
ilog("Degrade Thld: %i misses\n", hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold );
ilog("Failure Thld: %i misses\n", hbsInv.hbs_failure_threshold );
ilog("Multicast : %s\n", hbs_config.multicast );
hbs_config.mgmnt_iface = daemon_get_iface_master ( hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
ilog("Mgmnt iface : %s\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
ilog("Mgmnt RxPort: %d\n", hbs_config.hbs_agent_mgmnt_port );
ilog("Mgmnt TxPort: %d\n", hbs_config.hbs_client_mgmnt_port );
/* Fetch the infrastructure interface name.
* calls daemon_get_iface_master inside so the
* aggrigated name is returned if it exists */
get_infra_iface (&hbs_config.infra_iface );
if ( strlen(hbs_config.infra_iface) )
hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned = true ;
ilog ("Infra iface : %s\n", hbs_config.infra_iface );
ilog("Infra RxPort: %d\n", hbs_config.hbs_agent_infra_port );
ilog("Infra TxPort: %d\n", hbs_config.hbs_client_infra_port );
ilog("Command Port: %d (rx)\n", hbs_config.mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port );
ilog("Event Port : %d (tx)\n", hbs_config.hbs_to_mtc_event_port );
ilog("Alarm Port : %d (tx)\n", hbs_config.mtcalarm_req_port );
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
/* pull in the degrade only config option */
hbsInv.infra_degrade_only = hbs_config.infra_degrade_only ;
if ( hbsInv.hbs_degrade_threshold >= hbsInv.hbs_failure_threshold )
wlog ("Degrade threshold should be larger than Failure threshold\n");
wlog ("Heartbeat 'degrade' state disabled ; see %s\n", MTCE_CONF_FILE);
for ( ;; )
get_ip_addresses ( hbsInv.my_hostname, hbsInv.my_local_ip , hbsInv.my_float_ip );
if ( hbsInv.my_float_ip.empty() || hbsInv.my_float_ip.empty() )
if ( waiting_msg == false )
ilog ("Waiting on ip address config ...\n");
waiting_msg = true ;
mtcWait_secs (3);
break ;
/* Set Controller Activity State */ = daemon_get_run_option ("active") ;
ilog ("Controller : %s\n", ? "Active" : "In-Active" );
/* pust the activity state into inventory (nodeLinkClass) */
if ( == true )
hbsInv.set_activity_state ( true );
hbsInv.set_activity_state ( false );
return (PASS);
static struct mtc_timer hbsTimer ;
void hbsTimer_handler ( int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc)
timer_t * tid_ptr = (void**)si->si_value.sival_ptr ;
/* Avoid compiler errors/warnings for parms we must
* have but currently do nothing with */
if ( !(*tid_ptr) )
// tlog ("Called with a NULL Timer ID\n");
return ;
/* is base mtc timer */
else if (( *tid_ptr == hbsTimer.tid ) )
mtcTimer_stop_int_safe ( hbsTimer );
hbsTimer.ring = true ;
// wlog ("Unexpected timer - %p", *tid_ptr );
mtcTimer_stop_tid_int_safe ( tid_ptr );
/* Initialization Utilities */
/* Initialize the multicast pulse request message */
/* One time thing ; tx same message all the time. */
int hbs_message_init ( void )
/* Build the transmit pulse response message for each interface */
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_IFACES ; i++ )
memset ( &hbs_sock.tx_mesg[i], 0, sizeof(hbs_message_type));
memcpy ( &hbs_sock.tx_mesg[i].m[0], &req_msg_header[0], HBS_HEADER_SIZE );
return (PASS);
/* initialize pulse messaging for the specified interface */
int _setup_pulse_messaging ( iface_enum i, int rmem_max )
int rc = PASS ;
char * iface = NULL ;
/* Load up the interface name */
if ( i == MGMNT_IFACE )
iface = hbs_config.mgmnt_iface ;
else if (( i == INFRA_IFACE ) && ( hbs_config.infra_iface != NULL ))
iface = hbs_config.infra_iface ;
wlog ("No Infrastructure Interface\n");
return (RETRY);
/* Start by closing existing sockets just in case this is a (re)initialization */
if ( hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] = 0 ;
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] = 0 ;
/* Create transmit socket */
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] = new msgClassTx(hbs_config.multicast,hbs_sock.tx_port[i],IPPROTO_UDP,iface);
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] )
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]->return_status != PASS )
elog("Cannot open multicast transmit socket - rc:%d (%d:%m)\n", hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]->return_status, errno );
delete (hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] = 0 ;
elog("Cannot open multicast transmit socket - null object (%d:%m)\n", errno );
dlog("Opened multicast transmit socket\n" );
/* In order to avoid multicast packets being routed wrong, force sending from that socket */
/* set this tx socket interface with priority class messaging */
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]->setPriortyMessaging( iface );
/* Setup the Pulse response receive socket */
hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] = new msgClassRx(hbs_config.multicast,hbs_sock.rx_port[i],IPPROTO_UDP,iface,true);
if (( hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] == NULL ) || (hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]->return_status != PASS ))
elog("Failed opening pulse receive socket (%d:%s)\n",
errno, strerror (errno));
/* set rx socket buffer size ro rmem_max */
if (rmem_max != 0 )
hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]->setSocketMemory ( iface, "rx pulse socket memory", rmem_max );
wlog ("failed to query rmem_max ; using rmem_default\n");
/* handle failure path */
if ( rc != PASS )
if ( hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.rx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.rx_sock[i] = 0 ;
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] )
delete (hbs_sock.tx_sock[i]);
hbs_sock.tx_sock[i] = 0 ;
return (rc);
return (rc);
/* Setup the Unix Domain Transmit Pulse Socket */
int alarm_port_init ( void )
hbs_sock.alarm_port = daemon_get_cfg_ptr()->mtcalarm_req_port;
hbs_sock.alarm_sock = new msgClassTx(LOOPBACK_IP, hbs_sock.alarm_port, IPPROTO_UDP);
if ( hbs_sock.alarm_sock )
if ( hbs_sock.alarm_sock->return_status == PASS )
alarm_register_user ( hbs_sock.alarm_sock );
elog ("alarm_port_init failed socket setup (rc:%d)\n",
hbs_sock.alarm_sock->return_status );
return ( hbs_sock.alarm_sock->return_status ) ;
/* Init the internal/local sockets ; the ones that will no change.
* This way we don't miss add and start commands from maintenance. */
int hbs_int_socket_init ( void )
int rc = PASS ;
ilog ("internal sockets init ...\n");
/* UDP Tx Message Socket for Heartbeat Events Towards Maintenance */
int port = hbs_config.hbs_to_mtc_event_port ;
hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock = new msgClassTx(LOOPBACK_IP, port, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock->return_status != PASS)
elog ("Failed to setup hbs event transmit port %d\n", port );
return (hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock->return_status) ;
/* Non-Blocking UDP Rx Message Socket for Maintenance Commands */
port = hbs_config.mtc_to_hbs_cmd_port ;
hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock = new msgClassRx(LOOPBACK_IP, port, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->return_status != PASS)
elog ("Failed to setup mtce command receive port %d\n", port );
return (hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->return_status) ;
if ( ( rc = alarm_port_init ()) != PASS )
elog ("Alarm port setup or registration failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
return (rc);
/* Construct the messaging sockets *
* 1. multicast transmit socket *
* 2. unicast receive socket */
int hbs_ext_socket_init ( void )
int rc = PASS ;
ilog ("external sockets init ...\n");
/* set rx socket buffer size ro rmem_max */
int rmem_max = daemon_get_rmem_max () ;
/* Read the port config strings into the socket struct
* These ports are swapped compared to the hbsClient
* From the agent perspective
* rx_port is the hbs_agent_..._port
* tx_port is the hbs_client_..._port
hbs_sock.rx_port[MGMNT_IFACE] = hbs_config.hbs_agent_mgmnt_port ;
hbs_sock.tx_port[MGMNT_IFACE] = hbs_config.hbs_client_mgmnt_port;
hbs_sock.rx_port[INFRA_IFACE] = hbs_config.hbs_agent_infra_port ;
hbs_sock.tx_port[INFRA_IFACE] = hbs_config.hbs_client_infra_port;
/* Setup the pulse messaging interfaces */
SETUP_PULSE_MESSAGING ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned, rmem_max ) ;
return (rc) ;
/* Send a multicast heartbeat pulse request message on a */
/* specific port to all listening nodes on the network. */
int hbs_pulse_request ( iface_enum iface,
unsigned int seq_num,
string hostname_clue,
unsigned int lookup_clue)
int rc = PASS ;
#define MAX_LEN 1000
char str[MAX_LEN] ;
/* Add the sequence number */
hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface].s = seq_num ;
memset ( &hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface].m[HBS_HEADER_SIZE], 0, MAX_CHARS_HOSTNAME );
if (( lookup_clue ) &&
( hostname_clue.length() <= MAX_CHARS_HOSTNAME ))
hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface].c = lookup_clue ;
memcpy ( &hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface].m[HBS_HEADER_SIZE],,
/* Message length is the size of the sequence number, the clue and the buffer */
int msg_len = (HBS_MAX_MSG+(sizeof(unsigned int)*2)) ;
if ( hbs_sock.tx_sock[iface] )
if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_REQUEST, "any" , get_iface_name_str(iface) ) )
goto hbs_pulse_request_out ;
else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_REQUEST, "any" , "any" ) )
goto hbs_pulse_request_out ;
if ( (rc = hbs_sock.tx_sock[iface]->write((char*)&hbs_sock.tx_mesg[iface], msg_len)) < 0 )
elog("Failed to send Pulse request: %d:%s to %s.%d (rc:%i ; %d:%s)\n",
rc, errno, strerror(errno) );
wlog("Unable to send pulse request - null tx object - auto re-init pending\n");
mlog1("%s Pulse Req: (%5d): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
get_iface_name_str(iface), rc,
snprintf ( &str[0], MAX_LEN, "%s Pulse Req: %17s:%5d: %u:%u:%s\n",
mem_log (&str[0]);
return (PASS);
string get_hostname_from_pulse ( char * msg_ptr )
char temp [MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE];
string hostname ;
char * str_ptr = strstr ( msg_ptr, ":" );
memset ( temp, 0 , MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE );
sscanf ( ++str_ptr, "%31s", &temp[0] );
hostname = temp ;
return (hostname);
int _pulse_receive ( iface_enum iface , unsigned int seq_num )
int n = 0 ;
int detected_pulses = 0 ;
/* get a starting point */
unsigned long long after_rx_time ;
unsigned long long before_rx_time = gettime_monotonic_nsec ();
/* Clean the receive buffer */
memset ( hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m, 0, HBS_MAX_MSG );
hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].s = 0 ;
hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].c = 0 ;
if ( hbs_sock.rx_sock[iface] == NULL )
elog ("%s cannot receive pulses - null object\n", get_iface_name_str(iface) );
return (0);
if ( (n = hbs_sock.rx_sock[iface]->read((char*)&hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface], sizeof(hbs_message_type))) != -1 )
mlog1 ("%s Pulse Rsp: (%5d): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
get_iface_name_str(iface), n,
/* Validate the header */
if ( strstr ( hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m, rsp_msg_header) )
int rc = RETRY ;
string hostname = get_hostname_from_pulse (&hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m[0]);
if ( hbs_config.testmode == 1 )
if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_RESPONSE, hostname, get_iface_name_str(iface) ) )
continue ;
else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_RESPONSE, hostname, "any" ) )
continue ;
else if ( daemon_want_fit ( FIT_CODE__NO_PULSE_RESPONSE, "any", "any" ) )
continue ;
mlog ("%s Pulse Rsp from (%s)\n", get_iface_name_str(iface), hostname.c_str());
if ( !"localhost") )
mlog3 ("%s Pulse Rsp (local): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
else if ( !
mlog3 ("%s Pulse Rsp: (self ): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
hbsInv.manage_pulse_flags ( hostname, hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].f );
if ( hbsInv.monitored_pulse ( hostname , iface ) == true )
#define MAX_LEN 1000
char str[MAX_LEN] ;
string extra = "Rsp" ;
if ( seq_num != hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].s )
extra = "SEQ" ;
rc = hbsInv.remove_pulse ( hostname, iface, hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].c, hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].f ) ;
snprintf (&str[0], MAX_LEN, "%s Pulse %s: (%5d): %17s:%5d: %u:%u:%x:%s\n",
get_iface_name_str(iface), extra.c_str(), n,
mlog1 ("%s", &str[0]);
mem_log (str);
if ( extra.empty())
detected_pulses++ ;
mlog3 ("%s Pulse Dis: (%5d): %17s:%5d: %d:%d:%x:%s\n",
get_iface_name_str(iface), n,
if ( rc == ENXIO )
mlog3 ("Unexpected %s Pulse: <%s>\n", get_iface_name_str(iface),
&hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m[0] );
unexpected_pulse_list[iface].append ( hostname.c_str());
unexpected_pulse_list[iface].append ( " " );
/* Empty list rc - do nothing */
else if ( rc == -ENODEV )
/* This error occurs when the active controller is the only enabled host */
mlog3 ("Remove Pulse Failed due to empty pulse list\n");
wlog ( "Badly formed message\n" );
mlog ( "Bad %s Msg: %14s:%5d: %d:%s\n",
hbs_sock.rx_mesg[iface].m) ;
} while ( n > 0 ) ;
monitor_scheduling ( after_rx_time, before_rx_time, detected_pulses, SCHED_MONITOR__RECEIVER );
return (detected_pulses);
int send_event ( string & hostname, unsigned int event_cmd, iface_enum iface )
int bytes ;
int bytes_to_send ;
int rc = PASS ;
int retries = 0 ;
mtc_message_type event ;
memset (&event, 0 , sizeof(mtc_message_type));
if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_LOSS )
daemon_dump_membuf_banner ();
daemon_dump_membuf ();
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_loss_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_LOOPBACK )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_MINOR_SET )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_MINOR_CLR )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_DEGRADE_SET )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_DEGRADE_CLR )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_event_header());
else if ( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_READY )
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_heartbeat_ready_header());
else if (( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_PMOND_CLEAR ) ||
( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_PMOND_RAISE ) ||
( event_cmd == MTC_EVENT_HOST_STALLED ))
snprintf ( &event.hdr[0] , MSG_HEADER_SIZE, "%s", get_mtce_event_header());
elog ("Unsupported heartbeat event (%d)\n", event_cmd );
return ( FAIL_BAD_CASE );
/* Put the hostname in the buffer - as well */
snprintf ( &event.buf[0] , MAX_CHARS_HOSTNAME, "%s",;
/* TODO: obsolete this method in the future as it limits the host name lenth to 32 */
snprintf ( &event.hdr[MSG_HEADER_SIZE] , MAX_CHARS_HOSTNAME, "%s",;
event.cmd = event_cmd ;
event.num = 1 ;
event.parm[0] = iface ;
print_mtc_message ( hostname, MTC_CMD_TX, event, get_iface_name_str(iface) , false );
/* remove the buffer as it is not needed for this message */
bytes_to_send = ((sizeof(mtc_message_type))-(BUF_SIZE-hostname.length())) ;
bytes = hbs_sock.hbs_event_tx_sock->write((char*)&event,bytes_to_send);
if ( bytes <= 0 )
if ( retries++ > 3 )
elog ("Cannot communicate with maintenance\n");
return (RETRY);
rc = PASS ;
} while ( bytes <= 0 ) ;
return rc ;
/* The main heartbeat service loop */
int daemon_init ( string iface, string nodetype )
int rc = 10 ;
/* Not used by this service */
/* Initialize socket construct and pointer to it */
MEMSET_ZERO ( hbs_sock );
/* Initialize the hbs control struct */
MEMSET_ZERO ( hbs_ctrl );
/* initialize the timer */
mtcTimer_init ( hbsTimer, "controller", "heartbeat" );
/* start with no inventory */
/* Assign interface to config */
hbs_config.mgmnt_iface = (char*) ;
if ( daemon_files_init ( ) != PASS )
elog ("Pid, log or other files could not be opened\n");
hbsInv.system_type = daemon_system_type ();
/* convert node type to integer */
hbs_ctrl.nodetype = get_host_function_mask ( nodetype ) ;
ilog ("Node Type : %s (%d)\n", nodetype.c_str(), hbs_ctrl.nodetype );
/* Bind signal handlers */
if ( daemon_signal_init () != PASS )
elog ("daemon_signal_init failed\n");
/* Configure the agent */
else if ( (rc = daemon_configure ( )) != PASS )
elog ("Daemon service configuration failed (rc:%i)\n", rc );
/* Init the heartbeat request message */
else if ( hbs_message_init ( ) != PASS )
elog ("Failed to initialize pulse request message\n");
/* Setup the heartbeat service messaging sockets */
else if ((rc = hbs_int_socket_init ( )) != PASS )
elog ("internal socket initialization failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
return ( FAIL_SOCKET_INIT ) ;
return (rc);
void daemon_service_run ( void )
int exp_pulses[MAX_IFACES] ;
int rc = PASS ;
int counter = 0 ;
int goenabled_wait_log_throttle = 0 ;
bool goenabled = false ;
/* A variable that throttles external socket init failure retries and
* ultimately triggers an exit if that retry count gets too big */
int ext_socket_init_fail_count = 0 ;
/* get a starting point */
unsigned long long prev_time = gettime_monotonic_nsec ();
unsigned long long this_time = prev_time ;
/* Used to throttle warning messages that report
* an error transmitting the pulse request */
int pulse_request_fail_log_counter[MAX_IFACES] ;
bool heartbeat_request = true ;
unsigned int seq_num = 0 ;
/* socket descriptor list */
std::list<int> socks ;
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = false ;
/* Set the mode */
hbsInv.maintenance = false ;
hbsInv.heartbeat = true ;
/* Load the expected pulses and zero detected */
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
pulse_request_fail_log_counter[iface] = 0 ;
hbsInv.pulse_requests[iface] = 0 ;
/* Make the main loop schedule in real-time */
struct sched_param param ;
memset ( &param, 0, sizeof(struct sched_param));
param.sched_priority = hbs_config.scheduling_priority ;
if ( sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, &param) )
elog ("sched_setscheduler (0, SCHED_RR, %d ) returned error (%d:%s)\n",
param.sched_priority, errno, strerror(errno));
/* Not monitoring address changes RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADDR | RTMGRP_IPV6_IFADDR */
if (( hbs_sock.ioctl_sock = open_ioctl_socket ( )) <= 0 )
elog ("Failed to create ioctl socket");
daemon_exit ();
if (( hbs_sock.netlink_sock = open_netlink_socket ( RTMGRP_LINK )) <= 0 )
elog ("Failed to create netlink listener socket");
daemon_exit ();
/* CGTS 4114: Small Footprint: Alarm 200.005 remains active after connectivity restored
* Clear self alarms */
hbsAlarm_clear_all ( hbsInv.my_hostname, hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned );
/* add this host as inventory to hbsAgent
* Although this host is not monitored for heartbeat,
* there are OOB flags in the heartbneat message that
* are needed to be extracted and locally updated */
/* Scoping this so that the inv variable is freed after the add.
* No need sarying it around on the stack all the time */
node_inv_type inv ;
/* init the inv variable */
node_inv_init ( inv ); = hbsInv.my_hostname ;
inv.nodetype = CONTROLLER_TYPE ;
hbsInv.add_heartbeat_host ( inv );
ilog ("Sending ready event to maintenance\n");
/* Wait for maintenance */
rc = send_event ( hbsInv.my_hostname, MTC_EVENT_HEARTBEAT_READY, MGMNT_IFACE ) ;
if ( rc == RETRY )
mtcWait_secs ( 3 );
} while ( rc == RETRY ) ;
if ( rc == FAIL )
elog ("Unrecoverable heartbeat startup error (rc=%d)\n", rc );
daemon_exit ();
/* enable the base level signal handler latency monitor */
daemon_latency_monitor (true);
/* Run heartbeat service forever or until stop condition */
for ( hbsTimer.ring = false ; ; )
daemon_signal_hdlr ();
* This handles hbsAgent external socket initialization in the main
* loop only after the goenabled state is reached.
if ( goenabled == false )
if ( hbsInv.system_type == SYSTEM_TYPE__NORMAL )
if ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS ) == true )
ilog ("GOENABLE (large system)\n");
goenabled = true ;
if ( daemon_is_file_present ( GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS ) == true )
ilog ("GOENABLE (small system)\n");
goenabled = true ;
if ( goenabled == false )
ilog_throttled ( goenabled_wait_log_throttle, 2000, "GOENABLE wait ...\n");
usleep (50000); /* 50 msec */
if ( goenabled == true )
/* Setup the heartbeat service messaging sockets */
if ( (rc = hbs_ext_socket_init ( )) != PASS )
goenabled = false ;
if ( ext_socket_init_fail_count++ == 30 )
elog ("external socket initialization failed (rc:%d) max retries ; exiting ...\n", rc );
daemon_exit ();
elog ("external socket initialization failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
ext_socket_init_fail_count = 0 ;
goenabled_wait_log_throttle = 0 ;
if ( get_link_state ( hbs_sock.ioctl_sock, hbs_config.mgmnt_iface, &hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running ) )
hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running = false ;
wlog ("Failed to query %s operational state ; defaulting to down\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
ilog ("Mgmnt %s link is %s\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface, hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running ? "Up" : "Down" );
if ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned == true )
if ( get_link_state ( hbs_sock.ioctl_sock, hbs_config.infra_iface, &hbsInv.infra_link_up_and_running ) )
hbsInv.infra_link_up_and_running = false ;
wlog ("Failed to query %s operational state ; defaulting to down\n", hbs_config.infra_iface );
ilog ("Infra %s link is %s\n", hbs_config.infra_iface, hbsInv.infra_link_up_and_running ? "Up" : "Down" );
/* audit for forced alarms clear due to ...
* 1. heartbeat failure action being set to none
* 2. ... future
if ( hbs_ctrl.clear_alarms == true )
if ( goenabled == true )
std::list<string>::iterator hostname_ptr ;
ilog ("clearing all heartbeat alarms for all hosts due to 'none' action");
for ( hostname_ptr = hostname_inventory.begin();
hostname_ptr != hostname_inventory.end() ;
hostname_ptr++ )
hbsAlarm_clear_all ( hostname_ptr->data(), hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned );
hbsInv.manage_heartbeat_clear ( hostname_ptr->data(), MAX_IFACES );
hbs_ctrl.clear_alarms = false ;
/***************** Service Sockets ********************/
/* Initialize the master fd_set and clear socket list */
/* Add the mtc command receiver to the select list */
if (( hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock ) &&
( hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->getFD()))
socks.push_front (hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->getFD());
FD_SET(hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds);
/* Add the netlink event listener to the select list */
if ( hbs_sock.netlink_sock )
socks.push_back (hbs_sock.netlink_sock);
FD_SET(hbs_sock.netlink_sock, &hbs_sock.readfds);
/* Add the management interface to the select list */
if (( goenabled == true ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE] ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE]->getFD()))
socks.push_back (hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE]->getFD());
FD_SET(hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE]->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds );
/* Add the INFRA network pulse rx socket if its provisioned and have a valid socket */
if (( goenabled == true ) &&
( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned == true ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE] ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD()))
socks.push_back (hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD());
FD_SET(hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds );
monitor_scheduling ( this_time, prev_time, seq_num, SCHED_MONITOR__MAIN_LOOP );
/* Sort and select() at HBS_SOCKET_NSEC timeout */
hbs_sock.waitd.tv_sec = 0;
hbs_sock.waitd.tv_usec = HBS_SOCKET_NSEC;
rc = select( socks.back()+1, &hbs_sock.readfds, NULL, NULL, &hbs_sock.waitd);
/* If the select time out expired then */
if (( rc < 0 ) || ( rc == 0 ))
/* Check to see if the select call failed. */
/* ... but filter Interrupt signal */
if (( rc < 0 ) && ( errno != EINTR ))
elog ("rx_socket select() failed (rc:%d) %s\n",
errno, strerror(errno));
if (( goenabled == true ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE] ) &&
( FD_ISSET(hbs_sock.rx_sock[MGMNT_INTERFACE]->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds)))
hbs_sock.fired[MGMNT_INTERFACE] = true ;
if (( goenabled == true ) &&
( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned == true ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE] ) &&
( hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD()) &&
( FD_ISSET(hbs_sock.rx_sock[INFRA_INTERFACE]->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds)))
hbs_sock.fired[INFRA_INTERFACE] = true ;
if ((hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock != NULL ) &&
( FD_ISSET(hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->getFD(), &hbs_sock.readfds)))
int bytes ;
mtc_message_type msg ;
/* Look for maintenance command messages */
memset (&msg, 0, sizeof(mtc_message_type));
bytes = hbs_sock.mtc_to_hbs_sock->read((char*)&msg,sizeof(mtc_message_type));
if ( bytes > 0 )
mlog ("Received Maintenance Command (%i)\n", bytes );
mlog ("%s - cmd:0x%x\n", &msg.hdr[0], msg.cmd );
if ( !strncmp ( get_hbs_cmd_req_header(), &msg.hdr[0], MSG_HEADER_SIZE ))
string hostname = &msg.hdr[MSG_HEADER_SIZE] ;
if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_ADD_HOST )
node_inv_type inv ;
node_inv_init(inv); = hostname ;
inv.nodetype = msg.parm[0];
hbsInv.add_heartbeat_host ( inv ) ;
hostname_inventory.push_back ( hostname );
ilog ("%s added to heartbeat service (%d)\n", hostname.c_str(), inv.nodetype );
/* clear any outstanding alarms on the ADD */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_failure_action != HBS_FAILURE_ACTION__NONE )
hbsAlarm_clear_all ( hostname,
hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned );
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_DEL_HOST )
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, false, false );
hostname_inventory.remove ( hostname );
hbsInv.del_host ( hostname );
ilog ("%s deleted from heartbeat service\n", hostname.c_str());
/* clear any outstanding alarms on the DEL */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_failure_action != HBS_FAILURE_ACTION__NONE )
hbsAlarm_clear_all ( hostname,
hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned );
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_STOP_HOST )
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, false, true );
ilog ("%s stopping heartbeat service\n", hostname.c_str());
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_CMD_START_HOST )
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, true, true );
ilog ("%s starting heartbeat service\n", hostname.c_str());
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_RESTART_HBS )
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, false, false );
hbsInv.mon_host ( hostname, (iface_enum)iface, true, false );
ilog ("%s restarting heartbeat service\n", hostname.c_str());
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_RECOVER_HBS )
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period = hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save ;
ilog ("%s starting heartbeat recovery (period:%d msec)\n", hostname.c_str(), hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period);
else if ( msg.cmd == MTC_BACKOFF_HBS )
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period = (hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save * HBS_BACKOFF_FACTOR) ;
ilog ("%s starting heartbeat backoff (period:%d msecs)\n", hostname.c_str(), hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period );
wlog ("Unsupport maintenance command\n");
elog ("Unexpected maintenance message header\n");
elog ("Failed receive from agent domain socket (%i)\n", bytes );
if (FD_ISSET( hbs_sock.netlink_sock, &hbs_sock.readfds))
dlog ("netlink socket fired\n");
if ( hbsInv.service_netlink_events ( hbs_sock.netlink_sock, hbs_sock.ioctl_sock ) != PASS )
elog ("service_netlink_events failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
/**************** Manage Heartbeat Service *********************/
/* bypass heartbeat if the period is out of accepted / tested range */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period < HBS_MIN_PERIOD )
if ( hbsInv.hbs_state_change == true )
wlog ("Heartbeat Disabled by out-of-range period (%d msec)\n",
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period );
wlog ("Period must be greater than %d msec, see %s\n",
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = true ;
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = false ;
/* print current node inventory to the stdio */
/* Manage enabling and disabling the heartbeat service based on
* the state of the management link.
* link up = run heartbeat service
* link down = disable heatbeat service and monitor the link up to re-enable
else if (( hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running == false ) &&
( hbsInv.hbs_disabled == false ))
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = true ;
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
ilog ("Heartbeat disabled by %s link down event\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
counter = 1 ;
/* Recover heartbeat when link comes back up */
else if (( hbsInv.mgmnt_link_up_and_running == true ) &&
( hbsInv.hbs_disabled == true ))
hbsInv.hbs_disabled = false ;
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = true ;
ilog ("Heartbeat Enabled by %s link up event\n", hbs_config.mgmnt_iface );
counter = 1 ;
else if ( hbsInv.hbs_failure_action == HBS_FAILURE_ACTION__NONE )
wlog_throttled (counter, 100000, "Heartbeat disabled by 'none' action\n");
usleep (50000) ;
continue ;
/* Send a log indicating the main loop has recognized
* a state change to enable */
else if (( hbsInv.hbs_state_change == true ) &&
( hbsInv.hbs_disabled == false ))
ilog ("Heartbeat Enabled with %d pulse period and %d msec mnfa backoff period\n",
hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period, (hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period_save * HBS_BACKOFF_FACTOR) );
ilog ("Heartbeat Thresholds ; minor:%d degrade:%d failure:%d\n",
/* print current node inventory to the stdio */
/* go to sleep if disabled */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_disabled == true )
wlog_throttled (counter, 1000, "Heartbeat service still disabled\n");
usleep (50000) ;
continue ;
/* Be sure state change flag is cleared */
hbsInv.hbs_state_change = false ;
counter = 0 ;
/* Silent Fault Detection Monitor - Log only for now */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_detector++ > HBS_MAX_SILENT_FAULT_LOOP_COUNT )
bool some_progress = false ;
/* Load the expected pulses and zero detected */
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
if ( hbsInv.pulse_requests[iface] > 0 )
hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_detector = 0 ;
// if ( daemon_is_file_present ( MTC_CMD_FIT__HBSSILENT ) == false )
// {
some_progress = true ;
// }
hbsInv.pulse_requests[iface] = 0 ;
if ( some_progress == false )
if ( hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_logged == false )
hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_logged = true;
alarm_warning_log ( hbsInv.my_hostname, SERVICESTATUS_LOG_ID,
"maintenance heartbeat service is not making forward progress ; "
"recommend process restart by controller switchover "
"at earliest convenience" , "service=heartbeat");
hbsInv.hbs_silent_fault_detector = 0 ;
if ( hbsTimer.ring == false )
if ( heartbeat_request == true )
string ri = "" ;
int rri = 0 ;
string lf = "\n" ;
mem_log ((char*);
/* Get the next Resource Reference Identifier
* and its Resourvce Identifier. These values
* are updated by reference */
hbsInv.get_rris ( ri, rri );
/* Load the expected pulses and zero detected */
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
/* Don't service the infrastructure network if it is not provisioned */
if (( iface == INFRA_IFACE ) && ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned == false ))
continue ;
exp_pulses[iface] =
hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] =
arrival_histogram[iface] = "" ;
unexpected_pulse_list[iface] = "" ;
rc = hbs_pulse_request ( (iface_enum)iface, seq_num, ri, rri );
if ( rc != 0 )
/* TODO: Fix this with an alarm */
wlog_throttled ( pulse_request_fail_log_counter[iface], 100,
"%s hbs_pulse_request failed - rc:%d\n", get_iface_name_str(iface), rc);
if ( pulse_request_fail_log_counter[iface] == INTERFACE_ERRORS_FOR_REINIT )
_setup_pulse_messaging ( (iface_enum)iface , daemon_get_rmem_max ()) ;
hbsInv.pulse_requests[iface]++ ;
pulse_request_fail_log_counter[iface] = 0 ;
/* Set this semaphore to false which puts the
* algorithm into 'receive' mode */
heartbeat_request = false ;
/* Start the heartbeat timer.
* All nodes are expected to send a
* pulse before this timer expires. */
if ( hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period >= 1000 )
/* Call the 'second' timer for pulse periods that exceed a second */
int sec = (hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period/1000) ;
mtcTimer_start ( hbsTimer, hbsTimer_handler, sec );
/* Otherwise call the msec timer */
mtcTimer_start_msec ( hbsTimer, hbsTimer_handler, hbsInv.hbs_pulse_period);
/* We get here many times while in the audit period. */
/* Each time ; loop over each interface trying to get all
* the pulse responses that have come in */
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
/* Do not service the infrastructure interface if it is not provisioned
* We won't get here anyway ... gate above prevents it */
if (( iface == INFRA_IFACE ) && ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned != true ))
continue ;
if ( hbs_sock.fired[iface] == true )
hbs_sock.fired[iface] = false ;
/* lets start getting the pulse responses from provisioned interfaces */
/* Receive and handle heartbeat pulse responses from host */
/* nodes. All responses that come in on specific unicast port. */
rc = _pulse_receive( (iface_enum)iface, seq_num );
/* Creates a string that represents the pulse arrival time */
/* . none
* 1..9 pulses on that loop
* a..f is 10 to 15 arrivals on that loop
* * is more than 15 in one group
if ( rc == 0 )
else if ( rc > 15 )
else if ( rc > 9 )
char c = (char)(87+rc) ;
arrival_histogram[iface].append(1,c) ;
char c = (char)(48+rc) ;
arrival_histogram[iface].append(1,c) ;
// ilog ("Char:%s", );
if ( rc > 0 )
if ( rc <= hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] )
hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] -= rc ;
dlog ("%s more heartbeat responses than expected (exp:%d)\n",
hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] );
hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] = 0 ;
if ( hbsInv.hbs_expected_pulses[iface] == 0 )
if ( hbsInv.pulse_list_empty((iface_enum)iface) != true )
elog ("%s Internal - Pulse list should be empty\n", get_iface_name_str(iface));
* Heartbeat pulse period is over !
* Time to take attendance.
* The pulse lists should be empty
for ( int iface = 0 ; iface < MAX_IFACES ; iface++ )
/* Do not service the infrastructure interface if it is not provisioned */
if (( iface == INFRA_IFACE ) && ( hbsInv.infra_network_provisioned != true ))
continue ;
#define MAX_LEN 1000
char str[MAX_LEN] ;
snprintf (&str[0], MAX_LEN, "%s Histogram: %d - %s\n",
mem_log (str);
if ( !unexpected_pulse_list[iface].empty() )
snprintf ( &str[0], MAX_LEN, "%s Others : %s\n",
hbsInv.lost_pulses ( (iface_enum)iface );
hbsTimer.ring = false ;
heartbeat_request = true ;
seq_num++ ;
daemon_load_fit ();
daemon_exit ();
/* Push daemon state to log file */
void daemon_dump_info ( void )
daemon_dump_membuf_banner ();
hbsInv.print_node_info ();
hbsInv.memDumpAllState ();
daemon_dump_membuf (); /* write mem_logs to log file and clear log list */
const char MY_DATA [100] = { "eieio\n" } ;
const char * daemon_stream_info ( void )
return (&MY_DATA[0]);
/** Teat Head Entry */
int daemon_run_testhead ( void )
int rc = PASS;
nodeLinkClass * hbsInv_testhead_ptr = new nodeLinkClass ;
hbsInv_testhead_ptr->testmode = true ;
printf ("\n\n");
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
printf ("| Node Class Test Head - Private and Public Member Functions\n");
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 11 ; i++ )
if ( hbsInv_testhead_ptr->testhead ( i+1 ) )
rc = FAIL ;
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
printf ("| Heartbeat Service Test Head\n");
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
printf (TESTHEAD_BAR);
return (rc);