Eric Barrett 25dee38f0b Enable Python3 Compatibility
Flake8 currently ignores the following errors:
H237: module is removed in python3
H238: old style class declaration
Enable them for python2/3 compatibility

Change-Id: I4dd66c8ab388119b4abab83fda48a89e108f7821
Story: 2004515
Task: 29303
Signed-off-by: Eric Barrett <eric.barrett@windriver.com>
2019-06-06 10:17:52 -04:00
README.txt StarlingX open source release updates 2018-05-31 07:37:12 -07:00
patch_id_allocator.py Enable Python3 Compatibility 2019-06-06 10:17:52 -04:00
patch_id_allocator_client.py Fix urllib import issue for Python2/3 compatible code. 2018-09-07 10:39:52 +08:00
patch_id_allocator_server.conf StarlingX open source release updates 2018-05-31 07:37:12 -07:00
patch_id_allocator_server.py Enable Python3 Compatibility 2019-06-06 10:17:52 -04:00


Intended to run on a single build server.  Currently yow-cgts2-lx

# On other build servers
   mkdir -p /localdisk/designer/jenkins/bin
   cp patch_id_allocator_client.py /localdisk/designer/jenkins/bin

# On the intended server: e.g. yow-cgts2-lx
   mkdir -p /localdisk/designer/jenkins/bin
   cp *py /localdisk/designer/jenkins/bin/
   mkdir -p /localdisk/designer/jenkins/patch_ids
   sudo cp patch_id_allocator_server.conf /etc/init
   sudo initctl reload-configuration
   sudo start script

# Change to a different server
   edit patch_id_allocator_client.py
   change the line ...
       server = 'yow-cgts2-lx.wrs.com'
# TODO: 
   Need to back up the /localdisk/designer/jenkins/patch_ids directory 

# Quick test
   Point your browser at this url:

   expected result is:

   on each reload of the page, the number increments: