Integrate host configuration into configuration framework

Integrates the following host configuration into the configuration
- Host boot parameters
- CPU reservation
- Process affinity
- Memory huge page allocations

Change-Id: I2259e0e93eefd5ce5000271fa32ecaa8d13fa411
Signed-off-by: Matt Peters <>
This commit is contained in:
Matt Peters 2018-06-07 15:59:14 -05:00
parent b975e477c9
commit 1edb9f3d9c
13 changed files with 357 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -52,7 +52,23 @@ rm -rf ${PUPPET_TMP}
mkdir -p ${PUPPET_TMP}/hieradata
cp /etc/puppet/hieradata/global.yaml ${PUPPET_TMP}/hieradata/global.yaml
cp /etc/puppet/hieradata/${PERSONALITY}.yaml ${PUPPET_TMP}/hieradata/personality.yaml
cp -f ${HIERADATA}/${HOST}.yaml ${PUPPET_TMP}/hieradata/host.yaml
# When the compute node is first booted and goes online, sysinv-agent reports
# host CPU inventory which triggers the first runtime manifest apply that updates
# the grub. At this time, copying the host file failed due to a timing issue that
# has not yet been fully understood. Subsequent retries worked.
if [ "${PERSONALITY}" = "compute" ]; then
until [ $n -ge 3 ]
cp -f ${HIERADATA}/${HOST}.yaml ${PUPPET_TMP}/hieradata/host.yaml && break
logger -t $0 "Failed to copy /etc/puppet/hieradata/${HOST}.yaml"
sleep 15
cp -f ${HIERADATA}/${HOST}.yaml ${PUPPET_TMP}/hieradata/host.yaml
cp -f ${HIERADATA}/system.yaml \
${HIERADATA}/secure_system.yaml \
${HIERADATA}/static.yaml \

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ include ::platform::sysctl::compute
include ::platform::dhclient
include ::platform::partitions
include ::platform::lvm::compute
include ::platform::compute
include ::platform::vswitch
include ::platform::network
include ::platform::fstab

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Returns the current boot parameters
Facter.add(:get_cmdline) do
setcode "cat /proc/cmdline 2>/dev/null"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Returns true if it is Broadwell processor
# Broadwell specific flags (model: 79)
Facter.add("is_broadwell_processor") do
setcode do
Facter::Core::Execution.exec('grep -q -E "^model\s+:\s+79$" /proc/cpuinfo')
$?.exitstatus == 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Returns true if one GB pages is supported
Facter.add("is_gb_page_supported") do
setcode do
Facter::Core::Execution.exec('grep -q pdpe1gb /proc/cpuinfo')
$?.exitstatus == 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Returns true if hugetlbfs not enabled
Facter.add("is_hugetlbfs_enabled") do
setcode do
Facter::Core::Execution.exec('grep -q hugetlbfs /proc/filesystems')
$?.exitstatus == 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Returns true if Resource Control is supported on this node
Facter.add("is_per_numa_supported") do
setcode do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Returns true if Resource Control is supported on this node
Facter.add("is_resctrl_supported") do
setcode do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Returns number of logical cpus
Facter.add(:number_of_logical_cpus) do
setcode "cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | awk '/^[pP]rocessor/ { n +=1 } END { print (n>0) ? n : 1}'"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Returns number of numa nodes
Facter.add(:number_of_numa_nodes) do
setcode "ls -d /sys/devices/system/node/node* 2>/dev/null | wc -l"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
:type => :rvalue,
:doc => <<-EOD
This internal function checks if a list of arguments are configured
in the current boot args based on the input parameters
) do |args|
func_name = "check_grub_config()"
raise(Puppet::ParseError, "#{func_name}: Requires 1 argument" +
"#{args.size} given") if args.size != 1
expected = args[0]
raise(Puppet::ParseError, "#{func_name}: first argument must be a string") \
unless expected.instance_of? String
# get the current boot args
cmd = Facter.value(:get_cmdline)
cmd_array = cmd.split()
value = true
expected.split().each do |element|
value = cmd_array.include?(element)
if value == false
Puppet.debug("#{element} is not presented in #{cmd}")
return value

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
class platform::compute::grub::params (
$n_cpus = '',
$cpu_options = '',
$m_hugepages = 'hugepagesz=2M hugepages=0',
$default_pgsz = 'default_hugepagesz=2M',
$keys = ['kvm-intel.eptad', 'default_hugepagesz', 'hugepagesz', 'hugepages', 'isolcpus', 'nohz_full', 'rcu_nocbs', 'kthread_cpus', 'irqaffinity'],
) {
if $::is_broadwell_processor {
$eptad = 'kvm-intel.eptad=0'
} else {
$eptad = ''
if $::is_gb_page_supported {
$gb_hugepages = "hugepagesz=1G hugepages=$::number_of_numa_nodes"
} else {
$gb_hugepages = ''
$grub_updates = strip("${eptad} ${$gb_hugepages} ${m_hugepages} ${default_pgsz} ${cpu_options}")
class platform::compute::grub::update
inherits ::platform::compute::grub::params {
notice("Updating grub configuration")
$to_be_removed = join($keys, " ")
exec { "Remove the cpu arguments":
command => "grubby --update-kernel=ALL --remove-args='$to_be_removed'",
} ->
exec { "Add the cpu arguments":
command => "grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args='$grub_updates'",
class platform::compute::grub::recovery {
notice("Update Grub and Reboot")
class {'platform::compute::grub::update': } -> Exec['reboot-recovery']
exec { "reboot-recovery":
command => "reboot",
class platform::compute::grub::audit
inherits ::platform::compute::grub::params {
if ! str2bool($::is_initial_config_primary) {
notice("Audit CPU and Grub Configuration")
$expected_n_cpus = $::number_of_logical_cpus
$n_cpus_ok = ("$n_cpus" == "$expected_n_cpus")
$cmd_ok = check_grub_config($grub_updates)
if $cmd_ok and $n_cpus_ok {
$ensure = present
notice("CPU and Boot Argument audit passed.")
} else {
$ensure = absent
if !$cmd_ok {
notice("Kernel Boot Argument Mismatch")
include ::platform::compute::grub::recovery
file { "/var/run/compute_huge_goenabled":
ensure => $ensure,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
class platform::compute::grub::runtime {
include ::platform::compute::grub::update
# Mounts virtual hugetlbfs filesystems for each supported page size
class platform::compute::hugetlbf {
if str2bool($::is_hugetlbfs_enabled) {
$fs_list = generate("/bin/bash", "-c", "ls -1d /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-*")
$array = split($fs_list, '\n')
$array.each | String $val | {
$page_name = generate("/bin/bash", "-c", "basename $val")
$page_size = strip(regsubst($page_name, 'hugepages-', ''))
$hugemnt ="/mnt/huge-$page_size"
$options = "pagesize=${page_size}"
notice("Mounting hugetlbfs at: $hugemnt")
exec { "create $hugemnt":
command => "mkdir -p ${hugemnt}",
onlyif => "test ! -d ${hugemnt}",
} ->
mount { "${hugemnt}":
name => "${hugemnt}",
device => 'none',
fstype => 'hugetlbfs',
ensure => 'mounted',
options => "${options}",
atboot => 'yes',
remounts => true,
class platform::compute::hugepage::params (
$nr_hugepages_2M = undef,
$nr_hugepages_1G = undef,
$vswitch_2M_pages = '',
$vswitch_1G_pages = '',
$vm_4K_pages = '',
$vm_2M_pages = '',
$vm_1G_pages = '',
) {}
define allocate_pages (
) {
exec { "Allocate ${page_count} ${path}":
command => "echo $page_count > $path",
onlyif => "test -f $path",
# Allocates HugeTLB memory according to the attributes specified in the
# nr_hugepages_2M and nr_hugepages_1G
class platform::compute::allocate
inherits ::platform::compute::hugepage::params {
# determine the node file system
if str2bool($::is_per_numa_supported) {
$nodefs = '/sys/devices/system/node'
} else {
$nodefs = '/sys/kernel/mm'
if $nr_hugepages_2M != undef {
$nr_hugepages_2M_array = regsubst($nr_hugepages_2M, '[\(\)\"]', '', 'G').split(' ')
$nr_hugepages_2M_array.each | String $val | {
$per_node_2M = $val.split(':')
if size($per_node_2M)== 3 {
$node = $per_node_2M[0]
$page_size = $per_node_2M[1]
allocate_pages { "Start ${node} ${page_size}":
path => "${nodefs}/${node}/hugepages/hugepages-${page_size}/nr_hugepages",
page_count => $per_node_2M[2],
if $nr_hugepages_1G != undef {
$nr_hugepages_1G_array = regsubst($nr_hugepages_1G , '[\(\)\"]', '', 'G').split(' ')
$nr_hugepages_1G_array.each | String $val | {
$per_node_1G = $val.split(':')
if size($per_node_1G)== 3 {
$node = $per_node_1G[0]
$page_size = $per_node_1G[1]
allocate_pages { "Start ${node} ${page_size}":
path => "${nodefs}/${node}/hugepages/hugepages-${page_size}/nr_hugepages",
page_count => $per_node_1G[2],
class platform::compute::extend
inherits ::platform::compute::hugepage::params {
# nova-compute reads on init, extended nova compute options
# used with nova accounting
file { "/etc/nova/compute_extend.conf":
ensure => 'present',
replace => true,
content => template('platform/compute_extend.conf.erb')
# Mount resctrl to allow Cache Allocation Technology per VM
class platform::compute::resctrl {
if str2bool($::is_resctrl_supported) {
mount { "/sys/fs/resctrl":
name => '/sys/fs/resctrl',
device => 'resctrl',
fstype => 'resctrl',
ensure => 'mounted',
atboot => 'yes',
remounts => true,
# Set Power Management QoS resume latency constraints for CPUs.
# The PM QoS resume latency limit is set to shallow C-state for vswitch CPUs.
# All other CPUs are allowed to go to the deepest C-state available.
class platform::compute::pmqos (
$low_wakeup_cpus = '',
$hight_wakeup_cpus = '',
) {
if str2bool($::is_compute_subfunction) and str2bool($::is_lowlatency_subfunction) {
$script = "/usr/bin/"
# Set low wakeup latency (shallow C-state) for vswitch CPUs using PM QoS interface
exec { "low-wakeup-latency":
command => "${script} low ${low_wakeup_cpus}",
onlyif => "test -f ${script}",
logoutput => true,
#Set high wakeup latency (deep C-state) for non-vswitch CPUs using PM QoS interface
exec { "high-wakeup-latency":
command => "${script} high ${hight_wakeup_cpus}",
onlyif => "test -f ${script}",
logoutput => true,
class platform::compute {
Class[$name] -> Class['::platform::vswitch']
Class[$name] -> Class['::nova::compute']
require ::platform::compute::grub::audit
require ::platform::compute::hugetlbf
require ::platform::compute::allocate
require ::platform::compute::pmqos
require ::platform::compute::resctrl
require ::platform::compute::extend

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# compute_extend.conf contains compute extended nova options
# - This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.
compute_vswitch_2M_pages=<%= @vswitch_2M_pages.gsub!(/\A"|"\Z/, '') %>
compute_vswitch_1G_pages=<%= @vswitch_1G_pages.gsub!(/\A"|"\Z/, '') %>
compute_vm_4K_pages=<%= @vm_4K_pages.gsub!(/\A"|"\Z/, '') %>
compute_vm_2M_pages=<%= @vm_2M_pages.gsub!(/\A"|"\Z/, '') %>
compute_vm_1G_pages=<%= @vm_1G_pages.gsub!(/\A"|"\Z/, '') %>