Teresa Ho 8e51a1660a Refactor infrastructure network in mtce code
Updated to read the host cluster-host parameter in /etc/hosts
Replaced references of infra network with cluster-host network

Story: 2004273
Task: 29473

Change-Id: I199fb82e5f6b459b181196d0802f1a74220b796e
Signed-off-by: Teresa Ho <>
2019-04-18 09:32:41 -04:00

196 lines
7.4 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River Titanium Cloud Maintenance Alarm Daemon Utility
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
#ifdef __AREA__
#undef __AREA__
#define __AREA__ "alm"
#define __MODULE_PRIVATE__
#include "daemon_common.h" /* */
#include "alarm.h" /* for ... this module header */
/* TODO: Replace this with YAML Parsing */
static alarmUtil_type alarm_list[HBS_ALARM_ID__LAST] ;
alarmUtil_type * alarmData_getAlarm_ptr ( string alarm_id_str )
alarm_id_enum id = HBS_ALARM_ID__LAST ;
if ( alarmUtil_getId_enum ( alarm_id_str, id ) == PASS )
if ( id < HBS_ALARM_ID__LAST )
return (&alarm_list[id]) ;
wlog ("failed to find alarm data for '%s'\n", alarm_id_str.c_str() );
return (NULL);
typedef struct
const char * identity_str ;
alarm_id_enum identity_num ;
} alarm_id_table_type ;
alarm_id_table_type alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__LAST];
void alarmData_init ( void )
alarmUtil_type * ptr ;
alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__HB_MGMNT].identity_str = MGMNT_HB_ALARM_ID ;
alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__HB_MGMNT].identity_num = HBS_ALARM_ID__HB_MGMNT ;
alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__HB_CLSTR].identity_str = CLSTR_HB_ALARM_ID;
alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__HB_CLSTR].identity_num = HBS_ALARM_ID__HB_CLSTR;
alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__PMOND].identity_str = PMOND_ALARM_ID;
alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__PMOND].identity_num = HBS_ALARM_ID__PMOND;
alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__SERVICE].identity_str = SERVICESTATUS_LOG_ID;
alarm_id_table[HBS_ALARM_ID__SERVICE].identity_num = HBS_ALARM_ID__SERVICE;
/** Management Network Heartbeat Alarm ************************************/
ptr = &alarm_list[HBS_ALARM_ID__HB_MGMNT];
memset (&ptr->alarm, 0, (sizeof(SFmAlarmDataT)));
snprintf(&ptr->alarm.alarm_id[0], FM_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%s", MGMNT_HB_ALARM_ID);
ptr->name = "Management Network' Heartbeat" ;
ptr->instc_prefix = "network=" ;
ptr->critl_reason = "experienced a persistent critical 'Management Network' "
"communication failure.";
ptr->major_reason =
ptr->minor_reason = "is experiencing intermittent 'Management Network' "
"communication failures that have exceeded its lower alarming threshold.";
ptr->clear_reason = "'Management Network' Heartbeat has 'resumed' if host is 'unlocked' "
"or 'stopped' if host is 'locked or deleted'";
ptr->alarm.alarm_type = FM_ALARM_COMM ;
ptr->alarm.probable_cause = FM_ALARM_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL ;
ptr->alarm.inhibit_alarms = FM_FALSE;
ptr->alarm.service_affecting = FM_TRUE ;
ptr->alarm.suppression = FM_TRUE ;
ptr->alarm.severity = FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CLEAR ; /* Dynamic */
ptr->alarm.alarm_state = FM_ALARM_STATE_CLEAR ; /* Dynamic */
snprintf( ptr->alarm.proposed_repair_action, FM_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH,
"Check 'Management Network' connectivity and support for multicast messaging."
"If problem consistently occurs after that and Host is reset, then"
"contact next level of support or lock and replace failing Host.");
/** Cluster-host Network Heartbeat Alarm ************************************/
ptr = &alarm_list[HBS_ALARM_ID__HB_CLSTR];
memset (&ptr->alarm, 0, (sizeof(SFmAlarmDataT)));
snprintf(&ptr->alarm.alarm_id[0], FM_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%s", CLSTR_HB_ALARM_ID);
ptr->name = "Cluster-host Network' Heartbeat" ;
ptr->instc_prefix = "network=" ;
ptr->critl_reason = "experienced a persistent critical 'Cluster-host Network' "
"communication failure.";
ptr->major_reason =
ptr->minor_reason = "is experiencing intermittent 'Cluster-host Network' "
"communication failures that have exceeded its lower alarming threshold.";
ptr->clear_reason = "'Cluster-host Network' Heartbeat has 'resumed' if host is 'unlocked' "
"or 'stopped' if host is 'locked or deleted'";
ptr->alarm.alarm_type = FM_ALARM_COMM ;
ptr->alarm.probable_cause = FM_ALARM_LOSS_OF_SIGNAL ;
ptr->alarm.inhibit_alarms = FM_FALSE;
ptr->alarm.service_affecting = FM_TRUE ;
ptr->alarm.suppression = FM_TRUE ;
ptr->alarm.severity = FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CLEAR ; /* Dynamic */
ptr->alarm.alarm_state = FM_ALARM_STATE_CLEAR ; /* Dynamic */
snprintf( ptr->alarm.proposed_repair_action, FM_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH,
"Check 'Cluster-host Network' connectivity and support for multicast messaging."
"If problem consistently occurs after that and Host is reset, then"
"contact next level of support or lock and replace failing Host.");
/** Process Failure Alarm ****************************************************/
ptr = &alarm_list[HBS_ALARM_ID__PMOND];
memset (&ptr->alarm, 0, (sizeof(SFmAlarmDataT)));
snprintf(&ptr->alarm.alarm_id[0], FM_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%s", PMOND_ALARM_ID);
ptr->name = "Process Monitor Failure" ;
ptr->instc_prefix = "process=" ;
ptr->critl_reason =
ptr->minor_reason =
ptr->major_reason = "'Process Monitor' (pmond) process is not running or functioning properly. "
"The system is trying to recover this process." ;
ptr->clear_reason = "Process Monitor has been successfully recovered and is functioning properly.";
ptr->alarm.alarm_type = FM_ALARM_OPERATIONAL ;
ptr->alarm.probable_cause = FM_ALARM_CAUSE_UNKNOWN;
ptr->alarm.inhibit_alarms = FM_FALSE;
ptr->alarm.service_affecting = FM_FALSE;
ptr->alarm.suppression = FM_TRUE ;
ptr->alarm.severity = FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CLEAR ; /* Dynamic */
ptr->alarm.alarm_state = FM_ALARM_STATE_CLEAR ; /* Dynamic */
snprintf (ptr->alarm.proposed_repair_action, FM_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH,
"If this alarm does not automatically clear after some time and "
"continues to be asserted after Host is locked and unlocked then "
"contact next level of support for root cause analysis and recovery.");
/** Service Status Log ****************************************************/
ptr = &alarm_list[HBS_ALARM_ID__SERVICE];
memset (&ptr->alarm, 0, (sizeof(SFmAlarmDataT)));
snprintf(&ptr->alarm.alarm_id[0], FM_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%s", SERVICESTATUS_LOG_ID);
ptr->name = "Service Status" ;
ptr->minor_reason =
ptr->major_reason =
ptr->critl_reason =
ptr->clear_reason = "";
ptr->alarm.alarm_type = FM_ALARM_TYPE_UNKNOWN ;
ptr->alarm.probable_cause = FM_ALARM_CAUSE_UNKNOWN ;
ptr->alarm.inhibit_alarms = FM_FALSE ;
ptr->alarm.service_affecting = FM_FALSE ;
ptr->alarm.suppression = FM_FALSE ;
ptr->alarm.severity = FM_ALARM_SEVERITY_CLEAR ; /* Dynamic */
ptr->alarm.alarm_state = FM_ALARM_STATE_MSG ; /* Dynamic */
snprintf ( ptr->alarm.proposed_repair_action, FM_MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, "%s", "");
/* Translate alarm identity enum to alarm identity string */
string _getIdentity ( alarm_id_enum id )
if ( id < HBS_ALARM_ID__LAST )
return ( alarm_id_table[id].identity_str) ;
return ("200.000");