
36 lines
1.7 KiB

From 26844aac43f76afc65ed907fc94ab83ca93c86ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gerry Kopec <>
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2019 20:11:33 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Allow multiple containers per daemonset pod
Remove code that restricted daemonset pods to single containers.
Container names will default to name from helm chart template without
hostname and sha though the pod will still have them.
May require further refinement before this can be upstreamed.
helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl | 7 -------
1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl b/helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl
index 8ba2241..b960a84 100644
--- a/helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl
+++ b/helm-toolkit/templates/utils/_daemonset_overrides.tpl
@@ -217,13 +217,6 @@ limitations under the License.
{{- if not $ }}{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.metadata "name" dict }}{{- end }}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.metadata "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
- {{/* set container name
- assume not more than one container is defined */}}
- {{- $container := first $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.containers }}
- {{- $_ := set $container "name" $current_dict.dns_1123_name }}
- {{- $cont_list := list $container }}
- {{- $_ := set $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec "containers" $cont_list }}
{{/* cross-reference configmap name to container volume definitions */}}
{{- $_ := set $context.Values "__volume_list" list }}
{{- range $current_volume := $context.Values.__daemonset_yaml.spec.template.spec.volumes }}