Bart Wensley b639c393ac Remove Titanium/Wind River references from VIM webserver
Also disabling the nfv devstack jobs. These jobs are failing
after the recent repo restructuring due to failures in the
FM devstack setup. The jobs can be re-enabled in the future
(after the issues are fixed), if there is some value in
doing so.

Change-Id: Ib443edc76ca636c83331945de74d875ffb3592ac
Story: 2004515
Task: 36579
Signed-off-by: Bart Wensley <>
2019-09-11 07:22:56 -05:00
StarlingX_Icon_RGB_Stacked_2color.png Remove Titanium/Wind River references from VIM webserver 2019-09-11 07:22:56 -05:00
details_close.png StarlingX open source release updates 2018-05-31 07:36:51 -07:00
details_open.png StarlingX open source release updates 2018-05-31 07:36:51 -07:00