Adding spec for cert-manager support

Change-Id: I263ff24897bb697916c71c3e4fd68b828cf296ef
Signed-off-by: Sabeel Ansari <>
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Sabeel Ansari 2020-03-09 13:05:05 -04:00
parent 1d362b2406
commit 5def18129e
1 changed files with 212 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
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Certificate Management with cert-manager
This story introduces cert-manager for certificate life-cycle management
on the StarlingX platform.
Problem Description
Various StarlingX platform certificates are currently stored on the host
filesystem, requiring manual creation, updates and renewal monitoring.
Cert-manager allows for automated certificate issuance via various
sources in a cloud-native Kubernetes environment. Cert-manager also has built-in
support for monitoring expiry dates & configurable auto-renewal process.
Cert-manager supports self-signed certificates, generating certification signing
requests (CSRs) and validating certificates via Certificate Authorities (CA) using
the ACME protocol, storage/retrieval of certificates in a Vault etc. Cert-manager
is an open source project from Jetstack. More info can be found
Use Cases
* End user wants the platform & hosted application's certificates managed.
* End user wants certificates auto-renewed with no manual intervention.
* End user wants a flexibility of various CAs for certificates used by
platform and hosted applications.
Proposed change
* Packaging & installation
StarlingX will contain the Armada manifest and cert-manager helm charts, which
will be uploaded and applied to pull the container images during installation
from a public registry. A new Armada app will be introduced as part of this
proposed change.
The cert-manager app will be auto-installed at the end of bootstrap process using
Ansible playbook. A new role will be introduced at the end of the current bootstrap
process (post the 'bringup-essential-services' stage -- which installs Kubernetes,
Helm, and essential networking apps). The new role will be called
'bringup-bootstrap-applications', which will install cert-manager as part of this
work item. In future, other bootstrap-time applications may be appended to this list.
The user will be provided the ability of overriding the default settings of bootstrap
applications via the localhost.yml file. This override details may be embedded in
the yaml file directly or linked to a separate yaml.
* Ingress controller
Cert-manager requires an ingress controller to serve HTTP-01 challenges from a CA.
An ingress controller Armada application will be included as part of the StarlingX
platform that will be automatically uploaded and applied to serve such requests.
During the bootstrap process, ingress controller will be serialized and started
before Cert-manager.
Note that an Nginx ingress controller is already present as part of StarlingX
packaged with the Stx-Openstack application. Proposal here is to remove it
from Openstack app and make it part of the StarlingX platform instead.
* Cert-manager integration for platform certificates
Issuers and certificates will be created via cert-manager CRDs on the system. Depending
on the certificate issuance methodology, there may be some delay involved in getting the
CSR signed through an external authority (between a few seconds to a few minutes).
The methodology between containerized and non-containerized applications
will differ at this point where containerized apps will read the certificate (stored
in a Kubernetes secret) directly via a volume mount inside the app. For non-containerized
apps (such as haproxy, docker etc) the certificate will be copied from the Kubernetes
secret to /etc/ssl/certs folder, app is restarted and an audit timer is setup to check for
certificate renewal. When certificate is auto-renewed by cert-manager, the audit timer
will replace the existing certificate & restartthe target application.
Cert-manager is the only tool that provides the full flexibility needed for
full lifecycle certificate management in a cloud-native Kubernetes environment.
While tools such Hashicorp Vault have some functionality for certificate
management, Cert-manager provides greater flexibility of usage such as
LetsEncrypt CA, Vault CA, Venafi CA etc.
Data model impact
Current certificate installation is performed via the CLI command
'system certificate install -mode ssl <pem.file>'.
With the introduction of cert-manager, issuers will be defined in manifest
files and certificates created will not need a manual installation by user.
REST API impact
Security impact
This feature introduces automation of certification management on the platform.
Certificates handled by cert-manager are stored in Kubernetes Secret by default.
Some of these certificates will be copied to the host filesystem to support current
deployment model of non-containerized (host native) applications.
Other end user impact
Performance Impact
Other deployer impact
Ansible playbook will be updated to install cert-manager during the bootstrap process.
Developer impact
Upgrade impact
Primary assignee:
* Sabeel Ansari
Repos Impacted
* cert-manager-armada-app
* ansible-playbooks
Work Items
* Create new repo for the new application 'nginx-ingress-controller',
define required manifests & import helm charts for app
* Create new repo for the new application 'cert-manager', define required
manifests & import helm charts for app
* Add new ansible role 'bringup-bootstrap-applications'
* Define Issuers, ClusterIssuers, Certificates for migrating platform app
* For non-containerized apps, extract certificate & keys, copy to filesystem
and setup auditing mechanism to refresh certificates.
* Kubernetes cluster
* The user should be able to have cert-manager manage certificates without any
manual intervention.
* User overrides should be available for various parameters such as different issuers,
CAs, certificate overrides etc.
* In case of communication failure with external CA, cert-manager should gracefully
handle certificate management (self-signed certificates?).
* All platform certificates should be managed by cert-manager.
Documentation Impact
Documentation to be updated with user-override configuration parameters
and usability of cert-manager in StarlingX.
* Storyboard for this feature:!/story/2007360
* Cert-manager:
.. list-table:: Revisions
:header-rows: 1
* - Release Name
- Description
* - stx-4.0
- Introduced