# # Copyright (c) 2015-2024 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import re import requests import signal import sys import time from software_client.common import base from software_client.common import utils from software_client import constants class Deploy(base.Resource): def __repr__(self): return "
" % self._info class DeployManager(base.Manager): resource_class = Deploy def precheck(self, args): # args.deployment is a string deployment = args.deployment # args.region is a string region_name = args.region_name path = "/v1/software/deploy_precheck/%s" % (deployment) if args.force: path += "/force" path += "?region_name=%s" % region_name return self._create(path, body={}) def start(self, args): # args.deployment is a string deployment = args.deployment # Ignore interrupts during this function signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # Issue deploy_start request if args.force: path = "/v1/software/deploy_start/%s/force" % (deployment) else: path = "/v1/software/deploy_start/%s" % (deployment) return self._create(path, body={}) def host(self, args): # args.deployment is a string agent_ip = args.agent # Issue deploy_host request and poll for results path = "/v1/software/deploy_host/%s" % (agent_ip) if args.force: path += "/force" req, data = self._create(path, body={}) if req.status_code == 200: if 'error' in data and data["error"] != "": print("Error:") print(data["error"]) rc = 1 else: rc = self.wait_for_install_complete(agent_ip) elif req.status_code == 500: print("An internal error has occurred. " "Please check /var/log/software.log for details") rc = 1 else: m = re.search("(Error message:.*)", req.text, re.MULTILINE) if m: print(m.group(0)) else: print("%s %s" % (req.status_code, req.reason)) rc = 1 return rc def activate(self, args): # args.deployment is a string deployment = args.deployment # Ignore interrupts during this function signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # Issue deploy_start request path = "/v1/software/deploy_activate/%s" % (deployment) return self._create(path, body={}) def complete(self, args): # args.deployment is a string deployment = args.deployment # Ignore interrupts during this function signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) # Issue deploy_start request path = "/v1/software/deploy_complete/%s" % (deployment) return self._create(path, body={}) def host_list(self): path = '/v1/software/host_list' return self._list(path, "") def show(self): path = '/v1/software/deploy' req, data = self._list(path, "") if req.status_code >= 500: print("An internal error has occurred. Please check /var/log/software.log for details") return 1 elif req.status_code >= 400: print("Respond code %d. Error: %s" % (req.status_code, req.reason)) return 1 if not data: print("No deploy in progress.") else: data = data[0] data["reboot_required"] = "Yes" if data.get("reboot_required") else "No" data_list = [[k, v] for k, v in data.items()] transposed_data_list = list(zip(*data_list)) transposed_data_list[0] = [s.title().replace('_', ' ') for s in transposed_data_list[0]] # Find the longest header string in each column header_lengths = [len(str(x)) for x in transposed_data_list[0]] # Find the longest content string in each column content_lengths = [len(str(x)) for x in transposed_data_list[1]] # Find the max of the two for each column col_lengths = [(x if x > y else y) for x, y in zip(header_lengths, content_lengths)] print(' '.join(f"{x.center(col_lengths[i])}" for i, x in enumerate(transposed_data_list[0]))) print(' '.join('=' * length for length in col_lengths)) print(' '.join(f"{x.center(col_lengths[i])}" for i, x in enumerate(transposed_data_list[1]))) return 0 def wait_for_install_complete(self, agent_ip): url = "/v1/software/host_list" rc = 0 max_retries = 4 retriable_count = 0 while True: # Sleep on the first pass as well, to allow time for the # agent to respond time.sleep(5) try: req, data = self._list(url) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: # The local software-controller may have restarted. retriable_count += 1 if retriable_count <= max_retries: continue else: print("Lost communications with the software controller") rc = 1 break if req.status_code == 200: data = data.get("data", None) if not data: print("Invalid host-list data returned:") utils.print_result_debug(req, data) rc = 1 break host_state = None for d in data: if d['hostname'] == agent_ip: host_state = d.get('host_state') if host_state == constants.DEPLOYING: # Still deploying sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() elif host_state == constants.FAILED: print("\nDeployment failed. Please check logs for details.") rc = 1 break elif host_state == constants.DEPLOYED: print("\nDeployment was successful.") rc = 0 break else: print("\nReported unknown state: %s" % host_state) rc = 1 break elif req.status_code == 500: print("An internal error has occurred. Please check /var/log/software.log for details") rc = 1 break else: m = re.search("(Error message:.*)", req.text, re.MULTILINE) if m: print(m.group(0)) else: print(vars(req)) rc = 1 break return rc