# # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import sys import signal import socket import argparse from netaddr import IPAddress from wsgiref import simple_server from nfv_common import config from nfv_common import selobj from nfv_common import timers from nfv_common import debug from nfv_common.helpers import coroutine from nfv_vim.api import Application PROCESS_TICK_INTERVAL_IN_MS = 500 PROCESS_TICK_MAX_DELAY_IN_MS = 2000 PROCESS_TICK_DELAY_DEBOUNCE_IN_MS = 2000 PROCESS_NOT_RUNNING_FILE = '/var/run/.nfv-vim-api.not_running' DLOG = debug.debug_get_logger('nfv_vim.api') stay_on = True do_reload = False def get_address_family(ip_string): """ Get the family for the given ip address string. """ ip_address = IPAddress(ip_string) if ip_address.version == 6: return socket.AF_INET6 else: return socket.AF_INET def process_signal_handler(signum, frame): """ Virtual Infrastructure Manager API - Process Signal Handler """ global stay_on, do_reload if signal.SIGTERM == signum: stay_on = False elif signal.SIGINT == signum: stay_on = False elif signal.SIGHUP == signum: do_reload = True else: print("Ignoring signal" % signum) @coroutine def process_event_handler(wsgi): """ Virtual Infrastructure Manager API - Event Handler """ while True: select_obj = (yield) if select_obj == wsgi: try: request, client_address = wsgi.get_request() if wsgi.verify_request(request, client_address): try: wsgi.process_request(request, client_address) except Exception: wsgi.handle_error(request, client_address) wsgi.shutdown_request(request) except socket.error: pass def get_handler_cls(): cls = simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler # old-style class doesn't support super class MyHandler(cls, object): def address_string(self): # In the future, we could provide a config option to allow # reverse DNS lookups. return self.client_address[0] return MyHandler def process_initialize(): """ Virtual Infrastructure Manager API - Initialize """ debug.debug_initialize(config.CONF['debug'], 'VIM-API') selobj.selobj_initialize() timers.timers_initialize(PROCESS_TICK_INTERVAL_IN_MS, PROCESS_TICK_MAX_DELAY_IN_MS, PROCESS_TICK_DELAY_DEBOUNCE_IN_MS) ip = config.CONF['vim-api']['host'] port = int(config.CONF['vim-api']['port']) # In order to support IPv6, set the address family before creating the server. simple_server.WSGIServer.address_family = get_address_family(ip) wsgi = simple_server.make_server(ip, port, Application(), handler_class=get_handler_cls()) selobj.selobj_add_read_obj(wsgi, process_event_handler, wsgi) def process_finalize(): """ Virtual Infrastructure Manager API - Finalize """ timers.timers_finalize() selobj.selobj_finalize() debug.debug_finalize() def process_main(): """ Virtual Infrastructure Manager API - Main """ global do_reload try: signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, process_signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, process_signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, process_signal_handler) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='configuration file') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tox', action="store_true", help='tox test environment') args = parser.parse_args() config.load(args.config) if args.tox: # Append the tox root directory to the system path to get # the config.ini and debug.ini files. debug_ini = sys.prefix + '/' + config.CONF['debug']['config_file'] config.CONF['debug']['config_file'] = debug_ini process_initialize() DLOG.info("Started") while stay_on: selobj.selobj_dispatch(PROCESS_TICK_INTERVAL_IN_MS) timers.timers_schedule() if do_reload: debug.debug_reload_config() do_reload = False except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Keyboard Interrupt received.") pass except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(200) finally: open(PROCESS_NOT_RUNNING_FILE, 'w').close() process_finalize()