Upversioned the oidc-auth-apps to latest stable versions to pick up
the latest CVE fixes.
Images From To
------------- ------- -------
helm-charts/dex 0.18.0 0.20.0
dex v2.40.0 v2.41.1
curl 8.8.0 8.11.1
stx-oidc-client stx.9.0-v1.0.7 stx.11.0-v1.0.8
CVE report comparison
Images Before Up Version After Up Version
------------------ ----------------- ----------------
ghcr.io/dexidp/dex 23 11
curl 14 0
stx-oidc-client 49 2
Test Plan:
PASS: Build an master ISO without the the changes.
PASS: Build an master ISO with the the changes.
PASS: Deploy a SX and a DX system.
PASS: The test plan was performed for all kubernetes version available
into the image: 1.24.4, 1.25.3, 1.26.1, 1.27.5, 1.28.4,
1.29.2(Default), 1.30.6
PASS: Apply & Test procedure:
- Apply oidc-auth-apps acording 'Set up OIDC Auth Applications'
guide. The oidc-auth-apps should be applied successfully.
- Once oidc-auth-apps in applied status, perform oidc-auth-apps
test by creating a user, apply rolebiding and authenticate it
using oidc-auth command, check if the new user can send k8s
commands based on its roles.
- Authenticate using the Remote CLI method, should work.
- Authenticate using the WEB Method by accessing the url
https://<OAM_IP>:30555, you should be served with a webpage and be
able to authenticate through oidc as well.
PASS: Update test:
- Do the test case 'Apply & Test procedure' to the previous
oidc-auth-apps version.
- Build oidc-auth-apps tarball with the changes.
- Consindering the old oidc-auth-apps in apply state. update
the current oidc-auth-apps using the command:
system application-update oidc-auth-apps-<version>.tgz. The
oidc-auth-apps should be applied automatically.
PASS: Installation from scratch:
- Remove & delete the oidc-auth-apps with the command:
system application-remove oidc-auth-apps and system
application-delete oidc-auth-apps
- Install from scratch oidc-auth-apps-<version>.tgz using the
command: system application-upload
- Redo the test case 'Apply & Test procedure'.
PASS: Full deploy test:
- Build an ISO with the changes.
- Deploy a system.
- Do the test case 'Apply & Test procedure'. The new
oidc-auth-apps should be applied successfully.
Story: 2011328
Task: 51664
Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/helm-charts/+/940380
Change-Id: Ib272e18aabe330988b61f7554aa2787a9caaee7c
Signed-off-by: Joaci Morais <joaci.demorais@windriver.com>