# # Copyright (c) 2019 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # """ This module provides helper functions for storage based testing Including: - system commands for system/host storage configs - CEPH related helper functions that are not using system commands """ import re import time from consts.auth import Tenant from consts.stx import EventLogID, BackendState, BackendTask, GuestImages, \ PartitionStatus from consts.timeout import HostTimeout, SysInvTimeout from keywords import system_helper, host_helper, keystone_helper, common from utils import table_parser, cli, exceptions from utils.clients.ssh import ControllerClient, get_cli_client from utils.tis_log import LOG def is_ceph_healthy(con_ssh=None): """ Query 'ceph -s' and return True if ceph health is okay and False otherwise. Args: con_ssh (SSHClient): Returns: - (bool) True if health okay, False otherwise - (string) message """ health_ok = 'HEALTH_OK' if con_ssh is None: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() rtn_code, out = con_ssh.exec_cmd('ceph -s') if rtn_code > 0: LOG.warning('ceph -s failed to execute.') return False health_state = re.findall('health: (.*)\n', out) if not health_state: LOG.warning('Unable to determine ceph health state') return False health_state = health_state[0] if health_ok in health_state: LOG.info('CEPH cluster is healthy') return True msg = 'CEPH unhealthy. State: {}'.format(health_state) LOG.warning(msg) return False def get_ceph_osd_count(fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None): """ Return the number of OSDs on a CEPH system" Args: fail_ok con_ssh(SSHClient): Returns (int): Return the number of OSDs on the system, """ if not con_ssh: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() rtn_code, out = con_ssh.exec_cmd('ceph -s', fail_ok=fail_ok) if rtn_code > 0: return 0 osds = re.search(r'(\d+) osds', out) if osds: LOG.info('There are {} OSDs on the system'.format(osds.group(1))) return int(osds.group(1)) msg = 'There are no OSDs on the system' LOG.info(msg) if fail_ok: return 0 else: raise exceptions.StorageError(msg) def get_osd_host(osd_id, fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None): """ Return the host associated with the provided OSD ID Args: con_ssh(SSHClient): fail_ok osd_id (int): an OSD number, e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3... Returns (str|None): hostname is found else None """ storage_hosts = system_helper.get_storage_nodes(con_ssh=con_ssh) for host in storage_hosts: osd_list = get_host_stors(host, 'osdid') if int(osd_id) in osd_list: msg = 'OSD ID {} is on host {}'.format(osd_id, host) LOG.info(msg) return host msg = 'Could not find host for OSD ID {}'.format(osd_id) LOG.warning(msg) if not fail_ok: raise exceptions.StorageError(msg) def kill_process(host, pid): """ Given the id of an OSD, kill the process and ensure it restarts. Args: host (string) - the host to ssh into, e.g. 'controller-1' pid (string) - pid to kill, e.g. '12345' Returns: - (bool) True if process was killed, False otherwise - (string) message """ cmd = 'kill -9 {}'.format(pid) # SSH could be redundant if we are on controller-0 (oh well!) LOG.info('Kill process {} on {}'.format(pid, host)) with host_helper.ssh_to_host(host) as host_ssh: with host_ssh.login_as_root() as root_ssh: root_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd, expect_timeout=60) LOG.info(cmd) LOG.info('Ensure the PID is no longer listed') pid_exists, msg = check_pid_exists(pid, root_ssh) if pid_exists: return False, msg return True, msg def get_osd_pid(osd_host, osd_id, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False): """ Given the id of an OSD, return the pid. Args: osd_host (string) - the host to ssh into, e.g. 'storage-0' osd_id (int|str) - osd_id to get the pid of, e.g. '0' con_ssh fail_ok Returns (int|None): """ pid_file = '/var/run/ceph/osd.{}.pid'.format(osd_id) return __get_pid_from_file(osd_host, pid_file=pid_file, con_ssh=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok) def get_mon_pid(mon_host, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False): """ Given the host name of a monitor, return the pid of the ceph-mon process Args: mon_host (string) - the host to get the pid of, e.g. 'storage-1' con_ssh (SSHClient) fail_ok Returns (int|None) """ pid_file = '/var/run/ceph/mon.{}.pid'.format( 'controller' if system_helper.is_aio_duplex() else mon_host) return __get_pid_from_file(mon_host, pid_file=pid_file, con_ssh=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok) def __get_pid_from_file(host, pid_file, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False): with host_helper.ssh_to_host(host, con_ssh=con_ssh) as host_ssh: rtn_code, out = host_ssh.exec_cmd('cat {}'.format(pid_file), expect_timeout=10, fail_ok=fail_ok) mon_match = r'(\d+)' pid = re.match(mon_match, out) if pid: msg = '{} for {} is {}'.format(pid_file, host, pid.group(1)) LOG.info(msg) return pid.group(1) msg = '{} for {} was not found'.format(pid_file, host) LOG.warning(msg) if not fail_ok: raise exceptions.StorageError(msg) def get_osds(host=None, con_ssh=None): """ Given a hostname, get all OSDs on that host Args: con_ssh(SSHClient) host(str|None): the host to ssh into Returns: (list) List of OSDs on the host. Empty list if none. """ osd_list = [] if host: osd_list += get_host_stors(host, 'osdid', con_ssh) else: storage_hosts = system_helper.get_storage_nodes() for host in storage_hosts: osd_list += get_host_stors(host, 'osdid', con_ssh) return osd_list def is_osd_up(osd_id, con_ssh=None): """ Determine if a particular OSD is up. Args: osd_id (int) - ID of OSD we want to query con_ssh Returns: (bool) True if OSD is up, False if OSD is down """ cmd = r"ceph osd tree | grep 'osd.{}\s'".format(osd_id) rtn_code, out = con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd, expect_timeout=60) if re.search('up', out): return True else: return False def check_pid_exists(pid, host_ssh): """ Check if a PID exists on a particular host. Args: host_ssh (SSHClient) pid (int|str): the process ID Returns (bool): True if pid exists and False otherwise """ cmd = 'kill -0 {}'.format(pid) rtn_code, out = host_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd, expect_timeout=60) if rtn_code != 1: msg = 'Process {} exists'.format(pid) return True, msg msg = 'Process {} does not exist'.format(pid) return False, msg def get_storage_group(host): """ Determine the storage replication group name associated with the storage host. Args: host (string) - storage host, e.g. 'storage-0' Returns: storage_group (string) - group name, e.g. 'group-0' msg (string) - log message """ peers = system_helper.get_host_values(host, fields='peers')[0] storage_group = re.search(r'(group-\d+)', peers) msg = 'Unable to determine replication group for {}'.format(host) assert storage_group, msg storage_group = storage_group.group(0) msg = 'The replication group for {} is {}'.format(host, storage_group) return storage_group, msg def download_images(dload_type='all', img_dest='~/images/', con_ssh=None): """ Retrieve images for testing purposes. Note, this will add *a lot* of time to the test execution. Args: - type: 'all' to get all images (default), 'ubuntu' to get ubuntu images, 'centos' to get centos images - con_ssh - image destination - where on fileystem images are stored Returns: - List containing the names of the imported images """ def _wget(urls): """ This function does a wget on the provided urls. """ for url in urls: cmd_ = 'wget {} --no-check-certificate -P {}'.format(url, img_dest) rtn_code_, out_ = con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd_, expect_timeout=7200) assert not rtn_code, out_ centos_image_location = \ [ 'http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64' '-GenericCloud.qcow2', 'http://cloud.centos.org/centos/6/images/CentOS-6-x86_64' '-GenericCloud.qcow2'] ubuntu_image_location = \ [ 'https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/precise/current/precise-server' '-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img'] if not con_ssh: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() LOG.info('Create directory for image storage') cmd = 'mkdir -p {}'.format(img_dest) rtn_code, out = con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd) assert not rtn_code, out LOG.info('wget images') if dload_type == 'ubuntu' or dload_type == 'all': LOG.info("Downloading ubuntu image") _wget(ubuntu_image_location) elif dload_type == 'centos' or dload_type == 'all': LOG.info("Downloading centos image") _wget(centos_image_location) def find_images(con_ssh=None, image_type='qcow2', image_name=None, location=None): """ This function finds all images of a given type, in the given location. This is designed to save test time, to prevent downloading images if not necessary. Arguments: - image_type(string): image format, e.g. 'qcow2', 'raw', etc. - if the user specifies 'all', return all images - location(string): where to find images, e.g. '~/images' Test Steps: 1. Cycle through the files in a given location 2. Create a list of image names of the expected type Return: - image_names(list): list of image names of a given type, e.g. 'cgcs-guest.img' or all images if the user specified 'all' as the argument to image_type. """ image_names = [] if not location: location = GuestImages.DEFAULT['image_dir'] if not con_ssh: con_ssh = get_cli_client() cmd = 'ls {}'.format(location) rtn_code, out = con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd) image_list = out.split() LOG.info('Found the following files: {}'.format(image_list)) if image_type == 'all' and not image_name: return image_list, location # Return a list of image names where the image type matches what the user # is looking for, e.g. qcow2 for image in image_list: if image_name and image_name not in image: continue image_path = location + "/" + image cmd = 'qemu-img info {}'.format(image_path) rtn_code, out = con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd) if image_type in out: image_names.append(image) LOG.info('{} images available: {}'.format(image_type, image_names)) return image_names, location def find_image_size(con_ssh, image_name='cgcs-guest.img', location='~/images'): """ This function uses qemu-img info to determine what size of flavor to use. Args: con_ssh: image_name (str): e.g. 'cgcs-guest.img' location (str): where to find images, e.g. '~/images' Returns: image_size(int): e.g. 8 """ image_path = location + "/" + image_name cmd = 'qemu-img info {}'.format(image_path) rtn_code, out = con_ssh.exec_cmd(cmd) virtual_size = re.search(r'virtual size: (\d+\.*\d*[M|G])', out) msg = 'Unable to determine size of image {}'.format(image_name) assert virtual_size.group(0), msg # If the size is less than 1G, round to 1 # If the size is greater than 1G, round up if 'M' in virtual_size.group(1): image_size = 1 else: image_size = round(float(virtual_size.group(1).strip('G'))) return image_size def wait_for_ceph_health_ok(con_ssh=None, timeout=300, fail_ok=False, check_interval=5): end_time = time.time() + timeout output = None while time.time() < end_time: rc, output = is_ceph_healthy(con_ssh=con_ssh) if rc: return True time.sleep(check_interval) else: err_msg = "Ceph is not healthy within {} seconds: {}".format(timeout, output) if fail_ok: LOG.warning(err_msg) return False, err_msg else: raise exceptions.TimeoutException(err_msg) def get_storage_backends(field='backend', con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), **filters): """ Get storage backends values from system storage-backend-list Args: field (str|list|tuple): con_ssh: auth_info: **filters: Returns (list): """ table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('storage-backend-list', ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1], combine_multiline_entry=True) return table_parser.get_multi_values(table_, field, **filters) def get_storage_backend_values(backend, fields=None, rtn_dict=False, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), **kwargs): """ Get storage backend values for given backend via system storage-backend-show Args: backend (str): storage backend to get info (e.g. ceph) fields (list|tuple|str|None): keys to return, e.g., ['name', 'backend', 'task'] rtn_dict (bool) con_ssh: auth_info Returns (list|dict): Examples: Input: ('cinder_pool_gib', 'glance_pool_gib', 'ephemeral_pool_gib', 'object_pool_gib', 'ceph_total_space_gib', 'object_gateway') Output: if rtn_dict: {'cinder_pool_gib': 202, 'glance_pool_gib': 20, 'ephemeral_pool_gib': 0, 'object_pool_gib': 0, 'ceph_total_space_gib': 222, 'object_gateway': False} if list: [202, 20, 0, 0, 222, False] """ # valid_backends = ['ceph-store', 'lvm-store', 'file-store', # 'shared_services] backend = backend.lower() if re.fullmatch('ceph|lvm|file', backend): backend += '-store' elif backend == 'external': backend = 'shared_services' table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('storage-backend-show', backend, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1], combine_multiline_entry=True) if not fields: fields = table_parser.get_column(table_, 'Property') return table_parser.get_multi_values_two_col_table(table_, fields, evaluate=True, rtn_dict=rtn_dict, **kwargs) def wait_for_storage_backend_vals(backend, timeout=300, fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), **expt_values): if not expt_values: raise ValueError( "At least one key/value pair has to be provided via expt_values") LOG.info( "Wait for storage backend {} to reach: {}".format(backend, expt_values)) end_time = time.time() + timeout dict_to_check = expt_values.copy() stor_backend_info = None while time.time() < end_time: stor_backend_info = get_storage_backend_values( backend=backend, fields=list(dict_to_check.keys()), rtn_dict=True, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) dict_to_iter = dict_to_check.copy() for key, expt_val in dict_to_iter.items(): actual_val = stor_backend_info[key] if str(expt_val) == str(actual_val): dict_to_check.pop(key) if not dict_to_check: return True, dict_to_check if fail_ok: return False, stor_backend_info raise exceptions.StorageError( "Storage backend show field(s) did not reach expected value(s). " "Expected: {}; Actual: {}".format(dict_to_check, stor_backend_info)) def add_storage_backend(backend='ceph', ceph_mon_gib='20', ceph_mon_dev=None, ceph_mon_dev_controller_0_uuid=None, ceph_mon_dev_controller_1_uuid=None, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False): """ Args: backend (str): The backend to add. Only ceph is supported ceph_mon_gib(int/str): The ceph-mon-lv size in GiB. The default is 20GiB ceph_mon_dev (str): The disk device that the ceph-mon will be created on. This applies to both controllers. In case of separate device names on controllers use the options below to specify device name for each controller ceph_mon_dev_controller_0_uuid (str): The uuid of controller-0 disk device that the ceph-mon will be created on ceph_mon_dev_controller_1_uuid (str): The uuid of controller-1 disk device that the ceph-mon will be created on con_ssh: fail_ok: Returns: """ if backend is not 'ceph': msg = "Invalid backend {} specified. Valid choices are {}".format( backend, ['ceph']) if fail_ok: return 1, msg else: raise exceptions.CLIRejected(msg) if isinstance(ceph_mon_gib, int): ceph_mon_gib = str(ceph_mon_gib) cmd = 'system storage-backend-add --ceph-mon-gib {}'.format(ceph_mon_gib) if ceph_mon_dev: cmd += ' --ceph-mon-dev {}'.format( ceph_mon_dev if '/dev' in ceph_mon_dev else '/dev/' + ceph_mon_dev.strip()) if ceph_mon_dev_controller_0_uuid: cmd += ' --ceph_mon_dev_controller_0_uuid {}'.format( ceph_mon_dev_controller_0_uuid) if ceph_mon_dev_controller_1_uuid: cmd += ' --ceph_mon_dev_controller_1_uuid {}'.format( ceph_mon_dev_controller_1_uuid) cmd += " {}".format(backend) controler_ssh = con_ssh if con_ssh else \ ControllerClient.get_active_controller() controler_ssh.send(cmd) index = controler_ssh.expect([controler_ssh.prompt, r'\[yes/N\]']) if index == 1: controler_ssh.send('yes') controler_ssh.expect() rc, output = controler_ssh.process_cmd_result(cmd) if rc != 0: if fail_ok: return rc, output raise exceptions.CLIRejected("Fail Cli command cmd: {}".format(cmd)) else: output = table_parser.table(output) return rc, output def modify_storage_backend(backend, cinder=None, glance=None, ephemeral=None, object_gib=None, object_gateway=None, services=None, lock_unlock=False, fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None): """ Modify ceph storage backend pool allocation Args: backend (str): storage backend to modify (e.g. ceph) cinder: glance: ephemeral: object_gib: object_gateway (bool|None) services (str|list|tuple): lock_unlock (bool): whether to wait for config out-of-date alarms against controllers and lock/unlock them fail_ok: con_ssh: Returns: 0, dict of new allocation 1, cli err message """ if re.fullmatch('ceph|lvm|file', backend): backend += '-store' backend = backend.lower() args = '' if services: if isinstance(services, (list, tuple)): services = ','.join(services) args = '-s {} '.format(services) args += backend get_storage_backend_values(backend, fields='backend') if cinder: args += ' cinder_pool_gib={}'.format(cinder) if 'ceph' in backend: if glance: args += ' glance_pool_gib={}'.format(glance) if ephemeral: args += ' ephemeral_pool_gib={}'.format(ephemeral) if object_gateway is not None: args += ' object_gateway={}'.format(object_gateway) if object_gib: args += ' object_pool_gib={}'.format(object_gib) code, out = cli.system('storage-backend-modify', args, con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok) if code > 0: return 1, out if lock_unlock: from testfixtures.recover_hosts import HostsToRecover LOG.info( "Lock unlock controllers and ensure config out-of-date alarms " "clear") system_helper.wait_for_alarm(alarm_id=EventLogID.CONFIG_OUT_OF_DATE, timeout=30, fail_ok=False, entity_id='controller-') active_controller, standby_controller = \ system_helper.get_active_standby_controllers(con_ssh=con_ssh) for controller in [standby_controller, active_controller]: if not controller: continue HostsToRecover.add(controller) host_helper.lock_host(controller, swact=True, con_ssh=con_ssh) wait_for_storage_backend_vals( backend=backend, **{'task': BackendTask.RECONFIG_CONTROLLER, 'state': BackendState.CONFIGURING}) host_helper.unlock_host(controller, con_ssh=con_ssh) system_helper.wait_for_alarm_gone( alarm_id=EventLogID.CONFIG_OUT_OF_DATE, fail_ok=False) # TODO return new values of storage allocation and check they are the # right values updated_backend_info = get_storage_backend_values(backend, rtn_dict=True) return 0, updated_backend_info def add_ceph_mon(host, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False): """ Args: host: con_ssh: fail_ok: Returns: """ valid_ceph_mon_hosts = ['controller-0', 'controller-1', 'storage-0', 'compute-0'] if host not in valid_ceph_mon_hosts: msg = "Invalid host {} specified. Valid choices are {}".format( host, valid_ceph_mon_hosts) if fail_ok: return 1, msg else: raise exceptions.CLIRejected(msg) if not con_ssh: con_ssh = ControllerClient.get_active_controller() existing_ceph_mons = get_ceph_mon_values(con_ssh=con_ssh) if host in existing_ceph_mons: state = get_ceph_mon_state(host, con_ssh=con_ssh) LOG.warning( "Host {} is already added as ceph-mon and is in state: {}".format( host, state)) if state == 'configuring': wait_for_ceph_mon_configured(host, con_ssh=con_ssh, fail_ok=True) state = get_ceph_mon_state(host, con_ssh=con_ssh) if state == 'configured' or state == 'configuring': return 0, None else: msg = "The existing ceph-mon is in state {}".format(state) if fail_ok: return 1, msg else: raise exceptions.HostError(msg) if not host_helper.is_host_locked(host, con_ssh=con_ssh): rc, output = host_helper.lock_host(host, con_ssh=con_ssh) if rc != 0: msg = "Cannot add ceph-mon to host {} because the host fail to " \ "lock: {}".format(host, output) if fail_ok: return rc, msg else: raise exceptions.HostError(msg) cmd = 'ceph-mon-add'.format(host) rc, output = cli.system(cmd, host, ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok) if rc != 0: msg = "CLI command {} failed to add ceph mon in host {}: {}".format( cmd, host, output) LOG.warning(msg) if fail_ok: return rc, msg else: raise exceptions.StorageError(msg) rc, state, output = wait_for_ceph_mon_configured(host, con_ssh=con_ssh, fail_ok=True) if state == 'configured': return 0, None elif state == 'configuring': return 1, "The ceph mon in host {} is in state {}".format(host, state) else: return 2, "The ceph mon in host {} failed: state = {}; msg = {}".format( host, state, output) def wait_for_ceph_mon_configured(host, state=None, timeout=HostTimeout.CEPH_MON_ADD_CONFIG, con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False, check_interval=5): end_time = time.time() + timeout while time.time() < end_time: state = get_ceph_mon_state(host, con_ssh=con_ssh) if state == 'configured': return True, state, None time.sleep(check_interval) msg = "The added ceph-mon on host {} did not reach configured state " \ "within {} seconds. Last state = {}" \ .format(host, timeout, state) if fail_ok: LOG.warning(msg) return False, state, msg else: raise exceptions.StorageError(msg) def get_ceph_mon_values(field='hostname', hostname=None, uuid=None, state=None, task=None, con_ssh=None): """ Args: field: hostname: uuid: state: task: con_ssh: Returns: """ ceph_mons = [] table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('ceph-mon-list', ssh_client=con_ssh)[1], combine_multiline_entry=True) filters = {} if table_: if hostname: filters['hostname'] = hostname if uuid: filters['uuid'] = uuid if state: filters['state'] = state if task: filters['task'] = task table_ = table_parser.filter_table(table_, **filters) ceph_mons = table_parser.get_column(table_, field) return ceph_mons def get_ceph_mon_state(hostname, con_ssh=None): return get_ceph_mon_values(field='state', hostname=hostname, con_ssh=con_ssh)[0] def get_fs_mount_path(ssh_client, fs): mount_cmd = 'mount | grep --color=never {}'.format(fs) exit_code, output = ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd(mount_cmd, fail_ok=True) mounted_on = fs_type = None msg = "Filesystem {} is not mounted".format(fs) is_mounted = exit_code == 0 if is_mounted: # Get the first mount point mounted_on, fs_type = \ re.findall('{} on ([^ ]*) type ([^ ]*) '.format(fs), output)[0] msg = "Filesystem {} is mounted on {}".format(fs, mounted_on) LOG.info(msg) return mounted_on, fs_type def is_fs_auto_mounted(ssh_client, fs): auto_cmd = 'cat /etc/fstab | grep --color=never {}'.format(fs) exit_code, output = ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd(auto_cmd, fail_ok=True) is_auto_mounted = exit_code == 0 LOG.info("Filesystem {} is {}auto mounted".format(fs, '' if is_auto_mounted else 'not ')) return is_auto_mounted def mount_partition(ssh_client, disk, partition=None, fs_type=None): if not partition: partition = '/dev/{}'.format(disk) disk_id = ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd( 'blkid | grep --color=never "{}:"'.format(partition))[1] if disk_id: mount_on, fs_type_ = get_fs_mount_path(ssh_client=ssh_client, fs=partition) if mount_on: return mount_on, fs_type_ fs_type = re.findall('TYPE="([^ ]*)"', disk_id)[0] if 'swap' == fs_type: fs_type = 'swap' turn_on_swap(ssh_client=ssh_client, disk=disk, partition=partition) mount_on = 'none' else: mount_on = None if not fs_type: fs_type = 'ext4' LOG.info("mkfs for {}".format(partition)) cmd = "mkfs -t {} {}".format(fs_type, partition) ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd(cmd, fail_ok=False) if not mount_on: mount_on = '/mnt/{}'.format(disk) LOG.info("mount {} to {}".format(partition, mount_on)) ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd( 'mkdir -p {}; mount {} {}'.format(mount_on, partition, mount_on), fail_ok=False) LOG.info("{} successfully mounted to {}".format(partition, mount_on)) mount_on_, fs_type_ = get_fs_mount_path(ssh_client=ssh_client, fs=partition) assert mount_on == mount_on_ and fs_type == fs_type_ return mount_on, fs_type def turn_on_swap(ssh_client, disk, partition=None): if not partition: partition = '/dev/{}'.format(disk) swap_info = ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd( 'blkid | grep --color=never "{}:"'.format(partition), fail_ok=False)[1] swap_uuid = re.findall('UUID="(.*)" TYPE="swap"', swap_info)[0] LOG.info('swapon for {}'.format(partition)) proc_swap = ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd( 'cat /proc/swaps | grep --color=never "{} "'.format(partition))[1] if not proc_swap: ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd('swapon {}'.format(partition)) proc_swap = ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd( 'cat /proc/swaps | grep --color=never "{} "'.format(partition))[1] assert proc_swap, "swap partition is not shown in /proc/swaps after " \ "swapon" return swap_uuid def auto_mount_fs(ssh_client, fs, mount_on=None, fs_type=None, check_first=True): if check_first: if is_fs_auto_mounted(ssh_client=ssh_client, fs=fs): return if fs_type == 'swap' and not mount_on: raise ValueError("swap uuid required via mount_on") if not mount_on: mount_on = '/mnt/{}'.format(fs.rsplit('/', maxsplit=1)[-1]) if not fs_type: fs_type = 'ext4' cmd = 'echo "{} {} {} defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab'.format(fs, mount_on, fs_type) ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd(cmd, fail_ok=False) ssh_client.exec_sudo_cmd('cat /etc/fstab', get_exit_code=False) def modify_swift(enable=True, check_first=True, fail_ok=False, apply=True, con_ssh=None): """ Enable/disable swift service Args: enable: check_first: fail_ok: apply: con_ssh Returns (tuple): (-1, "swift service parameter is already xxx") only apply when check_first=True (0, ) (1, ) system service-parameter-modify cli got rejected. """ if enable: expt_val = 'true' extra_str = 'enable' else: expt_val = 'false' extra_str = 'disable' if check_first: swift_endpoints = keystone_helper.get_endpoints(service_name='swift', con_ssh=con_ssh, cli_filter=False) if enable is bool(swift_endpoints): msg = "swift service parameter is already {}d. Do nothing.".format( extra_str) LOG.info(msg) return -1, msg LOG.info("Modify system service parameter to {} Swift".format(extra_str)) code, msg = system_helper.modify_service_parameter(service='swift', section='config', name='service_enabled', value=expt_val, apply=apply, check_first=False, fail_ok=fail_ok, con_ssh=con_ssh) if apply and code == 0: LOG.info("Check Swift endpoints after service {}d".format(extra_str)) swift_endpoints = keystone_helper.get_endpoints(service_name='swift', con_ssh=con_ssh, cli_filter=False) if enable is not bool(swift_endpoints): raise exceptions.SwiftError( "Swift endpoints did not {} after modify".format(extra_str)) msg = 'Swift is {}d successfully'.format(extra_str) return code, msg def get_qemu_image_info(image_filename, ssh_client, fail_ok=False): """ Provides information about the disk image filename, like file format, virtual size and disk size Args: image_filename (str); the disk image file name ssh_client: fail_ok: Returns: 0, dict { image: , format: , virtual size: , disk size: 0: return None table_ = table_parser.table(out) values = [] for field in fields: convert_to_gib = False if field == 'size_gib': field = 'size_mib' convert_to_gib = True param_value = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_, field) if '_mib' in field: param_value = float(param_value) if convert_to_gib: param_value = float(param_value) / 1024 values.append(param_value) return values def delete_host_partition(host, uuid, fail_ok=False, timeout=SysInvTimeout.PARTITION_DELETE, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform')): """ Delete a partition from a specific host. Arguments: * host(str) - hostname, e.g. controller-0 * uuid(str) - uuid of partition * timeout(int) - how long to wait for partition deletion (sec) Returns: * rc, out - return code and output of the host-disk-partition-delete """ rc, out = cli.system('host-disk-partition-delete {} {}'.format(host, uuid), fail_ok=fail_ok, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) if rc > 0: return 1, out wait_for_host_partition_status(host=host, uuid=uuid, timeout=timeout, final_status=None, interim_status=PartitionStatus.DELETING, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) return 0, "Partition successfully deleted" def create_host_partition(host, device_node, size_gib, fail_ok=False, wait=True, timeout=SysInvTimeout.PARTITION_CREATE, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform')): """ Create a partition on host. Arguments: * host(str) - hostname, e.g. controller-0 * device_node(str) - device, e.g. /dev/sdh * size_gib(str) - size of partition in gib * wait(bool) - if True, wait for partition creation. False, return * immediately. * timeout(int) - how long to wait for partition creation (sec) Returns: * rc, out - return code and output of the host-disk-partition-command """ args = '{} {} {}'.format(host, device_node, size_gib) rc, out = cli.system('host-disk-partition-add', args, fail_ok=fail_ok, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) if rc > 0 or not wait: return rc, out uuid = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_parser.table(out), "uuid") wait_for_host_partition_status(host=host, uuid=uuid, timeout=timeout, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) return 0, uuid def modify_host_partition(host, uuid, size_gib, fail_ok=False, timeout=SysInvTimeout.PARTITION_MODIFY, final_status=PartitionStatus.READY, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform')): """ This test modifies the size of a partition. Args: host(str) - hostname, e.g. controller-0 uuid(str) - uuid of the partition size_gib(str) - new partition size in gib fail_ok timeout(int) - how long to wait for partition creation (sec) final_status (str|list) con_ssh auth_info Returns: * rc, out - return code and output of the host-disk-partition-command """ args = '-s {} {} {}'.format(size_gib, host, uuid) rc, out = cli.system('host-disk-partition-modify', args, fail_ok=fail_ok, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) if rc > 0: return 1, out uuid = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_parser.table(out), "uuid") wait_for_host_partition_status(host=host, uuid=uuid, timeout=timeout, interim_status=PartitionStatus.MODIFYING, final_status=final_status, con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) msg = "{} partition successfully modified".format(host) LOG.info(msg) return 0, msg def wait_for_host_partition_status(host, uuid, final_status=PartitionStatus.READY, interim_status=PartitionStatus.CREATING, timeout=120, fail_ok=False, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform')): """ Wait for host partition to reach given status Args: host: uuid: final_status (str|list|None|tuple): interim_status: timeout: fail_ok: con_ssh auth_info Returns (bool): """ if not final_status: final_status = [None] elif isinstance(final_status, str): final_status = (final_status,) valid_status = list(final_status) if isinstance(interim_status, str): interim_status = (interim_status,) for status_ in interim_status: valid_status.append(status_) end_time = time.time() + timeout prev_status = '' while time.time() < end_time: status = \ get_host_partition_values(host, uuid, "status", con_ssh=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[0] assert status in valid_status, "Partition has unexpected state " \ "{}".format(status) if status in final_status: LOG.info( "Partition {} on host {} has reached state: {}".format(uuid, host, status)) return True elif status != prev_status: prev_status = status LOG.info("Partition {} on host {} is in {} state".format(uuid, host, status)) time.sleep(5) msg = "Partition {} on host {} not in {} state within {} seconds".format( uuid, host, final_status, timeout) LOG.warning(msg) if fail_ok: return False else: raise exceptions.StorageError(msg) def get_host_disks(host, field='uuid', auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), con_ssh=None, **kwargs): """ Get values from system host-disk-list Args: host (str): field (str|list|tuple) con_ssh (SSHClient): auth_info (dict): Returns (dict): """ table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('host-disk-list --nowrap', host, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1]) return table_parser.get_multi_values(table_, field, evaluate=True, **kwargs) def get_host_disk_values(host, disk, fields, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), con_ssh=None): """ Get host disk values via system host-disk-show Args: host: disk: fields: auth_info: con_ssh: Returns: """ table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('host-disk-show', '{} {}'.format(host, disk), ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1]) return table_parser.get_multi_values_two_col_table(table_, fields, evaluate=True) def get_host_disks_with_free_space(host, disk_list, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), con_ssh=None): """ Given a list of disks, return the ones with free space. Arguments: host(str) - hostname, e.g. ocntroller-0 disk_list (list) - list of disks auth_info con_ssh Returns (dict): disks that have usable space. """ free_disks = {} for disk in disk_list: LOG.info("Querying disk {} on host {}".format(disk, host)) available_space = float( get_host_disk_values(host, disk, fields='available_gib', auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh)[0]) LOG.info("{} has disk {} with {} gib available".format(host, disk, available_space)) if available_space <= 0: LOG.info( "Removing disk {} from host {} due to insufficient " "space".format( disk, host)) else: free_disks[disk] = available_space return free_disks def get_hosts_rootfs(hosts, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), con_ssh=None): """ This returns the rootfs disks of each node. Arguments: * hosts(list) - e.g. controller-0, controller-1, etc. Returns: * Dict of host mapped to rootfs disk """ rootfs_uuid = {} for host in hosts: rootfs_device = system_helper.get_host_values(host, 'rootfs_device', auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh)[0] LOG.debug("{} is using rootfs disk: {}".format(host, rootfs_device)) key = 'device_path' if '/dev/disk' not in rootfs_device: key = 'device_node' rootfs_device = '/dev/{}'.format(rootfs_device) disk_uuids = get_host_disks(host, 'uuid', auth_info=auth_info, con_ssh=con_ssh, **{key: rootfs_device}) rootfs_uuid[host] = disk_uuids LOG.info("Root disk UUIDS: {}".format(rootfs_uuid)) return rootfs_uuid def get_controllerfs_list(field='Size in GiB', fs_name=None, con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), **filters): table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('controllerfs-list --nowrap', ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1]) if fs_name: filters['FS Name'] = fs_name return table_parser.get_multi_values(table_, field, evaluate=True, **filters) def get_controllerfs_values(filesystem, fields='size', rtn_dict=False, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), con_ssh=None): """ Returns the value of a particular filesystem. Arguments: - fields (str|list|tuple) - what value to get, e.g. size - filesystem(str) - e.g. scratch, database, etc. Returns (list): """ table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('controllerfs-show', filesystem, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1]) return table_parser.get_multi_values_two_col_table(table_, fields, rtn_dict=rtn_dict, evaluate=True) def get_controller_fs_values(con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform')): table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('controllerfs-show', ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1]) rows = table_parser.get_all_rows(table_) values = {} for row in rows: values[row[0].strip()] = row[1].strip() return values def modify_controllerfs(fail_ok=False, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), con_ssh=None, **kwargs): """ Modifies the specified controller filesystem, e.g. scratch, database, etc. Arguments: - kwargs - dict of name:value pair(s) - fail_ok(bool) - True if failure is expected. False if not. """ attr_values_ = ['{}="{}"'.format(attr, value) for attr, value in kwargs.items()] args_ = ' '.join(attr_values_) rc, out = cli.system("controllerfs-modify", args_, fail_ok=fail_ok, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info) if rc > 0: return 1, out msg = "Filesystem update succeeded" LOG.info(msg) return 0, msg def get_host_stors(host, field='uuid', con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform')): """ Get host storage values from system host-stor-list Args: host: field (str|tuple|list): auth_info: con_ssh: Returns (list): """ table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('host-stor-list --nowrap', host, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1]) return table_parser.get_multi_values(table_, field, evaluate=True) def get_host_stor_values(host, stor_uuid, fields="size", con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform')): """ Returns the value of a particular filesystem. Arguments: host stor_uuid fields (str|list|tuple) auth_info con_ssh Returns (list): """ args = '{} {}'.format(host, stor_uuid) table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('host-stor-show', args, ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info)[1]) return table_parser.get_multi_values_two_col_table(table_, fields, evaluate=True) def get_storage_tiers(cluster, field='uuid', con_ssh=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), **filters): """ Args: cluster: field (str|tuple|list): con_ssh: auth_info: **filters: Returns: """ table_ = table_parser.table( cli.system('storage-tier-list {}'.format(cluster), ssh_client=con_ssh, auth_info=auth_info), combine_multiline_entry=True) return table_parser.get_multi_values(table_, field, **filters) def add_host_storage(host, disk_uuid, journal_location=None, journal_size=None, function=None, tier_uuid=None, auth_info=Tenant.get('admin_platform'), con_ssh=None, fail_ok=False): """ Add storage to host Args: host: disk_uuid: journal_location: journal_size: function: tier_uuid: auth_info: con_ssh: fail_ok: Returns (tuple): """ if not host or not disk_uuid: raise ValueError("host name and disk uuid must be specified") args_dict = { '--journal-location': journal_location, '--journal-size': journal_size, '--tier-uuid': tier_uuid } args = common.parse_args(args_dict) function = ' {}'.format(function) if function else '' args += " {} {}{}".format(host, function, disk_uuid) LOG.info("Adding storage to {}".format(host)) rc, output = cli.system('host-stor-add', ssh_client=con_ssh, fail_ok=fail_ok, auth_info=auth_info) if rc > 0: return 1, output table_ = table_parser.table(output) uuid = table_parser.get_value_two_col_table(table_, 'uuid') LOG.info("Storage added to {} successfully: {}".format(host, uuid)) return 0, uuid def clear_local_storage_cache(host, con_ssh=None): with host_helper.ssh_to_host(host, con_ssh=con_ssh) as host_ssh: with host_ssh.login_as_root() as root_ssh: root_ssh.exec_cmd('rm -rf /var/lib/nova/instances/_base/*', fail_ok=True) root_ssh.exec_cmd('sync;echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches', fail_ok=True)