""" Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 """ import getopt import glob import hashlib import logging import os import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile from lxml import etree as ElementTree from xml.dom import minidom from cgcs_patch.patch_verify import verify_files from cgcs_patch.patch_verify import cert_type_all from cgcs_patch.patch_signing import sign_files from cgcs_patch.exceptions import MetadataFail from cgcs_patch.exceptions import PatchFail from cgcs_patch.exceptions import PatchValidationFailure from cgcs_patch.exceptions import PatchMismatchFailure import cgcs_patch.constants as constants try: # The tsconfig module is only available at runtime from tsconfig.tsconfig import SW_VERSION except Exception: SW_VERSION = "unknown" # Constants patch_dir = constants.PATCH_STORAGE_DIR avail_dir = "%s/metadata/available" % patch_dir applied_dir = "%s/metadata/applied" % patch_dir committed_dir = "%s/metadata/committed" % patch_dir semantics_dir = "%s/semantics" % patch_dir # these next 4 variables may need to change to support ostree repo_root_dir = "/var/www/pages/updates" repo_dir = {SW_VERSION: "%s/rel-%s" % (repo_root_dir, SW_VERSION)} root_package_dir = "%s/packages" % patch_dir package_dir = {SW_VERSION: "%s/%s" % (root_package_dir, SW_VERSION)} logfile = "/var/log/patching.log" apilogfile = "/var/log/patching-api.log" LOG = logging.getLogger('main_logger') auditLOG = logging.getLogger('audit_logger') audit_log_msg_prefix = 'User: sysadmin/admin Action: ' detached_signature_file = "signature.v2" def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): """ Exception handler to log any uncaught exceptions """ LOG.error("Uncaught exception", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) def configure_logging(logtofile=True, level=logging.INFO): if logtofile: my_exec = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) log_format = '%(asctime)s: ' \ + my_exec + '[%(process)s]: ' \ + '%(filename)s(%(lineno)s): ' \ + '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format, datefmt="%FT%T") LOG.setLevel(level) main_log_handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile) main_log_handler.setFormatter(formatter) LOG.addHandler(main_log_handler) try: os.chmod(logfile, 0o640) except Exception: pass auditLOG.setLevel(level) api_log_handler = logging.FileHandler(apilogfile) api_log_handler.setFormatter(formatter) auditLOG.addHandler(api_log_handler) try: os.chmod(apilogfile, 0o640) except Exception: pass # Log uncaught exceptions to file sys.excepthook = handle_exception else: logging.basicConfig(level=level) def audit_log_info(msg=''): msg = audit_log_msg_prefix + msg auditLOG.info(msg) def get_md5(path): """ Utility function for generating the md5sum of a file :param path: Path to file """ md5 = hashlib.md5() block_size = 8192 with open(path, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(block_size), b''): md5.update(chunk) return int(md5.hexdigest(), 16) def add_text_tag_to_xml(parent, name, text): """ Utility function for adding a text tag to an XML object :param parent: Parent element :param name: Element name :param text: Text value :return:The created element """ tag = ElementTree.SubElement(parent, name) tag.text = text return tag def write_xml_file(top, fname): # Generate the file, in a readable format if possible outfile = open(fname, 'w') rough_xml = ElementTree.tostring(top) if platform.python_version() == "2.7.2": # The 2.7.2 toprettyxml() function unnecessarily indents # childless tags, adding whitespace. In the case of the # yum comps.xml file, it makes the file unusable, so just # write the rough xml outfile.write(rough_xml) else: outfile.write(minidom.parseString(rough_xml).toprettyxml(indent=" ")) def get_release_from_patch(patchfile): rel = "" try: cmd = "tar xf %s -O metadata.tar | tar x -O" % patchfile metadata_str = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) root = ElementTree.fromstring(metadata_str) # Extract release version rel = root.findtext('sw_version') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: LOG.error("Failed to run tar command") LOG.error("Command output: %s", e.output) raise e except Exception as e: print("Failed to parse patch software version") raise e return rel class BasePackageData(object): """ Information about the base package data provided by the load """ def __init__(self): self.pkgs = {} self.loaddirs() def loaddirs(self): # Load up available package info base_dir = constants.FEED_OSTREE_BASE_DIR if not os.path.exists(base_dir): # Return, since this could be running off-box return # Look for release dirs for reldir in glob.glob("%s/rel-*" % base_dir): pattern = re.compile("%s/rel-(.*)" % base_dir) m = pattern.match(reldir) sw_rel = m.group(1) if sw_rel in self.pkgs: # We've already parsed this dir once continue self.pkgs[sw_rel] = {} # Clean up deleted data for sw_rel in self.pkgs: if not os.path.exists("%s/rel-%s" % (base_dir, sw_rel)): del self.pkgs[sw_rel] def check_release(self, sw_rel): return (sw_rel in self.pkgs) def find_version(self, sw_rel, pkgname, arch): if sw_rel not in self.pkgs or \ pkgname not in self.pkgs[sw_rel] or \ arch not in self.pkgs[sw_rel][pkgname]: return None return self.pkgs[sw_rel][pkgname][arch] class PatchData(object): """ Aggregated patch data """ def __init__(self): # # The metadata dict stores all metadata associated with a patch. # This dict is keyed on patch_id, with metadata for each patch stored # in a nested dict. (See parse_metadata method for more info) # self.metadata = {} # # The contents dict stores the lists of RPMs provided by each patch, # indexed by patch_id. # self.contents = {} def add_patch(self, new_patch): # We can just use "update" on these dicts because they are indexed by patch_id self.metadata.update(new_patch.metadata) self.contents.update(new_patch.contents) def update_patch(self, updated_patch): for patch_id in list(updated_patch.metadata): # Update all fields except repostate cur_repostate = self.metadata[patch_id]['repostate'] self.metadata[patch_id].update(updated_patch.metadata[patch_id]) self.metadata[patch_id]['repostate'] = cur_repostate def delete_patch(self, patch_id): del self.contents[patch_id] del self.metadata[patch_id] @staticmethod def modify_metadata_text(filename, key, value): """ Open an xml file, find first element matching 'key' and replace the text with 'value' """ new_filename = "%s.new" % filename tree = ElementTree.parse(filename) # Prevent a proliferation of carriage returns when we write this XML back out to file. for e in tree.getiterator(): if e.text is not None: e.text = e.text.rstrip() if e.tail is not None: e.tail = e.tail.rstrip() root = tree.getroot() # Make the substitution e = root.find(key) if e is None: msg = "modify_metadata_text: failed to find tag '%s'" % key LOG.error(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) e.text = value # write the modified file outfile = open(new_filename, 'w') rough_xml = ElementTree.tostring(root, 'utf-8') if platform.python_version() == "2.7.2": # The 2.7.2 toprettyxml() function unnecessarily indents # childless tags, adding whitespace. In the case of the # yum comps.xml file, it makes the file unusable, so just # write the rough xml outfile.write(rough_xml) else: outfile.write(minidom.parseString(rough_xml).toprettyxml(indent=" ")) outfile.close() os.rename(new_filename, filename) def parse_metadata(self, filename, repostate=None): """ Parse an individual patch metadata XML file :param filename: XML file :param repostate: Indicates Applied, Available, or Committed :return: Patch ID """ tree = ElementTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() # # # PATCH_0001 # Brief description # Longer description # # # Dev # # # # patch_id = root.findtext("id") if patch_id is None: LOG.error("Patch metadata contains no id tag") return None self.metadata[patch_id] = {} self.metadata[patch_id]["repostate"] = repostate # Patch state is unknown at this point self.metadata[patch_id]["patchstate"] = "n/a" self.metadata[patch_id]["sw_version"] = "unknown" for key in ["status", "unremovable", "sw_version", "summary", "description", "install_instructions", "warnings", "apply_active_release_only"]: value = root.findtext(key) if value is not None: self.metadata[patch_id][key] = value # Default reboot_required to Y rr_value = root.findtext("reboot_required") if rr_value is None or rr_value != "N": self.metadata[patch_id]["reboot_required"] = "Y" else: self.metadata[patch_id]["reboot_required"] = "N" patch_sw_version = self.metadata[patch_id]["sw_version"] global package_dir if patch_sw_version not in package_dir: package_dir[patch_sw_version] = "%s/%s" % (root_package_dir, patch_sw_version) repo_dir[patch_sw_version] = "%s/rel-%s" % (repo_root_dir, patch_sw_version) self.metadata[patch_id]["requires"] = [] for req in root.findall("requires"): for req_patch in req.findall("req_patch_id"): self.metadata[patch_id]["requires"].append(req_patch.text) self.contents[patch_id] = {} for content in root.findall("contents/ostree"): self.contents[patch_id]["number_of_commits"] = content.findall("number_of_commits")[0].text self.contents[patch_id]["base"] = {} self.contents[patch_id]["base"]["commit"] = content.findall("base/commit")[0].text self.contents[patch_id]["base"]["checksum"] = content.findall("base/checksum")[0].text for i in range(int(self.contents[patch_id]["number_of_commits"])): self.contents[patch_id]["commit%s" % (i + 1)] = {} self.contents[patch_id]["commit%s" % (i + 1)]["commit"] = \ content.findall("commit%s/commit" % (i + 1))[0].text self.contents[patch_id]["commit%s" % (i + 1)]["checksum"] = \ content.findall("commit%s/checksum" % (i + 1))[0].text return patch_id def load_all_metadata(self, loaddir, repostate=None): """ Parse all metadata files in the specified dir :return: """ for fname in glob.glob("%s/*.xml" % loaddir): self.parse_metadata(fname, repostate) def load_all(self): # Reset the data self.__init__() self.load_all_metadata(applied_dir, repostate=constants.APPLIED) self.load_all_metadata(avail_dir, repostate=constants.AVAILABLE) self.load_all_metadata(committed_dir, repostate=constants.COMMITTED) def query_line(self, patch_id, index): if index is None: return None if index == "contents": return self.contents[patch_id] if index not in self.metadata[patch_id]: return None value = self.metadata[patch_id][index] return value class PatchMetadata(object): """ Creating metadata for a single patch """ def __init__(self): self.id = None self.sw_version = None self.summary = None self.description = None self.install_instructions = None self.warnings = None self.status = None self.unremovable = None self.reboot_required = None self.apply_active_release_only = None self.requires = [] self.contents = {} def add_rpm(self, fname): """ Add an RPM to the patch :param fname: RPM filename :return: """ rpmname = os.path.basename(fname) self.contents[rpmname] = True def gen_xml(self, fname="metadata.xml"): """ Generate patch metadata XML file :param fname: Path to output file :return: """ top = ElementTree.Element('patch') add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'id', self.id) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'sw_version', self.sw_version) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'summary', self.summary) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'description', self.description) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'install_instructions', self.install_instructions) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'warnings', self.warnings) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'status', self.status) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'unremovable', self.unremovable) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'reboot_required', self.reboot_required) add_text_tag_to_xml(top, 'apply_active_release_only', self.apply_active_release_only) content = ElementTree.SubElement(top, 'contents') for rpmname in sorted(list(self.contents)): add_text_tag_to_xml(content, 'rpm', rpmname) req = ElementTree.SubElement(top, 'requires') for req_patch in sorted(self.requires): add_text_tag_to_xml(req, 'req_patch_id', req_patch) write_xml_file(top, fname) class PatchFile(object): """ Patch file """ def __init__(self): self.meta = PatchMetadata() self.rpmlist = {} def add_rpm(self, fname): """ Add an RPM to the patch :param fname: Path to RPM :param personality: Optional: Node type to which the package belongs. Can be a string or a list of strings. :return: """ # Add the RPM to the metadata self.meta.add_rpm(fname) # Add the RPM to the patch self.rpmlist[os.path.abspath(fname)] = True def gen_patch(self, outdir): """ Generate the patch file, named PATCHID.patch :param outdir: Output directory for the patch :return: """ if not self.rpmlist: raise MetadataFail("Cannot generate empty patch") patchfile = "%s/%s.patch" % (outdir, self.meta.id) # Create a temporary working directory tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="patch_") # Save the current directory, so we can chdir back after orig_wd = os.getcwd() # Change to the tmpdir os.chdir(tmpdir) # Copy RPM files to tmpdir for rpmfile in list(self.rpmlist): shutil.copy(rpmfile, tmpdir) # add file signatures to RPMs try: subprocess.check_call(["sign-rpms", "-d", tmpdir]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Failed to to add file signatures to RPMs. Call to sign-rpms process returned non-zero exit status %i" % e.returncode) os.chdir(orig_wd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) raise SystemExit(e.returncode) # generate tar file tar = tarfile.open("software.tar", "w") for rpmfile in list(self.rpmlist): tar.add(os.path.basename(rpmfile)) tar.close() # Generate the metadata xml file self.meta.gen_xml("metadata.xml") # assemble the patch PatchFile.write_patch(patchfile) # Change back to original working dir os.chdir(orig_wd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) print("Patch is %s" % patchfile) @staticmethod def write_patch(patchfile, cert_type=None): # Write the patch file. Assumes we are in a directory containing metadata.tar, and software.tar. # Generate the metadata tarfile tar = tarfile.open("metadata.tar", "w") tar.add("metadata.xml") tar.close() filelist = ["metadata.tar", "software.tar"] if os.path.exists("semantics.tar"): filelist.append("semantics.tar") # Generate the signature file sig = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF for f in filelist: sig ^= get_md5(f) sigfile = open("signature", "w") sigfile.write("%x" % sig) sigfile.close() # Generate the detached signature # # Note: if cert_type requests a formal signature, but the signing key # is not found, we'll instead sign with the 'dev' key and # need_resign_with_formal is set to True. need_resign_with_formal = sign_files( filelist, detached_signature_file, cert_type=cert_type) # Create the patch tar = tarfile.open(patchfile, "w:gz") for f in filelist: tar.add(f) tar.add("signature") tar.add(detached_signature_file) tar.close() if need_resign_with_formal: try: # Try to ensure "sign_patch_formal.sh" will be in our PATH if 'MY_REPO' in os.environ: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.environ['MY_REPO'] + "/build-tools" if 'MY_PATCH_REPO' in os.environ: os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + os.environ['MY_PATCH_REPO'] + "/build-tools" # Note: This can fail if the user is not authorized to sign with the formal key. subprocess.check_call(["sign_patch_formal.sh", patchfile]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Failed to sign official patch. Call to sign_patch_formal.sh process returned non-zero exit status %i" % e.returncode) raise SystemExit(e.returncode) @staticmethod def read_patch(path, cert_type=None): # We want to enable signature checking by default # Note: cert_type=None is required if we are to enforce 'no dev patches on a formal load' rule. # Open the patch file and extract the contents to the current dir tar = tarfile.open(path, "r:gz") filelist = ["metadata.tar", "software.tar"] if "semantics.tar" in [f.name for f in tar.getmembers()]: filelist.append("semantics.tar") for f in filelist: tar.extract(f) tar.extract("signature") try: tar.extract(detached_signature_file) except KeyError: msg = "Patch has not been signed" LOG.warning(msg) # Verify the data integrity signature first sigfile = open("signature", "r") sig = int(sigfile.read(), 16) sigfile.close() expected_sig = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF for f in filelist: sig ^= get_md5(f) if sig != expected_sig: msg = "Patch failed verification" LOG.error(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) # Verify detached signature if os.path.exists(detached_signature_file): sig_valid = verify_files( filelist, detached_signature_file, cert_type=cert_type) if sig_valid is True: msg = "Signature verified, patch has been signed" if cert_type is None: LOG.info(msg) else: msg = "Signature check failed" if cert_type is None: LOG.error(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) else: msg = "Patch has not been signed" if cert_type is None: LOG.error(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) tar = tarfile.open("metadata.tar") tar.extractall() @staticmethod def query_patch(patch, field=None): abs_patch = os.path.abspath(patch) # Create a temporary working directory tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="patch_") # Save the current directory, so we can chdir back after orig_wd = os.getcwd() # Change to the tmpdir os.chdir(tmpdir) r = {} try: if field is None or field == "cert": # Need to determine the cert_type for cert_type_str in cert_type_all: try: PatchFile.read_patch(abs_patch, cert_type=[cert_type_str]) except PatchValidationFailure: pass else: # Successfully opened the file for reading, and we have discovered the cert_type r["cert"] = cert_type_str break if "cert" not in r: # If cert is unknown, then file is not yet open for reading. # Try to open it for reading now, using all available keys. # We can't omit cert_type, or pass None, because that will trigger the code # path used by installed product, in which dev keys are not accepted unless # a magic file exists. PatchFile.read_patch(abs_patch, cert_type=cert_type_all) thispatch = PatchData() patch_id = thispatch.parse_metadata("metadata.xml") if field is None or field == "id": r["id"] = patch_id if field is None: for f in ["status", "sw_version", "unremovable", "summary", "description", "install_instructions", "warnings", "reboot_required", "apply_active_release_only"]: r[f] = thispatch.query_line(patch_id, f) else: if field not in ['id', 'cert']: r[field] = thispatch.query_line(patch_id, field) except PatchValidationFailure as e: msg = "Patch validation failed during extraction" LOG.exception(msg) raise e except PatchMismatchFailure as e: msg = "Patch Mismatch during extraction" LOG.exception(msg) raise e except tarfile.TarError: msg = "Failed during patch extraction" LOG.exception(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) finally: # Change back to original working dir os.chdir(orig_wd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return r @staticmethod def modify_patch(patch, key, value): rc = False abs_patch = os.path.abspath(patch) new_abs_patch = "%s.new" % abs_patch # Create a temporary working directory tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="patch_") # Save the current directory, so we can chdir back after orig_wd = os.getcwd() # Change to the tmpdir os.chdir(tmpdir) try: cert_type = None meta_data = PatchFile.query_patch(abs_patch) if 'cert' in meta_data: cert_type = meta_data['cert'] PatchFile.read_patch(abs_patch, cert_type=cert_type) PatchData.modify_metadata_text("metadata.xml", key, value) PatchFile.write_patch(new_abs_patch, cert_type=cert_type) os.rename(new_abs_patch, abs_patch) rc = True except PatchValidationFailure as e: raise e except PatchMismatchFailure as e: raise e except tarfile.TarError: msg = "Failed during patch extraction" LOG.exception(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) except Exception as e: template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(e).__name__, e.args) print(message) finally: # Change back to original working dir os.chdir(orig_wd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return rc @staticmethod def extract_patch(patch, metadata_dir=avail_dir, metadata_only=False, existing_content=None, base_pkgdata=None): """ Extract the metadata and patch contents :param patch: Patch file :param metadata_dir: Directory to store the metadata XML file :return: """ thispatch = None abs_patch = os.path.abspath(patch) abs_metadata_dir = os.path.abspath(metadata_dir) # Create a temporary working directory tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="patch_") # Save the current directory, so we can chdir back after orig_wd = os.getcwd() # Change to the tmpdir os.chdir(tmpdir) try: # Open the patch file and extract the contents to the tmpdir PatchFile.read_patch(abs_patch) thispatch = PatchData() patch_id = thispatch.parse_metadata("metadata.xml") if patch_id is None: print("Failed to import patch") # Change back to original working dir os.chdir(orig_wd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return None if not metadata_only and base_pkgdata is not None: # Run version validation tests first patch_sw_version = thispatch.metadata[patch_id]["sw_version"] if not base_pkgdata.check_release(patch_sw_version): msg = "Patch %s software release (%s) is not installed" % (patch_id, patch_sw_version) LOG.exception(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) if metadata_only: # This is a re-import. Ensure the content lines up if existing_content is None \ or existing_content != thispatch.contents[patch_id]: msg = "Contents of re-imported patch do not match" LOG.exception(msg) raise PatchMismatchFailure(msg) patch_sw_version = thispatch.metadata[patch_id]["sw_version"] abs_ostree_tar_dir = package_dir[patch_sw_version] if not os.path.exists(abs_ostree_tar_dir): os.makedirs(abs_ostree_tar_dir) shutil.move("metadata.xml", "%s/%s-metadata.xml" % (abs_metadata_dir, patch_id)) shutil.move("software.tar", "%s/%s-software.tar" % (abs_ostree_tar_dir, patch_id)) except PatchValidationFailure as e: raise e except PatchMismatchFailure as e: raise e except tarfile.TarError: msg = "Failed during patch extraction" LOG.exception(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) except KeyError: msg = "Failed during patch extraction" LOG.exception(msg) raise PatchValidationFailure(msg) except OSError: msg = "Failed during patch extraction" LOG.exception(msg) raise PatchFail(msg) except IOError: # pylint: disable=duplicate-except msg = "Failed during patch extraction" LOG.exception(msg) raise PatchFail(msg) finally: # Change back to original working dir os.chdir(orig_wd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return thispatch def patch_build(): configure_logging(logtofile=False) try: opts, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['id=', 'release=', 'summary=', 'status=', 'unremovable', 'reboot-required=', 'desc=', 'warn=', 'inst=', 'req=', 'controller=', 'controller-worker=', 'controller-worker-lowlatency=', 'worker=', 'worker-lowlatency=', 'storage=', 'all-nodes=', 'pre-apply=', 'pre-remove=', 'apply-active-release-only']) except getopt.GetoptError: print("Usage: %s [ ] ... " % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) print("Options:") print("\t--id Patch ID") print("\t--release Platform release version") print("\t--status Patch Status Code (ie. O, R, V)") print("\t--unremovable Marks patch as unremovable") print("\t--reboot-required Marks patch as reboot-required (default=Y)") print("\t--summary Patch Summary") print("\t--desc Patch Description") print("\t--warn Patch Warnings") print("\t--inst Patch Install Instructions") print("\t--req Required Patch") print("\t--controller New package for controller") print("\t--worker New package for worker node") print("\t--worker-lowlatency New package for worker-lowlatency node") print("\t--storage New package for storage node") print("\t--controller-worker New package for combined node") print("\t--controller-worker-lowlatency New package for lowlatency combined node") print("\t--all-nodes New package for all node types") print("\t--pre-apply