
222 lines
6.9 KiB

class openstack::barbican::params (
$api_port = undef,
$region_name = undef,
$service_name = 'barbican-api',
$service_create = false,
) { }
class openstack::barbican
inherits ::openstack::barbican::params {
include ::platform::params
if $::platform::params::init_keystone {
include ::barbican::keystone::auth
include ::barbican::keystone::authtoken
if $::platform::params::init_database {
include ::barbican::db::postgresql
barbican_config {
'service_credentials/interface': value => 'internalURL'
file { '/var/run/barbican':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'barbican',
group => 'barbican',
if $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role =='systemcontroller' {
$api_workers = min($::platform::params::eng_workers_by_4, 3)
} else {
$api_workers = $::platform::params::eng_workers_by_4
file_line { 'Modify workers in':
path => '/etc/barbican/',
line => "workers = ${api_workers}",
match => '.*workers = .*',
tag => 'modify-workers',
# On Debian barbican uses barbican-common to configure logrotate
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
file { '/etc/logrotate.d/barbican-common':
ensure => present,
content => template('openstack/barbican-api-logrotate.erb')
else {
file { '/etc/logrotate.d/barbican-api':
ensure => present,
content => template('openstack/barbican-api-logrotate.erb')
# Limit configuration file permission
file { '/etc/barbican/barbican.conf':
owner => 'barbican',
group => 'barbican',
mode => '0600',
class openstack::barbican::service (
$service_enabled = false,
) inherits ::openstack::barbican::params {
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::network::mgmt::params
$system_mode = $::platform::params::system_mode
$controller_fqdn = $::platform::params::controller_fqdn
# doesn't support FQDN in IPv6 scenario,
# for IPv4 it works well, for this reason the
# will always use the IP address
if $service_enabled {
$gunicorn_bind = '[::]'
} else {
$gunicorn_bind = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version ? {
6 => "[${::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address}]",
default => $::platform::network::mgmt::params::controller_address,
# FQDN can be used after:
# - after the bootstrap for any installation
# - mate controller uses FQDN if mgmt::params::fqdn_ready is present
# mate controller can use FQDN before the bootstrap flag
# - just AIO-SX can use FQDN during the an upgrade. For other installs
# the active controller in older release can resolve the .internal FQDN
# when the mate controller is updated to N+1 version
if (!str2bool($::is_upgrade_do_not_use_fqdn) or $system_mode == 'simplex') {
if (str2bool($::is_bootstrap_completed)) {
$fqdn_ready = true
} else {
if ($::platform::network::mgmt::params::fqdn_ready != undef) {
$fqdn_ready = $::platform::network::mgmt::params::fqdn_ready
else {
$fqdn_ready = false
else {
$fqdn_ready = false
#use FQDN after bootstrap completed
if ($fqdn_ready) {
$api_fqdn = $controller_fqdn
$api_host = $controller_fqdn
} else {
$api_fqdn = $::platform::params::controller_hostname
$api_host = $gunicorn_bind
$api_href = "http://${api_fqdn}:${api_port}"
# On Debian barbican is set to run by UWSGI by default so
# it doesn't update Update it in order
# to run by gunicorn.
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
file_line { 'Modify bind_port in':
path => '/etc/barbican/',
line => "bind = '${gunicorn_bind}:${api_port}'",
match => '.*bind = .*',
tag => 'modify-bind-port',
include ::platform::amqp::params
class { '::barbican::api':
enabled => $service_enabled,
bind_host => $api_host,
bind_port => $api_port,
host_href => $api_href,
sync_db => !$::openstack::barbican::params::service_create,
enable_proxy_headers_parsing => true,
rabbit_use_ssl => $::platform::amqp::params::ssl_enabled,
default_transport_url => $::platform::amqp::params::transport_url,
class { '::barbican::keystone::notification':
enable_keystone_notification => true,
cron { 'barbican-cleaner':
ensure => 'present',
command => '/usr/bin/barbican-manage db clean -p -e -L /var/log/barbican/barbican-clean.log',
environment => 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
minute => '50',
hour => '*/24',
user => 'root',
class openstack::barbican::haproxy
inherits ::openstack::barbican::params {
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::haproxy::params
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'barbican-restapi':
server_name => 's-barbican-restapi',
public_port => $api_port,
private_port => $api_port,
# Configure rules for DC https enabled admin endpoint.
if ($::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'systemcontroller' or
$::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud') {
platform::haproxy::proxy { 'barbican-restapi-admin':
https_ep_type => 'admin',
server_name => 's-barbican-restapi',
public_ip_address => $::platform::haproxy::params::private_dc_ip_address,
public_port => $api_port + 1,
private_port => $api_port,
class openstack::barbican::api
inherits ::openstack::barbican::params {
include ::platform::params
# The barbican user and service are always required and they
# are used by subclouds when the service itself is disabled
# on System Controller
# whether it creates the endpoint is determined by
# barbican::keystone::auth::configure_endpoint which is
# set via sysinv puppet
if ($::openstack::barbican::params::service_create and
$::platform::params::init_keystone) {
if ($::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role == 'subcloud' and
$::platform::params::region_2_name != 'RegionOne') {
Keystone_endpoint["${platform::params::region_2_name}/barbican::key-manager"] -> Keystone_endpoint['RegionOne/barbican::key-manager']
keystone_endpoint { 'RegionOne/barbican::key-manager':
ensure => 'absent',
name => 'barbican',
type => 'key-manager',
region => 'RegionOne',
public_url => "${api_port}",
admin_url => "${api_port}",
internal_url => "${api_port}"
include ::openstack::barbican::service
include ::openstack::barbican::haproxy
class openstack::barbican::runtime
inherits ::openstack::barbican::params {
include ::openstack::barbican::service