
152 lines
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class platform::containerd::params (
$package_name = 'containerd',
$http_proxy = undef,
$https_proxy = undef,
$no_proxy = undef,
$k8s_registry = undef,
$insecure_registries = undef,
$k8s_cni_bin_dir = '/usr/libexec/cni',
$stream_server_address = 'localhost',
$custom_container_runtime = undef,
) { }
class platform::containerd::proxyconfig{
include ::platform::docker::params
include ::platform::containerd::install
# inherit the proxy setting from docker
$http_proxy = $::platform::docker::params::http_proxy
$https_proxy = $::platform::docker::params::https_proxy
if $::platform::docker::params::no_proxy {
# Containerd doesn't work with the NO_PROXY environment
# variable if it has IPv6 addresses with square brackets,
# remove the square brackets
$no_proxy = regsubst($::platform::docker::params::no_proxy, '\\[|\\]', '', 'G')
if $http_proxy or $https_proxy {
file { '/etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
-> file { '/etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
# share the same template as docker, since the conf file is the same
content => template('platform/dockerproxy.conf.erb'),
~> exec { 'perform systemctl daemon reload for containerd proxy':
command => 'systemctl daemon-reload',
logoutput => true,
refreshonly => true,
} ~> Service['containerd']
service { 'containerd':
ensure => 'running',
name => 'containerd',
enable => true,
require => Package['containerd']
class platform::containerd::config
inherits ::platform::containerd::params {
include ::platform::containerd::proxyconfig
include ::platform::docker::params
include ::platform::dockerdistribution::params
include ::platform::kubernetes::params
include ::platform::dockerdistribution::registries
include ::platform::params
include ::platform::mtce::params
# If containerd is started prior to networking providing a default route, the
# containerd cri plugin will fail to load and the status of the cri plugin
# will be in 'error'. This will prevent any crictl image pulls from working as
# containerd is not automatically restarted when plugins fail to load.
Anchor['platform::networking'] -> Class[$name]
$insecure_registries = $::platform::dockerdistribution::registries::insecure_registries
$distributed_cloud_role = $::platform::params::distributed_cloud_role
# grab custom cri class entries
$custom_container_runtime = $::platform::containerd::params::custom_container_runtime
Class['::platform::filesystem::docker'] ~> Class[$name]
# get cni bin directory
$k8s_cni_bin_dir = $::platform::kubernetes::params::k8s_cni_bin_dir
# generate the registry auth
$registry_auth = chomp(
$::platform::mtce::params::auth_pw], ':')))
if $::platform::network::mgmt::params::subnet_version == $::platform::params::ipv6 {
$stream_server_address = '::1'
} else {
$stream_server_address = ''
file { '/etc/containerd':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700',
-> file { '/etc/containerd/config.toml':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0600',
content => template('platform/config.toml.erb'),
-> Service['containerd']
-> exec { 'enable-containerd':
command => '/usr/bin/systemctl enable containerd.service',
-> exec { 'restart-containerd':
# containerd may be already started by docker. Need restart it after configuration
command => '/usr/bin/systemctl restart containerd.service',
class platform::containerd::install
inherits ::platform::containerd::params {
package { 'containerd':
ensure => 'installed',
name => $package_name,
class platform::containerd::controller
include ::platform::containerd::install
include ::platform::containerd::config
class platform::containerd::worker
if $::personality != 'controller' {
include ::platform::containerd::install
include ::platform::containerd::config
class platform::containerd::storage
if $::personality != 'controller' {
include ::platform::containerd::install
include ::platform::containerd::config