weizhao 6f2a22e31f Output error Full_init_reqd parameter value in a debug log
Change-Id: I97d1b13bd3675bb48065e0f82fe36684befe1f58
Signed-off-by: weizhao <>
Story: 2005499
Task: 30600
2019-05-11 15:07:28 +08:00

569 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @file
* Wind River CGCS Platform Process Monitor Service Header
#include "pmon.h"
#include "alarmUtil.h" /* for ... alarmUtil_getSev_str and alarmUtil_query_identity */
#include "pmonAlarm.h" /* for ... PMON_ALARM_ID__PMOND */
/* Process Monitor Configuration File */
#define CONFIG_FILE ((const char *)"/etc/mtc/pmond.conf")
/* Process Monitor Control Structure */
static pmon_ctrl_type pmon_ctrl ;
pmon_ctrl_type * get_ctrl_ptr ( void ) { return (&pmon_ctrl); }
/** Daemon Configuration Structure
* - Allocation and get pointer
* @see daemon_common.h for daemon_config_type struct format. */
static daemon_config_type pmon_config ;
daemon_config_type * daemon_get_cfg_ptr () { return &pmon_config ; }
/* Cleanup exit handler */
void daemon_exit ( void )
pmon_msg_fini ();
pmon_hdlr_fini ( &pmon_ctrl );
daemon_files_fini ();
daemon_dump_info ();
exit (0);
/* Startup config read */
static int pmon_config_handler ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
daemon_config_type* config_ptr = (daemon_config_type*)user;
if (MATCH("config", "audit_period"))
config_ptr->audit_period = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
else if (MATCH("config", "pmon_cmd_port"))
config_ptr->pmon_cmd_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_CMD_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("config", "pmon_event_port"))
config_ptr->pmon_event_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_TX_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("config", "pmon_amon_port"))
config_ptr->pmon_amon_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_RX_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("config", "pmon_pulse_port"))
config_ptr->pmon_pulse_port = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_PULSE_PORT ;
else if (MATCH("config", "audit_period"))
config_ptr->audit_period = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
else if (MATCH("config", "hostwd_update_period"))
config_ptr->hostwd_update_period = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_HOSTWD_PERIOD ;
else if (MATCH("timeouts", "start_delay"))
config_ptr->start_delay = atoi(value);
config_ptr->mask |= CONFIG_START_DELAY ;
return (PASS);
* Name : pmon_load_config
* Purpose : Read process config file settings into the daemon configuration
int pmon_process_config ( void * user,
const char * section,
const char * name,
const char * value)
int rc = FAIL ;
process_config_type * ptr = (process_config_type*)user;
if (MATCH("process", "process"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_PROCESS ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_PROCESS ;
ptr->process = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Process : %s\n", ptr->process );
rc = PASS ;
if (MATCH("process", "service"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_RECOVERY ;
ptr->service = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Service : %s\n", ptr->service );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "script"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_RECOVERY ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_RECOVERY ;
ptr->script = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Script : %s\n", ptr->script );
else if (MATCH("process", "style"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_STYLE ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_STYLE ;
ptr->style = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Style : %s\n", ptr->style );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "pidfile"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_PIDFILE ;
ptr->pidfile = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Pid File : %s\n", ptr->pidfile );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "severity"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_SEVERITY ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_SEVERITY ;
ptr->severity = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Severity : %s\n", ptr->severity );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "restarts"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_RESTARTS ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_RESTARTS ;
ptr->restarts = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Restarts : %d\n", ptr->restarts );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "interval"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_INTERVAL ;
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_INTERVAL ;
ptr->interval = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Interval : %d\n", ptr->interval );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "debounce"))
ptr->mask |= CONF_DEBOUNCE ;
ptr->debounce = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Debounce : %d\n", ptr->debounce );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "startuptime"))
ptr->startuptime = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Debounce : %d\n", ptr->startuptime );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "subfunction"))
ptr->subfunction = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Subfunction: %s\n", ptr->subfunction );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "mode"))
// ptr->mask |= CONF_MODE ;
ptr->mode = strdup(value);
if (( strcmp(ptr->mode, "active" )) &&
( strcmp(ptr->mode, "passive" )) &&
( strcmp(ptr->mode, "status" )))
ptr->ignore = true ;
dlog1 ("Mode : ignore\n");
dlog1 ("Mode : %s\n", ptr->mode );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "quorum"))
if (atoi(value) > 0)
ptr->quorum = true;
dlog1 ("Quorum : %d\n", (int) ptr->quorum );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "full_init_reqd"))
if (atoi(value) > 0)
ptr->full_init_reqd = true;
dlog1 ("Full_init_reqd : %d\n", (int) ptr->full_init_reqd );
rc = PASS ;
if (( ptr->mode != NULL ) && ( !strcmp(ptr->mode, "active" )))
if (MATCH("process", "port"))
ptr->amask |= CONF_PORT ;
ptr->port = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Active Port: %d\n", ptr->port );
rc = PASS ;
if (MATCH("process", "period"))
ptr->amask |= CONF_PERIOD ;
ptr->period = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Period : %d\n", ptr->period );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "timeout"))
ptr->amask |= CONF_TIMEOUT ;
ptr->timeout = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Timeout : %d\n", ptr->timeout );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "threshold"))
ptr->amask |= CONF_THRESHOLD ;
ptr->threshold = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Threshold : %d\n", ptr->threshold );
rc = PASS ;
if (( ptr->mode != NULL ) && ( !strcmp(ptr->mode, "status" )))
if (MATCH("process", "period"))
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_PERIOD ;
ptr->period = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Period : %d\n", ptr->period );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "timeout"))
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_TIMEOUT ;
ptr->timeout = atoi(value);
dlog1 ("Timeout : %d\n", ptr->timeout );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "status_arg"))
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_STATUS_ARG ;
ptr->status_arg = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("status script argument : %s\n", ptr->status_arg );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "start_arg"))
ptr->status_mask |= CONF_START_ARG ;
ptr->start_arg = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("start script argument : %s\n", ptr->start_arg );
rc = PASS ;
else if (MATCH("process", "status_failure_text"))
ptr->status_failure_text_file = strdup(value);
dlog1 ("Status error text file : %s\n", ptr->status_failure_text_file);
rc = PASS ;
rc = PASS ;
return (rc);
* Name : daemon_configure
* Purpose : Read process config file settings into the daemon configuration
int daemon_configure ( void )
int rc = PASS ;
if (ini_parse( CONFIG_FILE, pmon_config_handler, &pmon_config) < 0)
elog("Can't load '%s'\n", CONFIG_FILE );
get_debug_options ( CONFIG_FILE, &pmon_config );
/* Verify loaded config against an expected mask
* as an ini file fault detection method */
if ( pmon_config.mask != CONFIG_MASK )
elog ("Error: Agent configuration failed (%x)\n",
((-1 ^ pmon_config.mask) & CONFIG_MASK));
/* This ensures any link aggregation interface overrides the physical */
pmon_config.mgmnt_iface = daemon_get_iface_master ( pmon_config.mgmnt_iface );
/* Log the startup settings */
ilog("Interface : %s\n", pmon_config.mgmnt_iface );
ilog("Event Port : %d\n", pmon_config.pmon_event_port );
get_iface_macaddr ( pmon_config.mgmnt_iface, pmon_ctrl.my_macaddr );
get_iface_address ( pmon_config.mgmnt_iface, pmon_ctrl.my_address, true );
get_hostname (&pmon_ctrl.my_hostname[0], MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE );
/* Manage the daemon pulse period setting - ensure in bound values */
if ( pmon_config.audit_period < PMON_MIN_AUDIT_PERIOD )
wlog ("Pulse Period: %d msecs (rounded up)\n",
pmon_ctrl.pulse_period = PMON_MIN_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
else if ( pmon_config.audit_period > PMON_MAX_AUDIT_PERIOD )
wlog ("Pulse Period: %d msecs (rounded down)\n",
pmon_ctrl.pulse_period = PMON_MAX_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
pmon_ctrl.pulse_period = pmon_config.audit_period ;
ilog("Pulse Period: %d\n", pmon_ctrl.pulse_period );
/* Manage the daemon pulse period setting - ensure in bound values */
if ( pmon_config.start_delay < PMON_MIN_START_DELAY )
wlog ("Start Delay : %d msecs (rounded up)\n",
pmon_config.start_delay = PMON_MIN_START_DELAY ;
else if ( pmon_config.start_delay > PMON_MAX_START_DELAY )
wlog ("Start Delay : %d msecs (rounded down)\n",
pmon_config.start_delay = PMON_MAX_START_DELAY ;
ilog("Start Delay : %d\n", pmon_config.start_delay );
if ( (rc = pmon_hdlr_init (&pmon_ctrl)) != PASS )
elog ("pmon_hdlt_init failed\n");
ilog ("Function : %d\n", pmon_ctrl.function );
ilog ("SubFunction : %d\n", pmon_ctrl.subfunction );
pmon_ctrl.reload_config = true ;
pmon_ctrl.patching_in_progress = false ;
return (rc);
/* Initialization Utilities */
/* Setup the daemon messaging interfaces/sockets */
int socket_init ( void )
pmon_msg_init ( );
/* Setup the pmon event port.
* This is the port that pmon sends events
* to maintenance on */
int rc = event_port_init ( pmon_config.mgmnt_iface ,
pmon_config.pmon_event_port );
/* Setup the pmon autonomout pulse port.
* This is the port that pmon sends i'm alive messages
* to the hbsClient - the watcher of the watcher */
if ( rc == PASS )
rc = pulse_port_init ( );
/* Init the avtive monitor receive port.
* This is the port that all active monitored
* processes send their responses on */
if ( rc == PASS )
rc = amon_port_init ( pmon_config.pmon_amon_port );
/* Setup the pmon hostwd connection.
* This lets pmon commuicate essential process info to the
* host watchdog process */
if ( rc == PASS )
hostwd_port_init ( );
pmon_inbox_init ( );
return (rc);
/* The main heartbeat service loop */
int daemon_init ( string iface, string nodetype_str )
int rc = PASS ;
/* init the control struct */
memset ( &pmon_ctrl.my_hostname[0], 0, sizeof(pmon_ctrl.my_hostname));
pmon_ctrl.my_macaddr = "" ;
pmon_ctrl.my_address = "" ;
pmon_ctrl.pulse_period = PMON_MAX_AUDIT_PERIOD ;
pmon_ctrl.processes = 0 ;
pmon_ctrl.system_type = daemon_system_type ();
/* sets in pmonHdlr.cpp */
pmon_set_ctrl_ptr ( &pmon_ctrl );
pmonAlarm_init ();
/* Assign interface to config */
pmon_config.mgmnt_iface = (char*) ;
if ( daemon_files_init ( ) != PASS )
elog ("Pid, log or other files could not be opened\n");
return ( FAIL_FILES_INIT ) ;
/* Bind signal handlers */
if ( daemon_signal_init () != PASS )
elog ("daemon_signal_init failed\n");
return ( FAIL_SIGNAL_INIT );
if ( set_host_functions ( nodetype_str, &pmon_ctrl.nodetype, &pmon_ctrl.function, &pmon_ctrl.subfunction ) != PASS )
elog ("failed to extract nodetype\n");
return ( FAIL_NODETYPE );
* There is no point continuing with init ; i.e. running daemon_configure,
* initializing sockets and trying to query for an ip address until the
* daemon's configuration requirements are met. Here we wait for those
* flag files to be present before continuing.
* Wait for /etc/platform/.initial_config_complete & /var/run/.goenabled */
daemon_wait_for_file ( CONFIG_COMPLETE_FILE , 0);
daemon_wait_for_file ( GOENABLED_MAIN_READY , 0);
/* Configure the daemon */
if ( (rc = daemon_configure ( )) != PASS )
elog ("Daemon service configuration failed (rc:%i)\n", rc );
/* Setup the messaging sockets */
else if ( (rc = socket_init ( )) != PASS )
elog ("socket initialization failed (rc:%d)\n", rc );
/* Init the pmon service timers */
pmon_timer_init ();
pmon_ctrl.recovery_method = PMOND_RECOVERY_METHOD__SYSTEMD ;
pmon_ctrl.system_state = get_system_state();
ilog ("Recovery Method: %s\n", pmon_ctrl.recovery_method ? "systemd via systemctl" : "sysvinit via script" );
return (rc);
/* Start the service
* 1. Wait for host config (install) complete
* 2. Wait for goenable
* 3. Do startup delay
* 4. run the pmon service inside pmonHdlr.cpp
void daemon_service_run ( void )
int rc = PASS ;
process_config_type dummy_process ;
memset ( (char*)&dummy_process, 0, (sizeof(process_config_type)));
dummy_process.process = strdup("pmond");
ilog ("Transmitting: 'monitor ready event'\n" );
rc = pmon_send_event ( MTC_EVENT_MONITOR_READY, &dummy_process ) ;
if ( rc == RETRY )
mtcWait_secs ( 2 );
if ( rc == FAIL )
elog ("Failed to Send READY event (rc=%d)\n", rc );
elog ("Trying to provide service anyway\n");
} while ( rc == RETRY ) ;
/* Wait a few seconds after go enabled to
* allow the rest of init to finish before
* starting to process monitor */
ilog ("Delaying %d seconds to allow other processes to start\n", pmon_config.start_delay);
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pmon_config.start_delay ; i++ )
mtcWait_secs ( 1 );
pmon_send_pulse ( );
pmon_service ( &pmon_ctrl );
daemon_exit ();
const char MY_DATA [100] = { "eieio\n" } ;
const char * daemon_stream_info ( void )
return (&MY_DATA[0]);
/** Teat Head Entry */
int daemon_run_testhead ( void )
ilog ("Empty test head.\n");
return (PASS);