Affine NVMe disk interrupts to platform cores

This affines NVMe disk interrupts to platform cores for low-latency
worker configurations to reduce application jitter. Tasks with names
matching irq/<pid>-nvme* get re-affined.

This also corrects writing of related affinity settings for:
- /proc/irq/default_smp_affinity
- /sys/devices/virtual/workqueue/cpumask
- /sys/bus/workqueue/devices/writeback/cpumask

The platform coremasks require being delimited with commas every 8 hex
characters. HT-enabled hosts tend to have very large affinity masks,
e.g., host with 88 CPUs, the coremask for the cpulist 0-1,44-45 is:

Just writing 30000000000000000003 will produce the following error:
echo: write error: Value too large for defined data type

Change-Id: Ibad5beffc791b796e472ff19950cf6a3e973be86
Closes-bug: 1843942
Signed-off-by: Jim Gauld <>
This commit is contained in:
Jim Gauld 2019-10-01 09:39:57 -04:00
parent 08dc159ff4
commit 45a149497e
1 changed files with 31 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -45,11 +45,20 @@ function affine_tasks {
N_CPUS=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | \
awk '/^[pP]rocessor/ { n +=1 } END { print (n>0) ? n : 1}')
# Calculate platform cores cpumap
PLATFORM_COREMASK=$(cpulist_to_cpumap ${CPULIST} ${N_CPUS})
# Calculate platform cores cpumap. Reformat with comma separator every
# 8 hex characters.
PLATFORM_COREMASK=$(cpulist_to_cpumap ${CPULIST} ${N_CPUS} | \
sed ':a;s/\B[0-9A-Fa-f]\{8\}\>/,&/;ta')
# Set default IRQ affinity
echo ${PLATFORM_COREMASK} > /proc/irq/default_smp_affinity
# NOTE: The following echoes a value to file and redirects the stderr to
# stdout so that potential errors get captured in the variable ERROR.
ERROR=$(echo ${PLATFORM_COREMASK} 2>&1 > /proc/irq/default_smp_affinity)
if [ ${RET} -ne 0 ]; then
log_error "Failed to set: ${PLATFORM_COREMASK}" \
"/proc/irq/default_smp_affinity, err=${ERROR}"
# Affine all PCI/MSI interrupts to platform cores; this overrides
# irqaffinity boot arg, since that does not handle IRQs for PCI devices
@ -66,8 +75,18 @@ function affine_tasks {
if [[ "$subfunction" == *"worker,lowlatency" ]]; then
# Affine work queues to platform cores
echo ${PLATFORM_COREMASK} > /sys/devices/virtual/workqueue/cpumask
echo ${PLATFORM_COREMASK} > /sys/bus/workqueue/devices/writeback/cpumask
ERROR=$(echo ${PLATFORM_COREMASK} 2>&1 > /sys/devices/virtual/workqueue/cpumask)
if [ ${RET} -ne 0 ]; then
log_error "Failed to set: ${PLATFORM_COREMASK}" \
"/sys/devices/virtual/workqueue/cpumask, err=${ERROR}"
ERROR=$(echo ${PLATFORM_COREMASK} 2>&1 > /sys/bus/workqueue/devices/writeback/cpumask)
if [ ${RET} -ne 0 ]; then
log_error "Failed to set: ${PLATFORM_COREMASK}" \
"/sys/bus/workqueue/devices/writeback/cpumask, err=${ERROR}"
# On low latency compute reassign the per cpu threads rcuc, ksoftirq,
# ktimersoftd to FIFO along with the specified priority
@ -85,6 +104,13 @@ function affine_tasks {
for PID in ${PIDLIST[@]}; do
chrt -p -f 3 ${PID} 2>/dev/null
# Affine kernel irq/ nvme threads to platform cores
pidlist=$(ps --ppid 2 -p 2 -o pid=,comm= | grep -E 'irq/.*nvme' | awk '{ print $1; }')
for pid in ${pidlist[@]}; do
taskset --all-tasks --pid --cpu-list ${PLATFORM_CPULIST} $pid &> /dev/null
return 0