This patch introduces the hw:pci_irq_affinity_mask metadata. The metadata hw:pci_irq_affinity_mask specifies which CPU cores are interrupted due to PCI IRQ requests. It can be set as a compute flavor extra spec, as well as a compute image or volume metadata. Test Plan Status 1. New metadata is added to the supported metadata list PASSED on compute flavor, compute image and volume metadata 2. New metadata can be set to a value PASSED on compute flavor, compute image and/or volume metadata 3. New metadata can be changed value and/or deleted PASSED on compute flavor, compute image and/or volume metadata 4. New metadata persists when re-applying OpenStack PASSED Regression 1. New metadata is added to the supported metadata list PASSED on compute flavor, compute image and volume metadata 2. New metadata can be set a value, changed valued and deleted PASSED on compute flavor, compute image and volume metadata Story: 2009299 Task: 43861 Signed-off-by: rferraz <RogerioOliveira.Ferraz@windriver.com> Change-Id: I0f94e8cddcff744306a01ce275c697cb39f8c5e7
94 lines
2.3 KiB
94 lines
2.3 KiB
%global sha 7803000a545687ec40b0ddc41d46a6b377dea45f
%global helm_folder /usr/lib/helm
%global toolkit_version 0.2.19
%global helmchart_version 0.1.0
%global _default_patch_flags --no-backup-if-mismatch --prefix=/tmp/junk
Summary: Openstack-Helm charts
Name: openstack-helm
Version: 1.0
Release: %{tis_patch_ver}%{?_tis_dist}
License: Apache-2.0
Group: base
Packager: Wind River <info@windriver.com>
URL: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm
Source0: %{name}-%{sha}.tar.gz
Source1: repositories.yaml
Source2: index.yaml
BuildArch: noarch
Patch01: 0001-Ceilometer-chart-add-the-ability-to-publish-events-t.patch
Patch02: 0002-Remove-stale-Apache2-service-pids-when-a-POD-starts.patch
Patch03: 0003-Nova-console-ip-address-search-optionality.patch
Patch04: 0004-Nova-chart-Support-ephemeral-pool-creation.patch
Patch05: 0005-Support-ingress-creation-for-keystone-admin-endpoint.patch
Patch06: 0006-Allow-set-public-endpoint-url-for-keystone-endpoints.patch
Patch07: 0007-Wrong-usage-of-rbd_store_chunk_size.patch
Patch08: 0008-Add-stx_admin-account.patch
Patch09: 0009-Disabling-helm3_hook.patch
Patch10: 0010-Add-flavor-extra-spec-hw-pci_irq_affinity_mask.patch
BuildRequires: helm
BuildRequires: openstack-helm-infra
BuildRequires: chartmuseum
Requires: openstack-helm-infra
Openstack Helm charts
%setup -n openstack-helm
%patch01 -p1
%patch02 -p1
%patch03 -p1
%patch04 -p1
%patch05 -p1
%patch06 -p1
%patch07 -p1
%patch08 -p1
%patch09 -p1
%patch10 -p1
# Stage helm-toolkit in the local repo
cp %{helm_folder}/helm-toolkit-%{toolkit_version}.tgz .
# Host a server for the charts
chartmuseum --debug --port=8879 --context-path='/charts' --storage="local" --storage-local-rootdir="." &
sleep 2
helm repo add local http://localhost:8879/charts
# Make the charts. These produce a tgz file
make aodh
make barbican
make ceilometer
make cinder
make glance
make heat
make horizon
make ironic
make keystone
make magnum
make neutron
make nova
make panko
make placement
# terminate helm server (the last backgrounded task)
kill %1
# Remove the helm-toolkit tarball
rm helm-toolkit-%{toolkit_version}.tgz
# helm_folder is created by openstack-helm-infra
install -d -m 755 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{helm_folder}
install -p -D -m 755 *.tgz ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{helm_folder}
#helm_folder is owned by openstack-helm-infra