#!/bin/bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Daily update script for mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca covering # rpms and src.rpms downloaded from a yum repository. # # IMPORTANT: This script is only to be run on the StarlingX mirror. # It is not for use by the general StarlinX developer. # # Configuration files for repositories to be downloaded are currently # stored at mirror.starlingx.cengn.ca:/export/config/yum.repos.d. # Those repos were derived from stx-tools/centos-mirror-tools/yum.repos.d # with some modifications that will need to be automated in a # future update. # # This script was originated by Scott Little. # LOGFILE="/export/log/daily_repo_sync.log" YUM_CONF_DIR="/export/config" YUM_REPOS_DIR="$YUM_CONF_DIR/yum.repos.d" DOWNLOAD_PATH_ROOT="/export/mirror/centos" URL_UTILS="url_utils.sh" DAILY_REPO_SYNC_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" )" if [ -f "$DAILY_REPO_SYNC_DIR/$URL_UTILS" ]; then source "$DAILY_REPO_SYNC_DIR/$URL_UTILS" elif [ -f "$DAILY_REPO_SYNC_DIR/../$URL_UTILS" ]; then source "$DAILY_REPO_SYNC_DIR/../$URL_UTILS" else echo "Error: Can't find '$URL_UTILS'" exit 1 fi CREATEREPO=$(which createrepo_c) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then CREATEREPO="createrepo" fi number_of_cpus () { /usr/bin/nproc } if [ -f $LOGFILE ]; then rm -f $LOGFILE fi ERR_COUNT=0 YUM_CONF="$YUM_CONF_DIR/yum.conf" if [ ! -f "$YUM_CONF" ]; then echo "Error: Missing yum.conf file at '$YUM_CONF'" exit 1 fi for REPO in $(find $YUM_REPOS_DIR -name '*.repo'); do for REPO_ID in $(grep '^[[]' $REPO | sed 's#[][]##g'); do REPO_URL=$(yum repoinfo --config="$YUM_CONF" --disablerepo="*" --enablerepo="$REPO_ID" | grep Repo-baseurl | cut -d ' ' -f 3) DOWNLOAD_PATH="$DOWNLOAD_PATH_ROOT/$(repo_url_to_sub_path "$REPO_URL")" echo "Processing: REPO=$REPO REPO_ID=$REPO_ID REPO_URL=$REPO_URL DOWNLOAD_PATH=$DOWNLOAD_PATH" # Assume it's a repo of binary rpms unless repoid ends in # some variation of 'source'. SOURCE_FLAG="" echo "$REPO_ID" | grep -q '[-_][Ss]ource$' && SOURCE_FLAG="--source" echo "$REPO_ID" | grep -q '[-_][Ss]ources$' && SOURCE_FLAG="--source" echo "$REPO_ID" | grep -q '[-_][Ss]ource[-_]' && SOURCE_FLAG="--source" echo "$REPO_ID" | grep -q '[-_][Ss]ources[-_]' && SOURCE_FLAG="--source" if [ ! -d "$DOWNLOAD_PATH" ]; then CMD="mkdir -p '$DOWNLOAD_PATH'" echo "$CMD" eval $CMD if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: $CMD" ERR_COUNT=$((ERR_COUNT+1)) continue fi fi CMD="reposync --norepopath $SOURCE_FLAG -l --config=$YUM_CONF --repoid=$REPO_ID --download_path='$DOWNLOAD_PATH'" echo "$CMD" eval $CMD if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: $CMD" ERR_COUNT=$((ERR_COUNT+1)) continue fi CMD="pushd '$DOWNLOAD_PATH'" echo "$CMD" eval $CMD if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: $CMD" ERR_COUNT=$((ERR_COUNT+1)) continue fi OPTIONS="--workers $(number_of_cpus)" if [ -f comps.xml ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -g comps.xml" fi if [ -d repodata ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --update" fi CMD="$CREATEREPO $OPTIONS ." echo "$CMD" eval $CMD if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: $CMD" ERR_COUNT=$((ERR_COUNT+1)) popd continue fi popd done done | tee $LOGFILE if [ $ERR_COUNT -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi exit 0