
1863 lines
52 KiB
Executable File

* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Wind River Systems, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <ifaddrs.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/ethtool.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <dirent.h> /* for dir reading */
#include <net/if.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <netdb.h> /* for hostent */
#include <errno.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sys/stat.h> /* for ... file stat */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <openssl/md5.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
#include "nodeBase.h"
#include "nodeUtil.h"
#include "daemon_common.h"
#include "msgClass.h"
#ifdef __AREA__
#undef __AREA__
#define __AREA__ "com"
* Name : nodeUtil_latency_log
* Description: Measures execution time of a section of code.
* Produce a latency log if the specified duration
* in msec is exceeded.
* Warning : Not multi thread safe.
* Parms:
* hostname - for hostname.
* label_ptr - "start" to init the prev_timer or
* - "some label" to identify the point in the code and to
* measure time against the previous call.
* msecs - the latency log threshold
* Usage:
* nodeUtil_latency_log ( NODEUTIL_LATENCY_MON_START, 0 );
* [ timed code ]
* nodeUtil_latency_log ( hostname, "label 1" , msecs );
* [ timed code ]
* nodeUtil_latency_log ( hostname, "label 2", msecs );
* ...
void nodeUtil_latency_log ( string hostname, const char * label_ptr, int msecs )
static unsigned long long prev__time = 0 ;
static unsigned long long this__time = 0 ;
this__time = gettime_monotonic_nsec () ;
/* If label_ptr is != NULL and != start then take the measurement */
if ( label_ptr && strncmp ( label_ptr, NODEUTIL_LATENCY_MON_START, strlen(NODEUTIL_LATENCY_MON_START)))
if ( this__time > (prev__time + (NSEC_TO_MSEC*(msecs))))
llog ("%s ... %4llu.%-4llu msec - %s\n", hostname.c_str(),
((this__time-prev__time) > NSEC_TO_MSEC) ? ((this__time-prev__time)/NSEC_TO_MSEC) : 0,
((this__time-prev__time) > NSEC_TO_MSEC) ? ((this__time-prev__time)%NSEC_TO_MSEC) : 0,
label_ptr );
/* reset to be equal for next round */
prev__time = this__time ;
void node_inv_init (node_inv_type & inv)
inv.nodetype = 0;
void print_inv ( node_inv_type & info )
const char bar [] = { "+------------+--------------------------------------+" };
const char uar [] = { "+ Host Info +--------------------------------------+" };
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%s\n", &uar[0]);
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| action : %s\n", info.action.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| personality: %s\n", info.type.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| hostname : %s\n",;
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| task : %s\n", info.task.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| ip : %s\n", info.ip.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| mac : %s\n", info.mac.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| uuid : %s\n", info.uuid.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| operState: %s\n", info.oper_subf.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| adminState: %s\n", info.admin.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| operState: %s\n", info.oper.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| availStatus: %s\n", info.avail.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| bm ip : %s\n", info.bm_ip.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| bm un : %s\n", info.bm_un.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| bm type : %s\n", info.bm_type.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| subFunction: %s\n", info.func.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| operState: %s\n", info.oper_subf.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "| availStatus: %s\n", info.avail_subf.c_str());
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%s\n", &bar[0]);
unsigned int get_host_function_mask ( string & nodeType_str )
unsigned int nodeType = CGTS_NODE_NULL ;
if ( nodeType_str.find("worker") != string::npos )
nodeType |= WORKER_TYPE ;
if ( nodeType_str.find("controller") != string::npos )
if ( nodeType_str.find("storage") != string::npos )
nodeType |= STORAGE_TYPE ;
return (nodeType);
bool is_combo_system (unsigned int nodetype_mask )
if ( nodetype_mask & CONTROLLER_TYPE )
if ( nodetype_mask & WORKER_TYPE )
return (true);
if ( nodetype_mask & STORAGE_TYPE )
return (true);
return (false);
int set_host_functions ( string nodetype_str,
unsigned int * nodetype_bits_ptr,
unsigned int * nodetype_function_ptr,
unsigned int * nodetype_subfunction_ptr )
int rc = PASS ;
*nodetype_bits_ptr = get_host_function_mask ( nodetype_str ) ;
*nodetype_function_ptr = CGTS_NODE_NULL ;
*nodetype_subfunction_ptr = CGTS_NODE_NULL ;
/* Load up the host function and subfunction */
if ( *nodetype_bits_ptr & CONTROLLER_TYPE )
*nodetype_function_ptr = CONTROLLER_TYPE ;
dlog2 ("Function : controller\n");
/* Check for subfunctions */
if ( *nodetype_bits_ptr & WORKER_TYPE )
dlog2 ("Sub Function: worker\n");
*nodetype_subfunction_ptr = WORKER_TYPE ;
if ( *nodetype_bits_ptr & STORAGE_TYPE )
*nodetype_subfunction_ptr |= STORAGE_TYPE ;
dlog2 ("Sub Function: storage\n");
if ( *nodetype_bits_ptr & WORKER_TYPE )
*nodetype_function_ptr = WORKER_TYPE ;
dlog2 ("Function : worker\n");
else if ( *nodetype_bits_ptr & STORAGE_TYPE )
*nodetype_function_ptr |= STORAGE_TYPE ;
dlog2 ("Function : storage\n");
elog ("Unsupported nodetype (%u:%s)\n", *nodetype_bits_ptr, nodetype_str.c_str());
rc = FAIL ;
return (rc);
/* Checks that the goenabled tests are in the READY or PASS states
* If pass parameter is true, then we check for the appropriate PASS state.
* If pass parameter is false, we check for the appropriate READY state.
* Returns true if the appropriate state is found.
bool is_goenabled ( int nodeType, bool pass )
char* file;
if ( is_combo_system ( nodeType ) == true )
if ( pass )
file = (char*) GOENABLED_SUBF_PASS;
file = (char*) GOENABLED_SUBF_READY;
if ( pass )
file = (char*) GOENABLED_MAIN_PASS;
file = (char*) GOENABLED_MAIN_READY;
return daemon_is_file_present ( file );
#define LOG_MEMORY(buf) syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%s", buf ); \
buf_ptr = &buf[0]; \
MEMSET_ZERO ( buf );
void dump_memory ( void * raw_ptr , int format, size_t bytes )
uint32_t * word_ptr = (uint32_t*)raw_ptr ;
uint8_t * byte_ptr = (uint8_t*)raw_ptr ;
char buf[0x1024] ;
char * buf_ptr = &buf[0];
MEMSET_ZERO ( buf );
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "Dumping Memory: %ld bytes", bytes );
if ( format == 4 )
int loops = bytes/format ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < loops ; i++ )
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr, "0x%p : 0x%08x : ", word_ptr, *word_ptr );
byte_ptr = (uint8_t*)word_ptr ;
for ( int c = 0 ; c < format ; c++ )
if (( *byte_ptr >= ' ' ) && ( *byte_ptr <= '~' ))
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr, "%c", *byte_ptr) ;
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr, "%c", '.');
byte_ptr++ ;
word_ptr++ ;
else if ( format == 8 )
int loops = bytes/format ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < loops ; i++ )
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr, "0x%p : 0x%08x 0x%08x : ", word_ptr, *word_ptr, *(word_ptr+1) );
byte_ptr = (uint8_t*)word_ptr ;
for ( int c = 0 ; c < format ; c++ )
if (( *byte_ptr >= ' ' ) && ( *byte_ptr <= '~' ))
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr , "%c", *byte_ptr) ;
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr , "%c", '.');
byte_ptr++ ;
word_ptr += 2 ;
else if ( format == 16 )
int loops = bytes/format ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < loops ; i++ )
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr, "0x%p : 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x : ", word_ptr, *word_ptr, *(word_ptr+1), *(word_ptr+2), *(word_ptr+3));
byte_ptr = (uint8_t*)word_ptr ;
for ( int c = 0 ; c < format ; c++ )
if (( *byte_ptr >= ' ' ) && ( *byte_ptr <= '~' ))
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr , "%c", *byte_ptr) ;
buf_ptr += sprintf ( buf_ptr , "%c", '.');
byte_ptr++ ;
word_ptr += 4 ;
char hostname_floating [] = { "controller" } ;
string getipbyiface ( const char * iface )
string ip_string = "";
char ip_cstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
if(msgClassAddr::getAddressFromInterface(iface, ip_cstr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)==PASS)
ip_string = ip_cstr;
return ip_string;
string getipbyname ( string name )
string ip_string = "" ;
const char* address_string;
int count = 0 ;
msgClassAddr addr = msgClassAddr(name.c_str());
address_string = addr.toNumericString();
ip_string = address_string;
wlog_throttled ( count, 50, "Unable to get ip address list for '%s', retrying ...\n", name.c_str());
mtcWait_secs (2);
daemon_signal_hdlr ();
} while ( ip_string.empty() ) ;
return (ip_string);
string getipbynameifexists ( string name )
string ip_string = "" ;
const char* address_string;
msgClassAddr addr = msgClassAddr(name.c_str());
address_string = addr.toNumericString();
ip_string = address_string;
return (ip_string);
/* Reads the local hostname, ip and the floating ip address.
* Returns RETRY if the information has changed compared to what is
* passed in. Reference strings are updated if values are changed */
int get_ip_addresses ( string & my_hostname , string & my_local_ip , string & my_float_ip )
int rc = PASS ;
string temp_hostname = "" ;
string temp_local_ip = "" ;
string temp_float_ip = "" ;
char hostname_str [MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE+1];
memset (&hostname_str[0], 0, MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE+1);
/* read the host name */
rc = gethostname(&hostname_str[0], MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE );
if ( rc == PASS )
/* Load as a string and then compare */
temp_hostname = hostname_str ;
if ( temp_hostname != my_hostname )
/* update control struct and set rc for reload (RETRY) */
my_hostname = temp_hostname ;
ilog ("My Hostname : %s\n", my_hostname.c_str());
rc = RETRY ;
/* get the host info */
elog ("Unable to get controller local hostname\n");
return (FAIL);
set_hn (hostname_str);
/* Get the Primary hostname ip address */
temp_local_ip = getipbyname (hostname_str);
/* See if the local ip address has changed */
if ( temp_local_ip != my_local_ip )
ilog (" Local IP : %s\n", temp_local_ip.c_str());
/* update control struct and set rc for reload (RETRY) */
my_local_ip = temp_local_ip ;
rc = RETRY ;
/* Move on to read the floating ip */
temp_float_ip = getipbyname (hostname_floating);
/* See if the floating ip address has changed */
if ( temp_float_ip != my_float_ip )
ilog ("Floating IP : %s\n", temp_float_ip.c_str());
/* update control struct and set rc for reload (RETRY) */
my_float_ip = temp_float_ip ;
rc = RETRY ;
return rc;
int open_ioctl_socket ( void )
int flags;
int ioctl_socket = socket( PF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );
if( 0 > ioctl_socket )
elog ( "Failed to open ioctl socket (%d:%s)\n",
errno, strerror( errno ) );
return( ioctl_socket );
flags = fcntl( ioctl_socket, F_GETFL, 0 );
if( 0 > flags )
elog ( "Failed to get ioctl socket flags (%d:%s)\n",
errno, strerror( errno ) );
close( ioctl_socket );
return( flags );
if( 0 > fcntl( ioctl_socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK ) )
elog ( "Failed to set ioctl socket flags (%d:%s)",
errno, strerror( errno ) );
close( ioctl_socket );
return( -1 );
return ( ioctl_socket );
/* returns true if the link is up for the specified interface */
int get_link_state_throttle = 0 ;
int get_link_state ( int ioctl_socket, const char * iface_ptr, bool * running_ptr )
struct ifreq if_data;
int rc = FAIL ;
if (!iface_ptr || !*iface_ptr)
dlog ("Null interface name\n");
return ( rc ) ;
memset( &if_data, 0, sizeof(if_data) );
sprintf( if_data.ifr_name, "%s", iface_ptr );
if( 0 <= ioctl( ioctl_socket, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &if_data ) )
if( if_data.ifr_flags & IFF_RUNNING )
*running_ptr = true;
*running_ptr = false;
/* reset log flood gate counter */
get_link_state_throttle = 0 ;
rc = PASS ;
wlog_throttled (get_link_state_throttle, 100,
"Failed to get %s (%s) interface state (%d:%s)\n",
iface_ptr, if_data.ifr_name, errno, strerror(errno));
return ( rc );
int get_iface_attrs ( const char * iface_ptr,
int & index,
int & speed,
int & duplex,
string & autoneg )
struct ifreq ifr;
struct ethtool_cmd cmd;
int fd, result;
if (!iface_ptr || !*iface_ptr)
elog ("Null interface name\n");
return FAIL ;
index = -1;
speed = -1;
duplex = -1;
autoneg = "N/A" ;
fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (fd == -1)
const int err = errno;
elog ("%s: Cannot create AF_INET socket: (%s)\n", iface_ptr, strerror(err));
return FAIL;
snprintf (ifr.ifr_name, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name), "%s", iface_ptr);
ifr.ifr_data = (char*)&cmd;
cmd.cmd = ETHTOOL_GSET;
if (ioctl(fd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr) < 0)
const int err = errno;
result = close(fd);
daemon_signal_hdlr ();
} while (result == -1 && errno == EINTR);
elog ("%s: SIOCETHTOOL ioctl: (%s)\n", iface_ptr, strerror(err));
return FAIL;
speed = ethtool_cmd_speed(&cmd);
if ( cmd.advertising & SUPPORTED_Autoneg )
ilog ("Autoneg: %d\n", cmd.autoneg );
if ( cmd.autoneg )
autoneg = "Yes" ;
autoneg = "No";
switch (cmd.duplex)
case DUPLEX_HALF: duplex = 0; break;
case DUPLEX_FULL: duplex = 1; break;
elog ("%s: Unknown mode (0x%x).\n", iface_ptr, cmd.duplex);
if (index && ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr) >= 0)
index = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
result = close(fd);
} while (result == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (result == -1)
const int err = errno;
elog ("%s: Error closing socket: %s\n", iface_ptr, strerror(err));
return FAIL ;
return PASS;
int get_iface_macaddr ( const char * iface_ptr , string & macaddr )
int rc ;
struct ifreq s;
int fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP);
memset ( (void*)&s, 0 , sizeof(struct ifreq) );
strcpy(s.ifr_name, iface_ptr );
rc = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &s) ;
if ( rc == PASS )
char str [COL_CHARS_IN_MAC_ADDR+1] ; /* and terminator */
memset ( &str[0], 0 , COL_CHARS_IN_MAC_ADDR);
snprintf ( &str[0], sizeof(str),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[1]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[2]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[3]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[4]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[5]));
macaddr = str ;
ilog ("Mac Address : %s\n", macaddr.c_str() );
elog ("Mac Address : Unknown\n");
elog ("Failed to get %s's mac address (rc:%d)\n", iface_ptr , rc );
return (rc);
string get_iface_mac ( const char * iface_ptr )
int rc ;
struct ifreq s;
string mac = "---" ;
int fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP);
memset ( (void*)&s, 0 , sizeof(struct ifreq) );
strcpy(s.ifr_name, iface_ptr );
rc = ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &s) ;
if ( rc == PASS )
char str [COL_CHARS_IN_MAC_ADDR+1] ; /* and terminator */
memset ( &str[0], 0 , COL_CHARS_IN_MAC_ADDR);
snprintf ( &str[0], sizeof(str),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[1]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[2]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[3]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[4]),
(unsigned char)(s.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[5]));
mac = str ;
ilog ("Mac Address : %s\n", mac.c_str() );
elog ("Mac Address : Unknown\n");
elog ("Failed to get %s's mac address (rc:%d)\n", iface_ptr , rc );
return (mac);
int get_hostname ( char * hostname_ptr, int max_len )
int rc ;
memset ( hostname_ptr, 0, max_len-1);
rc = gethostname(hostname_ptr, max_len );
if ( rc == PASS )
ilog ("Hostname : %s\n", hostname_ptr);
wlog ("No hostname, retrying ...\n" );
mtcWait_secs (5);
daemon_signal_hdlr ();
} while ( rc != PASS ) ;
set_hn (hostname_ptr);
return (rc);
int get_iface_hostname ( const char * iface_ptr, char * hostname_ptr)
int rc ;
memset ( hostname_ptr, 0, MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE-1);
rc = gethostname(hostname_ptr, MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE );
if ( rc == PASS )
ilog ("Hostname : %s\n", hostname_ptr);
wlog ("%s has no hostname, retrying ...\n", iface_ptr);
mtcWait_secs (5);
daemon_signal_hdlr ();
} while ( rc != PASS ) ;
return (rc);
int get_iface_address ( const char * iface_ptr, string & ip_addr , bool retry )
int rc ;
int count ;
char ip_cstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
/* Now fetch the IP address. We stay here till we have one. */
count = 0 ;
rc = msgClassAddr::getAddressFromInterface(iface_ptr, ip_cstr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN);
if ( rc == PASS )
ip_addr = ip_cstr;
ilog ("IP Address : %s\n", ip_addr.c_str() );
wlog_throttled ( count, 24, "%s has no IP address (rc=%d), retrying ...\n", iface_ptr, rc );
/* get out if the caller does not want retries */
if ( retry == false )
return (RETRY);
mtcWait_secs (5);
daemon_signal_hdlr ();
} while ( rc != PASS ) ;
return (rc);
void get_infra_iface ( char ** infra_iface_ptr )
char * iface_ptr ;
string infra = daemon_infra_iface();
/* remove .None from the interface name if it exists */
size_t found = infra.find(".None");
if ( found != string::npos)
infra.erase(found, string::npos);
if ( infra.size() )
iface_ptr = daemon_get_iface_master ( (char*);
*infra_iface_ptr = strdup((const char*)iface_ptr);
dlog("Infra iface : %s\n", *infra_iface_ptr );
*infra_iface_ptr = strdup((const char*)"");
* Name : load_filenames_in_dir
* Purpose : Load the supplied list with all the file names
* in the specified directory
int load_filenames_in_dir ( const char * directory, std::list<string> & filelist )
DIR *d;
struct dirent *dir;
/* Clear the content of the config file list and running counter */
filelist.clear ();
d = opendir(directory);
if (d)
while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL)
dlog3 ("File: %s\n", dir->d_name);
if ( strcmp ( dir->d_name , "." ) &&
strcmp ( dir->d_name , ".." ))
string temp = directory ;
filelist.push_back ( temp );
daemon_signal_hdlr ();
elog ("Failed to open %s\n", directory );
int setup_child ( bool close_file_descriptors )
/* Create a new process group for the child process */
if ( 0 > setpgid (0,0))
return (FAIL);
/* Change the current working directory. */
if ((chdir("/")) < 0)
return (FAIL);
if ( close_file_descriptors == true )
struct rlimit file_limits ;
if ( 0 < getrlimit ( RLIMIT_NOFILE, &file_limits ) )
return (FAIL);
/* Close all existing file descriptors */
for ( unsigned int fd_i = 0 ; fd_i < file_limits.rlim_cur ; ++fd_i )
close (fd_i);
int fd = open("/dev/null",O_RDWR, 0);
if (fd != -1)
dup2 (fd, STDIN_FILENO);
dup2 (fd, STDOUT_FILENO);
dup2 (fd, STDERR_FILENO);
if (fd > 2)
close (fd);
return (PASS);
* Issue a double fork to run the specified command string. Its a
* double fork to avoid need to stick around ; avoids defunct processes.
* On success the grandchild gets 0 and the parent gets 1.
* On failure the parent gets -1.
int double_fork_host_cmd ( string hostname , char * cmd_string, const char * cmd_oper )
int status = 0 ;
UNUSED(cmd_oper); /* for future use maybe */
blog ("%s %s\n", hostname.c_str(), cmd_string);
/* Flush the logs before fork */
fflush (stdout);
fflush (stderr);
pid_t child_pid = fork ();
if ( child_pid == 0 )
/* In child process */
pid_t grandchild_pid = fork();
if ( grandchild_pid > 0 )
/* child exits immediately */
exit (0);
else if ( grandchild_pid == -1 )
// in child, error forking
wlog("problem forking grandchild: %m\n");
exit (-1);
/* grandchild runs system command */
int rc = FAIL ;
bool close_file_descriptors = false ;
if ( setup_child ( close_file_descriptors ) != PASS )
/* Set child to ignore child exit */
signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
if (( rc = system(cmd_string) ) > 0 )
wlog("system call failed: '%s' (%d:%m)\n", cmd_string, errno );
// decode_error ( hostname, rc , cmd_string ) ;
dlog ( "%s forked cmd '%s' passed\n", hostname.c_str(), cmd_string);
else if ( child_pid > 0 )
// In Parent, child successfully forked
/* Wait for first child to exit ; happens immediately */
waitpid(child_pid , &status, 0 );
if ( WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0 )
return 1;
ilog ("Waiting for child to exit ...\n");
usleep (1000);
wlog("problem forking child: %m\n");
return -1;
/* Issue a double fork to avoid need to
* stick around to avoid defunct processes.
* On success the grandchild gets 0 and the parent gets 1.
* On failure the parent gets -1.
int double_fork ( void )
int status = 0 ;
/* Theoretically we should flush the logs before forking otherwise it can
* cause duplicate messages in parent and child. But we want to minimize
* the work being done in the main thread, so we accept the tradeoff.
//fflush (stdout);
//fflush (stderr);
pid_t child_pid = fork ();
if ( child_pid == 0 )
pid_t grandchild_pid = fork();
if ( grandchild_pid == 0 ) {
// in grandchild
return 0;
} else if ( grandchild_pid == -1 ) {
// in child, error forking
wlog("problem forking grandchild: %m\n");
exit (-1);
} else
// in child, grandchild successfully forked
exit (0);
else if ( child_pid > 0 )
// in parent, child successfully forked
/* Wait for first child to exit ; happens immediately */
waitpid(child_pid , &status, 0 );
if ( WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0 )
return 1;
wlog("problem forking child: %m\n");
return -1;
* Name : fork_sysreq_reboot
* Purpose : Timed SYSREQ Reset service used as a backup mechanism
* to force a self reset after a specified period of time.
/* This is a common utility that forces a sysreq reboot */
void fork_sysreq_reboot ( int delay_in_secs )
int parent = 0 ;
/* Fork child to do a sysreq reboot. */
if ( 0 > ( parent = double_fork()))
elog ("failed to fork fail-safe (backup) sysreq reboot\n");
return ;
else if( 0 == parent ) /* we're the child */
int sysrq_handler_fd;
int sysrq_tigger_fd ;
size_t temp ;
setup_child ( false ) ;
ilog ("*** Failsafe Reset Thread ***\n");
/* Commented this out because blocking SIGTERM in systemd environment
* causes any processes that spawn this sysreq will stall shutdown
* sigset_t mask , mask_orig ;
* sigemptyset (&mask);
* sigaddset (&mask, SIGTERM );
* sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &mask_orig );
// Enable sysrq handling.
sysrq_handler_fd = open( "/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC );
if( 0 > sysrq_handler_fd )
ilog ( "failed sysrq_handler open\n");
return ;
temp = write( sysrq_handler_fd, "1", 1 );
close( sysrq_handler_fd );
for ( int i = delay_in_secs ; i >= 0 ; --i )
sleep (1);
if ( 0 == (i % 5) )
ilog ( "sysrq reset in %d seconds\n", i );
// Trigger sysrq command.
sysrq_tigger_fd = open( "/proc/sysrq-trigger", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC );
if( 0 > sysrq_tigger_fd )
ilog ( "failed sysrq_trigger open\n");
return ;
temp = write( sysrq_tigger_fd, "b", 1 );
close( sysrq_tigger_fd );
ilog ( "sysreq rc:%ld\n", temp );
sleep (10);
// Shouldn't get this far, else there was an error.
ilog ("Forked Fail-Safe (Backup) Reboot Action\n");
* Name : fork_graceful_reboot
* Purpose : Timed reset via /sbin/reboot which attempts to use graceful
* mechanisms (like unmounting filesystems) to perform a reset.
* Note that in cases where blocking can occur (like I/O failure)
* the forked process may become blocked.
/* This is a common utility that forces a /sbin/reboot reboot */
void fork_graceful_reboot ( int delay_in_secs )
int parent = double_fork ();
if (0 > parent) /* problem forking */
elog ("failed to fork graceful reboot process\n");
return ;
else if (0 == parent) /* if we're the child */
char* reboot_args[] = { (char*) "/sbin/reboot", NULL };
char* reboot_env[] = { NULL };
setup_child(false); /* initialize the process group, etc */
ilog ("*** Graceful Reset Thread ***\n");
/* Commented this out because blocking SIGTERM in systemd environment
* causes any processes that spawn this sysreq will stall shutdown
* sigset_t mask , mask_orig ;
* sigemptyset (&mask);
* sigaddset (&mask, SIGTERM );
* sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &mask_orig );
sleep (delay_in_secs);
execve ("/sbin/reboot", reboot_args, reboot_env);
/* execve returns -1 on error, and does not return on success */
elog ("Could not execute graceful reboot - error code = %d (%s)\n",
errno, strerror(errno));
exit (-1);
bool is_string_in_string_list ( std::list<string> & l , string & str )
if ((std::find (l.begin(), l.end(), str )) == l.end())
return (false);
return (true);
bool is_int_in_int_list ( std::list<int> & l , int & val )
std::list<int>::iterator iter_ptr ;
for ( iter_ptr = l.begin() ; iter_ptr != l.end() ; iter_ptr++ )
if ( *iter_ptr == val )
ilog ("%d found\n", val );
return (true) ;
return (false);
if ((std::find (l.begin(), l.end(), val )) == l.end())
return (false);
return (true);
string get_strings_in_string_list ( std::list<string> & l )
std::list<string>::iterator iter_ptr ;
string s = "" ;
if ( l.empty() )
return (s);
for ( iter_ptr = l.begin() ; iter_ptr != l.end() ; iter_ptr++ )
s.append(" ");
return (s);
bool string_contains ( string buffer, string sequence )
size_t found = buffer.find(sequence);
if ( found != string::npos )
return (true);
return (false);
static int health = NODE_HEALTH_UNKNOWN ;
int get_node_health ( string hostname )
struct stat p ;
memset ( &p, 0 , sizeof(struct stat));
stat ( CONFIG_PASS_FILE, &p ) ;
if ((p.st_ino != 0 ) && (p.st_dev != 0))
if ( health != NODE_HEALTHY )
ilog ("%s is Healthy (%d)\n", hostname.c_str(), health );
health = NODE_HEALTHY ;
memset ( &p, 0 , sizeof(struct stat));
stat ( CONFIG_FAIL_FILE, &p ) ;
if ((p.st_ino != 0 ) && (p.st_dev != 0))
if ( health != NODE_UNHEALTHY )
elog ("%s is UnHealthy\n", hostname.c_str());
else if ( health == NODE_HEALTH_UNKNOWN )
wlog ("%s is UnHealthy\n", hostname.c_str());
if ( health != NODE_HEALTH_UNKNOWN )
wlog ("%s has Unknown Health\n", hostname.c_str());
return (health);
int clean_bm_response_files ( string hostname )
char cmd_string [200] ;
sprintf ( &cmd_string[0], "rm -f /var/run/.bm*.%s",;
int rc = system(cmd_string);
return (rc);
string md5sum_string ( string str )
string temp ;
unsigned char digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
char md5str [MD5_STRING_LENGTH];
memset ( &digest, 0, MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH );
memset ( &md5str, 0, MD5_STRING_LENGTH );
MD5 ((unsigned char*), str.length(), (unsigned char*)&digest);
for(int i = 0; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++)
sprintf(&md5str[i*2], "%02x", (unsigned int)digest[i]);
// ilog ("user value: %s\n", buffer );
// ilog ("md5 digest: %s\n", md5str );
temp = md5str ;
return (temp);
/* get a processid by the processname using a pipe */
int get_pid_by_name_pipe ( string procname )
pid_t pid = 0 ;
if ( procname.length() )
char buffer[MAX_CHARS_FILENAME] ;
snprintf ( buffer, MAX_CHARS_FILENAME, "pidof -s %s" , );
FILE *cmd_pipe = popen (buffer, "r" );
if ( cmd_pipe )
memset(buffer, 0, MAX_CHARS_FILENAME );
char * c = fgets (buffer, MAX_CHARS_FILENAME, cmd_pipe );
if ( strnlen ( buffer , MAX_CHARS_FILENAME ) )
pid = strtoul (buffer, NULL, 10) ;
return (pid);
/* get a processid by the processname searching the proc file system */
int get_pid_by_name_proc ( string procname )
int pid = -1;
/* Open the /proc dir */
DIR *dp = opendir("/proc");
if (dp != NULL)
/* Enumerate all entries in directory until we find the process */
struct dirent *dirp;
while (pid < 0 && (dirp = readdir(dp)))
/* Skip non-numeric entries */
int id = atoi(dirp->d_name);
if (id > 0)
/* Read contents of virtual /proc/{pid}/cmdline file */
string cmdPath = string("/proc/") + dirp->d_name + "/cmdline";
ifstream cmdFile(cmdPath.c_str());
string cmdLine;
getline(cmdFile, cmdLine);
if (!cmdLine.empty())
size_t pos = cmdLine.find("python");
//printf ("\nCmdLine: %s (length:%ld)\n", cmdLine.c_str(), cmdLine.length());
if (pos != string::npos)
cmdLine = cmdLine.substr(7, cmdLine.length()-8);
//printf ("\nCmdLine Next: %s (length:%ld)\n", cmdLine.c_str(), cmdLine.length());
std::size_t found = cmdLine.find(procname);
if ( found != std::string::npos )
return(id) ;
/* Keep first cmdline item which contains the program path */
pos = cmdLine.find('\0');
if (pos != string::npos)
cmdLine = cmdLine.substr(0, pos);
/* removing the path prefix */
pos = cmdLine.rfind('/');
if (pos != string::npos)
cmdLine = cmdLine.substr(pos + 1);
/* is this the process ? */
if (procname == cmdLine)
pid = id;
return pid;
const char mgmnt_iface_str[] = { "Mgmnt" } ;
const char infra_iface_str[] = { "Infra" } ;
const char null_iface_str[] = { "Null" } ;
const char * get_iface_name_str ( int iface )
switch ( iface )
return mgmnt_iface_str;
return infra_iface_str;
return null_iface_str ;
string get_event_str ( int event_code )
switch ( event_code )
return "ready" ;
return "clear" ;
return "critical" ;
return "log" ;
return "major" ;
return "minor" ;
return "config" ;
return "reset" ;
return "power-down" ;
return "power-cycle" ;
return "degrade raise" ;
return "degrade clear" ;
return "add" ;
return "delete" ;
return "modify" ;
return "query" ;
return "start" ;
return "stop" ;
slog ("Unknown event code (0x%x)\n", event_code );
return "unknown" ;
#define MAX_NUM_LEN 64
string itos ( int val )
char int_str[MAX_NUM_LEN] ;
string temp ;
memset ( &int_str[0], 0, MAX_NUM_LEN );
snprintf ( &int_str[0], MAX_NUM_LEN, "%d" , val );
temp = int_str ;
return (temp);
#define MAX_NUM_LEN 64
string lltos (long long unsigned int val )
char int_str[MAX_NUM_LEN] ;
string temp ;
memset ( &int_str[0], 0, MAX_NUM_LEN );
snprintf ( &int_str[0], MAX_NUM_LEN, "%llu" , val );
temp = int_str ;
return (temp);
string ftos ( float val, int resolution )
char float_str[MAX_NUM_LEN] ;
string temp ;
memset ( &float_str[0], 0, MAX_NUM_LEN );
if ( resolution == 2 )
snprintf ( &float_str[0], MAX_NUM_LEN, "%.2f" , val );
else if ( resolution == 3 )
snprintf ( &float_str[0], MAX_NUM_LEN, "%.3f" , val );
snprintf ( &float_str[0], MAX_NUM_LEN, "%.1f" , val );
temp = float_str ;
return (temp);
/* standard 1s complement checksum */
unsigned short checksum(void *b, int len)
unsigned short *buf = (unsigned short*)b;
unsigned int sum=0;
unsigned short result;
for ( sum = 0; len > 1; len -= 2 )
sum += *buf++;
if ( len == 1 )
sum += *(unsigned char*)buf;
sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xFFFF);
sum += (sum >> 16);
result = ~sum;
return result;
std::string tolowercase ( const std::string & in )
std::string out;
std::transform( in.begin(), in.end(), std::back_inserter( out ), ::tolower );
return out;
int send_log_message ( msgSock_type * sock_ptr,
const char * hostname,
const char * filename,
const char * log_str )
int bytes = 0 ;
int bytes_to_send = 0 ;
int rc = PASS ;
log_message_type log ;
if (( log_str == NULL ) || ( filename == NULL ) || ( hostname == NULL ))
slog ("null parm\n");
if ( sock_ptr == NULL )
slog ("%s mtclogd not setup for file '%s'\n", hostname, filename );
else if ( sock_ptr->sock == 0 )
dlog ("%s mtclogd not setup for file '%s'\n", hostname, filename );
memset ( &log, 0 , sizeof(log_message_type));
snprintf ( &log.header [0], MSG_HEADER_SIZE , "%s",get_mtc_log_msg_hdr());
snprintf ( &log.filename [0], MAX_FILENAME_LEN , "%s",filename );
snprintf ( &log.hostname [0], MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE, "%s",hostname );
snprintf ( &log.logbuffer[0], MAX_LOG_MSG , "%s",log_str );
/* There is no buffer data in any of these messages */
bytes_to_send = sizeof(log_message_type)-(MAX_LOG_MSG-(strlen(log_str))) ;
bytes = sendto ( sock_ptr->sock, (char*) &log, bytes_to_send, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) &sock_ptr->addr,
if ( bytes <= 0 )
wlog ("%s send log message failed (%s)\n", log.hostname, log.filename );
mlog2 ("%s:%s\n%s", &log.hostname[0], &log.filename[0], log_str );
return rc ;
* Name : get_delimited_list
* Description: Update the_list with the individual items in the passed in string.
* valid delimiters include , : = ; . - +
* Updates: the_list
* Returns: PASS for success and FAIL_STRING_EMPTY or FAIL_INVALID_DATA otherwise
int get_delimited_list ( string str , char delimiter, list<string> & the_list, bool remove_whitespace )
std::size_t last = 0 ;
std::size_t first = 0 ;
/* Error handling - empty string and invalid delimitors */
if ( str.empty () )
dlog ("empty string\n");
return ( FAIL_STRING_EMPTY ) ;
else if (( delimiter != '.' ) && ( delimiter != ',' ) &&
( delimiter != '-' ) && ( delimiter != '+' ) &&
( delimiter != '=' ) && ( delimiter != ';' ) &&
( delimiter != ':' ))
dlog ("invalid delimiter\n");
return ( FAIL_INVALID_DATA ) ;
// ilog ("String: <%s>\n", str.c_str());
last = str.find_first_of(delimiter, first );
string temp_str = str.substr(first, last-first) ;
/* TODO: Add support for stripping off whitespace */
if ( remove_whitespace == true )
// std::string::iterator _str ;
// _str = std::remove(temp_str.begin(), temp_str.end(), ' ');
// string xx = std::remove_if(temp_str.begin(), temp_str.end(), isspace);
// ilog ("XX: <%s>\n", (*_str).c_str());
// dlog ("List Item: <%s> (%ld:%ld)\n", temp_str.c_str(), first, last);
/* prepare for next loop */
if ( last != std::string::npos )
first = last+1 ; // dlog (" > First: %ld\n", first );
} while ( last != std::string::npos ) ;
std::list<string>::iterator iter_ptr ;
for ( iter_ptr = the_list.begin();
iter_ptr != the_list.end() ;
iter_ptr++ )
ilog ("List: <%s>\n", iter_ptr->c_str());
return (PASS);
/* Name: update_config_option
* 1. free what is in *config_ptr_ptr (if not null)
* 2. allocate new memory pointed for the supplied string
void update_config_option ( const char ** config_ptr_ptr, string str2dup )
if ( *config_ptr_ptr != NULL )
dlog1 ("Modifying config from '%s' to '%s'\n", *config_ptr_ptr, str2dup.c_str());
free ( (void*)(*config_ptr_ptr) ) ;
dlog1 ("Adding %s config\n", str2dup.c_str());
*config_ptr_ptr = strdup(;
dlog1 ("New Config %s\n", *config_ptr_ptr);
static const char bar [] = { "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"} ;
static const char ban [] = { "Service State and Traceback -------------------------------------------------------------\n"} ;
std::list<string> mem_log_list ;
std::list<string>::iterator mem_log_iter ;
void mem_log_list_init ( void )
/* Log a label int value and string of other data */
void mem_log ( string label , int value , string data )
char str[MAX_MEM_LOG_LEN] ;
snprintf (&str[0], MAX_MEM_LOG_DATA, "%s %d %s\n", label.c_str(), value, data.c_str());
mem_log (str);
void mem_log ( string one, string two )
char str[MAX_MEM_LOG_LEN] ;
snprintf (&str[0], MAX_MEM_LOG_DATA, "%s%s\n", one.c_str(), two.c_str());
mem_log (str);
void mem_log ( string one, string two, string three )
char str[MAX_MEM_LOG_LEN] ;
snprintf (&str[0], MAX_MEM_LOG_DATA, "%s%s%s\n", one.c_str(), two.c_str(), three.c_str());
mem_log (str);
/* log a character string */
void mem_log ( char * log )
// string full_log = pt() ;
// full_log.append(": ");
string full_log = log ;
mem_log_list.push_back ( full_log ) ;
/* Don't allow the in-memory list to exceed MAX_MEM_LIST_SIZE */
if ( mem_log_list.size() > MAX_MEM_LIST_SIZE )
/* Log a single character ; typically used to add a linefeed to the trace log */
void mem_log ( char char_log )
string tmp = "";
tmp.insert(tmp.begin(),char_log) ;
mem_log ( tmp ); /* Call string proto */
/* log a string */
void mem_log ( string log )
// string full_log = pt() ;
// full_log.append(": ");
string full_log = log ;
mem_log_list.push_back ( full_log ) ;
/* Don't allow the in-memory list to exceed MAX_MEM_LIST_SIZE */
if ( mem_log_list.size() >= MAX_MEM_LIST_SIZE )
void daemon_dump_membuf_banner ( void )
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%s", &bar[0]);
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%s", &ban[0]);
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%s", &bar[0]);
/* Dump the in-memory trace buffer to syslog */
void daemon_dump_membuf ( void )
int i = 0 ;
int usec_delay = 1 ;
if ( mem_log_list.empty () )
return ;
/* as the data grows so do we have to accept loosing data over stalling process */
if ( mem_log_list.size() < 200 )
usec_delay = 99 ;
else if ( mem_log_list.size() < 1000 )
usec_delay = 10 ;
/* Run Maintenance on Inventory */
for ( mem_log_iter = mem_log_list.begin () ;
mem_log_iter != mem_log_list.end () ;
mem_log_iter++ )
/* sleep for usec_delay every 10 logs so we don't overload syslog */
if (( ++i % 10 ) == 0 )
usleep (usec_delay);
syslog ( LOG_INFO, "%3d| %s", i, mem_log_iter->c_str() );
#define BUFFER_SIZE 128
* Name : execute_pipe_cmd
* Purpose : Obtain the result of a bash command.
* Params : command - char buffer containing the bash command
* result - char buffer for storing the result of the command
* result_size - size of result buffer
* Return : PASS/FAIL
int execute_pipe_cmd(const char *command, char *result, unsigned int result_size) {
/* Local variables. */
char fsLine[BUFFER_SIZE];
char *pos;
string data;
FILE *pFile;
int rc = 0;
/* Initialize to zero the result buffer. */
memset(result, 0, result_size);
/* Execute command. */
if ((pFile = popen(command, "r")) == NULL) {
elog("Error executing command: %s", command);
return (FAIL);
} else {
while ((memset(fsLine, 0, sizeof(fsLine))) &&
(fgets((char *) &fsLine, sizeof(fsLine), pFile) != NULL)) {
int ret = pclose(pFile);
rc = WEXITSTATUS(ret);
/* Extract result. */
strncpy(result, data.c_str(), result_size);
if (data.length() < result_size - 1) {
/* Eliminate trailing newline. */
if ((pos=strchr(result, '\n')) != NULL)
*pos = '\0';
else {
*(result + result_size -1) = '\0'; // in this case, strncpy does not terminate string
elog("Result of executed command is larger than result buffer; "
"result size: %i, buffer size: %i", int(data.length()), int(result_size));
wlog("...cmd: '%s' exit status: %i truncated result: '%s'", command, rc, result);
return (FAIL);
dlog("cmd: '%s' exit status: %i result: '%s'\n",
command, rc, result);
return (rc);
* Name: get_system_state
* Purpose: Query and return system running state
* Refer to is-system-running command.
* Note: Return code is > 0 for all cases except for running.
* Name - Description
* ------------ --------------------------------------------
* initializing - Early bootup, before is reached.
* starting - Late bootup, before the job queue becomes idle for the first time.
* running - The system is fully operational. rc = 0
* degraded - The system is operational but one or more units failed.
* maintenance - The rescue or emergency target is active.
* stopping - The manager is shutting down.
* offline - The manager is not running, faulty system manager (PID 1).
* unknown - The operational state could not be determined.
* Returns one of corresponding 'mtc_system_state_enum' defined in nodeUtil.h
system_state_enum get_system_state ( void )
char pipe_cmd_output [PIPE_COMMAND_RESPON_LEN] ;
execute_pipe_cmd ( "systemctl is-system-running", &pipe_cmd_output[0], PIPE_COMMAND_RESPON_LEN );
if ( strnlen ( pipe_cmd_output, PIPE_COMMAND_RESPON_LEN ) > 0 )
ilog ("systemctl reports host as '%s'\n", pipe_cmd_output );
string temp = pipe_cmd_output ;
if ( temp.find ("stopping") != string::npos )
if ( temp.find ("running") != string::npos )
if ( temp.find ("degraded") != string::npos )
if ( temp.find ("starting") != string::npos )
if ( temp.find ("initializing") != string::npos )
if ( temp.find ("offline") != string::npos )
if ( temp.find ("maintenance") != string::npos )
slog ("unexpected response: <%s>\n", temp.c_str());
wlog ("systemctl is-system-running yielded no response\n");