class TiSError(Exception): """ Base class for TiS test automation exceptions. Notes: Each module (or package depends on which makes more sense) should have its own sub-base-class that inherits this class.Then the specific exception for that module/package should inherit the sub-base-class. Examples: sub-base-class for SSHException(TiSError); ssh retry timeout exception: SSHRetryTimeout(SSHException) """ message = "An unknown exception occurred" def __init__(self, detailed_message="No details provided"): super(TiSError, self).__init__() self._error_string = self.message + "\nDetails: " + detailed_message def __str__(self): return self._error_string class NoMatchFoundError(TiSError): message = "No match found." class InvalidStructure(TiSError): message = "Invalid cli output table structure." class SSHException(TiSError): """ Base class for SSH Exceptions. All SSH exceptions thrown from utils > module should inherit this class. Examples: SSHRetryTimeout(SSHException) """ message = "SSH error." class TelnetError(TiSError): message = "Telnet Error" class TelnetTimeout(TelnetError): message = 'Telnet timeout' class TelnetEOF(TelnetError): message = 'Telnet EOF.' class LocalHostError(TiSError): message = 'Localhost error.' class SSHRetryTimeout(SSHException): message = "Timed out to connect to host." class IncorrectCredential(SSHException): message = "Login credential rejected by host." class SSHExecCommandFailed(SSHException): """Raised when remotely executed command returns nonzero status.""" message = "Failed to execute command via SSH." class TimeoutException(SSHException): message = "Request(s) timed out" class ImproperUsage(SSHException): message = "Improper use of test framework" class ActiveControllerUnsetException(SSHException): message = ("Active controller ssh client is not set! " "Please use ControllerClient.set_active_controller(ssh_client) " "to set an active controller client.") class NatBoxClientUnsetException(SSHException): message = "NatBox ssh client it not set! Please use " \ "NATBoxClient.set_natbox_client(ip) to set an natbox client" class CLIRejected(TiSError): """Throw when cli command is rejected due to unexpected reasons, such as missing arguments""" message = "CLI command is rejected." class HostError(TiSError): """Generic Host error""" message = "Host error." class HostPostCheckFailed(HostError): """Throws when expected host status is not reached after running certain host action cli command.""" message = "Check failed post host operation." class HostPreCheckFailed(HostError): message = "Check failed pre host operation." class HostTimeout(HostError): message = "Host operation timed out." class VMError(TiSError): message = "VM error." class VMPostCheckFailed(VMError): message = "Check failed post VM operation." class VMNetworkError(VMError): message = "VM network error." class VMTimeout(VMError): message = "VM operation timed out." class VMOperationFailed(VMError): """Failure indicated by CLI output""" message = "VM operation failed." class VolumeError(TiSError): message = "Volume error." class ImageError(TiSError): message = "Image error." class FlavorError(TiSError): message = "Flavor error." class CommonError(TiSError): message = "Setup/Teardown error." class NovaError(TiSError): message = "Nova error." class NeutronError(TiSError): message = "Neutron error." class HeatError(TiSError): message = "Heat error." class CeilometerError(TiSError): message = "Ceilometer error." class SysinvError(TiSError): message = 'Sysinv error.' class ContainerError(SysinvError): message = 'Container error.' class CinderError(TiSError): message = 'Cinder error.' class KeystoneError(TiSError): message = 'Keystone error.' class BuildServerError(TiSError): message = "Build Server error." class ThreadingError(TiSError): message = "Multi threading error." class VLMError(TiSError): message = "VLM Operation Error." class SwiftError(TiSError): message = "Swift error." class OrchestrationError(TiSError): message = 'Orchestration error.' class UpgradeError(TiSError): message = 'Upgrade error.' class BackupSystem(TiSError): message = 'System Backup error.' class RestoreSystem(TiSError): message = 'System Restore error.' class StorageError(TiSError): message = 'Storage error.' class HorizonError(TiSError): message = 'Horizon error.' class IxiaError(TiSError): message = 'Ixia error.' class RefStackError(TiSError): message = 'RefStack test(s) failed.' class DovetailError(TiSError): message = 'Dovetail test(s) failed.' class MuranoError(TiSError): message = 'Murano error.' class DCError(TiSError): message = 'DC error.' class PatchError(TiSError): message = 'Patch error.' class KubeError(TiSError): message = 'Kubernetes error.' class KubeCmdError(KubeError): message = 'Kubernetes cmd failed.' class InstallError(TiSError): message = 'Install error' class K8sError(TiSError): message = 'K8s error'