Add rendering functions to report tool

This update generates an index.html file in the collect bundle folder.
Both Correlated Results and Plugin Results have its sub-items.
Clicking items will show corresponding content in the content area.

Test Plan:
PASS: Verify the current report tool functions is not affected
PASS: Verify the index.html is generated in the collect bundle folder
PASS: Verify Correlated Results and Plugin Results are shown
PASS: Verify the subitems of the Results are clickable and shown
PASS: Verify the menu is expandable/collapsible
PASS: Verify vertical scrollbar is applied when overflow occurs

Story: 2010533
Task: 49041
Change-Id: Icf9c727b4f9418e03c0c7e273c8477e5ef9480ac
Signed-off-by: Lance Xu <>
This commit is contained in:
Lance Xu 2023-11-06 09:20:05 -05:00
parent 49478c3526
commit 0a20762275
4 changed files with 550 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -267,7 +267,9 @@ class ExecutionEngine:
system_info_output, system_info_output,
self.hosts, True) self.hosts, True)
for host_dir in self.host_dirs: start_index = self.active_controller_directory is None
for host_dir in self.host_dirs[start_index:]:
if host_dir != self.active_controller_directory: if host_dir != self.active_controller_directory:
hostname = re.sub(regex_chop_bundle_date, "", hostname = re.sub(regex_chop_bundle_date, "",
os.path.basename(host_dir)) os.path.basename(host_dir))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
import os
# extract 'plugins' part and 'correlated' part
def extract_section(log_contents, start_phrase):
start = log_contents.find(start_phrase)
if start == -1:
return ""
end = log_contents.find("\n\n", start)
if end == -1:
end = len(log_contents)
return log_contents[start:end].strip()
# remove timestamp for results
def remove_timestamp(text):
lines = text.split('\n')
temp = []
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('2023'):
final_text = '\n'.join(temp)
return final_text
# remove 'INFO:' text
def remove_emptyinfo(text):
lines = text.split('\n')
temp = []
for line in lines:
if line.strip() != 'INFO:':
final_text = '\n'.join(temp)
return final_text
# classify node type
def classify_node(data):
node_type = ''
for item in data:
if 'Node Type' in item:
node_type = item.split(':')[-1].strip().lower()
return node_type
# place the controller-0 in the top
def controller_sort(x):
return x[0] != 'controller-0'
# static css code
def html_css():
html_content_css = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Report Analysis</title>
html, body {{
overflow-x: hidden;
iframe, textarea {{
height: 70vh;
width: 70vw;
resize: none;
#content-maxheight {{
max-height: 70vh;
overflow-y: scroll;
.container-menu {{
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 25% 75%;
grid-gap: 10px;
background-color: #f0f0f0;
.menu {{
padding: 20px;
background-color: #f0f0f0;
border-radius: 5px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
overflow-y: auto;
max-height: 80vh;
.menu ul, .menu li {{
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
.menu a,
#plugin-results-submenu a,
#correlated-results-submenu a,
#storage-info-submenu a,
#worker-info-submenu a {{
text-decoration: none;
color: #00ada4;
font-weight: bold;
display: block;
padding: 6px 10px;
.menuTitle {{
color: #00857e !important;
.menuItem {{
cursor: pointer;
display: flex;
.menuItem .icon {{
margin-right: 5px;
.icon {{
display: inline-block;
.menu a:hover, .menuItem:hover {{
background-color: #c3e3e2;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 10px;
font-family: monospace;
margin-top: 10px;
#plugin-results-submenu {{
display: none;
.hidden {{
display: none;
#show-worker {{
background-color: #00857e;
color: white;
border: none;
padding: 10px 20px;
cursor: pointer;
#show-worker:disabled {{
background-color: #ccc;
cursor: not-allowed;
#correlated-results-toggle, #plugin-results-toggle {{
font-size: 24px;
color: #3100b8;
return html_content_css
# return text with timestamp and INFO: removed
def process_section(section, title):
# Remove the title from the section
section = section[len(title):]
# Remove timestamps and empty information
section = remove_timestamp(section)
section = remove_emptyinfo(section)
return section
# static script code
def html_script():
html_content_script = """
function toggleSub(event, submenuId, toggleButtonId) {{
const submenu = document.getElementById(submenuId);
const toggleButton = document.getElementById(toggleButtonId);
if ( === "none") {{ = "block";
toggleButton.textContent = "- ";
}} else {{ = "none";
toggleButton.textContent = "+ ";
function toggleMenu(event, submenuId) {{
if (submenuId === 'correlated-results-submenu') {{
showContentTwo(event, 'content-item-correlated_results');
if (submenuId === 'plugin-results-submenu') {{
showContentTwo(event, 'content-item-plugin_results');
function showContentStorage(event, contentId) {{
const submenu = document.getElementById('storage-info-submenu');
const element = document.getElementById('storageicon');
var subicon = submenu.getElementsByClassName('icon');
if ( === 'block') {{ = 'none';
element.textContent = '+';
for (var i = 0; i < subicon.length; i++) {{
subicon[i].textContent = '+';
}} else {{ = 'block';
element.textContent = '-';
function showContentWorker(event, contentId) {{
const submenu = document.getElementById('worker-info-submenu');
const element = document.getElementById('workericon');
var subicon = submenu.getElementsByClassName('icon');
if ( === 'block') {{ = 'none';
element.textContent = '+';
for (var i = 0; i < subicon.length; i++) {{
subicon[i].textContent = '+';
if (document.getElementById("show-worker")) {{
document.getElementById("show-worker").disabled = true;
}} else {{ = 'block';
element.textContent = '-';
if (document.getElementById("show-worker")) {{
document.getElementById("show-worker").disabled = false;
function showContentTwo(event, contentId) {{
const contentItems = document.querySelectorAll('.content-itemtwo');
contentItems.forEach(item => {{ = 'none';
const selectedContent = document.getElementById(contentId);
if (selectedContent) {{ = 'block';
function toggleContent(option, menuItem) {{
const contentDiv = document.getElementById(option);
const icon = menuItem.querySelector('.icon');
if ( === 'none') {{ = 'block';
icon.textContent = '-';
}} else {{ = 'none';
icon.textContent = '+';
function hideAllStorageId() {{
var outerDiv = document.getElementById('content-maxheight');
var innerDivs = outerDiv.getElementsByTagName('div');
var ids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < innerDivs.length; i++) {{
if (innerDivs[i].id) {{
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {{
if (ids[i].includes("storage")) {{
document.getElementById(ids[i]).style.display = 'none';
function hideAllWorkerId() {{
var outerDiv = document.getElementById('content-maxheight');
var innerDivs = outerDiv.getElementsByTagName('div');
var ids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < innerDivs.length; i++) {{
if (innerDivs[i].id) {{
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {{
if (!ids[i].includes("controller")
&& !ids[i].includes("storage")) {{
document.getElementById(ids[i]).style.display = 'none';
var hiddenItems = document.querySelectorAll(".menuItem.nothidden");
for (var i = 0; i < hiddenItems.length; i++) {{
function showMoreWorker() {{
var visibleItemCount = 5;
var hiddenItems = document.querySelectorAll(".menuItem.hidden");
for (var i = 0; i < hiddenItems.length; i++) {{
if (i < visibleItemCount) {{
if (hiddenItems.length <= visibleItemCount) {{
var button = document.getElementById("show-worker");
button.disabled = true;
return html_content_script
# info part genearation
def html_info(sys_section):
controller_section = []
storage_section = []
worker_section = []
for i in sys_section:
section_lines = i.strip().split("\n")
section_type = classify_node(section_lines)
if "controller" == section_type:
if "storage" == section_type:
if "worker" == section_type:
controller_section = sorted(controller_section, key=controller_sort)
controller_zero = controller_section.pop(0)
sections = {
"controller": controller_section,
"storage": storage_section,
"worker": worker_section
html_content_one = ""
html_content_one += """
<div class="container-menu">
<div class="menu">
<a href="#" class="menuTitle" onclick="location.reload()">System Information</a>
html_content_one += "<li>"
html_content_one += """<div class="menuItem" onclick="toggleContent('controller-0', this)">"""
html_content_one += """<div class="icon">-</div> controller-0</div>"""
for i in range(len(controller_section)):
controlname = controller_section[i][0]
html_content_one += f'<div class="menuItem" onclick="toggleContent(\'{controlname}\', this)">'
html_content_one += f'<div class="icon">+</div> {controlname}</div>'
html_content_one += "</li><hr>"
if storage_section:
html_content_one += """<li><a href="#" onclick="showContentStorage(event, 'storage')" style="color: #00857e">"""
html_content_one += """<div id="storageicon" class="icon">-</div> Storage</a><ul id="storage-info-submenu" style="display: block">"""
for i in range(len(storage_section)):
storagename = storage_section[i][0]
html_content_one += f'<div class="menuItem" onclick="toggleContent(\'{storagename}\', this)"><div class="icon">+</div> {storagename}</div>'
html_content_one += "</ul></li><hr>"
if worker_section:
html_content_one += """<li><a href="#" onclick="showContentWorker(event, 'worker')" style="color: #00857e">"""
html_content_one += """<div id="workericon" class="icon">-</div> Workers</a><ul id="worker-info-submenu" style="display: block">"""
max_workers_to_display = min(len(worker_section), 5)
for i in range(len(worker_section)):
workername = worker_section[i][0]
if i < max_workers_to_display:
html_content_one += f'<div class="menuItem" onclick="toggleContent(\'worker-{i}\', this)"><div class="icon">+</div> {workername}</div>'
html_content_one += f'<div class="menuItem hidden" onclick="toggleContent(\'worker-{i}\', this)"><div class="icon">+</div> {workername}</div>'
if len(worker_section) > 5:
html_content_one += """<button id="show-worker" onClick="showMoreWorker()">Show More</button>"""
html_content_one += "</ul></li>"
html_content_one += """</ul></div><div class="content" id="content-maxheight">"""
# controller-0
html_content_one += """<div id="controller-0">"""
for i in controller_zero:
html_content_one += f'{i}'
html_content_one += "<br>"
html_content_one += "<br></div>"
for section_type, section_list in sections.items():
for i, section in enumerate(section_list):
if section_type == "controller":
div_id = f"{section_type}-{i + 1}"
div_id = f"{section_type}-{i}"
html_content_one += f'<div id="{div_id}" style="display:none">'
for j in section:
html_content_one += f'{j}<br>'
html_content_one += "<br></div>"
html_content_one += "</div></div><br>"""
return html_content_one
# menu and content generation for results
def html_result(log_contents, output_dir):
# Extract sections from the log
plugin_section = extract_section(log_contents, 'Plugin Results:')
correlated_section = extract_section(log_contents, 'Correlated Results:')
# Process the extracted sections
plugin_section = process_section(plugin_section, 'Plugin Results:')
correlated_section = process_section(correlated_section, 'Correlated Results:')
# HTML part
correlated_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_dir)
correlated_items = []
for file in os.listdir(correlated_directory):
if os.path.isfile(file) and '.' not in file:
correlated_items.append({'name': file, 'id': f'content-item-{file}'})
plugin_directory = os.path.join(correlated_directory, 'plugins')
plugin_items = []
for file in os.listdir(plugin_directory):
if os.path.isfile(file) and file != "system_info":
plugin_items.append({'name': file, 'id': f'content-item-{file}'})
html_content_two = ""
html_content_two += """
<div class="container-menu">
<div class="menu">
<a href="#" onclick="toggleMenu(event, 'correlated-results-submenu')" class="menuTitle"> <span id="correlated-results-toggle" onclick="toggleSub(event, 'correlated-results-submenu', 'correlated-results-toggle')">- </span>
Correlated Results</a>
<ul id="correlated-results-submenu" style="display: block">"""
for item in correlated_items:
html_content_two += f'<li><a href="#" class="toggle-sign" onclick="showContentTwo(event, \'{item["id"]}\')">{item["name"]}</a></li>'
html_content_two += """ </ul>
<a href="#" onclick="toggleMenu(event, 'plugin-results-submenu')" class="menuTitle"> <span id="plugin-results-toggle" onclick="toggleSub(event, 'plugin-results-submenu', 'plugin-results-toggle')">+ </span>
Plugin Results</a>
<ul id="plugin-results-submenu" style="display: none">"""
for item in plugin_items:
html_content_two += f'<li><a href="#" class="toggle-sign" onclick="showContentTwo(event, \'{item["id"]}\')">{item["name"]}</a></li>'
html_content_two += """</ul></li></ul></div>"""
html_content_two += """<div class="content">"""
for item in correlated_items:
html_content_two += f'<div class="content-itemtwo" id="{item["id"]}"><h2>{item["name"].capitalize()}</h2><iframe src="{item["name"]}"></iframe></div>'
for item in plugin_items:
html_content_two += f'<div class="content-itemtwo" id="{item["id"]}"><h2>{item["name"].capitalize()}</h2><iframe src="plugins/{item["name"]}"></iframe></div>'
html_content_two += f'<div class="content-itemtwo" id="content-item-correlated_results" style="display:block"><h2>Correlated Results</h2><textarea>{correlated_section}</textarea></div>'
html_content_two += f'<div class="content-itemtwo" id="content-item-plugin_results"><h2>Plugin Results</h2><textarea>{plugin_section}</textarea></div>'
html_content_two += """
return html_content_two
# main
def main(input_dir, output_dir):
reportlog_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'report.log')
with open(reportlog_path, 'r') as file:
log_contents =
sysinfo_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'plugins/system_info')
with open(sysinfo_path, 'r') as file:
sysinfo_contents =
sys_section = sysinfo_contents.strip().split("\n\n")
html_content = html_css() + html_info(sys_section) + html_result(log_contents, output_dir) + html_script()
html_content = html_content.format()
# change back to upper level
# Write the HTML content to a file
with open("index.html", "w") as file:

View File

@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ import time
import algorithms import algorithms
from execution_engine import ExecutionEngine from execution_engine import ExecutionEngine
from plugin import Plugin from plugin import Plugin
import render
# Globals # Globals
now = now =
@ -963,4 +964,7 @@ else:
# analyze the collect bundle # analyze the collect bundle
engine.execute(obj.plugins, output_dir) engine.execute(obj.plugins, output_dir)
# generate report tool rendering html file
render.main(input_dir, output_dir)
sys.exit() sys.exit()

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ override_dh_auto_install:
install -m 755 -p report/ $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/ install -m 755 -p report/ $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/
install -m 755 -p report/ $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/ install -m 755 -p report/ $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/
install -m 755 -p report/ $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/ install -m 755 -p report/ $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/
install -m 755 -p report/ $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/
install -m 644 -p report/README $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/README install -m 644 -p report/README $(ROOT)/usr/local/bin/report/README
# Report Tool Plugin Algorithms # Report Tool Plugin Algorithms