From ebef3e47f46857f4da2eab5e110f4a12b5c86b63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle MacLeod <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:54:28 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] miniboot: Use release-specific initrd-mini and
 kickstart-override files

This commit addresses two issues around installing subclouds of a
different release than the system controller, on pure Debian

1. The miniboot ISO must use the same initrd as the target release for
   the subcloud. If necessary, the initrd-mini and it's .sig file are
   pulled from the ostree repo inside the load-imported ISO.
2. Support a mechanism for release-specific kickstart-override files. We
   add release-specific directories under
   /var/miniboot/kickstart-override, while maintaining the legacy
   location if the target subcloud is running the same release as the
   system controller.

And thirdly, logging changes are incorporated to provide consistency for
logging the script output into the
/var/log/user.log file. We now include normal info-level logs in this
file for easier debugging and traceability; for this reason, the amount
of info-level logging is also reduced to the minimum. Note that verbose
logging can still be enabled via a file present at
/tmp/gen-bootloader-verbose (this behaviour is unchanged).

Test Plan:
- Install and bootstrap a 22.12 subcloud from a 23.09 system controller
    - using a load-imported 22.12 ISO
- Install and bootstrap a 23.09 subcloud from a 23.09 system controller
    - using a load-imported 23.09 ISO
- Invoke, testing various combinations of
  /var/miniboot/kickstart-override configurations:
    - Legacy location: /var/miniboot/kickstart-override/miniboot.cfg
      is present. This file should only be used if the two releases
        - ignored for 22.12 subcloud install
        - used for 23.09 subcloud install
    - /var/miniboot/kickstart-override/22.12/miniboot.cfg present:
        - used only for 22.12 subcloud install
    - /var/miniboot/kickstart-override/23.09/miniboot.cfg present:
        - used only for 23.09 subcloud install
    - Both /var/miniboot/kickstart-override/miniboot.cfg and
      /var/miniboot/kickstart-override/23.09/miniboot.cfg present:
        - the /var/miniboot/kickstart-override/23.09/miniboot.cfg takes
          precedence over the non-release-specific legacy location

Story: 2010611
Task: 48479

Signed-off-by: Kyle MacLeod <>
Change-Id: Ia7b0396cc84c208c71ec7f6382c0043523b5a91d
 .../scripts/             | 96 +++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/utilities/platform-util/scripts/ b/utilities/platform-util/scripts/
index 0bbbdb69..f63e79aa 100755
--- a/utilities/platform-util/scripts/
+++ b/utilities/platform-util/scripts/
@@ -66,34 +66,34 @@ EFI_MOUNT=
 # Set this to a directory path containing kickstart *.cfg script(s) for testing:
+# Logging functions: logs are printed to stderr and logged to /var/log/user.log:
 function log_verbose {
     if [ -n "$VERBOSE" ]; then
-        echo "$@"
+        >&2 echo "$@"
 function log_info {
-    echo "$@"
+    logger --id=$$ --stderr --priority --tag "${LOG_TAG}" -- "$@"
 function log_error {
-    logger -i -s -t "${LOG_TAG}" -- "ERROR: $*"
+    logger --id=$$ --stderr --priority user.err --tag "${LOG_TAG}" -- "ERROR: $*"
 function log_warn {
-    logger -i -s -t "${LOG_TAG}" -- "WARN: $*"
+    logger --id=$$ --stderr --priority user.warning --tag "${LOG_TAG}" -- "WARN: $*"
 function fatal_error {
-    logger -i -s -t "${LOG_TAG}" -- "FATAL: $*"
+    logger --id=$$ --stderr --priority user.err --tag "${LOG_TAG}" -- "FATAL: $*"
     exit 1
 function check_rc_exit {
-    local rc=$1
-    shift
+    local rc=$1; shift
     if [ "$rc" -ne 0 ]; then
-        logger -i -s -t "${LOG_TAG}" -- "FATAL: $* [exit: $rc]"
+        logger --id=$$ --stderr --priority user.err --tag "${LOG_TAG}" -- "FATAL: $* [exit: $rc]"
         exit "$rc"
@@ -119,12 +119,6 @@ function get_path_size {
     du -hs "$path" | awk '{print $1}'
-function log_path_size {
-    local path=$1
-    local msg=$2
-    log_info "$msg: $(get_path_size "$path")"
 function usage {
     cat <<ENDUSAGE
 Description: Sets up a mini bootimage.iso that includes the minimum required to
@@ -462,7 +456,6 @@ function generate_boot_cfg {
     local PARAM_LIST=
-    log_info "Generating miniboot.iso from params: ${PARAMS[*]}"
     # Set/update boot parameters
     if [ ${#PARAMS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then
         for p in "${PARAMS[@]}"; do
@@ -474,7 +467,7 @@ function generate_boot_cfg {
                 # Pull the boot device out of PARAMS and convert to instdev
                 if [ "$param" = "boot_device" ]; then
-                    log_info "Setting instdev=$value from boot_device param"
+                    log_verbose "Setting instdev=$value from boot_device param"
                 PARAM_LIST="${PARAM_LIST} ${param}=${value}"
@@ -629,14 +622,52 @@ function handle_delete {
 function create_miniboot_iso {
-    log_info "Creating miniboot ISO"
-    # Copy files for mini ISO build
+    local iso_version
+    iso_version=$(awk -F '=' '/VERSION/ { print $2; }' "${MNTDIR}/upgrades/version")
+    log_info "Creating miniboot ISO for ${NODE_ID}, ISO version: ${iso_version}"
+    # Copy files for miniboot ISO build from the mounted INPUT_ISO
     rsync ${VERBOSE_RSYNC} -a \
           --exclude ostree_repo \
           --exclude pxeboot \
         "${MNTDIR}/" "${BUILDDIR}"
     check_rc_exit $? "Failed to rsync ISO from $MNTDIR to $BUILDDIR"
+    # Compare ISO version with our running version
+    # shellcheck disable=SC1091
+    source /etc/
+    if [ "${SW_VERSION}" != "${iso_version}" ]; then
+        # Different software version from imported ISO
+        log_info "Imported ISO is different version [SW_VERSION=${SW_VERSION}, ISO: ${iso_version}]."
+        # Use initrd-mini from the imported ISO by pulling it from the ISO ostree repo
+        if [ -z "${INITRD_FILE}" ]; then
+            log_info "Pulling initrd from ${MNTDIR}/ostree_repo"
+            local initrd_mini_dir="/var/miniboot/${iso_version}"
+            local initrd_mini_file="${initrd_mini_dir}/initrd-mini"
+            # Extract initrd-mini{,.sig} from ostree_repo as well
+            if [ ! -d "${initrd_mini_dir}" ]; then
+                mkdir "${initrd_mini_dir}" || log_error "mkdir ${initrd_mini_dir} failed"
+            fi
+            if [ ! -f "${initrd_mini_file}" ]; then
+                ostree --repo="${MNTDIR}/ostree_repo" cat starlingx \
+                        "/var/miniboot/initrd-mini" > "${initrd_mini_file}"
+                rc=$?
+                if [ "$rc" -ne 0 ]; then
+                    log_fatal "failed to pull initrd-mini from ostree [rc=${rc}]"
+                fi
+                ostree --repo="${MNTDIR}/ostree_repo" cat starlingx \
+                        "/var/miniboot/initrd-mini.sig" > "${initrd_mini_file}.sig"
+                rc=$?
+                if [ "$rc" -ne 0 ]; then
+                    log_fatal "failed to pull initrd-mini.sig from ostree [rc=${rc}]"
+                fi
+            fi
+            MINIBOOT_INITRD_FILE=${initrd_mini_file}
+        fi
+    fi
     if [ "${REPACK}" = yes ]; then
         # Use default initrd-mini location if none specified
         # This picks up the initrd-mini file if it is available
@@ -660,31 +691,39 @@ function create_miniboot_iso {
             log_warn "Could not find initrd file at ${INITRD_FILE} ...skipping initrd repack"
-        log_info "Trimming miniboot ISO content"
-        log_path_size "${BUILDDIR}" "Size of extracted miniboot before trim"
+        log_verbose "Trimming miniboot ISO content"
+        log_verbose "Size of extracted miniboot before trim: $(get_path_size "${BUILDDIR}")"
         # Remove unused kernel images:
         rm "${BUILDDIR}"/{bzImage,bzImage-rt}
         check_rc_exit $? "failed to trim miniboot iso files"
         rm "${BUILDDIR}"/{bzImage.sig,bzImage-rt.sig} || log_warn "failed to remove bzImage{-rt}.sig files"
-        log_path_size "$BUILDDIR" "Size of extracted miniboot after trim"
+        log_verbose "Size of extracted miniboot after trim: $(get_path_size "${BUILDDIR}")"
     # For testing/debugging kickstart scripts. Support an override directory,
     # where any .cfg files are now copied into the /kickstart directory in the ISO
     # Any files in this override directory can replace the files from the ISO copied
     # from the rsync above.
-    if [ -n "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}" ] \
-        && [ -d "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}" ] \
-        && [ "$(echo "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/"*.cfg)" != "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/*.cfg" ]; then
-        log_info "Copying .cfg files from KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR=${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR} to ${BUILDDIR}/kickstart"
-        cp "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/"*.cfg "${BUILDDIR}/kickstart"
+    # First, test the location at /var/miniboot/kickstart-override/<version>. This location takes precedence.
+    if [ -d "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/${iso_version}" ] \
+        && [ "$(echo "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/${iso_version}/"*.cfg)" != "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/${iso_version}/*.cfg" ]; then
+        log_info "Copying kickstart override files from ${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/${iso_version} to ${BUILDDIR}/kickstart"
+        cp "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/${iso_version}/"*.cfg "${BUILDDIR}/kickstart"
+    elif [ "${SW_VERSION}" = "${iso_version}" ]; then
+        # Support the original /var/miniboot/kickstart-override directory, but
+        # only if the installed version is the same as the ISO version.
+        if [ -d "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}" ] \
+            && [ "$(echo "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/"*.cfg)" != "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/*.cfg" ]; then
+            log_info "Copying kickstart override files from ${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR} to ${BUILDDIR}/kickstart"
+            cp "${KICKSTART_OVERRIDE_DIR}/"*.cfg "${BUILDDIR}/kickstart"
+        fi
     # Setup syslinux and grub cfg files
     if [ -z "${EFI_MOUNT}" ]; then
         mount_efiboot_img "${BUILDDIR}"
         check_rc_exit $? "failed to mount EFI"
-        log_info "Using EFI_MOUNT=${EFI_MOUNT}"
+        log_verbose "Using EFI_MOUNT=${EFI_MOUNT}"
     generate_boot_cfg "${BUILDDIR}"
@@ -709,7 +748,7 @@ function create_miniboot_iso {
     check_rc_exit $? "isohybrid failed"
     # implantisomd5 "${OUTPUT_ISO}"
     # check_rc_exit $? "implantisomd5 failed"
-    log_path_size "$OUTPUT_ISO" "Size of bootimage.iso"
+    log_info "Size of ${OUTPUT_ISO}: $(get_path_size "${OUTPUT_ISO}")"
@@ -721,6 +760,7 @@ function main {
         "$SCRIPTDIR/" "$@"
         exit $?
+    log_info "Executing: $0 $*"
     parse_arguments "$@"
     mount_iso "${INPUT_ISO}" "${SCRATCH_DIR}"