Users need a way to specify telemetry nodePorts as there's a chance the randomly picked port will collide with nodePorts statically configured for other applications. Test Plan: PASS: Deploy a SX using a stx.9.0 master ISO. PASS: Build oidc-auth-apps-24.09-61.tgz tarball with the change. PASS: Copy the new tarball to the SX using scp command. PASS: Update the oidc-auth-apps with the command: system application-update oidc-auth-apps-24.09-61.tgz. Update should be successful. PASS: According oidc configuration guide https://docs.starlingx.io /r/stx.5.0/security/kubernetes /configure-oidc-auth-applications.html, the oidc-auth-apps should be applied successfully. Since I didn't inform the telemetry nodePort value yet, the value should be random in this case, confirming that the original behavior still works. PASS: Check the nodePorts with the commands: $ kubectl -n kube-system get svc oidc-dex or $ kubectl -n kube-system get service oidc-dex -o yaml Save the nodePorts value for telemetry as reference, we're going to specify a new one. PASS: To set a different nodePort for telemetry, add the following block to the dex-overrides.yaml file created during the oidc configuration guide: service: ports: telemetry: nodePort: 30259 PASS: Once dex-overrides.yaml has been updated, remove the oidc-auth-apps, apply the new dex overrides and apply the oidc-auth-apps again, the oidc-auth-apps should be applied successfully. PASS: The telemetry nodePort should be 30259. PASS: The default port for telemetry value is 5558, but this change also gives the possibility to the user change this port as well, adding the port into dex-override.yaml like following: service: ports: telemetry: nodePort: 30259 port: 5559 apply the oidc again and the telemetry.port value should be updated as well. $ kubectl -n kube-system get svc oidc-dex NAME ... PORT(S) AGE oidc-dex ... 5556:31377/TCP,5554:30556/TCP,5559:30259/TCP 2m1s PASS: Perform oidc-auth-apps test by creating a user, apply rolebiding and authenticate it using oidc-auth command, check if the new user can send k8s commands based on its roles. Closes-Bug: 2089586 Change-Id: I43771c560e9c7d996cd1cab9887d3d2ca6fa2513 Signed-off-by: Joaci Morais <Joaci.deMorais@windriver.com>