# bash if [ -z "$MINIKUBE_HOME" ];then MINIKUBE_HOME=$HOME else if [ ! -d "$MINIKUBE_HOME" ]; then echo "The directory defined by \$MINIKUBE_HOME doesn't exist" return 1 fi fi FSTYPE=$(stat -f -L -c %T $MINIKUBE_HOME) if [ x"$FSTYPE" == x"nfs" ]; then echo "" echo "Warning: stx minikube doesn't allow \$MINIKUBE_HOME or \$HOME directory as nfs mount point!!!" echo " Please set non-nfs MINIKUBE_HOME with the command 'export MINIKUBE_HOME=XXX/YYY'" echo "" unset MINIKUBE_HOME return 1 fi export PRJDIR=$(pwd) export PATH=$PRJDIR/stx/bin:$PATH export MINIKUBENAME=${MINIKUBENAME:-minikube-$USER-upstream} export KUBECONFIG=$MINIKUBE_HOME/.kube/config export STX_BUILD_HOME="${STX_BUILD_HOME:-/localdisk/$USER}" if [ ! -f "stx.conf" ]; then cp stx.conf.sample stx.conf fi