/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Wind River Systems, Inc. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "nodeBase.h" #include "nodeEvent.h" #include "guestBase.h" #include "guestUtil.h" #include "guestVirtio.h" #include "guestInstClass.h" /* for ... get_inst */ /***************************************************************************** * Name : virtio_check_filename * * Purpose: Return valid virtio instance heartbeat messaging socket filenames * * Description: * * Check a filename, already striped of an directory component, * against the expected pattern for a cgcs heartbeat vio socket file. * * If satisfied, returns an allocated buffer containing the qemu instance name. * The buffer must be free'd. * * Returns NULL on failure. * *****************************************************************************/ const char* host_virtio_dir = "/var/lib/libvirt/qemu"; // Use instance id to substitute the first %s below const char* host_virtio_file_format_print = "cgcs.heartbeat.%s.sock"; const char* alt_host_virtio_file_format_print = "wrs.heartbeat.agent.0.%s.sock"; // Must return '2' when scaned, first buffer recieves instance id, second should get a k, and third is unused const char* virtio_file_format_scan = "%m[cgcs].%m[heartbeat].%m[^.].soc%m[k]%ms"; const char* host_virtio_file_format_scan = "cgcs.heartbeat.%m[^.].soc%m[k]%ms"; const char* alt_host_virtio_file_format_scan = "wrs.heartbeat.agent.0.%m[^.].soc%m[k]%ms"; string virtio_instance_name ( char * fn ) { string name = "" ; char *s1 = NULL; char *s2= NULL; char *instance_name = NULL; int rc = sscanf(fn, host_virtio_file_format_scan, &instance_name, &s1, &s2); if (rc != 2) { dlog3 ("'%s' does not satisfy scan pattern %s\n", fn, host_virtio_file_format_scan); if (s1) { free(s1); s1 = NULL; } if (s2) { free(s2); s2 = NULL; } if (instance_name) { free(instance_name); instance_name = NULL; } rc = sscanf(fn, alt_host_virtio_file_format_scan, &instance_name, &s1, &s2); if (rc != 2) { dlog3 ("'%s' does not satisfy scan pattern %s\n", fn, alt_host_virtio_file_format_scan); if (instance_name) { free(instance_name); instance_name = NULL; } } else { /* Valid instance filename found */ name = instance_name ; } } else { /* Valid instance filename found */ name = instance_name ; } if (s1) free(s1); if (s2) free(s2); if (instance_name) { free(instance_name); } return (name); } bool virtio_check_filename ( char * fn ) { string instance_name = virtio_instance_name ( fn ) ; if ( instance_name.size () == UUID_LEN ) return true ; else return false ; } /* Add the auto detected channel to the instance list * WARNING: This is where the cgcs.heartbeat.*.sock part is * removed from the channel and put into the instInfo * struct as a uuid value */ int virtio_channel_add ( char * channel ) { instInfo * instInfo_ptr ; int rc = FAIL_NOT_FOUND ; char * prefix1 = NULL ; char * prefix2 = NULL ; char * suffix = NULL ; char * uuid_ptr = NULL ; char * s1 = NULL ; string uuid = ""; instInfo instance ; guestUtil_inst_init ( &instance ); rc = sscanf(channel, virtio_file_format_scan, &prefix1, &prefix2, &uuid_ptr, &suffix, &s1 ); if ( rc != 4 ) { elog ("failed to extract uuid from channel %s (num:%d)\n", channel, rc); rc = FAIL_INVALID_DATA ; goto virtio_channel_add_cleanup ; } uuid = uuid_ptr ; if ( uuid.length() != UUID_LEN ) { elog ("failed to get UUID from channel %s (uuid:%ld)\n", uuid.c_str(), uuid.length()); rc = FAIL_INVALID_UUID ; goto virtio_channel_add_cleanup ; } instInfo_ptr = get_instInv_ptr()->get_inst ( uuid ); if ( instInfo_ptr ) { /* detected channel found */ ilog ("%s add ; already provisioned\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str()); rc = PASS ; } else if ( ( rc = get_instInv_ptr()->add_inst ( uuid, instance ) ) == PASS ) { dlog ("%s add ; auto provisioned\n", instance.uuid.c_str()); rc = PASS ; } else { elog ("%s add failed\n", uuid.c_str()); rc = FAIL_INVALID_UUID ; } if ( rc == PASS ) { /* get the recently added instance */ instInfo_ptr = get_instInv_ptr()->get_inst ( uuid ); if ( instInfo_ptr ) { instInfo_ptr->uuid = uuid ; instInfo_ptr->chan = channel ; instInfo_ptr->fd_namespace = QEMU_CHANNEL_DIR ; instInfo_ptr->fd_namespace.append ("/") ; instInfo_ptr->fd_namespace.append (channel) ; instInfo_ptr->connect_wait_in_secs = DEFAULT_CONNECT_WAIT ; get_instInv_ptr()->reconnect_start ( (const char *)uuid_ptr ) ; } } virtio_channel_add_cleanup: if (prefix1) free(prefix1); if (prefix2) free(prefix2); if (suffix) free(suffix); if (uuid_ptr) free(uuid_ptr); if (s1) free (s1); return(rc); } /***************************************************************************** * * Name : virtio_channel_connect * * Purpose : Connect to the channel specified by the instance pointer * *****************************************************************************/ int virtio_channel_connect ( instInfo * instInfo_ptr ) { int rc = PASS ; char buf[PATH_MAX]; if ( ! instInfo_ptr ) { slog ("called with NULL instance pointer\n"); return (FAIL_NULL_POINTER); } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/cgcs.heartbeat.%s.sock", QEMU_CHANNEL_DIR, instInfo_ptr->uuid.data()); dlog ("... trying connect: %s\n", buf ); if (( instInfo_ptr->chan_fd > 0 ) && ( instInfo_ptr->chan_ok == true )) { if ( instInfo_ptr->connected ) { ilog ("%s already connected\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str()); return (PASS); } else { ilog ("%s socket and chan ok but not connected\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str()); } } instInfo_ptr->chan_ok = false ; instInfo_ptr->connected = false ; if ( instInfo_ptr->chan_fd ) close (instInfo_ptr->chan_fd); /* found channel */ instInfo_ptr->chan_fd = socket ( AF_UNIX, CHAN_FLAGS, 0 ); if ( instInfo_ptr->chan_fd <= 0 ) { ilog("%s socket create failed for %s, (%d:%m)\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str(), buf, errno ) ; rc = FAIL_SOCKET_CREATE ; } else { int flags ; struct linger so_linger ; /* get socket flags */ flags = fcntl(instInfo_ptr->chan_fd, F_GETFL); if (flags < 0) { elog ("%s failed to get socket %d flags (%d:%m)\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str(), instInfo_ptr->chan_fd , errno); rc = FAIL_SOCKET_OPTION ; } /* set socket as nonblocking */ if ( flags & O_NONBLOCK ) { dlog ("%s Socket already set as non-blocking\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str()); } else { flags = (flags | O_NONBLOCK); if (fcntl(instInfo_ptr->chan_fd, F_SETFL, flags) < 0) { elog ("%s failed to set socket %d nonblocking (%d:%m)\n", instInfo_ptr->uuid.data(), instInfo_ptr->chan_fd , errno); rc = FAIL_SOCKET_NOBLOCK ; } } so_linger.l_onoff = 1 ; /* true */ so_linger.l_linger = 0 ; /* linger time is 0 ; no TIME_WAIT */ rc = setsockopt ( instInfo_ptr->chan_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &so_linger, sizeof(so_linger)); if ( rc ) { elog ("%s failed to set linger=0 option (%d:%m)\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str(), errno ); } } if ( rc == PASS ) { int len ; struct sockaddr_un un; un.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(un.sun_path, buf); len = offsetof(struct sockaddr_un, sun_path) + strlen(buf); rc = connect(instInfo_ptr->chan_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&un, len); if (rc < 0) { elog ( "%s connect failed %s (%d:%d:%m)\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str(), buf, rc, errno); } else { ilog ("%s connect accepted\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str() ); instInfo_ptr->chan_ok = true ; instInfo_ptr->connected = true ; rc = PASS ; } } /* Handle errors */ if ( rc != PASS ) { /* TODO: cleanup */ if (instInfo_ptr->chan_fd ) { ilog ("%s closing socket %d\n", log_prefix(instInfo_ptr).c_str(), instInfo_ptr->chan_fd); close (instInfo_ptr->chan_fd) ; instInfo_ptr->chan_fd = 0 ; instInfo_ptr->chan_ok = false ; instInfo_ptr->connected = false ; } /* TODO: consider removing this entry from the list */ } return (rc); } int virtio_channel_connect ( string channel ) { instInfo * instInfo_ptr = get_instInv_ptr()->get_inst ( channel ) ; if ( instInfo_ptr ) { return ( virtio_channel_connect ( instInfo_ptr )); } elog ("%s instance lookup failed\n", channel.c_str() ); return (FAIL_NULL_POINTER); }