#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2022 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # # This script provides an in-service patching restart script for # docker.service. This supports service and Drop-In file changes by # issuing a systemctl daemon reload after the patch is applied. # # # The patching subsystem provides a patch-functions bash source file # with useful function and variable definitions. # . /etc/patching/patch-functions # # Declare an overall script return code # declare -i GLOBAL_RC=$PATCH_STATUS_OK # Issue a systemd daemon-reload once the rpms have been installed and # before the processes have been restarted. systemctl daemon-reload # processes that run on all nodes processes_to_restart="dockerd" /usr/local/sbin/patch-restart-processes ${processes_to_restart} if [ $? != 0 ] ; then loginfo "patching restart failed" loginfo "... process-restart ${processes_to_restart}" exit ${PATCH_STATUS_FAILED} fi # # Exit the script with the overall return code # exit $GLOBAL_RC