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Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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# Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Wind River Systems, Inc.
"""Policy Engine For Patching."""
import os.path
from sysinv.common import exception
from sysinv.openstack.common import policy
from cgcs_patch import utils
def reset():
def init():
if not _POLICY_PATH:
_POLICY_PATH = '/etc/patching/policy.json'
if not os.path.exists(_POLICY_PATH):
raise exception.ConfigNotFound(message='/etc/patching/policy.json')
utils.read_cached_file(_POLICY_PATH, _POLICY_CACHE,
def _set_rules(data):
default_rule = "rule:admin_api"
rules = policy.Rules.load_rules(data, default_rule, [])
def enforce(context, action, target, do_raise=True):
"""Verifies that the action is valid on the target in this context.
:param context: sysinv context
:param action: string representing the action to be checked
this should be colon separated for clarity.
i.e. ``compute:create_instance``,
:param target: dictionary representing the object of the action
for object creation this should be a dictionary representing the
location of the object e.g. ``{'project_id': context.project_id}``
:param do_raise: if True (the default), raises PolicyNotAuthorized;
if False, returns False
:raises sysinv.exception.PolicyNotAuthorized: if verification fails
and do_raise is True.
:return: returns a non-False value (not necessarily "True") if
authorized, and the exact value False if not authorized and
do_raise is False.
credentials = context.to_dict()
# Add the exception arguments if asked to do a raise
extra = {}
if do_raise:
extra.update(exc=exception.PolicyNotAuthorized, action=action)
return policy.check(action, target, credentials, **extra)
def check_is_admin(context):
"""Whether or not role contains 'admin' role according to policy setting.
credentials = context.to_dict()
target = credentials
return policy.check('context_is_admin', target, credentials)
class IsAdminCheck(policy.Check):
"""An explicit check for is_admin."""
def __init__(self, kind, match):
"""Initialize the check."""
self.expected = (match.lower() == 'true')
super(IsAdminCheck, self).__init__(kind, str(self.expected))
def __call__(self, target, creds):
"""Determine whether is_admin matches the requested value."""
return creds['is_admin'] == self.expected