# # Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import six from nfv_common.helpers import Constant from nfv_common.helpers import Constants from nfv_common.helpers import Singleton @six.add_metaclass(Singleton) class OperationTypes(Constants): """ Operation - Type Constants """ HOST_LOCK = Constant('host-lock') HOST_LOCK_FORCE = Constant('host-lock-force') HOST_DISABLE = Constant('host-disable') HOST_FAILED = Constant('host-failed') INSTANCE_CREATE = Constant('instance-create') LOCK_HOSTS = Constant('lock-hosts') UNLOCK_HOSTS = Constant('unlock-hosts') REBOOT_HOSTS = Constant('reboot-hosts') UPGRADE_HOSTS = Constant('upgrade-hosts') SWACT_HOSTS = Constant('swact-hosts') FW_UPDATE_HOSTS = Constant('fw-update-hosts') FW_UPDATE_ABORT_HOSTS = Constant('fw-update-abort-hosts') START_INSTANCES = Constant('start-instances') START_INSTANCES_SERIAL = Constant('start-instances-serial') STOP_INSTANCES = Constant('stop-instances') MIGRATE_INSTANCES = Constant('migrate-instances') DISABLE_HOST_SERVICES = Constant('disable-host-services') ENABLE_HOST_SERVICES = Constant('enable-host-services') @six.add_metaclass(Singleton) class OperationStates(Constants): """ Operation - State Constants """ READY = Constant('ready') INPROGRESS = Constant('inprogress') COMPLETED = Constant('completed') FAILED = Constant('failed') TIMED_OUT = Constant('timed-out') CANCELLED = Constant('cancelled') # Constant Instantiation OPERATION_TYPE = OperationTypes() OPERATION_STATE = OperationStates() class Operation(object): """ Operation Object """ def __init__(self, operation_type): self._operation_type = operation_type self._hosts = dict() self._instances = dict() self._host_total_inprogress = 0 self._instance_total_inprogress = 0 self._operation_failed = False self._reason = "" @property def operation_type(self): """ Returns the type of operation """ return self._operation_type @property def total_hosts(self): """ Returns the total number of hosts in the operation """ return len(self._hosts) @property def total_instances(self): """ Returns the total number of instances in the operation """ return len(self._instances) @property def reason(self): """ Returns the reason for the result """ return self._reason def set_failed(self, reason=None): """ Sets the operation as failed """ self._operation_failed = True if reason is not None: self._reason = reason def host_exists(self, host_name): """ Returns true if host exists """ return host_name in self._hosts def add_host(self, host_name, operation_state): """ Add a host """ if host_name in self._hosts: prev_operation_state = self._hosts[host_name] if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS == prev_operation_state: if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS != operation_state: self._host_total_inprogress -= 1 self._hosts[host_name] = operation_state if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS == operation_state: self._host_total_inprogress += 1 def update_host(self, host_name, operation_state): """ Update the host operation state """ if host_name in self._hosts: prev_operation_state = self._hosts[host_name] if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS == prev_operation_state: if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS != operation_state: self._host_total_inprogress -= 1 self._hosts[host_name] = operation_state def remove_host(self, host_name): """ Remove a host """ if host_name in self._hosts: if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS == self._hosts[host_name]: self._host_total_inprogress -= 1 del self._hosts[host_name] def instance_exists(self, instance_uuid): """ Returns true if instance exists """ return instance_uuid in self._instances def instance_ready(self, instance_uuid): """ Returns true if instance exists and is in the READY state. """ return instance_uuid in self._instances and \ OPERATION_STATE.READY == self._instances[instance_uuid] def add_instance(self, instance_uuid, operation_state): """ Add the instance """ if instance_uuid in self._instances: prev_operation_state = self._instances[instance_uuid] if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS == prev_operation_state: if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS != operation_state: self._instance_total_inprogress -= 1 self._instances[instance_uuid] = operation_state if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS == operation_state: self._instance_total_inprogress += 1 def update_instance(self, instance_uuid, operation_state): """ Update the instance operation state """ if instance_uuid in self._instances: prev_operation_state = self._instances[instance_uuid] if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS == prev_operation_state: if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS != operation_state: self._instance_total_inprogress -= 1 self._instances[instance_uuid] = operation_state def remove_instance(self, instance_uuid): """ Remove an instance """ if instance_uuid in self._instances: if OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS == self._instances[instance_uuid]: self._instance_total_inprogress -= 1 del self._instances[instance_uuid] def update_failure_reason(self, reason): """ Update the reason for the result """ if not self._reason: self._reason = reason def total_inprogress(self): """ Returns the total operation states inprogress """ return self._host_total_inprogress + self._instance_total_inprogress def is_inprogress(self): """ Returns true if the operation is inprogress """ return (OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS in list(self._hosts.values()) or OPERATION_STATE.READY in list(self._hosts.values()) or OPERATION_STATE.INPROGRESS in list(self._instances.values()) or OPERATION_STATE.READY in list(self._instances.values())) def is_failed(self): """ Returns true if the operation has failed """ if not self._operation_failed: return (OPERATION_STATE.FAILED in list(self._hosts.values()) or OPERATION_STATE.FAILED in list(self._instances.values())) return True def is_timed_out(self): """ Returns true if the operation has timed out """ return (OPERATION_STATE.TIMED_OUT in list(self._hosts.values()) or OPERATION_STATE.TIMED_OUT in list(self._instances.values()))