class platform::sysinv::params ( $api_port = 6385, $region_name = undef, $service_create = false, $fm_catalog_info = 'faultmanagement:fm:internalURL', $server_timeout = '600s', ) { } class platform::sysinv inherits ::platform::sysinv::params { Anchor['platform::services'] -> Class[$name] include ::platform::params include ::platform::amqp::params include ::platform::drbd::platform::params # sysinv-agent is started on all hosts include ::sysinv::agent $keystone_key_repo_path = "${::platform::drbd::platform::params::mountpoint}/keystone" group { 'sysinv': ensure => 'present', gid => '168', } -> user { 'sysinv': ensure => 'present', comment => 'sysinv Daemons', gid => '168', groups => ['nobody', 'sysinv', 'sys_protected'], home => '/var/lib/sysinv', password => '!!', password_max_age => '-1', password_min_age => '-1', shell => '/sbin/nologin', uid => '168', } -> file { '/etc/sysinv': ensure => 'directory', owner => 'sysinv', group => 'sysinv', mode => '0750', } -> class { '::sysinv': rabbit_host => $::platform::amqp::params::host_url, rabbit_port => $::platform::amqp::params::port, rabbit_userid => $::platform::amqp::params::auth_user, rabbit_password => $::platform::amqp::params::auth_password, fm_catalog_info => $fm_catalog_info, fernet_key_repository => "${keystone_key_repo_path}/fernet-keys", } # Note: The log format strings are prefixed with "sysinv" because it is # interpreted as the program by syslog-ng, which allows the sysinv logs to be # filtered and directed to their own file. # TODO(mpeters): update puppet-sysinv to permit configuration of log formats # once the log configuration has been moved to oslo::log sysinv_config { 'DEFAULT/logging_context_format_string': value => 'sysinv %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user)s %(tenant)s] %(instance)s%(message)s'; 'DEFAULT/logging_default_format_string': value => 'sysinv %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(process)d %(levelname)s %(name)s [-] %(instance)s%(message)s'; } } class platform::sysinv::conductor { Class['::platform::drbd::platform'] -> Class[$name] include ::sysinv::conductor } class platform::sysinv::haproxy inherits ::platform::sysinv::params { include ::platform::params include ::platform::haproxy::params platform::haproxy::proxy { 'sysinv-restapi': server_name => 's-sysinv', public_port => $api_port, private_port => $api_port, server_timeout => $server_timeout, } # Configure rules for DC https enabled admin endpoint. if ($::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'systemcontroller' or $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud') { platform::haproxy::proxy { 'sysinv-restapi-admin': https_ep_type => 'admin', server_name => 's-sysinv', public_ip_address => $::platform::haproxy::params::private_ip_address, public_port => $api_port + 1, private_port => $api_port, server_timeout => $server_timeout, } } } class platform::sysinv::api inherits ::platform::sysinv::params { include ::platform::params include ::sysinv::api if ($::platform::sysinv::params::service_create and $::platform::params::init_keystone) { include ::sysinv::keystone::auth # Cleanup the endpoints created at bootstrap if they are not in # the subcloud region. if ($::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud' and $::platform::params::region_2_name != 'RegionOne') { Keystone_endpoint["${platform::params::region_2_name}/sysinv::platform"] -> Keystone_endpoint['RegionOne/sysinv::platform'] keystone_endpoint { 'RegionOne/sysinv::platform': ensure => 'absent', name => 'sysinv', type => 'platform', region => 'RegionOne', public_url => '', admin_url => '', internal_url => '' } } } # TODO(mpeters): move to sysinv puppet module parameters sysinv_config { 'DEFAULT/sysinv_api_workers': value => $::platform::params::eng_workers_by_5; } include ::platform::sysinv::haproxy } class platform::sysinv::bootstrap ( $dc_sysinv_user_id = undef, ) { include ::sysinv::db::postgresql include ::sysinv::keystone::auth if $dc_sysinv_user_id { exec { 'update keystone sysinv assignment actor_id to match system controller': command => "psql -d keystone -c \"update public.assignment set actor_id='${dc_sysinv_user_id}' from public.local_user where\ public.assignment.actor_id=public.local_user.user_id and'sysinv'\"", user => 'postgres', require => Class['::sysinv::keystone::auth'], } -> exec { 'update keystone sysinv user id to match system controller': command => "psql -d keystone -c \"update public.user set id='${dc_sysinv_user_id}' from public.local_user where\ and'sysinv'\"", user => 'postgres', } } include ::platform::sysinv class { '::sysinv::api': enabled => true } class { '::sysinv::conductor': enabled => true } }